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Winter’s Fairytale

Page 25

by Maxine Morrey

  ‘So you are easy?’ he teased.

  ‘Only for you.’ I teased back.

  He groaned.

  I smiled at him and then placed my hands either side of his face. ‘Look. This face, not to mention that body, has been driving me just as crazy for the past week. Don’t go thinking you have the monopoly on lust, Mister.’

  ‘Is that so?’ he said, casting a glance around and steering us back farther into the corner.

  ‘That’s so.’ I just about got out before things went a little fuzzy as Rob’s hot, lusting mouth covered mine and the solid, strong bulk of his body pressed into me with wanting and heat.

  ‘Ok. Your room. Now.’ I shoved at him.

  He pulled back, his eyes darker than I’d ever seen them. Not saying a word, he took my hand and set out back towards the throng of people. Weaving through the crowd, Rob’s hand tightened on mine as I took about four steps to every one of his. He glanced back, checking I was ok and smiled at me. I stumbled a step as the promise of that smile sent waves shooting through me.

  ‘You all right?’ He stopped, seeing my stumble.

  ‘Yes. Fine. Go.’

  He kissed me, and set off again. I needed this man and I needed him now.

  ‘There you are! We’ve been looking all over for you.’ Rob’s family were all suddenly in front of us. ‘Us girls were all just heading home. Early start tomorrow! Are you ready to go, Izzy?’

  I froze my smile in place. ‘Yes!’

  Rob’s hand tightened around mine. ‘I’ll come and help you find your coat. We’ll meet you out by the car.’

  ‘All right, darling.’ Eleanor looked at us both, ‘We weren’t interrupting anything, were we?’

  I felt the blush start to make a rush for it.

  ‘No, not at all.’

  ‘Oh good. Although I am glad to see that you two finally saw sense.’

  ‘Pardon?’ Rob and I said together.

  ‘Oh for goodness’ sake, Robert. I’m your mother. I knew you were head over heels with this one the moment I saw you together at the flat. I don’t think you realised until you were down here though, did you, Izzy?’ I shook my head, mesmerised by the power of Mother Knowledge.

  ‘And obviously Mike and Jenny already knew.’

  Rob nodded.

  ‘Wait, what? You did?’ I asked them.

  ‘Of course! It was obvious the first weekend we met you. For Rob at least.’

  ‘It would have been nice if someone had told me!’

  ‘That could only be Rob,’ Mike clapped his friend on the shoulder, ‘which he seems to have finally got around to. At last.’

  ‘Yeah yeah.’ He motioned at his friend, laughter in his eyes, ‘Come on Izz, let’s get your coat.’

  ‘Did you know they all knew?’ I asked Rob as we queued for my coat.

  ‘Not Mum and Dad, no. But yes to Mike and Jenny. They called me when I was driving back from your place.’

  ‘And said what?’

  ‘Had I asked you out, if not why not. You know. The usual.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Can I ask something else?’

  ‘Of course.’ he replied, taking my coat ticket and handing it to the staff member.

  ‘What exactly did Mike say to you about inviting Caroline to the wedding? He seemed pretty sure you weren’t going to bring her.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Rob took my coat from the busty blonde who handed it over, completely missing the come-on look she gave him. He held it out and waited for me to put my arms in, before wrapping his arms around me from behind and trailing butterfly kisses just behind my ear. When he spoke it was soft and low.

  ‘He asked me what the hell I was doing and said that if I carried on with Caroline, I’d lose any chance I might ever have with you.’

  ‘I love Mike.’

  ‘Yep. He’s a very good mate.’

  ‘Now come on before I whisk you up to my bed anyway.’

  I turned in his arms. ‘I am sorry about that.’

  ‘It’s ok.’ he said, gently stroking my face with the back of his fingertips, ‘Well, it’s not ok, obviously, but it is probably better this way. I’m not sure I’m going to want to let you go when I finally get you there.’

  ‘That sounds exhausting.’ I smiled.

