When the World Calls
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Bolivia, 47, 208–9, 224, 226
Bolton, Frances P., 26
Bomani, Mark, 137
Bongo, Omar, 127
Borsten, Joan, 188
Bosch, Juan, 73, 74, 75, 81, 86
Botswana, 62
Bouchard, Carroll, 150
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 181–82
Bowles, Chester, 7, 135
Bowles, Sam and Nancy, 7
Boxer, Barbara, 189
Brademas, John, 92
Braestrup, Peter, 21, 27
Brazil, 131, 133, 226
Broder, David, 129–30, 175
Brown, Aubrey, 43
Brown, Sam: as ACTION director, 129–35, 178; and Celeste as Peace Corps director, 135; conflicts regarding Peace Corps between Payton and, 130, 132–35; and goals of Peace Corps, 131, 133; and Jamaica Brigade, 133–34; as Gene McCarthy supporter, 130; on Peace Corps in Africa, 130–31; staff of, 133; and Tanzania, 131–32; and Vietnam Moratorium, 129; and VISTA, 133; youth of, 130
Buchanan, Pat, 107–8
budget for Peace Corps, 105, 109, 110, 115, 150, 154, 174, 183–85, 212–13
Bulgaria, 171–72, 195
Bundy, McGeorge, 16, 80, 83–85
Burkina Faso, 221
Burma, 23
Burns, James MacGregor, 2
Bush, Barbara, 148–49
Bush, George H. W.: in Congress, 148–49; and Coverdell, 169; and Eastern Europe, 171; and Peace Corps, 171; and Loret M. Ruppe, 148–49; as vice president, 148, 154
Bush, George W.: and AID, 215; and Iraq war, 191–94; and naming of Peace Corps headquarters for Coverdell, 177; on Peace Corps, 195; and Peace Corps Response, 183; and Retzer as ambassador to Tanzania, 197, 201, 205; and Tschetter as Peace Corps director, 191; and Vasquez as Peace Corps director, 187, 189–90
Butler, Lewis H., 111
Caamaño, Francisco, 70–71, 74, 78
calendar produced by Returned Volunteers, 224
Cambodia, 102
Cameroon: evaluation of Peace Corps in, 50, 52–53; O’Brien as Peace Corps deputy director in, 57; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 195–97, 226; schools in, 52–53; servants for Volunteers in, 50; statistics on accomplishments of Peace Corps in, 221; Strauss as Peace Corps country director of, 220; tension between embassy and Peace Corps in, 202–3
Cape Verde, 216
Carollo, Russell, 143–45
Carroll, Maureen, 62
Carroll, Tim, 172, 173
Carter, George, 35–36
Carter, Jimmy: and Nicaragua, 154; and Peace Corps, 129, 130, 135, 140, 150, 178
Carter, Lillian, 129
Carter-Miller, Loretta, 134
Case, Casey, 85
Castro, Fidel, 24, 72, 74, 206, 207
Catholicism, 2, 13, 15
CBS News, 49, 104
CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 198
Celeste, Richard F., 135, 150–51, 231
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 198
Central America, 154–59. See also specific countries
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Challenger space shuttle explosion, 161
Chao, Elaine, as Peace Corps director, 231
Chávez, Hugo, 208
Chesapeake Climate Action Network, 163
Chicago Daily News, 79
Chicago Interracial Council, 12
Chile, 98–100, 115, 166
China, 126, 208, 226
Choquehuanca, David, 209
Christian Science Monitor, 113
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): and Bay of Pigs, 24, 75; in Bolivia, 208–9; hiring of former Volunteers by, 209–10; in Laos, 96; and noninterference with Peace Corps, 30, 71–72, 104, 151, 207–8; suspicions about Peace Corps’s involvement with, 24, 36, 124, 206–10, 222; in Tanzania, 208; in Thailand, 103; and U.S. invasion of Dominican Republic, 89; and Vietnam War, 96, 103–4
Citron, Robert, 188
Clinton, Bill: and Bellamy as Peace Corps director, 178, 180–81; and budget for Peace Corps, 183–84; and expansion of Peace Corps (1999), 184–85; and Gearan as Peace Corps director, 183–84; and Peace Corps, 170; and Schneider as Peace Corps director, 185
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 211
Cold War. See communism; Cuba; Soviet Union; specific countries; and specific U.S. presidents
Colombia: community development in, 51; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 47, 51, 184, 209, 212, 225, 226; refugee and health projects in, 166; and Returned Volunteers, 224
Committee of Returned Volunteers (CRV), 102, 108
