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Forager - the Complete Six Book Series (A Post Apocalyptic/Dystopian Series)

Page 11

by Peter R Stone

  "David...?" I asked.

  "He’ll live, but we've got to get back before more Skel find us," King snapped as he grabbed my right arm and hauled me roughly to my feet. Pain exploded through me and I almost blacked yet. “I’m sorry, did that hurt?” he mocked.

  Looking at my shoulder, I saw that he had removed the bolt and placed a sterile gauze pad over the wound, and bound up the shoulder with bandages. "Press here – I don't want you flaking on us on the way back, ‘cause then I’d have to carry your sorry backside."

  With Michal leading the way back through the restaurant towards the Bushmaster and our comrades, it took all my strength to put one foot in front of the other. That was with King practically dragging me along with him. He was armed with a pistol; his re-appropriated assault-rifle was slung over his back.

  As we left the dark kitchen, we heard the voices of several Skel who had entered behind us.

  "Faster!" King snarled.

  Somehow, we made it through the restaurant and safely back to the street, but had to give our faithful truck a wide berth as angry flames devoured it.

  “Cover us!” King shouted to the Custodian operating the machine gun on top of the Bushmaster. The private fired over the top of the burning truck – and just in time too – a group of Skel were charging out of the building behind us. The hail of bullets soon had them scampering for cover.

  With Shorty helping from inside the vehicle, Michal carried David carefully through the Bushmaster's rear door.

  After that, Shorty reached out and helped me onto a seat. “Thanks for saving David, Jones, you're a legend.”

  I gave Shorty a weak smile.

  King climbed into the vehicle, slammed and locked the door behind us.

  The Custodian manning the machine gun suddenly dropped back inside the vehicle moaning in pain. There was a crossbow bolt embedded in his shoulder. A Custodian private grabbed a med kit, carefully removed the bolt, and bound up the wound.

  King bellowed at the driver, “Go, go!”

  Remembering the roadside bombs the Skel had placed on the route we had come, I grabbed King's arm feebly. "Don't go back the way we came, keep going east and then circle back using a different route."

  "Belay that order!" King shouted to the driver. And then to me, "Why Jones?"

  "This was a meticulously laid trap, King. You think they're not expecting us to flee back the way we came?"

  He glared at me for a moment, and then told the driver to do what I suggested. The Bushmaster's idling engine roared to life and it quickly picked up speed as it surged eastwards down the street.

  I suddenly remembered what had transpired to bring about this debacle – Cooper, our new team leader, had fled the Skel with no thought to David's safety. The coward was still sitting there behind the driver, shaking with fear. My self-control snapped and I lunged at him, striking him weakly in the face with a bloody fist. I couldn't get another blow in because I doubled over in pain and collapsed on the narrow floor.

  Sending a look of pure venom in Cooper’s direction, Shorty helped me up and guided me back into my seat.

  After treating his wounded comrade, the Custodian with the med kit went to check on David.

  “How is he – he gonna be alright?” asked Michal, who was sitting next to David and keeping him in his seat.

  "Looks like just a concussion but we can't do anything more for him here. We need to get him checked out at the hospital.”

  I was relieved beyond measure to hear that my efforts to save David had not been in vain. He was going to be okay.

  King moved from his seat at the back of the Bushmaster so that he could sit across from me. He sat there for several minutes, glaring at me as the vehicle drove at high speeds away from the ambush site, rocking and bumping us as it passed over broken asphalt and shrubbery.

  He finally found his voice. “You’re a damn fool Jones, not only did you almost get us all killed, but you assaulted me, a Custodian, and stole my weapon! You’re looking at ten to fifteen in a hard labour factory.”

  Everyone was watching our exchange, both my teammates and the Custodians. They had all seen or heard me attack King, take his gun, and rush off alone to save David. Shorty and Michal looked on aghast when he mentioned the lengthy jail term.

