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Passion's Sweet Surrender

Page 20

by Ronica Black

  Cam looked back at her when she realized she wasn’t next to her. “You coming?”

  “No, I’ll just get a cab or something.”


  “I’m—pissed and embarrassed. I can’t believe the extremes they’ll seem to go to to—”

  Cam cocked a single eyebrow. “Throw us together?”

  “Yes. And I don’t want to intrude on you.”

  Cam came back to her and took her hand. “Come on. I can use some company, so you aren’t intruding. As for Sloane and McKenna? You can chew them out when we get back.”

  “I can’t wait,” Blake said, falling into step next to her, trying her hardest not to melt at the simple feel of her hand in hers. What would walking on the beach with Cam hand in hand be like? Would it be as nice as this? She imagined it would be even better.

  They reached the Land Rover and climbed inside, both buckling up. Cam pushed the button to start the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. Blake was uncertain at how Cam was going to be on the ride home. She’d been distraught earlier about having to drive Lexi’s vehicle and though she seemed at ease now, Blake wondered if she truly was.

  “Are you feeling better today? After having rested last night?”

  “If you could call it rest.”

  “I wasn’t referring to our—”

  “I know. But even after you left, I didn’t get much sleep.”

  Cam tightened her one-handed grip on the steering wheel and Blake tried to get a better look at her expression, but the interior glow from the dash wasn’t sufficient enough for her to discern subtleties.

  “I do feel better knowing Tomas is doing well. Seeing him today helped a lot.”

  “You really care about him and his family.”

  Cam glanced at her. “They’re my friends and they’re good people. So, yes I care.”

  “You care a great deal,” Blake said.

  Cam didn’t respond for a few seconds. “What do you think of the Rover?” She was making an attempt to sound lighthearted and she even smiled.

  “It’s very nice. It still smells new.” She ran her hand along the side of the leather seat.

  “Think Tomas and his family would like it?”

  “I—don’t know.”

  “They only have one vehicle right now. Tomas’s little truck. The kids usually have to ride in the bed when they all go somewhere together. Makes me nervous. So, I’m going to give them this.”

  “Do you think they’ll accept it?”

  Cam laughed. “I’m sure Tomas will fight it just like he always has when I’ve offered to get him another car, but right now it’s needed more than ever. With his mother, his in-laws, and his wife’s aunt now living with them, they really need another vehicle. A bigger vehicle. So, if I show up with this and give it to Tomas in front of the whole family and explain why it is they need it, I think Tomas will accept it. He’ll say it’s too fancy and too expensive, I’m expecting that. But I’ll just tell him he can sell it and buy something more practical if he wants. Spend the difference on other things. Whatever he wants to do. I just want to make sure this goes to someone special for a good cause.”

  “Do you think he’ll sell it?”

  “They’ll drive it for a while. Enjoy it. After that, I don’t know for sure. They’re very practical, so they’ll probably sell it. But then again, Tomas is sentimental. He likes this car and he knows what it represents to me.”

  “It wouldn’t bother you if he sold it?”

  She seemed to think for a moment. “If you’d asked me that before today I would’ve said yes, there’s no way I’m getting rid of it, much less selling it. But after…yesterday and my drive in it this morning, I feel differently. It’s time to let this go. It’s not doing anyone any good sitting in my garage. Giving it to Tomas would be what Lexi would’ve preferred.”


  Was Cam referring to their passionate consummation on the couch, or what she went through with Tomas’s accident? It could be, she surmised, both. But Blake’s mind was fixated on their encounter. It had been replaying in her mind relentlessly. Her body craved her, as if what had transpired between them had only planted a seed of desire, and every moment since, the yearning that sprouted from it grew bigger and thicker, spreading out into her body, invading every crevice until she could feel the ends pressing into the tips of her fingers and toes. She could feel them now, urging, pushing against her skin.

  Blake shifted her focus back to Cam’s generosity and change of heart over the car.