communism: and Cuban missile crisis, 74, 91; and McCarthyism, 1–2; training of Peace Corps Volunteers on, 48; U.S. invasion of Dominican Republic justified as defense against, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 90. See also Cuba; Soviet Union
community development: in Colombia, 51; in Dominican Republic, 71, 76; in Ecuador, 108; evaluators on, in Latin America, 50–51; in Guatemala, 179; in Peru, 50–51; Peters on, 50; training of Volunteers for, 51. See also specific countries
Congress, U.S.: and antiwar protests by Peace Corps Volunteers, 101, 113; authorization of Peace Corps by, 20, 26, 34, 72; and budget for Peace Corps, 105, 109, 110, 183–85, 212–13; George H. W. Bush in, 148–49; and CIA’s noninterference in Peace Corps, 207; Coverdell in, 175–76, 184; Cranston in, 151–52, 170; criticism of Peace Corps by members of, 72, 101, 109; and dismissal of Peace Corps Volunteers, 72; and electioneering of Peace Corps staff during G. W. Bush’s presidency, 191; and expansion of Peace Corps (1999), 184–85; former Peace Corps Volunteers in, 184, 225; and merger of VISTA and Peace Corps, 115; and naming of Peace Corps headquarters for Coverdell, 176–77; and Nixon’s campaign against Peace Corps, 107–10; and Pauken as ACTION director, 151; and Peace Corps in Eastern Europe, 171–72; and prohibition of political appointments of Peace Corps country directors, 151; separation of ACTION and Peace Corps by, 152; and Shriver, 26, 72; and Vasquez’s nomination as Peace Corps director, 189. See also specific members of U.S. Congress
contras, xi, 155, 156, 157–58, 206
Cook, Phil, 49
Corker, Bob, 191
Costa Rica, 62–63, 214, 226
Coverdell, Nancy, 175
Coverdell, Paul D.: in Congress, 175–76, 184; death of, 175–76; and Eastern Europe, 170–75; Georgia travel of, as Peace Corps director, 175; as Peace Corps director, 169–77, 231; Peace Corps headquarters named for, 176–77; personality of, 170; and renaming of Peace Corps as U.S. Peace Corps, 169–70, 176
Cowan, Paul, 108
Cox, Archibald, 8
Coyne, George, 37
Coyne, John, 160, 165, 169–70, 181, 226
Cranston, Alan, 49, 151–52, 170
Craw, Nicholas, 231
crime: murder trials and murders, 127, 136–42; physical assaults, 142; rape and attempted rape, 142–43, 144, 146, 164–65; and safety issues, 142–47
Crisis Corps, 183
Cronkite, Walter, 77
CRV (Committee of Returned Volunteers), 102, 108
Cuba: and Bay of Pigs, 22, 24, 75; Castro in, 24, 72, 74, 206, 207; Ethiopia allied with, 126; Kissinger Commission on, 155; and missile crisis, 74, 91
Cuomo, Mario, 180
Curran, Edward A., 152–53
Czechoslovakia, 170, 171
Czech Republic, 171, 173–74
Dalsimer, Marlyn, 97–98
Dambaugh, Charles F., 180
Damon, Laura, 35
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 27
Davis, Gary, 190
Dayton Daily News, 143–45, 168, 190
deaths of Peace Corps Volunteers, 127, 136–46
Nancy, 218–20
Delany, Kevin, 52, 104
Dellenback, John, as Peace Corps director, 231
Deming, Kay, 77
Demos, John, 31, 37
De Sica, Vittorio, 2
Deutch, John M., 207
developing countries. See specific countries
De Witt, Karen, 226
Dionne, Francine, 156
diseases, 136, 142, 146–47, 165, 221
Djondo, Christine A., 197–201
Dodd, Christopher: and Bellamy as Peace Corps director, 180; and budget for Peace Corps, 184; and CIA noninterference with Peace Corps, 207; and electioneering of Peace Corps staff during G. W. Bush’s presidency, 191; as former Peace Corps Volunteer, 176, 180, 184, 189, 207, 225; and naming of Peace Corps headquarters for Coverdell, 176–77; support of Peace Corps by, 196; and Vasquez as Peace Corps director, 189
Dominican Diary (Szulc), 70
