Peace Corps Worldwide Web site, 160
Peace Corps Writers newsletter, 181
Peace Corps Writers Web site, 160, 166
Peru, 50–51, 59–60, 215, 218–20
Peters, Charles: antagonism toward, by other Peace Corps staff, 46–47, 49; on appointment of Shriver’s successor, 93; on community development, 50; defense of evaluation division by, 47; Dominican Republic evaluation by, 48; on energy of Peace Corps staff, x, 26; and evaluation division of Peace Corps, x, 45–51, 57, 111; Ghana evaluation by, 46; on Margery Michelmore, 38; and Micronesia evaluation, 56; personality of, 46; physical appearance of, 46; and presidential campaign (1960), 14, 45; on relationship between Shriver and Robert Kennedy, 14, 45; resignation of, from Peace Corps, 57; on role of Peace Corps Volunteers, 34; and Shriver, 45; Wiggins’s antagonism toward, 46, 49
Peterson, Tom, 33
Petri, Thomas E., 184, 225
Pettine, Raymond, 99
Petty, Reginald, 132–33
Philippines: evaluation of Peace Corps in, 46; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 46, 47, 49, 222; reaction to John Kennedy’s assassination in, 62; and Returned Volunteers, 224; schools in, 46, 47; Shriver’s travel to, for solicitation of invitations for Volunteers, 23; Wiggins-Josephson proposal for Volunteers in, 19, 20, 46, 221
Pickens, Hugh, 215–16
Piszek, Edward, 172
Platt, Harold, 138
Poland, 170–74
The Ponds of Kalambayi (Tidwell), 161–63
postcard incident in Nigeria, 38–44
Powers, Dave, 5
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 198
Pritchard, Ross J., 56, 95–97
Priven, Dennis, 139–42
Puerto Rico, 31–32, 41, 42, 82–83
Putin, Vladimir, 174
Quimby, Tom, 57
rape and attempted rape, 142–43, 144, 146, 164–65
Reagan, Ronald: and autonomy of Peace Corps, 152; and budget for Peace Corps, 154; and Central America, 154–59; and Curran, 152–53; and Kissinger Commission, 155; and Ruppe as Peace Corps director, 148–54, 178; and Ruppe’s nonpartisanship, 150–54
Red Cross, 225
Redmon, Coates, 44, 46–47, 63, 93
Reeves, Blair, 195–96
Regan, Edward V., 180
Rehn, Elizabeth, 182
Reid Cabral, Donald, 73–74
Retired Senior Volunteer Program, 116
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Committee on Central America, 156
Returned Volunteers, 223–25. See also National Peace Corps Association
Retzer, Michael, 197–201, 204, 205
Reuss, Henry, 6
Rice, Condoleezza, 204–5
Rice, Gerard T., 49
Richmond News–Leader, 79
Richter, Richard, x
Rimbaud, Arthur, 124
Roeser, Thomas F., 103
Rogers, William, 100–101, 110
Romania, 171
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4, 5, 13, 26, 75
Roosevelt, Theodore, 87
Rosenblum, Jack, 85
Rove, Karl, 191
Rovere, Richard, 49
Roy, Gerard A., 172–73
RPCV [Returned Peace Corps Volunteer] Writers & Readers, 160
RTI International, 214
Ruppe, Loret Miller: and autonomy of Peace Corps, 152; and Central America, 154–59; conflicts between Curran and, 152–53; family background of, 149–50; and Kissinger Commission, 155; nonpartisanship of, 150–54; and Pauken as director of ACTION, 151; as Peace Corps director, 148–59, 178, 231; Peace Corps staff of, 150–51; political connections of, 148–49
Ruppe, Philip, 148–49
Rusk, Dean, 71, 89, 204, 206
Russell, Francis, 29
Russia: Carroll as country director of Peace Corps in, 173; end of Peace Corps in, 174; Peace Corps Volunteers in, 171–72. See also Soviet Union
Sack, Paul, 137, 208
safety issues, 142–47
Salazar, Dorren, 208–9
Salinger, Pierre, 15
Sandburg, Carl, 42
Sandinista government, 154–55
San Francisco Chronicle, 41
San Francisco Examiner, 40, 49
San Francisco News, 49
Sargent Shriver Peace Institute, 70
Satin, Bob, 77–81
Saturday Evening Post, 49, 222
Sauvy, Alfred, 173
Saxe, Ruth, 134
Scherle, William, 101
Schmicker, Michael, 103–4
Schneider, Mark L., 100, 185, 231
Schneider, Susan, 100
