Doonesbury (comic), 77
double-sandwich course structure, at Newcastle Polytechnic, 15–16
Dunn, Jeremy, 7
Dunn, Paul, 118, 119, 120, 121
DuPont, 147
Dynabook, 231
easy access to inside of Macs, 98
Eichler, Joseph, 106
802.11 wireless networking technology, 148–49
Elias, John, 214
Ellison, Larry, 115
eMachines, 135
eMate, 99, 123
Emin, Tracey, 16
engineering department, Apple, 73, 149–50
English, Rick, 69, 73, 74, 78
enterprise resource-planning system (ERP), 203
environmental profile, of Apple, 248–50
Espresso aesthetic, 83–84
Esslinger, Hartmut, 63, 66, 109–10, 112, 114
European Space Agency, 142–43
Extrudo design
for iPad, 234–35
for iPhone, 221–22
ExxonMobil, 256
Fadell, Tony
as head of iPod division, 199
iPhone and, 216, 217–18, 219
iPod and, 174–78
leaves Apple, 237–38
Fairs, Marcus, 195–96
Fancy Models Corporation, 168
Federighi, Craig, 261
fiddle factor, 22–23, 76
FingerWorks, 214
floppy drive, lack of on iMac, 125, 133–34
Folio keyboard, 56
Ford, 60
Ford, Henry, 107
Forstall, Scott, 163, 216, 218–20, 259, 260, 261, 262, 265
Fortt, Jon, 134
Fortune, 137
Foxconn, 206, 208–10
friction stir welding (FSW), 247
Frog Design, 63, 64, 65–66, 69, 73, 109–10
Fukasawa, Naoto, 46
Furbershaw, Gerard, 31
Fuse Networks, 174
Future Power, 135
Gates, Bill, 136, 254
Gateway, 105
Germanic approach to design education, 17
German Industrie Forum, 42
Gibson, Hal, 134
Giugiaro, Giorgetto, 64–65, 112
Glancey, Jonathan, 196
Goldsmiths, 16–17
Goldstar, 42
Gore, Al, 254
Gorilla Glass, 228
GQ, 195
Gray, Eileen, 44
Gray, Philip J., 10–11, 22, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 50–51, 78, 257
green initiatives, of Apple, 248–50
Greenpeace International, 248, 249
GRiD Compass, 20–21
Grinyer, Clive, 20–21, 22–23, 26–27, 30, 34, 37–51, 54, 56, 57–58, 59, 266–67
Grisedale, Sally, 82, 142, 262–63
Guardian, 197, 252
GVO Inc., 31
Haddon, John, 5
“halo” effect, 154, 183, 190
Halpin, Jim, 134
on iBooks, 146
on iMac, 124–25
on Power Mac G3, 144
Hargadon, Andrew, 269–70
Harmon Kardon, 258
Harper, Beverley, 74
hearing aid project, 25, 36
Hecht, Sam, 39, 46
Hewlett Packard (HP), 95, 142
Hille, 160
Hirst, Damien, 16
Homayounfar, Amir, 130–31, 149–50
home networking, 148–49
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd., 202
Howarth, Richard, 80, 81, 167
iPad and, 235
iPhone and, 219, 221, 223–24, 255–56
iPod and, 179
IBM, 106
iBooks, 145–49
clamshell design of, 146, 147
handles on, 146
Ice iBook, 153–55
latchless lid for, 147
manufacturing challenges for, 146–47
production of, 202
Wi-Fi technology adopted for, 148–49
Ice iBook, 153–55
ICON magazine, 160, 196
I.D. magazine, 69, 74, 91
Ideal Standard, 36–37, 41, 48–49
IDEO (ID Two), 26, 30, 45, 47, 69, 189
IDg studio, Apple
aluminum use in manufacturing, 195, 204–8
Apple new product process and, 142–43
brainstorming sessions, 166–68
Brunner’s establishing of, 62–63, 67–74
CAD modeling workflow pioneered by Jony for, 117–22
close-knit nature of team at, 170–71
designers recruited by Jony for, 80–83
environmental impact of products and, 249
Espresso aesthetic, 83–84
focus provided by Jobs for, 113–15
iBook design and development, 145–49
Ice iBook design and development, 153–55
iMac, development and evolution of, 115–41
iMac G4 design and development, 187–91
iPad design, 232–39
iPhone design, 218–29
iPod design, 178–86
Jony as head of, 94–250
Jony’s first projects at, 75–80
modeling shop consolidated into, 120
model making and, 168–69
office layout of, at IL2, 159–63
polycarbonate casings, transition to, 154–55
Power Mac design and development, 143–45
Power Mac G4 Cube design and development, 155–58
Project Pomona and, 84–92
secrecy and, 163–65
security for, 163
sketching, role of, 166–68
Titanium PowerBook G4 design and development, 150–53
touch interface and, 211–14
unibody manufacturing process and, 240–48
ID Two (IDEO), 26, 30, 45, 47, 69, 189
iMac, 80, 115–41