  “Lexi sounds like she was a lot like you in wanting to help people.”

  “She was.”

  “I’m glad you’ve found a solution. You seem more at peace than you did earlier this morning.”

  “I am, thanks.” She leaned back and exhaled and Blake could sense her relief at her decision.

  “It’s very generous of you, Cam. Giving this to Tomas and helping him with his bills while he recovers. It’s very kind.”

  Cam looked at her. “How do you know about that? About the bills?”

  Blake met her gaze as a tiny surge of panic surfaced. “I’m not supposed to know that, am I?” She tucked her hair back over her ear as she waited for Cam to say something. But she didn’t say anything. Blake explained. “I overheard you talking to Tomas and his family at the hospital. The nurse that had been in the room with you, translated for me when she came out. I shouldn’t have asked her to tell me what was being said, but I heard all the commotion and…well, I’m glad I did.” She watched Cam closely. “It allowed me to see another side of you. One that I had seen glimpses of and knew was there, but really loved seeing completely. You not only give your time and your love and loyalty to people, but you give your money and things that have value to you. That’s not something I see every day.”

  Blake saw her swallow and she shrugged just before she spoke.

  “Money—doesn’t mean to me what it used to. It’s not everything. Not what life should be about. And I have more than any one person needs, so I help others when I can.”

  Blake smiled warmly at her, but she knew she couldn’t see it. It didn’t matter though. Cam had touched her heart and she longed to reach out and take her hand in hers. Cam, however, focused on the road, and they drove the remainder of the two hours home in comfortable silence, with Blake leaving her to her thoughts.

  When they neared the turnoff to the dunes, Blake glanced over at her and found her staring at her.

  “Why haven’t you said anything about my writing?” she asked.

  Blake was totally thrown. She just looked at her.

  “Everyone else has asked me things and commented. Even Sloane. But not you.”

  “I wanted to respect your privacy.”

  Cam studied her. “I appreciate that. But is that the only reason? You usually aren’t shy about sharing your thoughts and opinions. I thought for sure you’d have something to say about what I do. Even if you’ve read some of my work and disliked it, you’d say something.” She grinned toward the road.

  “I haven’t read your books,” Blake said.

  “Maybe that’ll give you something to look forward to. So you can razz me about how silly and unrealistic they are.”

  She was joking but Blake couldn’t bring herself to laugh.

  Cam questioned her again. “No? Maybe not. They’re probably not your thing. Just like the romances.”

  Blake stared out the window into the darkness, thinking about Cam’s question. She hadn’t read any of Cam’s work, but she had heard of her and her books. Her own mother was actually a fan. And Sage had done nothing but talk about her since the night of the beach fire, filling in the gaps of her knowledge.

  Cam was successful, popular, and apparently, a very good writer. And, according to Sage, rather wealthy. But Blake didn’t care about any of that. Her success wasn’t what crawled into her chest and made her ache with a torturous sweetness and excitement. The way she felt went a whole lot deeper than that, b
ut until now, she hadn’t been able to fully discern it.

  They pulled off the main road and Cam changed the setting on the Terrain Response system to sand as they began the drive through the dunes. Blake tried to keep her focus on the well-packed dirt road, but that insistent desire growing and twisting inside her made it impossible. Her heart raced and she had so much she wanted to express to Cam but knew how difficult it would be to get a private moment to do so back at the beach.

  She closed her eyes, gripped the door, and tried to steady her breathing. And then she spoke into the dark silence between them.

  “Pull over.”

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Cam seemed confused by Blake’s request.

  “Please,” Blake said. “Pull over somewhere discreet.”

  Cam’s eyes widened slightly in the dim light, but she kept driving straight ahead. Blake was about to protest and ask again when they came to the road that paralleled the houses. Instead of turning right, toward Sloane’s and her own home, she veered left and drove until they reached the desolate beach where Blake had found solace on some of her runs.

