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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

Page 22

by T. L. Wainwright

  About the Author

  M. B. Feeney is an army brat who finally settled down in Birmingham, UK with her other half, two kids and a dog. She often procrastinates by listening to music of all genres and trying to get ‘just one more paragraph’ written on whichever WIP is open; she is also a serious doodler and chocoholic. Writing has been her one true love ever since she could spell, and publishing is the final culmination of her hard work and ambition.

  Her publishing career began with two novellas, and she currently has multiple projects under way, in the hopes that her portfolio of what have been described as “everyday love stories for everyday people” will continue to grow. Always having something on the go can often lead to block which eventually gets dissolved by good music and an even better book.

  Her main reason for writing is to not only give her readers enjoyment, but also to create a story and characters that stay with readers long after the book is finished, and possibly make someone stop and think “what if...”

  Her Other Works:

  Right Click, Love

  Just Like in the Movies


  The One That Got Away

  Dear Diary



  Dear John

  The Exchange Series: The Complete Collection

  It Started in Texas

  Looking Back from L.A.

  Keep up with her at:

  Leaving Home


  Alyvia Paige


  She’s my best friend’s little sister.

  I’d just enlisted in the United States Army.

  The two reasons that I should stay away are the very same reasons why I can’t.

  The opinionated, headstrong, gorgeous woman captured my attention when she refused to back down from a challenge. I kissed her on the tarmac and murmured a quick goodbye.

  All choices have consequences, it’s how we handle them that morph the challenges we’ll face.

  The question is, will Teagan choose to back off of our newly formed relationship or will she rise to the challenge with me?

  Chapter 1: Teagan

  “Ben you promised!” I shout and stomp my foot like a five-year-old in the midst of a tantrum.

  “Teag, I already told you Tucker is going so you’ll have the next best thing to me. He’ll also make sure to keep the douchebags at bay.”

  “It’s just… Ben, it’s our last year for Fright Night over Atlanta. Six Flags in the pitch black of night is a tradition!” My frustration turns to sadness as it hits me all over again. I’m graduating in a few months and my big brother decided it would be a great plan to enlist in the United States Army. At least he doesn’t have to ship out to basic for a few months.

  “Teagan, it’s fine. We’ve got time,” he soothes. “Now dry your eyes and get ready.” He shoots me a wink and smiles as his phone starts ringing.

  “Love you!” I call after him as I make my way to my room. Once I’m in my room, I move to the makeup desk I have set up. Mom and dad purchased it as a study desk, but I have clearly made better use of it. I have everything organized; each item in its place as if the process of makeup application only works if everything is in its exact order. I sit with my brushes to the right, primer, concealer, and foundation at the helm and to the left is my mascara, blush, and eye shadow. Taking a deep breath and wiping my face dry, I get to work applying my Bare Minerals products, giving myself a natural look for the night. My overall made up face is still very much me, I’m not a transforming application kind of girl. I like to feel as if there is nothing there and look quite familiar to the me without makeup.

  My phone pings just as I cap the mascara.

  Tucker: Hey. Wanna grab some dinner before the bus leaves?

  Me: Tuck, you don’t have to go. I don’t want you strong-armed to be Ben’s stand in.

  Tucker: I’ll never be strong armed by Ben. I’m stronger. Now, dinner?

  Me: I’ll be ready in 20

  Tucker: Just looked into your window, you’re done with your makeup. I’ll be there in 10.

  The man staring at me from his bedroom window of his childhood home is none other than Tucker Elliot Hoyt. Ben’s best friend, the golden boy both internally and externally and stands at least six feet. His athletic build and smoldering eyes, not that he uses them to his advantage, at least not with me. He doesn’t see me that way. He’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever known, even in comparison to Ben, and he’s an amazing sibling. I’d crushed on Tucker since we were all kids. Nevertheless, I’ve given up on that fantasy when Tucker left for college two years ago. He has options I don’t dare myself to compare to. But I have to say, he’s always coming to the rescue. Even living two hours away at college.

  “Teagan,” my mother’s voice echoes off the stairwell into my room. “Tuck is here.”

