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Page 11

by Leto Blackman

  "Please, you must help my village. We are being attacked." She pleads with her eyes. She then notices Doc and screams.

  "No, its okay. He is with me. And yes, we will help you." I say. She is still looking at Doc and holding onto my arm.

  "What is that thing?" She asks.

  "He is.... um, well I don't know. He is Doc, and he is my friend and traveling companion." I say. She had pulled herself back to being against me. She smells like flowers and grass. My thoughts turning dirty. I shake my head, what's wrong with me? I'm covered in blood and goo and there are monsters about and I'm thinking about her nude. I guess it has been a few hundred years since I have been laid, well besides the time in the Creation Realm, but does that really count?

  "Jax? Are you okay? I'm getting some strange feelings from you, I don't know what they are." Kala says.

  "Oh my! Are you a Wisp?" The woman asks looking at Kala.

  "No. I am a Companion. I just haven't chosen my form yet." Kala says, sounding annoyed.

  "I don't know who you are sir, but you have very strange friends. I have never seen these types of beings before. But it doesn't matter, you said you would help us. There is no time. The village is that way." She points north through some trees. "I shall wait back in those rocks, I have no fighting skill and will be of little help." She says. I turn to leave when she grabs my hand and says "Wait." She puts her hand to my face and kisses me, I feel her tongue enter my mouth briefly, and then she ends it with a small nip of her teeth. "For good luck. If you survive, find me. I'm Sallinda." She smiles at me and runs to the rocks.

  I stand there, my face feeling warm from blushing. I notice that I have a new buff, Kiss of Luck. It gives me a boost of five to my luck stat for twenty minutes.

  "Earth to Jax!" Kala yells at me. "Are you going to just stand there like a fool or are we going to go help?"

  "Yeah, lets go." I say, giving Kala a sheepish look. We travel for a few minutes through the woods and then exit into a clearing. There is a small stream up ahead and then the village. The homes are charming wooden buildings with green moss growing on the sides. I hear yelling and see to the side four men and two women standing in a circle with swords trying to fight off the remaining three Scalcul. As I approach I try to think about how we can take the monsters down. My fighting skills are not the best. I don't want to risk using Teleportation and it not work. I squint against the sun glaring in my eyes, and I get a thought. I tell Doc and Kala what I want them to do.

  They go off to the left and right to flank the Scalculs. I quickly sit down and meditate, feeling silly for a moment for mediating at a time like this. Then the peace fills me. I stand and hold my hand out, pointing at the closest monster. I'm not really sure if anything will happen, but I focus. The surrounding light dims, like a cloud is blocking the light. Then a laser beam of light shoots out from my hand and strikes the monster in the back. The beam of light burns right through the Scalcul, taking off forty percent of its health and crippling it, I guess I hit its spine. But, the beam of light also passed right through the monster and hits one of the villagers in the shoulder. "Shit." I mumble.

  I run towards the crippled Scalcul and fire a dark bolt at it. At the same time Kala uses her skill and sets fire to another. Doc performs a Sneak Attack on the last taking a good chunk of its health away. The villagers look scared and confused as we attack the monsters. They finally snap out of it and join in. Its all over in a few minutes, with no casualties. Well, besides the guy I hit with my laser beam. I feel a rush and know I have leveled up. I see a few notifications trying to get my attention. I keep them minimized for now.

  The villagers are staring at us, their swords still up. "We mean you no harm. I actually have a quest to help you guys. I am Jax, and these are my friends, Kala and Doc." I say to the frightened looking people. They are all dressed in brown leather and have blue tattoos on their arms and hands. The oldest of the group looks to be in his fifties. He runs his fingers down a tattooed line on his right arm and then takes two fingers and taps his forehead, right between his eyes.

  "Greetings and may The Wanderer bless you. I am Farely. Thank you for helping us. I do not recognize your accent Jax, where do you come from?" He says with the same French-like accent as Sallinda.

  "Uh, that's a long story. Maybe we can go into the village and sit and talk?" I say. Farely looks at me, then over at Doc.

  "There are ancient stories of the metal warriors that were controlled by the Old Ones. Do you control this thing?" Farely points at Doc.

