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Hood Misfits, Volume 2

Page 19

by Brick

  I looked around frantically and saw that Gina was giving the female officer trying to cuff her a hard time.

  She looked at me. “I ain’t going to jail, Ray-Ray. Nobody will take care of my teddy bear if I go to jail,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  I knew she was talking about Big Jake. The female cop tried to cuff Gina but Gina was always one step ahead of her and too strong for the thin woman.

  “Somebody get over there and help her get that perp under control,” the officer holding me ordered.

  When I saw that Gina was really scared of going to jail, I yelled her name to get her attention. I made sure to call her by her street name.

  “G! G!” She finally looked at me. “Stop struggling. Listen to me.”

  “Yeah, it’s best you listen to your homegirl here otherwise I’ma have to come over there put my foot in your black ass, female or not. Stop resisting,” the cop holding me yelled at her.

  “G,” I called again because she was swinging on the officer.

  When I saw three male officers running toward her, my flight or fight instincts kicked in. “Run, G! Go,” I screamed.

  Gina kicked the female officer in her pussy, forcing her to releasing her hold on the one arm she did have and Gina took off toward Tara Boulevard. They’d never catch that bitch. She could run a full five miles at top speed. Trigga had trained her that way. I was thrown to the ground again, harder than before. I felt when the concrete tore my skin away from my chin. I looked over to see that they had Chyna sitting on the ground. She wasn’t cuffed and an EMT was looking at the wound of her face. I remembered that Clayton County PD was filled with cops on Dame’s payroll. I’d take the fall but no way I subjecting Gina or Chyna to the system.

  “Cuzzo, run!” I yelled at her. “Run!”

  She wasted no time. She rolled over her head, did a quick ankle breaking move to get around the two officers who tried to grabbed her and she took off full speed ahead in the opposite direction Gina had run. It would have been stupid for them to run in the same direction. And she didn’t have no weapons, so if they shot her in the back, going to jail or getting fired would be the least of their worries. Phenom would skin them alive. I knew, even as I saw officers take off after her, that they would never catch her either as they carted me off to jail.

  I didn’t know how long they had kept me in that isolated holding cell. I’d refused to tell them my name and even if they ran my prints, I had no record. The more I sat and thought about the shit that had happened, the more I was feeling like Dom had to know that we would be walking back through that set. I could have been wrong. I mean Dom was smart but she wasn’t hood smart. So, I pushed the idea that she had set me up out of my mind.

  The only phone call I made was to Trigga’s burner phone. I put in the code 911 and waited. When the phone beeped three times I knew my message had gotten through. All there was left to do was wait.

  I didn’t even know I’d fallen asleep until the doors of the holding cell were snatched open. I didn’t put up a fuss as the female correctional officers roughed me up while taking me to a room that read interrogation on the door. The fuck were they about to interrogate me about a fight for? I thought. My body ached from the fight. Face burned from the scratches on my face and chin. My question was answered when I looked at the two plainclothes detectives in the room.

  “Shit,” I mumbled.

  I knew those two, had seen them with Dame plenty of times to know that they were as crooked as the letter S.

  “Shit is correct, Ray-Ray,” the female cop said to me. She was a dark-skinned bitch who had one blue eye and one brown one. The hair on her head was white like she was that bitch Storm from the X-Men. The man was white and looked like all he did was like to swing to niggas from trees by ropes.

  “Have a seat,” the man ordered me.

  I slowly sat down in the brown folding chair and looked at them both. They were both smiling and chewing gum with a look on their faces that said they’d hit the jackpot.

  “We’ve been looking for you for about a good nine or so months. Where you been hiding?”

  I didn’t answer the woman, just scowled at her.

  “Oh she’s a tough one, Detective Cunningham,” the male detective quipped.

  “I see. Let’s see how tough she is when we send her ass up for murder.”

  I tried to play calm, pretend as if I was in control of my emotions, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t trying to go down for anybody’s murder. “I didn’t kill anybody,” I said, a bit worried that what they were saying had any merit.