  I think my face went a shade paler as his words sank in. Ten to fifteen years in prison? All my hopes, all my dreams, my entire life as I knew it, was gone. Still, to save David from the Skel it was a price worth paying. “I’m really sorry, Sir, but I just couldn’t let them take David.”

  King leaned closer. “So I noticed. And you know, Jones, I may not arrest you for what you did today.”

  I looked at him doubtfully. “I'm sorry, Sir?”

  “You're an enigma, Jones – a puzzle that doesn't make any sense. For example, explain how you disarmed me with one strike – where did you – a forager – learn how to do that?”

  “I don’t know, Sir. When you, ah, hesitated to go after David, my instincts just took over.”

  “Cut the bull, Jones. You delivered a perfect knife-hand strike to a pressure point on my arm. Who taught you how to do that?”

  I could see what was worrying him. Civilians were not permitted to learn the martial arts. “I’m serious, Lieutenant, I don’t know how I knew that. It just…happened.”

  “That’s garbage, Jones. And now on to the next question,” King said as he leaned even closer. “When did you do an advanced gun handling course?"

  "What do you mean?" I must admit that he had stumped me with that question.

  "There are perhaps half-a-dozen Custodians who could handle an Austeyr assault-rifle with as much skill as you demonstrated back there."

  I shook my head. "I just aimed and pulled the trigger."

  "I said to cut the bull, Jones! You changed the gun to semi-automatic fire, couched it against your shoulder like a pro, and took down Skel with one shot kills. Even I can't do that."

  "Lieutenant, seriously, I just grabbed the gun and used it. I’ve never done any form of gun handling course. I took up foraging as soon as I left school, and apart from the year I spent in the hospital after my accident, that's all I've ever done," I assured him.

  “What accident?”

  “A ceiling collapsed on me when I was foraging back in 2120, Sir.”

  “And you spent a whole year in the hospital for that?” he queried sceptically.

  “Apparently, Sir.”

  “What do you mean ‘apparently,’ did it happen or not?”

  “After the accident, I suffered from amnesia, Sir. I have no memories of that year.”

  King leaned even further forward. If he leaned any closer we’d be bashing our heads together every time the Bushmaster went over a bump. “Did it ever occur to you that you may have been a Custodian before your accident?”

  “No Sir,” I said, shocked by the suggestion – what a horrid thought! “My memories of leaving school and going straight into foraging are intact. It’s the memories of the year after that are missing. Besides, what you suggest is impossible. Once a Custodian, always a Custodian, right?”

  Which was quite possibly the worst thing to have said. Now King was probably back to suspecting I was part of some underground resistance movement, training its members to take on the Custodians. As if.

  "Unless you bombed out during boot camp, or were discharged due to medical reasons – and with an injury like amnesia, you would have been," he answered as he leaned back in his seat, but he wasn’t finished. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "As I said, something about you doesn't add up. When I get to the bottom of it I’ll decide whether or not to arrest you for today’s indiscretions."

  Actually, the reason he wasn’t arresting me right now was because of my pending marriage to his sister. What would his father say if he came home from work today and announced he had stuck his sister’s ticket to North End in prison for ten to fifteen years?

  Though to be honest, I had to admit I was just as surprised tha
t I had instinctively known how to use King's gun, since I'd never touched one before. At least, I had no memories of ever having done so. What if his suspicions were well founded? What if I had joined the Custodians or had been part of some underground, paramilitary resistance group? Both thoughts sent shivers down my spine.

  "Everyone, listen up," King said as he snapped his fingers to get our attention. "Regardless of what you think you saw happen today, Jones did the Lone Ranger thing and rushed off unarmed to try and save David. I went after him with Michal, I killed the four Skel who took David and wounded Jones, and then Michal and I brought them both back. Is that understood?"

