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Safe With Me

Page 17

by Kristen Proby

  “Do you have any more information for us?” Isaac asks Matt and pulls his wife to her feet.

  “No,” Matt shakes his head.

  “I’m out of here.”

  Isaac leads Stacy out the door and we hear him start his truck and peel out of the driveway.

  Jules is crying in earnest now and Nate pulls her into his lap, rubbing his big hand up and down her back and whispering in her ear, trying to calm her. Natalie’s face is pressed to Luke’s chest, where tears run silently down her cheeks.

  Will stands and crosses to his father, his eyes full of anger and disgust and stops, toe to toe with the older man.

  “I want to deck you right now. But out of respect for my mother, I’ll say this: I never expected to be this disappointed in you. Not you.”

  Will shakes his head and turns away, striding quickly to the front door. Meg brushes tears from her cheeks and follows behind him.

  Caleb’s gaze hasn’t left his father since he began speaking. He hasn’t moved. His face is white and his body is tight, and I can feel the anguish rolling off of him.

  Tears are rolling down my own face, though I barely feel them. I don’t know what the fuck to do, so I do what feels right. I wrap my arms around Caleb and hold him. He unfolds his arms and wraps them around me tightly, pulling me against him. His body is practically humming with agitation.

  “I think…” Matt begins but pauses and swallows hard. “I think this meeting is over. Just keep your eyes and ears open, everyone.”

  As he passes by Caleb and me, he pats my shoulder reassuringly and walks out the front door, closing it quietly behind him.

  “Come on,” Steven says to Gail. “Let’s go and let them process all of this.” He looks about the room, to his friends sitting shell-shocked at the dining table, his children, Luke’s siblings. “I love you all very much. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that you had to find out about Dom this way.”

  He stops in front of Jules, his face in absolute torment, as he gazes down at his daughter. “Jules,” he whispers.

  Jules jumps up out of Nate’s arms and launches herself at her father, holding him tightly. “I love you so much, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, baby girl.”

  Jules hugs her mother and sniffs loudly as she pulls back and we all watch them walk out the front door.

  “Fucking-A,” Caleb whispers.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “He fucked around on my mother!” I yell and pace the living room, still mad as hell an hour after everyone has left after the meeting.

  “Caleb…” Brynna begins but I cut her off.

  “Do not try to defend him.”

  “I’m not,” she shakes her head. “But honestly, your mom is right. It happened a long time ago.”

  “Everything he taught us was a fucking lie.” I push my hand through my hair and stare out the front window into the dark yard. The sun set a long time ago.

  “No it wasn’t, Caleb. Did you ever stop to think that that man was teaching you based on his own mistakes? He didn’t want you to make the same ones he did.”

  I exhale and close my eyes.

  Damn her for making sense.

  “Your dad loves your mom fiercely. It’s obvious to anyone who sees them.”

  “I have a brother I didn’t even know about!” I exclaim and pace the room again.

  “He didn’t know either. There’s no way that if Steven knew he’d fathered a child he would have abandoned him, Caleb. You know that.” She watches me pace, her face calm and eyes watchful, and I suddenly feel like a dick.

  “You’re right,” I mutter and pull my hand down my face. “He wouldn’t have. But it’s fucking bullshit that he left my mom right after I was born.”

  “It’s called being human. Frankly, I’m relieved that the Montgomerys aren’t as perfect as they all look from the outside.” She chuckles and I scowl at her.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, come on, Caleb. Your parents are still happily married, all of you are super-model gorgeous, you all get along with each other.” She ticks off each point with her fingers. “You have one brother who is a freaking professional football player, you’re a SEAL…”

  “Was,” I interrupt, but she keeps going.

  “You’re all successful. It’s like none of you could do any wrong, and you’re this cookie cutter perfect family. Well, surprise, you’re all human after all.” She shrugs and watches me carefully, as I stand here and just stare at her.

  “Matt likes kinky sex, there is nothing perfect about him,” I inform her, trying to keep a straight face.