  "No one controls me. Jax awakened me from a prison of my own mind and then freed me from slavery. He is my.... friend and I owe him a dept of gratitude." Doc answers for himself.

  The old man taps his forehead at Doc and the rest of the group relaxes. One of the women in the group gasps.

  "Look at the marks on his hands!" The group of people look down all at once. They all fall to their knees and hold two fingers to their foreheads.

  "Forgive us Wanderer, we did not know it was you." Farely says.

  "Uhh.... what are you guys doing? Why did you call me Wanderer? Do you know something about the marks on my hands?" I ask them confused. They look confused as well, they exchange glances.

  "You bear the mark of the Wanderer on your right hand. I do not know what the mark on your left hand is. No one would dare forge the mark on themselves...... I.... assume your marks are real?" Farely asks me.

  "Yes, these marks are really on me. They do not wash out. I have had on me since I came to this world." I say. The villagers whisper and glance at me. "Okay stop!" I say a little too loud. They return their fingers to their foreheads and become quiet. "Sorry. This is all just a bit too much. Please all of you stand up. I have no idea what you are talking about. All I know is that your village was just attacked. We should probably check for wounded. There is also a woman named Sallinda hiding in the rocks a little way back that way." I say. I offer my hand to Farely to help him stand up. He looks up at me, I can almost see the gears turning in his head, trying to figure out what to do. He hesitantly grasps my wrist and stands up.

  "Thank you, Wanderer." He says.

  "Please, call me, Jax. I am not this Wanderer. Let's go check on your village." I smile at him. He looks down at my hand and then nods to me.

  I look over at Kala and Doc and then shrug. Kala floats over to me "So you are a god?" She asks me in a mocking tone.

  "Hush, you. I have no idea what they are talking about. Let's just see to the villagers first and then we can sort this all out." I say quietly to Kala. "Doc, Kala, please stay close to me. Try to look as friendly as possible. I don't know how these people will react to you." I say.

  We walk through the village surveying the damage. There are dead bodies on the ground with weeping people over them. Some of the bodies are dressed like the six people we first found, in brown leather with the blue tattoos. There are also dead Scalcul about. I see a teenage boy standing in a doorway with a crying girl next to him. Two dead bodies are on the ground in front the home. Sheets have been placed on top of the bodies. My heart clenches seeing the scene, memories of Jill and I looking over our dead parents. I run to the side and vomit. It's one thing to see dead monsters, its another to see dead people.

  Anger replaces the heartache in my chest. "Farely. Why did these monsters attack? Where did they come from?" I ask the man as I wipe my mouth.

  "I'm not sure, Jax. The Scalcul usually keep to themselves. They never attack humans unprovoked, I don't understand why this happened." He says.

  "Farely!" A voice yells from behind us. We turn around to see an older woman with a gnarled wooden cane walking towards us in a fast walk. She seems to be in her sixties, but there is a strength to her. She has long gray hair pulled back into a ponytail and she is wearing simple brown pants and a white shirt. On her shoulders is a flowing green cloak, it shimmers and seems to be almost alive. She stops in front of us and looks me up and down and then speaks to Farely.

  "Give me a repor
t Head Ranger, Farely." She says in a firm tone.

  "Yes, ma'am. We were fighting off the last of the Scalculs when this man and his companions joined the fight. We have only re-entered the village and have not had time to get a casualty count." He looks over at me then leans over to the woman and whispers for a good minute. Her eyes go wide and she looks down at my hands.

  She turns towards me and then runs her fingers down a blue tattoo on her arm and then taps her forehead. "Greetings, stranger. I am Elder Livia. Thank you for your assistance." She says.

  "It was no problem. We were glad to help. I am Jax, and this is Kala and Doc." I say.

  At this point a small crowd has formed around us. Livia looks at us then at Farely. "Take the Rangers and help the wounded." She says to Farely. Then she turns to the crowd "What are you doing? Go! Help your fellow people." She yells at the people standing around us. They don't move for a moment. They are staring at Doc and Kala. "NOW!" Livia yells. The people snap out of it and disperse.