schools: in Africa, 50, 130–31; in Cameroon, 52–53; in Dominican Republic, 214; in El Salvador, 221; in Ethiopia, 53, 117, 118–22; evaluation of, in Africa, 50; in Ghana, 29, 32–37, 132, 221, 225; in Liberia, 224; in Philippines, 46, 47; in Poland, 172, 174; in Somalia, 46; in Tanzania, 127, 131–32, 136, 224
Schultz, George, 115
Schwarz, Karen, 83, 133, 156
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 190
Segal, Eleanor and Sara, 4
Selkow, Sam, 36
Senate, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
Senegal, 88, 225
Senior Corps of Retired Executives, 116
Serbia, 8–9
Sevareid, Eric, 27
sexual assaults. See rape and attempted rape
Shalala, Donna, 61, 180, 183, 184, 226
Shannon, Thomas, 209
Shapiro, Joel, 226
Shapp, Milton J., 6
Shays, Christopher, 184, 225
Sherman, Joel, 4
Shlauderman, Harry, 13
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 2, 13, 14, 16, 63, 64, 67
Shriver, R. Sargent: on ACTION, 116; appointment of successor of, 92–93; and assassination of John Kennedy, 63–69; and Catholicism, 13; and Chicago Interracial Council, 12; and CIA’s noninterference in Peace Corps, 30, 71–72, 151, 207; compared with later Peace Corps directors, 93–94; and Congress, 26, 72; and creation of Peace Corps, 16–21; decision-making style of, 27–28; on decline in size of Peace Corps, 183; departure of, from Peace Corps, 64, 69, 93, 96, 105; and Dominican Republic, 84; education of, 13; and evaluation division of Peace Corps, 45, 47–48; and expansion of Peace Corps, 51–58, 120, 183; family background of, 12–13; and funeral of John Kennedy, 64; and Ghana Volunteers, 31; on goals of Peace Corps, 34; and independence of Peace Corps, 20, 21–23, 71–72, 216; and India Volunteers, 86; jobs of, 13–14; and Johnson, 64–65; and Robert Kennedy, 12, 13, 14, 15, 45, 68, 90; marriage of, 13, 14; and merger of Peace Corps and VISTA, 115; and Micronesia program, 56; and Nigeria postcard incident, 40–42; as Peace Corps director, 12, 21–28, 51, 68–69, 71–72, 93–94, 183, 231; Peace Corps staff of, 23, 25–28, 30, 40–41, 130; personality of, 12, 13, 21, 26; political ambitions of, 12, 16, 21, 68; and presidential campaign (1960), 14–16; and solicitation of invitations for Volunteers from Third World leaders, 23–25; as talent scout for Kennedy administration, 16; and tension between embassies and Peace Corps, 202; on training of Peace Corps Volunteers, 48; trips of, for Peace Corps, 23–25, 36–37, 65; and War on Poverty, 65–69, 96; work ethic of, 27; worries about Volunteers by, 37–38
Shriver, Timmy, 63
Shumway, Eleanor, 124
Sierra Leone, 226
Singapore, 23
Six-Day War, 127
Slovak Republic, 171, 174
Small, Meg, 173
Smiley, Tavis, 214
Snowe, Olympia, 175–76
Somalia: coup (1969) in, 127; evaluation of Peace Corps in, 46; expulsion of Peace Corps Volunteers from, 127; Peace Corps Vo
lunteers in, 46, 184, 225; schools in, 46; Shriver’s trip to, 47
Somoza, Anastasio, 154
Sorensen, Ted, 2, 4–6, 8–10, 15, 21
South Africa, 214
South America. See Latin America; and specific countries
South Korea, 131, 133, 187
South Vietnam. See Vietnam War
Soviet Union: and Central America, 155; CIA agent’s betrayal of U.S. secrets to, 210; communist bloc of, 173; disintegration of, 171; and Ethiopia, 118, 126; Gorbachev as leader of, 170. See also communism; Russia
Sri Lanka, 183
St. Amant, Claire, 173
Stanford University, 219–20
State Department, U.S.: and AID, 215; and Bolivia, 208–9; and decline of Peace Corps, 150; and Dominican Republic, 73, 80, 81, 83; and efficiency of operations, 198; electioneering during G. W. Bush’s presidency at, 191; and Robert Kennedy’s tour of South America (1965), 90–91; and Micronesia, 114; and Peace Corps Act, 206; and Retzer as ambassador to Tanzania, 197–201, 204, 205; Rice’s instructions on Peace Corps to, 204–5; and tension between embassies and Peace Corps, 197–206; Vaughn as assistant secretary for Latin American affairs in, 73, 88–93