  “Oh, get real, you like the kinky shit too,” she waves me off, but I smile wolfishly at her.

  “Not that kinky, but I wouldn’t mind tying you up sometime, Legs.”

  She laughs and shakes her head, then stands and crosses to me.

  “Give it some time,” she urges and wraps her arms around my waist. “You might find that Dominic is a nice guy.”

  “He could be a homicidal maniac. An asshole. A Denver fan,” I cringe and shudder at the thought, making Bryn laugh and for the first time all day, I feel my body relax.

  “He might just be a regular guy who wants to know what his biological father is like,” she counters with a grin. “From what I remember when we met him at lunch, he’s handsome.”

  “You met him too?” I ask, surprised.

  “Briefly, yeah. Your dad was trying to get them out of there fast when he saw us. He seemed normal.” She fiddles with the button on my shirt, but before I can ask more questions, there’s a knock on the door.

  “Expecting anyone?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

  “I called my mom and asked her to bring the kids home. I miss them.” She grins shyly and I kiss her soft forehead before opening the front door. Two small girls and an eager dog come bounding inside, with Brynna’s parents close behind them.

  “Thanks for bringing them home.” Brynna smiles at her parents and hugs both girls close.

  “No problem. They were ready to come home anyway.”

  “Grandpa says we’re bad for his high pressure,” Josie informs her mother with a serious face.

  “He says we’ll give him vagina,” Maddie joins in and I snort before catching the laugh that wants to come out of me.

  “Angina,” he corrects them and rolls his eyes. “You’ll give me angina.”

  “That’s what I said,” Maddie counters.

  “We’ll head out, honey.” Eloise hugs Brynna close and kisses my cheek as she passes by.

  “Thanks again, Mom. And don’t forget that Monday night is our monthly night out with the gang, so the kids will be back with you that night.”

  “No problem,” Eloise smiles.

  “I don’t think we’ll be going to that, Bryn,” I begin but am met with a glare from Brynna.

  “I will have a cop, a SEAL, a professional football player and a former UFC fighter with me, Caleb. I will be well taken care of.” She props her fists on her hips and looks at me like I’m nuts.

  “I guess when she puts it like that,” I shrug and smile. Her parents laugh as they leave and the girls immediately start chatting about their night with their grandparents.

  Bix wanders over to me and I settle on the couch with him half in my lap and half on the couch. With all of his training, he still hasn’t figured out that he’s not a lap dog. I’m content to scratch his belly and gently massage around his bad ear, earning moans of pleasure from the big goof as the girls talk excitedly to their mother.

  She’s such a good mom.

  She smiles happily at the girls and gestures for them to join her on the loveseat adjacent to where I’m sitting, settling one on each side of her, wrapping her arms around them and kissing their heads.

  I wish I’d seen her with them when they were babies. What a sight it must have been to watch her soothe them, cuddle them.

  Nurse them.

  “My tooth is l
oose!” Josie tells her excitedly.

  “It is?” Brynna asks. “Let me see.”

  Josie shows her mother her loose top front tooth and then turns around to show me. “See, Caleb?”

  “I see. Let me go get my pliers, I’ll take it out for you.”

  “No!” Josie giggles and covers her mouth with her little hand.

  “My tooth isn’t loose,” Maddie pouts with a long face.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Brynna chuckles and kisses her cheek. “It will be soon.”

  “Can we watch a movie, mama?” Josie asks with a yawn.

  “I think it’s time for bed, sweetheart.”

  “I want Caleb to tuck me in,” Maddie responds and turns her big brown eyes on me, gazing at me hopefully.

  “Come on,” I snap my fingers and Bix jumps off my lap, happy to head upstairs to bed. I scoop both girls up and carry them, one under each arm, like they’re sacks of potatoes, making them giggle like crazy. “I’ll dump you in bed!”

  “Mom! Help!”

  “You’re on your own,” Brynna laughs as I climb the stairs. “I have a kitchen to clean.”