  “Oh, but you did,” Detective Cunningham groaned. “She did, didn’t she, Detective Oxford?”

  “Yes, she did. The name Damien Orlando ring a bell to you?” he asked.

  My jaw ticked, eye flinched, but I didn’t say anything.

  “Do you know who Trigga, Big Jake, and Baby G are? We know you do. At first we thought all you niggas got caught in that fire that burned Dame’s mansion to the ground, but then we got word that you four motherfuckers had mysteriously made it out alive. How’s that possible, Ray-Ray?” Detective Cunningham asked me.

  I shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She laughed and sat back in her chair as she squinted her eyes at me. Detective Oxford opened a folder and slid four pictures in front of me.

  “We’ve been watching your little shit faced crew since you got back to town.” I looked at him. “Oh what? You thought we didn’t know you were back? Of course we did,” he said then howled out in laughter along with his partner.

  I looked down into the faces of Trigga, Gina, Big Jake, and Chyna. I grunted with a smirk when I saw Chyna. They really didn’t want to bark up that tree.

  “What’s so fucking funny, little girl? You think this nigga loves you don’t chu?” she asked pointing at Trigga.

  I cut my eyes up at her.

  “We know all about that little public display of an ass kicking you put on another girl at a party because she came at your drug-dealing little bastard man all wrong. You think if you take a case for this little nigga that you’ll be that main bitch, huh? You’ll be ‘wifey’ and all that, huh?” she asked using air quotes around the word “wifey.”

  This time I laughed. They were so fucking far off in their thinking. That was what would hinder them. They were thinking we were just your average street thugs. They thought we were on that typical hood shit. That was never our fucking genetic makeup. We were hood, but we were misfits. That meant that while we may have had to some illegal shit to get by, we were smarter than even your most skilled hoodlum.

  I was still handcuffed so there was no way I could prepare for when Detective Cunningham jumped up to walk around the table. She slammed my head against the wall and pressed my face there.

  “You think this shit is a joke?” she asked breathing hard in my face. “You think I won’t put a bullet in your fucking head right now and call it a day. Nobody will care. Nobody will give a shit about your little black ass just like nobody gave a shit when Dame popped your parents. Did anybody look for your little black ass then? No.”

  I was gritting my teeth because the pressure she had on my head hurt like shit, no lie. If I didn’t have those cuffs on me we would have been scrapping, cops or not. Thinking about my mama and daddy made me emotional. Neither one of them had talked to me in months. Yeah, they were dead but I’d gotten used to having them come to me and guide me in some way or the other. It sounded crazy to some but shit made perfect sense to me. I turned my head just enough to spit in that bitch’s face.

  “Now, that’s just disrespectful and nasty,” Detective Oxford commented as he stood.

  He walked around to join his partner, only his hands started touching my titties and ass. I screamed out until he put his hand over my mouth then gun to my head.

  “Shhh,” he whispered.

  My eyes looked up at the cameras in the corners of the room.

  Detective Cunningham saw w
here my eyes were trained and laughed. Her hand grabbed my pussy. “None of those are on. We can do whatever the fuck we want to do to you in this room, you little disrespectful bitch.”

  “We sure can,” Detective Oxford agreed. Tears fell down my face. “Ooohhh, now she cries.”

  “Now she cries!”

  “Save those tears, you’re going to need them where you’re going.” Detective Oxford moved his hands then tapped his partner’s shoulder. “Did she ask for her attorney?” he asked looking down at his phone that had vibrated. “I think she asked for an attorney.”

  “I remember her asking for him.” Detective Cunningham smiled wickedly as she roughly stroked my pussy through the green jailhouse jumper they had dressed me in because my shorts showed too much skin.

  Just then a knock on the door got their attention. Detective Cunningham moved her hand and slung me back down in my chair by my hair. My head hurt like I had been kicked in it. I could still feel their hands all over me and wanted to vomit.

  “Ahh, your attorney is here, Ray-Ray.” Detective Oxford grinned. “And look, he’s got your release papers!”