  As everyone responded in the affirmative, I wondered what rank King would be next time I saw him. The thought occurred to me that if he were to stick with me, I would catapult him to that esteemed rank he sought in next to no time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When we got back to Newhome we found it a hive of activity. Custodian squads in Bushmasters and G-Wagons were patrolling the no-man’s land that surrounded the town. This was because several other foraging teams – what was left of them, anyway – returned before us. They had all been ambushed by Skel too.

  The town hospital looked like a field hospital in a war zone. Wounded Custodians and foragers filled the operating theatres, emergency department, and intensive care unit. Some suffered burns from Molotov cocktails and burning vehicles, others were shot with crossbows or hurt by booby-trap bombs. Others had broken bones or other injuries caused by Skel hand weapons. Doctors and nurses rushed back and forth with a frantic sense of purpose.

  Our foraging team and Custodian squad were the ‘lucky ones,’ as most of the other foragers had been wounded, killed or captured, and the Custodians hadn’t fared much better. Four more foraging teams had yet to report in. This was truly the darkest day in Newhome’s recent history. The thought of some of our brave, faithful men captured by the Skel weighed heavily upon our hearts. –No one deserved to receive such an appalling fate – to be worked to death as a slave.

  The technician who X-rayed my wound said I was lucky because the crossbow bolt hadn’t done any serious damage. Somehow it did not penetrate as deeply as it should have. When I told him it had been fired at point blank range, he said he suspected that the crossbow string had lost much of its tension. For the first time, I was relieved the Skel did not maintain their weapons very well.

  After that, they stitched up the wound, wrapped my chest in bandages, and gave me a blood transfusion.

  After I was transferred to intensive care, I attempted to snatch some sleep, a difficult task due to the noise of visiting families and hospital staff. Just as I was drifting off, wouldn’t you know it, Lieutenant King made a house call.

  “Leave us,” he snapped at Michal, who had been keeping me company.

  Michal quickly retreated to join Shorty and David, who’s his bed was at the other end of the room.

  “Do you feel as bad as you look?” King asked gruffly as he stood stiffly before my bed.

  “I've felt better, Sir.”

  “I suppose you’ve heard the Skel hit all our foraging teams today. Two teams haven’t even come back, which means they must have taken out the Bushmasters as well. All the foraging trucks were lost.”

  “So I heard, Sir.”

  “Any ideas why the Skel have done this?”

  “It could be in revenge for us wiping out their twelve-man party on Monday,” I suggested.

  “But that’s not what you think, is it?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Don’t pussyfoot with me, Jones, out with it.”

  “I think today's attacks, and last Monday’s attack on the Japanese cars, are part of a greater plan against Newhome. Though what it is I have no idea,” I answered carefully, expecting him to refute my suggestion.

  His face, however, remained neutral. “Okay, Jones. Let’s say I buy this theory of yours, but there’s one big problem with it.”

  “How did a loose collection of nomadic tribes manage to coordinate such a carefully thought out plan to attack all of our foraging teams on the same morning – teams that were spread all around Melbourne,” I asked.

  “Exactly – any ideas how they did it?”

  “This is how,” I said as I opened my right hand to show him what I had been holding all that time. (Michal retrieved it from my trouser pocket earlier.)

  King’s face became almost as pale as mine as he reached down to take the Smartphone from my hand. “Where did you get this?”

  “From one of the Skel, Sir.”

  "And you leave it till now to tell me?"

  "Sorry, with the injury and all it slipped my mind, Sir."

  “Fair enough. I’ll be off now, I have to hand this in.” He turned to leave.

  “The conclusion you’ve reached isn’t necessarily the correct one,” I said quickly.

  He turned back to me. “And what conclusion is that?”

  “That Hamamachi is supplying Smartphones to the Skel.”

  King stared at me long and hard. “You know about Councillor Okada offering to trade Smartphones with us? That information is classified.”

  Classified because they intended to offer the imported phones only to North Enders and Custodians, no doubt.

  “I noticed our Japanese visitors had working Smartphones when we rescued them,” I said. I could not admit Nanako was alone with me at my place last night.