  ‘Not necessarily.’ He flashed me a look full of promise. ‘Besides, when I take you to bed, I really, really want to wake up with you. I don’t want you having to hurry out on me. So, as hard as this is-’

  I flashed him a look of my own.

  ‘As difficult,’ he changed the word, running his hand over my backside as I snuggled against his warm, broad chest, ‘as this is, I think it probably is for the best.’

  I kissed him on the tip of the nose and we went back to meet up with the others at the car.

  Chapter Twenty

  I’d been involved in bridal design my whole working life and had attended more weddings than I could count. Add that to my own experience, which could easily have tainted my entire outlook on weddings as a whole, and you’d have thought I’d be a bit jaded by the whole thing. But nope. I still love a wedding. And I still cry. Almost every time. And this time there was a whole extra layer of emotion to deal with.

  Jenny’s nerves had held out but her emotions were close to the edge. And when she saw her big, tough brother’s eyes fill with tears the moment he saw her, she was done.

  ‘Oh Rob!’ I teased, ‘Now look what you’ve done.’ I grabbed a tissue and gently patted around Jenny’s eyes, being careful not to damage the gorgeous makeup she’d done for the day.

  ‘I’m sorry, I…’

  ‘Rob,’ Jenny flung her arms wide, ‘Izzy’s teasing you.’

  ‘You look amazing.’ he said, wrapping his little sister in one of those fabulous hugs of his.

  ‘You look great too!’ Jenny said, pulling back and holding onto his hands, taking a good look at him.

  She was right. He did look great. He looked pretty damn delicious. The light navy suit was expensively cut and fit him perfectly. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen a guy look quite as good in a suit as he did. Of course, I might be a little biased. But boy, he did look good! And judging by the looks on the faces of Mike’s sisters, I wasn’t the only one who thought so.

  ‘Hi Marie, Carly. It’s nice to see you again.’ Rob said, smiling their way.

  ‘Hi Rob.’ they chimed, throwing under-their-lashes glances his way. Several years younger than Mike, the sisters made no attempt to hide their attraction for Rob. And to their credit, I didn’t get the viper looks I was almost expecting when he stepped over to me and slid his arms around my waist.

  ‘Good morning.’ he said softly, the heat contained within the melting chocolate of his eyes making me feel almost liquid. ‘I missed you last night.’ he whispered into my hair. His fingers tightened on my waist and I got an idea as to just how much. My eyes widened and he grinned, which did nothing to help stem my immediate desire to yank him into the nearest bedroom.

  ‘Hello Rob!’ John wandered into the room, ‘Mike all squared away?’

  ‘Hi Dad. Yes, he’s all set and ready to go. I’ve left him in his brother’s capable hands now.’

  Carly and Marie snorted at the fact their youngest brother was being called capable. Rob smiled at them and sent them swapping looks and giggles with each other again.

  ‘So everyone ready to go?’

  We got Jenny in the car with her dad and the bridesmaids, and Rob then handed his mum and me up into his Range Rover, put his sister’s wheelchair and braces in the boot, then followed the limousine the short distance to the church. When we got there, he parked and we all piled out. John got the braces out and Rob leant in the limo door, scooped up his sister, and carried her to the side door where the vicar let us in and Jenny set about fitting the braces.

  ‘Eleanor, why doesn’t Rob take you to your seat now?’ I hoped that he would get the hint. His mum was getting quite weepy and doing her very best to hold it all in. I knew that if Jen
ny saw, there might be no coming back with the reparations to any of our makeup!

  Rob swept the room with an assessing glance. ‘Good idea. Come on, Mum.’

  ‘You don’t think I need to stay?’

  ‘No, Mum. She’s got Dad and me and Izzy and the girls. Let’s get you in place so you have a good view of Jen walking down the aisle.’

  ‘Oh!’ Eleanor clutched a handkerchief daintily to her nose.

  Rob looked at me, a faint show of panic on his face. I shook my head at him and took over. Bless him. He was used to being in control but this was way out of his comfort zone and trying to make his mum feel better, he’d succeeded in saying just the wrong thing. I crossed the small room to where they stood.