advertising campaign for, 132–33
Bondi Blue chosen for original, 123–24
CAD modeling process pioneered for, 117–22
design story of, 116
egg shape design for, 117
floppy drive abandoned, 125, 133–34
friction stir welding (FSW) and, 247
G4 (See iMac G4)
Jobs introduces, 131–32
as “legacy-free” computer, 125–26
mouse for, 126
naming of, 128–29
network computer origins of, 115–17, 122
new colors chosen for, 138–41
production of, 127, 130–31, 202
recessed handle for, 124–25
reviews of, 133–34
sales of, 134–35
transparency of, 123–24
upgrading of, to real computer, 122–23
USB adopted for, 125–26
iMac G4, 140–41, 187–92
bezel for, 189–90
Jobs unveils, 191
LCD screen design for, 187–89
packaging for, 190–91
Intel, 125, 148
intelligent ATM design, 26
Inventec, 79
inventory, 203–4
iOS 7, 261–62
iPad, 70, 94, 154, 158, 232–39, 249, 258–59, 268
aluminum, use of, 236–37
Extrudo design, 234–35
fourth-generation, 239
iPad 2
magnets, use of, 151
unibody engineering, 238
iPad mini, 239
> sales of, 237
Sandwich design, 235
screen size selection, 233
third-generation, 239, 258–59
iPhone, 70, 80, 94, 154, 214–31, 268
design process for, 218–29
design story of, 220
Extrudo design, 221–22
iPhone 3G, 235–36
iPhone 4s, 255–56
iPhone 5, 259
multi-touch function of, 225–26
operating system for, development of, 218–20
P1 and P2 projects, 217–18
release of, 229–31
sales of, 231
Sandwich design, 221, 222, 224, 225
switch from plastic to glass for, 226–29
iPod, 80, 154, 172–86, 199, 268
design story of, 175
Fadell’s engineering of, 174–78
industrial design for, 178–86
Jobs unveils, 184–85
Mini, 194–95, 204
on-off button, omission of, 180–81
packaging for, 184
prototype designs, 178
scroll wheel for, 176–77
stainless steel, use of, 181–82
user interface for, 179–80
white color for, 182–83, 185
Isaacson, Walter, 6, 163, 188, 252, 264
Italdesign studio, 64
iTunes, 172, 175
iTunes phone (ROKR E1), 215
Ive, Alison, 1
Ive, Charlie, 28, 171
Ive, Harry, 28, 171
Ive, Heather, 28, 33, 40, 59, 62
Ive, Jonathan Paul. See also IDg studio, Apple
accepts Apple’s job offer, 57–61
awards won by and recognition accorded, 195–97
broad design disciplinary exposure of, 17–19
cars, passion for, 192–93
childhood of, 1–4
as creative head at Apple, 259–70
CRT monitor design of, 79–80
degree distinction, 27–28
designers hired by, 80–83
dyslexia diagnosis of, 1–2
early education of, 1–12
easy access to inside of Macs idea of, 98
eulogy for Jobs by, 255
evolution of role of, at Apple, 169–70
first Mac of, 28–29
Germanic influence in design of, 17
Gray’s sponsorship of, 10–12
high school years of, 4–12
iBooks and, 145–46
iMac, development and evolution of, 115–28, 130–31, 133–34, 138–40
intelligent ATM design of, 26
Jobs and, 112–13, 137, 169, 170, 193, 251–52, 264
knighting of, 256–57
landline phone design of, 24–25, 26–27
minimalism of, 46
at Newcastle Polytechnic, 13–28
Newton MessagePad 110 design of, 75–78
office of, at IDg, 160
overhead projector (OHP) design of, 9–10
at Pitney Bowes, 30
placements of, 20–23
Power Macs and, 144–45
Project Pomona and, 86, 87–91
remains with Apple, 2011, 252–53
replaces Brunner as head of design at Apple, 94–95
at Roberts Weaver Group, 33–37
RSA travel bursaries won by, 23–28
Rubenstein and, 100, 144–45, 193, 199–200, 265
senior vice president of industrial design, promotion to, 199
simplification philosophy of, 268–69
social life of, 257–58
software design of, 261–63
at Tangerine, 40–60
TX2 pen design of, 22–23
visits Lunar design and other Silicon Valley firms, 30, 33
Ive, Michael John, 1, 2–4, 5–6, 10–12, 105, 192, 197
Ive, Pamela Mary, 1
Jaguar, 32
jewelry, 152
Jobs, Laurene, 188, 251
Jobs, Steve, 2, 51, 52, 63, 66, 91, 97, 207
death of and funeral services for, 254–55
design philosophy of, 105–10, 136–37
early Macintosh design, 106–8
focuses design group on four products, 113–15
green initiatives and, 248, 249
IDg Studios setup at IL2 and, 160–63