  "Please follow me." She says to me and my companions. She turns and walks to a well-kept house a few minutes away. A beautiful garden of flowers grows in front and to the side there is a vegetable garden. She opens the door and we enter the home. "Please have a seat at the table. I will grab us some drinks." Livia says. I look around the small home, it is quite pleasant, dried herbs hang about and a small skylight lets in the sun. There is a living room with a fireplace and a few soft looking leather chairs. There is a bedroom off to the side and a kitchen. On the wall above the fireplace is an impressive looking bow. I turn and look at Livia, I decide to Analyze her.

  Name: Livia Soorth

  Title: Elder

  Level: 42

  Synthesis: 42%

  Health: 350

  Stamina: 210

  Mental: 400

  Focus: Ranger

  Race: Human

  Disposition: ????

  Skills: Hidden

  Loot: ????

  Livia snaps her head around and looks at me, she looks angry. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Will you accept my apologies?" I ask her.

  "Jax! What did I tell you about analyzing people without their permission?" Kala yells at me. Livia looks at Kala and then me and chuckles.

  "It's okay. I was just startled. No one has used Analyze on me in a very long time."

  She walks towards a table and gestures for me to sit down. She places a tray down with four glasses of water and some fruits. "I'm not sure if everyone can partake of the drink and fruit, but be my guest if you can." Livia says.

  "I do not require organic substance. I am made out of a living metal call orthisa. I self repair and am able to consume other metals to replenish my Core, although I believe any other metal besides orthisa will.... change me." Doc says to Livia. "I thank you for your hospitality Elder." Then Doc makes the gesture of tapping his forehead. Livia taps her forehead back at him.

  "Yeah, I'm fine as well. I require nothing in this form. But thank you. I'd tap my forehead at you, but you know, no hands, or head, or body." Kala says. I look at her and roll my eyes.

  I get a notification that I completed the quest, but I will it to go away. I don't want to be rude. "So, Jax. How about you tell me your story? Your markings and your traveling companions are quite..... unique." Livia says.

  We sit there for a few hours as tell her how I got to this world and about Earth. "So, that's about it. I have only been here for a few days, so I can't be this Wanderer." I say with a sigh and rub my face.

  "That is quite the extraordinary tale, Jax. It is almost too much to be true, but I'm inclined to believe you. One of my skills is to tell if someone is lying to me." She looks me in the eyes. "You seem to be a bit tired, may I offer you some Patva?" She asks me.

  "Sure, why not." I say.

  Lavia stands up and gets a metal pot to fill it with water from a barrel. She then waves her hand in a strange movement and steam rises from the water. Then she scoops some green-brown powder from a jar and puts it into the pot. She pours me a glass. It smells slightly sweet and earthy. I take a sip, "This is really good! And it gave me a buff to alertness for one hour." I exclaim. It's definitely not coffee, but it's comforting and tastes like tea. "How did you heat the water like you did?" I ask her.

  She looks at me strange "You really must not be from this world. That was just a simple skill most people know, it is called Heat and raises the temperature of water and other items.

  "Jax, would you mind if I Analyze you." Livia asks me.

  "Um, yeah I guess that would be alright. I've never had someone ask me that before." I say.

  She smiles at me and says "You will be fine. You probably won't even notice."

  Kala giggles and whispers "That's what she said." I roll my eyes at her and smile.

  Livia stares at me then her jaw drops and her eyes get very wide. "Jax.... what are you? It says you are a Progenitor? What race is that? And these skills.... I have never seen some of these." She looks at me and then looks away, like she is scared. "Jax, most humans here have heard of Earth. The Wanderer has spoken of it for almost a thousand years. He appears in different lands and with a different face, but always with that mark you have on your right hand. He appears and helps protect people, sometimes living with them before moving on. Some think of him as a God that has taken a human form. He has never been seen in this part of the world before. But the tales of him have traveled everywhere. They all say he tells the same story you have just told, at least the part about coming from a vessel called a starship that left Earth in search of a new home." She paces back and forth and then stops "Jax, you must be the Wanderer. How can you have the mark and tell your story without my Truth skill telling me that you are lying? Although, the stories always tell that he traveled alone, and you have these strange companions." She makes a sound of frustration.