  “I’ll be down to help in a while!” I call down to her as I toss the girls on their beds.

  Time to put them to bed and have some quiet time with their sexy mother.


  “Yellow stripe, corner pocket,” Will calls out and takes his shot, easily sinking the ball.

  The pub is loud thanks to an old jukebox in the corner playing Livin’ On a Prayer and the girls at a nearby table laughing their mostly drunk asses off.

  “You know,” I mention to Nate who’s sitting on a stool next to me, watching Will shoot. “Your wife is the loudest one over there and she isn’t drinking anything other than water.”

  Nate laughs and looks over at my sister with humor and love. “She likes to have fun with her friends,” he murmurs.

  “They all do,” Will agrees as he joins us after missing his last shot.

  “Woot! Woot!” Meg chirps and the whole group collapses into a fit of giggles just as a waitress arrives with plates of food for them all.

  “Our girls can eat,” Luke remarks and motions with his chin as heaping plates of ribs and nachos and chicken in baskets with fries are laid out on the table before them.

  “I’d rather that than Stacy starving herself,” Isaac mutters and circles the table, looking for the best shot.

  I silently agree. I love watching a woman eat.

  “Nat’s sexy when she eats,” Luke mutters, almost to himself, mirroring my thoughts.

  “Hey, ace!” Jules calls from the table, waving the dessert menu about. “They have chocolate cheesecake! I’m getting two slices!” She holds up two fingers and laughs, turning back to the girls.

  “Nope, not afraid to eat, those girls,” Will laughs and pats a laughing Nate on the shoulder.

  “Where’s Matt?” Isaac asks, checking his watch. “We’ve been here for almost an hour.”

  “We’ve only been here an hour and Meg is already that drunk?” Will asks, a horrified expression on his face, making us laugh.

  Just then we all go quiet as we see Matt walk through the door with a tall, dark-haired man with him. As we watch, the stranger smiles, listening intently to what Matt is telling him as he leads him to the girl’s table.

  I don’t have to ask to know who the stranger is. It’s like looking at a darker version of my father thirty years ago.

  “Oh, hell no,” Isaac growls but Will stops him with a hand on his chest.

  “Chill out, man,” he murmurs to him softly. “This is no more his fault than it is ours.”

  Isaac scowls over at Will and then back to where the girls are smiling and giggling at something Dom has said. He shakes each of their hands respectfully, but when he gets to Jules, he stops and holds her hand in his for a moment, his face sober and watchful. Jules’ eyes are glued to him in awe, and finally, she hops off her stool and hugs him close and smiles up at him happily. He smiles back, pats her shoulder if somewhat awkwardly and Jules takes her seat and digs into her nachos. Natalie also offers him a hug and a smile before he and Matt begin to walk this way.

  Three siblings down.

  “I have someone for you guys to meet,” Matt begins as he and Dom approach. Dom’s blue eyes are wary and reserved.


  Luke steps forward and offers his hand. “I’m Luke Williams, Natalie’s husband,” he gestures to his beautiful brunette wife and shakes Dom’s hand.

  “Dom Salvadore,” he responds.

  “Nate,” Nate stands and offers his hand. “Jules’ husband.”

  “Will, the youngest brother.” Will approaches Dom and shakes his hand, holding his gaze. “Do you like football?” he asks, making us all smirk.

  “I don’t watch much of it, I admit,” Dom responds with a half smile. “But I hear you play.”

  “That’s right,” Will confirms, still holding Dom’s hand tightly. “Don’t tell me you play European football,” he sneers.

  “Some,” Dom says with a slight nod. “Europeans don’t wear pads to protect them like the American pussies do.”

  We all hold our breath and watch for Will’s reaction. He stares at Dom, blinks twice, and then busts out laughing.

  “Fuck you, man.”

  Dom turns to me and I shake his hand, pleased that his own grip is firm and strong. Mom always said, you can tell a lot about a person by their handshake.