  ‘Actually, why don’t I take you, Eleanor? Jenny can sort the boys out to where she wants them, and Carly and Marie can get themselves in place too.’ I gave them a conspiratorial look and they nodded happily.

  ‘All right. If you think that’s best.’

  ‘I do. And I’ve been to one or two of these things now.’ I winked, succeeding in getting a little giggle from her. She took the arm I offered, and Rob gave me a ‘thank you’ look.

  I safely delivered Eleanor to her seat, before returning to where Jenny was now just standing. Rob and John each held an arm out which she took as she steadied herself. They watched her, concern and utter love showing on their faces. Jenny saw me standing at the doorway.

  ‘Well?’ she asked, tears shining.

  ‘Jen, you look so beautiful. You really do.’ I’d lost count of the amount of brides I’d said similar things to, and they all had looked beautiful. But this time, with Jenny, there was something more. The training and determination she’d put in to get to where she now was made her shine. She’d fought for this and she’d won. I bustled over and began arranging the dress perfectly.

  ‘Thanks to you!’ she said, looking down at the dress, and to where I was crouching, adjusting it.

  ‘You’d look gorgeous in a bin bag!’ I teased, ‘but I’m pleased you like it.’

  ‘I love it.’

  ‘I’m glad.’ I said, straightening and adjusting her veil. ‘I’m really glad.’ I gave a wide smile to hide the fact that tears were now threatening my own composure.

  The vicar popped his head around the corner and nodded to me.

  ‘Right! Now that everyone’s looking totally fabulous, shall we go?’

  Everyone got into position, and I tweaked Jenny’s dress one final time, before stealing a quick kiss off Rob and hurrying to my place on the pew next to Eleanor. Mike caught my eye as I sat. Giving him the international sign for perfect with my finger and thumb, I blew him a kiss. He grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

  The first chords of Wagner’s Bridal Chorus filled the small village church followed by a flurry of creaks and swishing of fabric as the congregation stood to view Jenny’s arrival. People bobbed their heads and craned their necks, trying to catch the first glimpse. And then she stepped into view. A gasp rippled through the crowd and tears began to stream. Jenny’s secret plan to walk down the aisle to meet her groom made just the impact she was hoping for. I kept my eyes on Mike as Jenny came into view. And then he saw her. His eyes filled, and I saw his hands grip as he did his best to keep the tears under control. Jenny had already given him orders not to cry because it would definitely set her off! It was hard to see how his smile could be any wider, as steadily his bride, accompanied by his best friend and his father-in-law to be, walked down the aisle to meet him.


  I’d finally found a quiet corner in which to sip my champagne and reflect on a most perfect day. Rob had been a wonderful, and very busy, joint best man, sharing a witty speech with Mike’s brother, not to mention making Carly and Marie’s day by being the one to say how lovely they looked and deliver their bridesmaids’ gifts, complete with a kiss. The bride and groom had just left for their suite and the dance floor was pounding to the strains of YMCA.

  ‘Blimey!’ Rob flopped down heavily into the seat next to me, resting his head back against it and closing his eyes, ‘Being a best man is exhausting – even when it’s jointly!’

  ‘Look on the bright side. At least nobody punched you this time.’

  Eyes still closed, he raised his eyebrows in consideration, ‘Always a bonus.’

  I took the opportunity to secretly study him as he lay back, his arm running along the back of the sofa, so that it was behind my head. He looked worn out, but also more relaxed than he had in days.

  ‘Why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for a little while. You’ve been on the go all day.’ I placed my hand on his cheek and ran my thumb between his temple and cheekbone.

  Catching my hand without opening his eyes, Rob turned his head and kissed the palm of my hand. My breathing hitched for a second as he did so. He caught the change and smiled. When he opened his eyes, they were filled with heat.

  ‘Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?’

  ‘You did.’ I smiled.

  ‘I want to tell you every day.’

  ‘All right.’ I laughed, ‘If you must.’