illness of, 251, 253
iMac and, 115, 122, 124, 125–28, 129, 131–32, 135, 138–40
iMac G4 and, 187–88, 191
iPad and, 232, 237
iPhone and, 218, 222, 227, 229, 230, 231
iPod and, 174, 175–76, 177, 180, 183–85
Jony and, 112–13, 137, 169, 170, 193, 251–52, 264
organizational changes made by, 110–13
Power Macs and, 144
restructuring and product line simplification under, 102–5, 113–15
returns to Apple, 101–2
touch interface and, 213
touch-screen phone idea and, 215–16
Joswiak, Greg, 172–73
Juggernaut project, 51, 53–60, 73
just-in-time production, 203–4
Kango, 36
Kay, Alan, 231
Kerr, Duncan Robert, 80, 81, 211–12
Kimberley, Chris, 5
Kindle, 95
King, Oliver, 39
Knox, Kevin, 157
Kunkel, Paul, 46, 69, 94
Lam, Lawrence, 70
Lambert, Danielle, 237–38
landline phone design, 24–25, 26–27
latch, for Power Mac G5 Tower, 207–8
latchless lid, for iBook, 147
LCD screen design for iMac G4, 187–89
Lefteri, Chris, 181–82, 244
Leica, 258
LG Electronics, 43, 60, 127, 130, 202
Lifesaver Macs, 140
Lindy, 75–79
Lovegrove, Ross, 42
Lowe, Peter, 31
Lunar Design, 30–32, 65–66
MacAddict, 52
MacBook, 158
MacBook Air, 240–41
Macintosh, 106–8
Macintosh Color Classic, 84
Macintosh Folio, 56
Macintosh Workspace, 57
Mac Mini, 157, 168–69, 205
Mac OS X, 172
MacWeek, 123
magnets, 151
Manock, Jerry, 106, 107, 108, 110, 151
@Mark, 122
Markoff, John, 62
Mayer, Marissa, 258
McDonnell Douglas, 120
McElhinny, Harold, 216–17
Memphis Group, 108
Meschter, Jay, 70, 71–72
metal injection molding, 147
Meyerhoffer, Thomas, 123
Microsoft, 52, 96, 122, 157
Milton, Alex, 17–18, 39, 46, 270
minimalism, 46
Model 035, 214–18
model making, 168–69
Model T, 107
Moggridge, Bill, 20–21, 45
mold makers, 121
Morrison, Jasper, 44
Moss, Malcolm, 3
Motorola, 96
Mounsey, Craig, 7, 14, 15, 24
MP3 players, 172–73. See also iPod
Muji, 46
multi-touch, 211–14, 225–26
Murdoch, Rupert, 254
muscled glass, 227–28
Napster, 172
NASA, 142–43
netbooks, 232
Netscape Navigator, 114
network computer
(NC), 115, 122
Network Computing, Inc., 115
Networking Computer Alliance, 115
Newcastle Polytechnic, 13–28
new product process (ANPP), at Apple, 141–43
Newsom, Marc, 160, 257
Newsweek, 116
Newton MessagePad, 52, 55, 75–79, 94, 268
Jobs killing of, 104
Jony’s design for second generation of, 75–78
New York Times, 62, 96, 180, 261
NeXT, 51, 66, 142
Ng, Stan, 175, 176
Nike, 95
Nishibori, Shin, 222, 223
Norman, Don, 83–84, 97–98, 99, 103, 127
Northumbria University. See Newcastle Polytechnic
offline projects, 53
Olivetti, 108
Oracle Corporation, 115
Ording, Bas, 213–14
over-design, 46
overhead projector (OHP), Jony’s design for, 9–10
Oyama, Terry, 107–8
P-68 (Project Dulcimer), 177–84
for iMac G4, 190–91
for iPod, 184
Page, Larry, 254
Palm, Inc., 174, 199
Palm Pilot, 104
parallel design investigations, 53, 73–74
Parsey, Tim, 70, 77, 90–91
Pentagram, 92, 95
pen (TX2) design, 22–23
personal digital assistants (PDAs), 52
Phillips, Peter, 21–22, 43–44, 45, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Pippin, 122
Pitney Bowes, 25, 26, 30
Pixar, 51, 118
placements, 15–16
Jony’s at Roberts Weaver Group, 20–23
Pogue, David, 239
Polaroid, 95
polycarbonate casings, 154–55
Porsche Design Studio, 64
Powell, Richard, 198–99
PowerBooks, 52, 54, 55, 94
G4 (See Titanium PowerBook G4)
production of, 202
seventeen inch PowerBook, 197–98
Power Computing, 96
Power Macs, 143–45
G3, 144
G4, 144–45
G4 Cube, 155–58
G5 Tower, 206–8
PowerPC platform, 32
product development cycles, 72–73
product line leaders (PLLs), 72
Project Dulcimer, 177–84
Project Juggernaut, 51, 53–60, 73
Project Pomona, 84–93
Purple. See iPhone
Qualcast, 36
Quanta Computer, 202
QuickTime 4, 179
Rams, Dieter, 44
Real Networks, 174
repairs and servicing, by Apple, 249
resistive screens, 225–26
Robbin, Jeff, 172, 175, 183
Roberts, Jos, 37
Roberts Weaver Group, 10–11, 20, 33–37, 41–42
Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products Page 31