  "I'm sorry Jax, Kala, Doc. This has been quite a day. Would you be willing to stay with us for a bit? We have an extra house I can give you as a reward for helping protect our village. What do you say? We can arrange a hot bath and food for you." She looks at us.

  "Wait. Did you say you are giving me a house?" I ask.

  "Yes, it has been vacant for a few months. It can use some work, but it is a nice home." Livia says.

  "Well, I'm not sure I can accept a house. But I will take you up on that hot bath and food. We may stay for a bit." I say looking down at my filthy clothes.

  "Great! Then it's settled." She roots around in a box on the shelf and pulls out a key. "This is for you. If you guys would follow me I will show you the way." She hands me a key and I get a new notification.

  Congratulations! You have been rewarded a house in the village of Blue Creek. You now have a new building menu and options. Any items left in the house can't be lost or stolen. Resting in your house will provide a bonus. Enjoy!

  Chapter Eight: The Caste

  The twelve-foot tall Sword Strider impales the ground where I was just standing with its eight foot long razor sharp legs. I twirl around and amputate the leg. The monster screeches in pain and knocks me down with one of its remaining five legs. The leg slices my thigh, taking fifteen percent of my health.

  "Hey, Alfred? What do think? Should we end this?" I ask as I jump to the left avoiding being sliced in half.

  "Yes ma'am, that would be prudent." He says in his British accent.

  I grin and activate Blood-Shadow, my skin screams in pain and a mist of blood surrounds me. I disappear and then reappear standing on the giant insect's back. My daggers are a blur as I strike multiple times inflicting critical damage. Gore explodes around me as the Sword Striderdies. I do a back flip off and land on the ground like a superhero. "Too easy." I say.Elite Sword Strider (Lvl 12) has died. You receive 115 experience points. Congratulations! You have increased to level 10. You now have 10 attribute points to disperse. You may now choose a Focus.

  My wounds vanish as I level up, my body tingles and is filled with warmth. "Mmmmm, damn. Was that as good for you
as it was for me, Alfred?" I say with a laugh.

  "You ask me that every time you level up, ma'am. I am unable to experience the organic feelings you have." He says dryly.

  "Ugh, Alfred, you need to lighten up." I say.

  "Yes, ma'am." He says.

  "Greetings, human." A voice says behind me. I make a startled noise and spin around with my daggers out. A gray human like form stands before me. It almost looks like gray mist, or a swarm of tiny bugs.

  "Uh, where did you come from?" I ask backing away.

  "I am the Administrator. I visit all beings who reach level ten to offer them a Focus. Judging by your current list of skills I can offer you a number of different Focus paths." It says, its voice sounds like a million tiny people talking at once.

  "The Administrator huh? So maybe you can tell me how I got on this planet? And where is the rest of the passengers from the ship I was on?" I ask it. The Administrator just stands there, not saying anything. "You're not going to tell me anything are you?" I say. We stand there for a few minutes in silence. "Ugh, fine dude. Show me the Focus paths that are available to me."

  The Administrator waves its hand and a list appears in front of me.

  Twilight Ranger:

  This Focus is for users that live in the wilds. This Focus gives a bonus to perception, Tracking, Ambush, and Traps. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Beast Bond.

  The Way:

  This Focus is for users that follow the path of martial arts. This Focus gives a bonus to endurance and to the Martial Arts skill. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Blur Strike.

  Shadow Agent:

  This Focus is for users that live in the shadows. This Focus gives a bonus to dexterity, agility, and all Stealth based skills. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Shadow Step.

  I read over the three options. Then I read again. Damn. I really want them all, each of them sound really cool. Master Sun would want me to take The Way. I think about Thunder Wiger, yeah that's her name, I wonder how she would feel about Beast Bond? I'm not sure I would want to compel her to do anything she didn't want to do. "Hey, Admin guy, can I choose all three of these? And do I get an explanation of the skills listed?" I say. It just stands there, not talking or moving. "You know, you kind of suck." I say to the infuriating thing.


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