  I was hoping that Trigga had sent somebody to bail me out of this fucking place. When I caught Oxford and Cunningham on the streets I was going to show them better than I could tell them about fucking with me. But to my horror, in walked Dante. My whole world started to crumble when I realized they were about to let me walk out of that damn jail with him. I quickly jumped up from my chair and kicked it at them. Dante reminded me so much of Dame that I couldn’t put two and two together and realize it wasn’t Dame I was looking at. He was dressed to perfection just as his brother used to dress. Beside him stood two men dressed in black. One I knew as S.B. from London. The other one looked familiar but I couldn’t place him. Dante’s eyes never left mine and when he gave a lopsided smirk, I knew there was no way in hell I was leaving with him.

  “No, that is not my attorney,” I yelled.

  The door was open so other correctional officers came running to see what was going on. S.B. and the other unnamed nigga grabbed my arms and pulled me from the room.

  I screamed, “No! Somebody help me. This man is not my fucking attorney.” I kicked and bucked against their hold as much as I could.

  “Detective Oxford, you sure this is her attorney?” a correctional officer asked. The look of concern on her face was real.

  “Yeah, she’s a nutcase,” he told the woman. “You see what she had done when we brought her in here.”

  “Yeah, it’s best she’s released to him so he can put her back in a safe place. She’s a danger to everyone around her,” Detective Cunningham added with a grin on her face.

  No matter how much I screamed and yelled, nobody did anything. It was then I knew that nigga Dante had a power play just like Dame did. Everybody just stood back and watched me being dragged onto the elevator against my will and did nothing. When the elevator doors closed, I kicked S.B. in the nuts and backed against the other side of the wall. I couldn’t even bring myself not to look at Dante. My chest heaved up and down heavily. I felt like a sheep in a lion’s den with my hands cuffed.

  “So we finally meet, Diamond,” Dante spoke to me.

  “Fuck you, nigga,” I responded.

  “If you insist,” he replied coolly.

  He made a move toward me and I kicked my leg out almost kicking him in his dick. He side stepped it easily and lifted me from the floor by my neck.

  “You’ll be a nice little piece of bait to dangle in front of the two I want. Tell me where they are,” he demanded.

  “I ain’t telling you shit.”

  “Suit yourself,” he said then dropped me to the floor just as the elevator dinged.

  S.B. and the other cat yanked me from the floor and forced me to walk out the station. All I could think about was what that man would do to me once he got me back on his turf. All the shit that had happened to me when I was controlled by Dame started to replay for me in 3D as they led me down the long concrete walkway outside. There was no way I would subject myself to that shit again, but didn’t know what I could do without a weapon and with my hands cuffed.

  “Yo, my main motherfucker Dante,” a voice rang out.

  My head jerked up and my heart could have jumped out of my chest at the sight of Trigga. Both S.B. and the other crony stopped ready to draw their weapons but Dante stopped them.

  I couldn’t really see Trigga’s face under the hoodie but I knew it was him. The stance, the voice, and the way he had his hands behind him told me it was him.

  “You didn’t really think I was about to let you walk up out this piece with her did you, my nigga?” Trigga asked him.

  “Let me?” Dante repeated. “Good thing you meet me here, bruv. That way, when I kill you, you can go down the way your father did. You know it was a dick-hardening moment when I slid that bullet in the back of that nigga’s skull, eh?”

  Dante laughed. I saw Trigga’s arm twitch and knew what was coming next. We were still on federal property and I’d come to learn that Trigga was a nigga who gave no fucks. I finally understood what Phenom meant when he said you had to wake up wanting to die more than the next man. Trigga woke up every morning wanting to die more than the next man. That was what made him more dangerous than your average street urchin. I elbowed S.B. in his face then ran toward the grass and hit the ground. As soon as I did, Trigga’s hammer let go and started to sing a pretty song of death. I saw Dante make a quick jump to the other side of a parked van. S.B. did a football move and fell behind a car. That other nigga wasn’t so lucky. A bullet caught him square in the eye. I kept my head down as I army crawled from the grass to the parking lot after I grabbed the dead cat’s guns. Three more men jumped from a van and started raining bullets down. A siren went off. I could see guards running to the door then ducking back inside as bullets came their direction.