Steinwand, Brian, 162
Stevenson, Richard. See Lipez, Richard
Storer, Robert V., 38–39, 42
Stossel, Scott, 13, 14, 21, 48–49, 67, 68
Strauss, Robert L., 194–96, 220
suicides of Peace Corps Volunteers, 136, 144
Sullivan, William H., 96–97
Swaziland, 133, 226
Sykes, William, 151
Szulc, Tad, 70
Taft, Bob, 225
Tanganyika, 32
Tanzania: agriculture in, 131–32; CIA in, 208; Djondo as country director in, 197–201; drivers for Peace Corps staff in, 198–99; Green as ambassador to, 201; judicial system of, 137–38; medical care for Americans in, 199–200; murder trial in, of Peace Corps Volunteer, 136–39; Nyerere as president of, 127, 131–32; Peace Corps phased out in, 127, 131–32; and Returned Volunteers, 224; Retzer as ambassador to, 197–201, 204, 205; schools in, 127, 131–32, 136, 224; tension between embassy and Peace Corps in, 197–201, 204, 205
Temple, Joan, 79
Thailand: Agnew’s trip to, 105, 112–13; CIA in, 103; Guskins as Volunteers in, 9; Hall as Volunteer in, 184; and Indian Ocean tsunami, 183; Keeton as Volunteer in, 187; Peace Corps Volunteers in, during Vietnam War, 103–5, 225; Schmicker as Volunteer in, 103–4; Shriver’s travel to, for solicitation of invitations for Volunteers, 23; U.S. military in, during Vietnam War, 103–4
Theroux, Paul, xi, 98, 226
Third World: as term, 173. See also specific countries
Tidwell, Mike, 161–63
Time magazine: on Ghana Peace Corps Volunteers, 29, 37; on problems of Peace Corps, 47; on Shriver and Kennedy families, 13; writing style of, 57
Togo, 49, 60–61, 145, 226
Toledo, Alejandro, 218–20
Tonga: judicial system of, 141; murder trial in, of Peace Corps Volunteer, 136, 139–42; population of, 139; social life of Peace Corps Volunteers in, 139
“A Towering Task” (Wiggins and Josephson), 17–20, 46
Towle, Dave, 52
training of Peace Corps Volunteers: Ashabranner as director of, 55; for community development programs, 51; for Dominican Republic, 48; evaluators on weaknesses of, 49; for Ghana, 30–31, 32; improvements in, 49–50, 106, 113; for India, 55; for Nigeria, 38; in 1980s, 168; Shriver on, 48; for Tanganyika road-building project, 32
Trillin, Calvin, 57
tropical diseases. See diseases
Trujillo, Rafael, 73, 86
Truman, Harry S., 3, 4
Tschetter, Ronald A.: and conflict between embassy and Peace Corps in Tanzania, 199–201; as Peace Corps director, 113, 191, 195, 199–201, 231; recruiting campaign of, 113
Tsongas, Paul, 225
Tucson Citizen, 189
Tunisia, 101, 225
Turkey, 23
Turkmenistan, 171
UCLA. See University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
Uganda, 127
Ukraine, 143–44, 171, 173
UNICEF, 181–82, 226
United Nations: and Iraq invasion during G. W. Bush presidency, 192; Toledo’s work for, 220
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 181–82, 226
United Nations Development Programme, 173
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 190–91
United Press International (UPI), 99
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 111
University of California–Berkeley, 30, 97, 102, 219
University of Michigan, 4–7, 9, 10, 25, 86
University of San Francisco, 219
Updike, John, 42
UPI (United Press International), 99
Urbani, Ellen, 163–65
USAID. See AID (Agency for International Development)
U.S. Information Agency, 90
Utzinger, Amy, 174
Uzbekistan, 171–72, 173
vacations for Peace Corps Volunteers, 35–36
Valenti, Jack, 90
Vanity Fair, 226
Vanuatu, 216
Vasquez, Gaddi H.: as ambassador to U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, 190–91; controversial nomination of, as Peace Corps director, 187–89; medical problems of, 189; and Orange County scandal, 188; as Peace Corps director, 143, 189–90, 231; at Republican National Convention (1988), 188; resignation of, from Peace Corps, 190; and safety issues, 143; youth and family background of, 187–88