  So far, I don’t have any complaints.

  “I’m Caleb,” I tell him.

  “You’re the one in the military?” He asks.

  “I was, yes.”

  He nods and leans in to murmur to me, “Thank you for your service, man. It’s an honor to meet you.”

  Well fuck.

  I just nod as Isaac approaches, still scowling.

  “I’m Isaac.”

  “The oldest,” Dominic responds.

  “That’s right,” Isaac confirms and shakes Dom’s hand. “I’m not sure how I feel about you yet.”

  “Well, that makes two of us, I guess,” Dom nods and steps back, eyeing us all. “I wasn’t expecting to discover that Steven Montgomery has such a large family. I had no idea what I’d find, to be honest.”

  “Let’s get some food and more beer over here,” Luke suggests and motions for a waitress whose eyes light up and she scrambles to come take our order.

  “What made you come looking for him now?” I ask as he takes a seat and a beer from the waitress.

  “My mom died last fall,” he begins and takes a swig of beer then grimaces as he looks at the label. “She never told me about my biological father.”

  “Did she ever marry?” Matt asks.

  “No,” Dom shakes his head and I can’t help but feel for the guy. Growing up without a father would suck.

  “After she passed, I was going through her things, and I found a letter from her.” He shrugs and clears his throat. “She explained who he was, and what she could remember about him, in case I wanted to try to find him.”

  “Steven said you grew up in Italy?” Nate asks.

  “Partly, yes,” he nods and shifts in his chair. “My mom’s family was still there, and when I was about five she moved us there so she would have her family nearby. We moved back to the states when I was fifteen. I went back in the summer and I studied there for a while. My grandparents died a few years ago, and I inherited their property there.”

  “Do you visit often?” Will asks. “I’ve been dying to get Meg over there, we just haven’t had time to go.”

  “I don’t go as often as I’d like because I own a business here, but you and Meg are welcome to use the house there whenever you want.” He shrugs like it’s the most natural thing in the world to offer his Italian home to his newly found brother to use whenever the mood strikes him.

  Maybe Bryn’s right; he’s just a normal guy.

  “Are you married?” Isaac asks him and crosses his arms over his chest.

/>   “No,” Dom shakes his head and smiles ruefully. “Too busy for that. But I met your lovely wife.”

  “What do you do?” Nate asks him calmly.

  “I run two vineyards. One here in Washington and one in Italy, although a cousin of mine runs the one in Italy for the most part these days.”

  As he continues to tell the guys about the wines he makes here in Washington, I notice the girls are laughing hysterically and suddenly, Jules yells over to us all, “Hey! Brynna can suck the fuck out of a bone!”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Caleb! Did you know that Brynna can suck the fuck out of a bone?” Jules yells in the general direction of the guys, earning snorts of laughter from the other girls.

  “Of course he does,” Natalie giggles and points at me as she reaches for another hand full of fries. “Hello! She probably blows him all the damn time.”

  “Oh yeah!” Jules exclaims and laughs her ass off.

  “Um, hello!” I spread my arms out to my sides and stare at the girls, my mind just a little cloudy from the liquor. “I’m right here.”

  “Dude, do you blow him a lot?” Stacy asks me and sucks on a rib.

  I blink at her and look over at Meg, Jules and Nat, but they’re all staring at me, waiting for my answer.

  “Of course,” I reply with a shrug.

  Meh, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

  “I knew it!” Nat yells and pumps her fist.

  “Ew!” Jules exclaims and laughs. “So don’t want to know this.”

  “I think I’ve found someone new I’d blow,” Stacy murmurs and wiggles her eyebrows, her eyes pinned to Dom.

  “I know, right?” I exclaim and take a sip of my sex on the beach before reaching for another rib, much to Jules’ delight. “Jules, I have to tell you, your new brother is hot as hell.”

  “It’s the Montgomery genes,” Meg agrees and stuffs nachos in her mouth. “They’re like, super-human or something.”


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