  “Okay, how else do you explain the Skel having them?” he demanded, holding up the phone, which was identical to the one Nanako had.

  “If Hamamachi is willing to trade them with us, they must be trading them with other Victorian towns too. And who knows, maybe someone else has worked out how to repair them.”

  King did not look at all convinced, but his face suddenly softened and he asked, “Will we see you tonight? Or do you have orders to remain in the hospital for a few days?”

  “Forget doctor’s orders,” I assured him with far more gusto than I felt. “I will see you tonight.”

  "Oh, one last thing." The softness I had seen on his face a moment ago vanished.

  "Yes, Lieutenant?"

  He leaned closer. "I checked the log of Custodian recruits from late '19 to early 2120 – and your name isn't in it."

  "I already told you I went straight into foraging, Sir."

  "As far as you remember, right?"

  I nodded.

  "This amnesia excuse is only going to cover you so far, Jones. I'm going to keep digging till I get to the bottom of this, and if I discover that you learned gun handling skills illegally, I’m going to nail you to the wall!" He stormed off in a huff.

  Michal rejoined me a few minutes after King left. "What did he want?"

  "He wanted to know my thoughts about the Skel attacking our foraging parties today."

  "You're kidding," he exclaimed, "King asked for your opinion?"

  "I know, right? Last thing I ever thought he'd do, though true to form he mixed in a few threats too. Hey, is David awake yet?"

  "He is, but he won't say anything, just stares into space."

  I reached over and ripped the needle out of my left hand and pressed a tissue over the hole until it stopped bleeding.

  "What are you doing?" Michal asked with concern.

  "Help me get dressed, will you? I want to see David and find out what's up." I hoped he didn't have amnesia or something like that. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't regret the gaping hole in my mind of eleven months I had no memory of living.

  Michal stared at me for a moment as though I was out of my mind, but then came over and helped me out of bed. My clothes had been stuffed unceremoniously into a large brown bag and placed in a cupboard beside the bed. Michal helped me out of the hospital gown and I struggled to get dressed. Since the nurses had thrown away my blood soaked shirt, he gave me his jacket to wear. It was several sizes too big, but at least it was clean. Getting my left arm into the jacket was agonisingly painful, but I gritted my
teeth and put up with it. Adversity was something to cope with and overcome, not pander to.

  "I need a sling." I searched the cupboard beside my bed.

  "Hang on, I'll be back," he said before disappearing into the swirling crowd of doctors, nurses, patients and family members. I hadn’t contacted my family. I had enough on my mind without them fussing over me too.

  Michal returned a moment later with a sling and helped me put it on.

  "Thanks Michal, I really don't know what I'd do without you."

  "Do more things yourself?" he suggested.

  "Hey, under the circumstances, I don't think that's particularly fair." I pretended to be hurt.

  Michal replied with the hint of a smile.

  "Mr. Jones, what do you think you're doing?" a young nurse demanded as he approached us. He was male, like all nurses and hospital staff, except for those in the maternity ward.

  "Checking out," I replied.

  "You need to remain under supervision for at least twenty-four hours," he insisted.

  "Look, I'll rest better at home, and you've got your hands full, right?"

  Realising I could not be swayed, he held up his hands. "Fine, but let me at least give you your course of antibiotics."

  I yielded to his request and waited while he went to fetch them. He returned a moment later with a bottle of pills and gave me instructions to take them twice a day with food.

  That done, Michal and I went over to see David. He was lying down with his head wrapped in thick white bandages, staring straight ahead with a blank expression, just as Michal had told me.

  Shorty was sitting cross-legged on the foot of the bed, but clambered off to greet me as we approached. "What are you doing walking around, Jones? You're whiter than a ghost."

  "I've spent enough time in hospital beds," I replied, and then stepped over to David, overjoyed to see him safe. I panicked so badly when the Skel had taken him, terrified we'd lost him forever.


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