  Cam pulled off the path and put the car in park. She kept her eyes forward.

  “You’re going to tell me you’re leaving soon,” she said.

  Blake stammered. “Uh—no—that wasn’t what I had in mind.”

  “But you are leaving soon, aren’t you? Javier told Tomas you were very interested in his building but that you called Alejandro today and put everything on hold. Said you needed to think some things over.”

  “I do.” Blake wasn’t ready to have this conversation. And the way things had gone with Cam earlier that morning, she hadn’t been so sure she’d even have to worry about it much when the time did come to say good-bye. It would’ve been hard for her, but with Cam’s distress and distance that morning, she’d thought Cam might’ve even welcomed her good-bye.

  Now it seemed she’d been wrong. Things had changed within a span of hours. Would she ever be able to read her? Or was the fact that she couldn’t one of the reasons why she was so intrigued by her?

  “I do have a lot to think over, Cam. But I’m not going anywhere anytime soon so I still have plenty of time to do all the thinking I need in the weeks to come.”

  “What is it you want to talk about then?” Her tone was soft, like she was anxious about what Blake might say.

  “Your writing, the way I feel—”

  Cam laughed and shook her head. “Okay, lay it on me.”

  “Why do you think I’m going to say something offensive to you about your writing?”

  Cam gave her an incredulous look instead of answering.

  “Because of what I said about reading romances? You don’t write romance do you?” From what she knew, Cam wrote books that were considered more science fiction, with dystopian plots.

  “No, not typically. But now—” She stopped. “You had some rather strong opinions about romances, and some rather strong opinions about me. It isn’t a far leap for me to think that you might have some equally strong opinions about my books.”

  “I haven’t read them.”

  “You hadn’t read the romances either, but you still had your opinions about them. You’ve also had some very strong opinions about me in general. You weren’t very fond of me. I was just a woman in dirty jeans and work boots, with calloused hands, who liked to hammer nails and fix things. Beyond that, there wasn’t much more to me.”

  “You forgot rude, smug, and annoyingly imperturbable.” Blake meant it to be funny, but Cam didn’t seem to take it that way.

  “Did I? My mistake then.”

  “I did think some of those things, Cam. And I admit, at first, I didn’t think there was much else to you. I didn’t want to think that there was much else to you. I was physically attracted to you and that bothered me, so I was intent on completely ignoring you. Needless to say, that was impossible.”

  Blake gave a short laugh.

  “I saw you reading on your patio and I became curious, wondering if there were things about you I hadn’t yet seen. And as I spent more time with you, infuriating as some of those times were, I began to see you. I saw that you were deep and introspective, and very intelligent, as well as kind and caring to those in need. Learning that you were a writer confirmed what I’d already discovered. And it was, if I’m honest, the final nail in the coffin. I mean, my God, Cam, I was already a goner and that just pushed me over the edge. I didn’t need to have read your work to be affected. I already knew all I needed to know about you. And if I had read your books, I would never say anything negative to you about them.”

  “You wouldn’t share your opinions?”

  “I would. But not the way you’re thinking. Even if I didn’t like something, I wouldn’t be rude about it. That’s if I didn’t like something, and I don’t think that’s possible. Not if your writing is anything like you. And as for your dirty jeans and work boots? Cam, I could’ve been in a coma and somehow my body would’ve reacted to you walking around wearing that. That was…never a deterrent.”

  “Do you understand what I’m trying to say? You being a writer has only intensified my attraction. Every additional thing I learn about you, or see you do, does the same. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. This probably isn’t the best place to do it, with this being Lexi’s car and all, but I wanted to be sure I had you one-on-one, with no interruptions.”

  “I’m not bothered by the car, now. I’m at peace with it.”

  “So, this is okay? Sitting here alone with me?”

  Cam turned off the engine and faced her.

  Blake reached for her hand, held it delicately.