Dominican Republic: Amnesty International election monitoring in, 166; anti-U.S. intervention attitudes by Volunteers in, 79–85, 206; Bellaguer presidency in, 86; Bosch presidency in, 73; civil war in, 74–77; community development in, 71, 76; countercoup against Reid Cabral in, 73–74; evaluation of Peace Corps in, 48, 85; expansion plans for Peace Corps in, 84–85; journalists in, during civil war and U.S. invasion of, 77–78; justification of U.S. invasion of, as defense against communism, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 90; Mankiewicz’s communication with Volunteers in, 80–84; news coverage of, 77–80, 82, 84; number of Volunteers in, 73, 84–85; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 48, 70–73, 76–86, 184, 206, 213, 214, 225, 226; politicization of Peace Corps in, 83–85; protest against Iraq war in, 192–94; Reid Cabral presidency in, 73–74; and Returned Volunteers, 224; Santo Domingo in, 73–78, 81–82; Satin as head of Peace Corps program in, 77–78; schools in, 214; training of Volunteers in, 48; Trujillo dictatorship in, 73; U.S. invasion of, 70–86, 89–91, 98, 206; U.S. military expedition in, during early twentieth century, 75; withdrawal of U.S. troops from, 85–86
Doyle, Jim, 225
Drake, St. Clair, 31
Dreihaus, Steve, 225
Drendel, Aaron, 192, 193
Dretzin, Bill, 203
Dukakis, Michael, 188
Dumont, René, 131, 132
Dungan, Ralph, 21, 22, 23, 98–99
Dutkewych, Jerry, 173
Eagleton, Thomas, 68
Eastern Europe, 170–75, 206. See also specific countries
Ecuador, 108
education. See schools
Education Department, U.S., 152
Edwards, Lynda, 83
Ehrlichman, John, 102–3, 108–9, 111, 114
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 3, 8, 16, 42
El Salvador: anti–Vietnam War protest in, 100; human rights abuses in, 155; Johnson’s visit to, 100; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 100, 144, 225; rape of Volunteers in, 144; refugee and health projects in, 166; schools in, 221; U.S. aid to, 155
El Sur (newspaper), 99
embassies. See State Department, U.S.
Erdmann, Judy, 52–53
Erickson, Debbie, 222
Eritrea, 118, 125, 126
Estonia, 171
Ethiopia: Addis Ababa in, 53–54, 120; AID projects in, 118; annexation of Eritrea by, 118, 125, 126; call for older, more skilled Volunteers in, 113; evaluation of Peace Corps in, 53–54; expansion plans for Peace Corps in, 54, 120; Haile Selassie’s regime in, x, 117–26; housing for Volunteers in, 120; Italian occupation of, 117; Mengistu’s reign in, 125–26; Murphy as director of Peace Corps in, 122–23; Murphy’s resignation from Peace Corps in, 123; number of Peace Corps Volunteers in, 53–54, 120, 124, 221; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 43, 49, 53–54, 61–62, 117, 119–26, 221, 225, 226; problems with Volunteers in, 53–54; reaction to John Kennedy’s assassination in, 61–62; resignations of Volunteers in, and later withdrawal of Peace Corps from, 124, 126; revolution against Haile Selassie in, 121–26; schools in, 53, 117, 118–24; social life for Volunteers in, 120; U.S. aid to, 118; U.S. military and other Americans in, 118, 122, 123; Wofford as Peace Corps country director in, 43, 119; during World War II, 117
Ethiopia Herald, 120
European Union, 170
evaluation division of Peace Corps: Cameroon evaluation, 52–53; on community development in Latin America, 50–51; complaints about reports written by, 57; defense of, by Peters, 47; Dominican Republic evaluation, 48; Ethiopia evaluation, 53–54; and expansion of Peace Corps, 51–58; Ghana evaluation, 46, 151; guest evaluators for, 49; hostility toward Peters by other Peace Corps staff, 46–47; importance, 47–48; India evaluation, 54–55, 57; loss of influence of, 58; Meisler in, x, 49, 52–54, 56; Micronesia evaluation, 55–56; Nepal evaluation, 52; O’Brien as head of, 57; Pakistan evaluation, 46; periodic evaluations by, 48; Peters as head of, x, 45–51, 57, 111; Philippines evaluation, 46; positive portraits of Peace Corps Volunteers by, 51–53; positive tone of evaluations of, 49, 51–52; Somalia evaluation, 46; staff of, x, 49, 57, 111, 151; on teaching programs in Africa, 50; Wiggins’s antagonism toward, 46, 49
Evans, Josef, 70–71
False Start in Africa/L’Afrique Noire est mal partie (Dumont), 131
Farr, Sam, 184, 212, 225
FBI, 108, 210
Feinman, Sylvia, 60
Feinstein, Dianne, 189
Ferris, Barbara, 176
Fielding, Fred, 153
Fiji, 154, 184, 216, 225
Flanegin, Robert, 141
Flather, Newell, 32
Foege, William H., 182
Ford, Gerald, 116, 140
Ford Foundation, 118, 219
Foreign Affairs, 113
Foreign Policy, 194–95
foreign service, 8–9. See also State Department, U.S.