  I rolled onto my back and aimed the gun at one of Dante’s henchman, hitting him directly in the spine. When he fell to his knees, I gave him a hole in the back of the head to match the one in his back. I saw Speedy run past me in a blur. Next thing I knew, another body dropped with its neck damn severed from his head. Big Jake had a nigga in a death lock from behind. I swear when he snapped his neck, Jake grinned and licked his lips. A big white van pulled in. Phenom jumped from the back, picked me up and tossed me in. Last I saw was Trigga capping two niggas who looked like guards but because they were shielding Dante, they were the enemy.

  “Anika, baby, we have to get out of here. They have two much firepower coming and they’re going to try to barricade us in here.”

  I looked up and saw my aunt in the driver’s seat of the van. She had been leaning out the window shooting, but quickly nodded knowing her husband was right. While she pulled out like a maniac, Phenom let his chopper spray from the back of the van.

  Chapter 22


  See, I knew it was time for me to ride the fuck up outta this joint, but how my bank account with my fucks were set up? Yeah, I didn’t give a fuck. Stepping from behind the cop car I was squatting near, using my peripheral, I counted how many cops were around me versus the ones Big Jake and Speedy were handling. In the melee of the drama, back in the hallway, I had listened to the whole conversation going on between Dante and Ray-Ray. Had even seen the two motherfuckas who had hemmed up Ray-Ray leaving the interrogation room and burned their faces to memory. It always paid to learn how to be invisible.

  When Ray-Ray hit my burner with the code, I had already been heading that way to get her because of my eyes in the street hitting me up about the fight that went down. I can’t sit and act like I wasn’t pissed and still am, but shit happens and now I was getting some kills in. Back to the battle.

  I moved from my spot, Glocks raised, jaw clenched tight, and scanning my area. Dirty Cs covered Dante, but how I angled shit, I made sure bullets hit them and that pussy-ass bitch at the same time. Shouts sounded around me and had me turning full circle in a run a
nd duck. My unk’s ride, a big unmarked white van, was blocking whatever came out that way as he signaled for us to move on.

  Part of me thought it was stupid as fuck for both him and Anika to be out here, because they had people to handle business for them but, the fact that fam was getting gritty with us was what had me giving them respect. Squeezing the clip, bullets sizzled in the air. Some grazed me; others, from my own hand, hit two specific motherfuckas who had brought bullshit to Ray-Ray. First one to go down was the white-hair bitch with the strange eyes. A grin came up on my face when I watched her fall. I made my way to her, reached out to snatch her hair then shoved my Glock in her mouth. Her dazed eyes looked up at me. She tried to punch me in the face, but my grip got harder and I gave a her smile.

  “Suck the dick, bitch.” Pulling the trigger, I watched a perfect hole form in the back of her skull with the fading of her scream covered me.

  Several cops shouted in protest having watched that trick go down. Me, I shot at them out of spite. Rising up, I ran forward toward Dante’s speeding car. Rage had me intent on catching them, even as my sprinting slowed due to being sideswiped by several cops and the car disappearing out of the lot.

  That nigga Dante was getting away. And the look of his beady eyes lit up in humor as he lit up a cigar and grinned at me from the back of his ride only pissed me off even more. I struggled when I made contact with concrete and grunted with the force. My hoodie kept my face shielded as the punches and kicks of the officers assaulted me.

  Using my Glock, my hand swung upward to leave the side of my pistol with some of their faces. “Get the fuck off me!”

  My foot connected to whatever vulnerable part I could get to on the cops. My body became their release for aggression, even as I fought. They could do whatever the fuck they wanted but there was no doubt that a nigga was going to fight back. The sound of Big Jake’s feet thumping on concrete let me know that he was taking down dirty cops left and right.

  Bone and cartilage snapping and Big Jake’s low voice booming, “Nigga, the more you move, the harder I grip, keep moving, because ya still gonna die.”


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