  They were enveloped by the dark, and even after her eyes adjusted, Blake could barely make out the contours of Cam’s face. Her exact expression could not be seen.

  Cam held her hand tighter.

  “The romance,” she said. “You read it, didn’t you?”

  Blake laughed a little. “You’re not going to let that go, are you?”

  “Not when I suspect I’m right.”

  “All right, fine. I read it. Go ahead and gloat.”

  “I’ll only gloat if you tell me what you thought.”

  “In that case, I won’t tell you.”

  “It was hot, wasn’t it? You liked it.” She brought Blake’s hand to her lips and kissed it. “Be honest.”

  “I—yes, it was hot.”

  “And?” Cam continued kissing her hand, reawakening that craving she’d had for her all day long, one tiny little caress at a time.

  Blake closed her eyes, the sensation rushing through her like it had before and her thoughts about the book came pouring out.

  “I thought about you and how the two main characters were so similar to us. I thought about the things you’d said about the book, and for some reason, knowing how the very words I was reading made you feel, made the story so much more visceral for me and aroused me so much, I had to sneak away to someplace private to read it. I…didn’t want to be interrupted.”

  Blake opened her eyes and though she couldn’t see Cam clearly, she could envision the way Cam’s eyes were looking at her, dangerously afire.

  “You thought of me?” Her voice was husky and Blake heard her breathing shallow.

  “Till the very last word.”

  “It excited you to know that it turned me on just like it was doing you?”


  “What did you do while you were alone? Why didn’t you want to be interrupted?”

  She moved closer and Blake could feel the warmth of her breath near her cheek.

  “You really want to know?”

  Cam inched in farther. She whispered, “I’m dying to know.”

  “I did to myself what we did together last night.”

  Cam laughed softly and kissed her just below her ear, causing her skin to come alive with gooseflesh.

  “Tell me,” she said. “In detail.”

  Blake heated, both with longin
g and a little embarrassment. “I’m not the writer. Details are your territory.”

  “You’re capable,” she said, kissing along her jaw. “More than capable.” She laughed again and Blake felt her hand on her waist. “Remember, I was there for your story by the beach fire. And I was there with you…last night.” Her mouth was now close to Blake’s, the air between them growing hot as they both fought for it. “You aren’t suddenly shy now, are you? You weren’t last night.”

  “I was…aroused. Lost my inhibitions.”

  “You aren’t aroused right now?”

  “I’m—yes. But I’m not—”

  “Being stimulated? I think I might be able to help you with that.” She pulled away and climbed into the back seat. “Come here.”

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Blake found her outreached hand in the dark and maneuvered over the console. Cam then tugged her onto the seat next to her and leaned in. She quickly lifted up the hem of her shirt and then, just as quickly, unfastened her bra, freeing her breasts. Blake sighed at the heat of her hand as she cupped her.

  “By the way,” Blake said. “Your hands aren’t calloused. But I wouldn’t care if they were. Soft, rough, right now I wouldn’t—care.” Her voice caught as Cam ran her fingers over her nipple, electrifying her.

  “Soft or rough, you wouldn’t care?”


  “What about warm?” She scooted lower, her breath now tickling Blake’s chest. “And wet? Like this.”

  Cam’s hot mouth enveloped her breast, and it might as well have enveloped her clitoris it felt so good. Blake’s breath was momentarily stolen, but as Cam began to lightly suck her, she clenched her shirt and cried out.

  “Cam! Oh, my God, you—” Cam was pulling her in and then releasing, sometimes forcefully, sometimes gently, while her fingers teased her other breast. Over and over, she methodically played her, until Blake was clenching her legs together and trembling uncontrollably.

  “Cam,” Blake said. “Please.”

  Cam stopped and Blake felt the aching absence of her mouth. “Will you tell me what you did when you were alone with your book?” Her fingers traced Blake’s erect nipple, exciting the surrounding skin, tightening her breast in sweet agony.


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