Vaughn, Jack Hood: as AID director for Senegal, 88; as ambassador to Panama, 87–88; as boxer, 25, 88; and CIA, 208; as foreign aid officer in Panama, 88; and Gelbard as ambassador to Bolivia, 226; and India evaluation, 54; and Johnson, 87–90; Robert Kennedy’s relationship with, 90–93; and Micronesia evaluation, 55–56; and Moyers, 87–90, 93; as Peace Corps director, 73, 92–94, 96, 97, 105, 110, 183, 208, 231; as Peace Corps director of Latin America, 62–63, 73, 87, 90–92; Peace Corps staff of, 57; Shriver’s hiring of, for Peace Corps staff, 25; size of Peace Corps under, 183; as State Department assistant secretary for Latin American affairs, 73, 88–93; successor for, 110–11; and U.S. invasion of Dominican Republic, 73, 80, 89–90; and Vasquez’s nomination as Peace Corps director, 188–89; and Vietnam as site for Volunteers, 97; and Vietnam War, 97–106
Venezuela, 111, 208
Vietnam mission, 95–97
Vietnam Moratorium, 129
Vietnam War: antiwar protests against, 86, 95, 102, 129; antiwar protests by Peace Corps Volunteers, 97–105, 108, 112–13, 192; and CIA, 96; and Johnson, 86, 95; Robert Kennedy’s opposition to, 93; Kent State killings of antiwar protesters, 102; limitations on freedom of speech of Peace Corps Volunteers during, 99–101, 192; Mankiewicz on, 81; during Nixon administration, 102; Pauken as army intelligence officer during, 151; and Peace Corps, 95–105, 108; Peace Corps Volunteers in Thailand during, 103–5; Wiggins and Josephson on, 18
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), 108–9, 115–16, 133
Volunteer, 42, 55, 62
Volunteers in Service to America. See VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)
Wall Street Journal, 49, 108, 134
Walsh, James T., 184, 225
Ward, Mike, 225
Ware, Dick, 41
War on Poverty, 65–69, 96, 108
Warren, Roberta, 77, 78, 79, 85
Washington Monthly, 57, 130
Washington Post: on Sam Brown, 129–30; on Coverdell, 175; and crimes against Peace Corps Volunteers, 145; on Jamaica Brigade, 134; Kamen on staff of, 226; Mann’s accusations against, as left-wing, 81
; on name change of Peace Corps to U.S. Peace Corps, 169; on Nigeria postcard incident, 40; on Peace Corps staff, 27; and U.S. invasion of Dominican Republic, 79, 81; on Vasquez as Peace Corps director, 188, 191
Washington Star, 101
Washington Times, 152
Watergate affair, 115, 116, 140
Weiss, Philip, 139
Wessin y Wessin, Elias, 74, 75
What You Can Do for Your Country (Schwarz), 156
When I Was Elena (Urbani), 163–65
White, John, 52
White, Theodore H., 10, 16
Wicker, Tom, 32
Wiggins, Warren: antagonism toward Peters by, 46, 49; and Dominican Republic, 84; influence of, on Shriver, 28; and Nigeria postcard incident, 40, 43–44; and Peace Corps as independent agency, 22, 96; and Peace Corps expansion in India, 54–55; and proposed number of Volunteers in different countries, 19, 20, 46, 221; “A Towering Task” by, and Peace Corps, 17–20, 46; on Vaughn as Peace Corps staff member, 25; Vietnam mission of, 95–97; on Vietnam War, 18
Williams, Aaron S.: and AID, 214–17; education of, 213, 214; and independence of Peace Corps, 215–17; and International Youth Foundation, 214; as Peace Corps director, 213, 214–17, 231; as Peace Corps Volunteer, 213, 214; personality of, 215; and RTI International, 214
Williams, Franklin, 23, 25
Williams, G. Mennen, 92, 202
Williams, Larry, 203
Williams, Rosa, 214
Wilson, Richard, 101
Wilson, Woodrow, 4
Wofford, Harris: and beginning of Peace Corps, 20–23, 34, 119; as civil rights activist, 119; as director of Peace Corps in Ethiopia, 43, 119; and goals of Peace Corps, 34; and independence of Peace Corps, 21–23, 216; and Kennedy’s help for Martin Luther King Jr., 14–16; and Kennedy’s idea of Peace Corps, 6; and Millikan report on Peace Corps, 17
World Bank, 220
Yaffe, Ellen, 134, 172, 181
Yeteshawork, Tegegne, 120
Zaire, 161, 161–63
Zeitlin, Arnold, 35
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