  Grabbing my jacket from the hall closet, I smile up at Tucker when I see his oversized hoodie over a plaid flannel and jeans. October in Alabama is beautiful but the temperature can drop at night, and then add in riding rides, it gets chilly.


  I’m being dramatic.

  It’s like 60 degrees, but that’s cold.

  “I’m ready.” I smile brightly. “Bye parentals, don’t wait up.” I call out over my shoulder and push Tucker’s tushy to move out the door.

  “In a hurry, smalls?” Tucker’s smile is teasing as he rounds his lifted truck. “So, I was thinking Figo. Is that alright?”

  “Sure, though I’m not that hungry.”

  Tucker glances at me then returns his gaze to the road. “You’ll eat. It’s pasta; you’ve never not eaten pasta.”

  “No Dad, not if I’m not hungry,” I sass.

  “I ain’t your daddy, but you are skinnier than you were just a few months ago when I left for school. You need food.”

  I blush at his acknowledgment and turn my attention out the window. Warmth settles over me as Tucker’s hand imprints on my thigh.

  “Teag, you alright?” He chuckles; the jerk actually enjoys watching my discomfort.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m uhm, I’m fine,” I stammer and refuse to make eye contact.

  “You need me to flip the air on? You’re looking a bit flushed.” His playful tone catches my attention and earns him a glare.

  “Stop messing with me, dick.” I laugh and push his hand off my leg.

  “But it’s so easy, and I’m pretty sure you like it.”

  “Ugh, just drive Romeo.” I laugh at his scoff and then sigh as my body temperature begins to lower.

  “Let’s go, Juliette,” Tucker singsongs as he holds the door open to the fast stop Italian and Panini press restaurant.


  We continue our playful banter back and forth in line as we order and while devouring our delectable carbs. Just another day. Tucker may be best friends with my brother, but we’re close too. Sometimes, heart achingly close. I’ve trained my mind to not want Tucker Elliot Hoyt, but my heart sometimes forgets. A lot.

  And God, he makes it so hard to remember it’s a bad idea.

  Chapter 2: Tucker

  Teagan squirms under my gaze. She always has. I used to tease her for fun but now I have to remind myself to back off. To not lead her on. To be the best friend, not the boyfriend. Her life is about to change in more than one way. Ben was just texting me this morning about Nancy wanting to relocate to Minnesota. Who in the hell wants to move to Minnesota? It snows there. Balls freeze off there. No thanks. Not to mention it’s a long fucking distance for a weekend trip.

  “Now you look like you’re thinking too much,” Teagan’s soft voice breaks through my thoughts.

  “I was, but I’m good.” Twisting a huge heap of fettucine noodles onto my fork, I ask, “How’s school going?”

  “School is school. Jameson asked me to prom, but I haven’t given him an answer yet.” Teagan’s shrug is noncommittal as she continues
to eat.

  “Jameson? What a little shit.” I mumble. He’s not good enough for Teag. Hell, no one is.

  Not even me.

  “What was that?” she probes although I know good and well she heard me.

  “He’s trash. Say no.”

  “Tucker, he’s fine. He’s nice,” she argues, “I’ll be graduating in a few months anyway. Early grad, remember?”

  “Mm hmm.” I roll my eyes then continue eating until I’ve cleared my plate. I need to remember, I have no right to butt in.


  “I still don’t know why I couldn’t just drive us, Teagan.”

  “Because it’s fun to ride with the group. Just. Sit.” Teagan pushes me into an old school bus bench seat and plops down next to me.

  “If you say so.” I shrug and make myself comfortable. I don’t miss the current passing through our jeans as our legs rest snugly against each other. The only part of us not touching is our hands and heads. A peace I haven’t felt in quite a while settles over me as I rest my head against the back of the seat.

  About 20 minutes into the ride, I feel her eyes on me. She hasn’t moved her body which tells me it’s only her head turned toward me.

  “What Teag?” I ask with a smirk.

  “Nothing,” she whispers in response then sighs softly.