Foster Grandfather Program, 115–16
Frank, Marian, 35
Frank, Murray, 39–40
freedom of speech limitations on Volunteers, 99–101, 192
Friedman, Josh, 226
Fujimori, Alberto, 220
Fulbright, J. William, 92–93
Fulbright program, 209
Gabon, 57, 127, 197
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 21, 24
Gambia, 225
Gandhi, Indira, 54
Gandhi, Mahatma, 193
GAO (General Accounting Office), 142–43, 171–72
Garamendi, John, 225
Gardner, Deborah, 139–40, 142
Gavin, James, 6
Gearan, Mark D., 174, 182–85, 231
Geisler, Chuck, 156
Gelbard, Robert, 226
Gelman, David, 45–46
General Accounting Office (GAO), 142–43, 171–72
George, Mary, 140
Ghana: arrival of first group of Volunteers in, 29, 225; community life in, 35, 36; evaluation of Peace Corps in, 46, 151; housing for Volunteers in, 29, 34–35, 37; independence of, 7, 23; languages of, 29, 33; Nkhrumah in, 23–24, 31, 32, 36; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 29–37, 132, 225; Returned Volunteers in, 225; schools in, 29, 32–37, 132, 221, 225; servants for Volunteers in, 35; Shriver’s trips to, 23–24, 36–37; training of Volunteers for, 30–31, 32; travel to, for solicitation of invitations for Volunteers, 23–24; U.S. ambassador to, 29; vacation for Volunteers in, 35–36
Ghanian Times, 24
Giddens, Joyce, 31
Gilman, Benjamin, 183–84
Gilmour, Diana, 144
Gilstrap, Sam P., 98
Gizaw, Tilahan, 122
Goldberg, Philip, 209
The Gold Coast in Transition (Apter), 30
Goodwin, Richard, 4–6, 8, 9, 36–37
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 170
Gordon, Kermit, 65
yal, Rajeev K., 212–13
Grant, James P., 181–82
Greece, 8
Green, Mark, 201
Greene, Joseph, 40
Greene, Richard, 226
Grogan, Stanley, 207
Gross, H. R., 26
Guatemala, 144, 163–66, 179, 226
Guido, Frank, 36
Guinea, 126–27
Guskin, Alan, 6–7, 9, 222
Guskin, Judy, 7, 9, 222
Haddad, William, 45, 47
Haig, Alexander, 112–13
Haile Selassie, Emperor, x, 117–26
Haiti, 75, 166, 214, 224–25
Haiti Innovation, 224
Halberstam, David, 16
Haldeman, H. R., 102–3, 109, 115
Hale, John, 145
Hall, Tony P., 184, 225
Halm, W. Q., 32
Hanscom, Leslie, 222–23
Hapgood, David, 50–51, 55
Harding, Deborah, 116
Harlow, Bryce, 109
Harris, Mark, 49
Hatch Act, 191
Havel, Vaclav, 171
Hayes, Samuel, 7
Health, Education, and Welfare Department, U.S., 111, 115
Health and Human Services Department, U.S., 180, 226
Helms, Richard, 80, 89, 207
Heritage Foundation, 152, 153
Hess, Donald, 231
Hessler, Peter, 226
Hill, Christopher, 226
Hiltebrand, Ellen Urbani, 163–65
Holcomb, Ron, 156–57
Holliday, Judy, 43
Honda, Mike, 225
Honduras: AID in, 214; contras in, xi, 155–58, 206; Barbara Joe’s memoir on Peace Corps experiences in, 165–68; literacy program in, 157; Mayan ruins of Copán in, 166; Peace Corps Volunteers in, xi, 156–59, 165–68, 206; Plan Alfa in, 157; U.S. aid to, 155–56; water systems in, 221
Hopgood, Mei-Ling, 143
Host, Amanda, 201
Hot Spot (musical), 42–43
House Committee on Un-American Activities, 72
House of Representatives, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
housing: for Ethiopia Volunteers, 120; for Ghana Volunteers, 29, 34–35, 37; for Honduras Volunteers, 167; for Peace Corps staff, 203; for Peru Volunteers, 218–19; and safety issues for Volunteers, 143