  He looked at me more seriously. ‘I mean, I want to be able to wake up and tell you. I want you to be the first thing I see each morning and the last thing I see at night. That’s all I’ve ever wanted since I first saw you.’ He shifted in his seat a little, ‘I know this is sudden to you and, like I said, I don’t want to scare you away.’

  ‘Is this because you don’t like where I live?’ I teased, smoothing my hand over his recently clipped hair, enjoying the fuzzy feel of it on my palm.

  ‘No. Although you’re right, I don’t like where you live. But this, all of this,’ He took my fingers and kissed them, ‘is because I love you, Isabel Bryant. I want you to move in with me because I love you. I want…’ he faltered, his eyes focused on my hand still enclosed within his much larger one.

  ‘You want what?’ I prompted.

  Rob looked up at me through those ridiculously long lashes, ‘Oh you don’t want to ask me that.’ His voice was thick and full of meaning.

  ‘I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.’ I blinked at him, innocently.

  He made a guttural, primal noise and scooped me up off the sofa, onto his lap. ‘Then how about we go up to my room here and I’ll explain it to you.’ His lips pressed onto mine, and I opened, letting his tongue in to play. As his arms wrapped me tighter against him, I could feel the hardness of his chest pressing against mine through my dress and his shirt, and all of a sudden, there seemed to be way too much fabric involved. Especially considering that wasn’t the only thing I could feel.

  ‘I think I might need a very detailed explanation.’ I whispered, teasing his ear with my teeth.

  ‘I’m nothing if not thorough.’

  I shoved myself back off him and stood. He took a moment to make some adjustments, then quickly pushed himself up and took my hand, heading for the stairs.

  ‘The lifts are this way.’ I said pointing, as we half ran straight past them.

  ‘The stairs are quicker.’

  ‘Ha! For you maybe.’

  ‘For both of us.’ he said, sweeping me up and taking them three at a time.


  ‘Happy second of January.’ Rob’s sleepy voice whispered in my ear.

  ‘Happy second of January? Is that a thing?’ I laughed, running my hand over the expanse of chest that lay uncovered in the twisted bed sheets.

  ‘We could make it a thing.’

  ‘We could.’

  ‘What are you doing next year, same time?’

  ‘I don’t know. Do you?’

  ‘Waking up next to my wife, I hope.’

  I sat bolt upright, grabbing the sheets against me as I did so. ‘What?’

  He looked at me. ‘Too soon.’

  I frowned. ‘You really want to marry me?

  ‘Of course! The sooner the better, preferably,’ He pulled me back down gently so that we lay side by side, facing each oth
er, ‘It’s always been you, Izzy. I want it to always be you forever.’ He pushed the curls that had fallen over my cheek back over my shoulder. ‘I know that I should probably wait, and do this properly, somewhere romantic, with wine and a ring – but I can’t wait. I’ve waited so long for you, and we promised we’d tell each other everything. So I’m telling you now. Or at least I’m asking you… Will you marry me?’

  He was looking at me with that gaze that seemed to go right through me, one hand holding mine, his other tracing up and down my arm. For once, I could tell that he didn’t know what I was thinking. I leant closer and kissed him, enjoying the thrill I got from the look it brought to his eyes. ‘I will. And I even promise not to punch the best man.’

  ‘So long as you promise to marry this best man, that’s good enough for me.’

  I smiled at him lying next to me, and knew that he was more than good enough for me. He was everything.

  ‘I think that could probably be arranged. And guess what?’

  ‘What’s that?’ he asked, sliding his hands around me and pulling me over on top of him. I propped myself up on his broad chest as he let one hand rest on the curve of my back and the other teased a strand of hair that was tickling his skin.

  ‘I know the perfect place to get a dress!’


  ISBN: 978 1 474 04681 7

  Winter’s Fairytale

  Copyright © 2015 Maxine Morrey

  Published in Great Britain (2015)

  by Carina, an imprint of Harlequin (UK) Limited, Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

  All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. This edition is published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, locations and incidents are purely fictional and bear no relationship to any real life individuals, living or dead, or to any actual places, business establishments, locations, events or incidents. Any resemblance is entirely coincidental.

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