  I untuck my hands from the pocket of my hoodie, pull it off and toss it into a heap in my lap. Resituating myself, I settle and link pinky fingers with Teagan. When we were little kids, it was our secret code. Interlock and squeeze means all is well.

  “Tuck,” she whispers again, but I ignore the warning in her voice and rest our hands at the joining of our legs where no nosy ass could see that we had our fingers were interlocked. It’s not that I mind the physical connection hidden by the hoody, but Teag needs a quiet, non-harassed life. These blood-sucking gossipers would make her life hell until the next story breaks. I close my eyes and relax again into the seat, enjoying the warmth from both the hoodie and the connection with Teagan.


  “Alright, I know you’re all grown, kind of, however, you need to shut your mouths and listen up.” Roger, the church youth leader shouts over the rambunctious group of teens ranging in age from 15 – 18 as well as some young adults that were once in the youth department before heading off to college.

  We’ve been members of the Brick Church of Cullman since birth. Every Sunday and Wednesday we were there, sitting in the front rows during service and on the couches during the teen sessions. We dressed in our best clothes and paid attention. Learning life lessons and building relationships in a safe place.

  “Thank you. As I was saying,” Roger pauses ensuring everyone’s attention. “Stay in groups. Act and behave like the respectable kids you are. No dark blue, no hot pink and no purple. This is a boy – boy, girl – girl and boy – girl free-from-contact event. Remember we are watching and so is your Maker.”

  I cough into my sleeve as Roger drones on and receive an elbow to the gut from Teag.

  “Now, go forth, have fun. We leave the park at twelve-thirty. Be at the entrance by that time.”

  All at once, the group of sixty-seven disperses in different directions.

  “Does a group actually require more than two people? I’m good with being a massive group of two,” I grumble as a handful of Teagan’s twiggy gymnastic team members linger to see where she goes. She’s the queen of this pack no matter if she wants to be or not. It’s a Finley family quality, love it or hate it.

  Chapter 3: Teagan

  “Oh Tuck, it’s fine.” I snicker. He loathes when the girls blankly stand around as if they have no brain to take action without direction. I mean, I get it. It annoys me too.

  “Mm hmm.” Nudging me with his right side, he begins walking toward the Batman ride.

  “Ugh, I don’t like this ride, Teagan!” Bella George is already bellyaching. She lasted a whole ten minutes, folks.

  “Then don’t ride it,” Tucker grumps.

  “I don’t think I was talking to you, Tucker Hoyt.” She pouts and flips her hair over her shoulder then storms forward.

  “Such a meanie head,” I feign disdain and shove him. He barely stumbles before bending slightly and grasping me at the back of my thighs. Tossing me over his shoulder effortlessly, he laughs. “Put me down, you brute!” I shout through my own laughter.

  “You should be nicer to your elders, Teagan Marie.”

  “Oh no! Pulling out the middle name. Shi…stuffs getting real now,” I sass.

  Tucker deposits me at the front of the fast pass line. Yes, we’re those people that will pay more money to wait less time. Those that don’t aren’t normal. I mean, who willingly enjoys waiting in line? Oh wait… three-fourths of our group. That’s who.

  “Front of the ride, Teag. You know the drill,” Tucker’s deep voice tickles my ear as he nudges me forward. Gooseflesh breaks out covering me head to toe.

  The random flirting and boundary pushing continued from one end of the park to the other. We rode the Goliath, my favorite ride three times and are in line for the fourth and final time. It scales over twenty stories in height then drops out going speeds of up to seventy miles per hour through 4,480 feet of track.

  “Teagan, just ride the next cart back. Otherwise you’ll be three ahead of us.” Bella whines.

  “It’s fine. We’ll wait for you at the exit,” Tucker repeats for the second time, agitation lacing his words.

  Seventy miles per hour. One minute and forty-five seconds. That’s how long I treasured Tucker holding my hand. His long calloused thumb stroking mine gently. I wasn’t scared; I’ve ridden this ride more times than I can count. Still, the comfort calmed me, gave me a sense of peace that I usually don’t have.

  The seat restraints unlock and we exit the loading and unloading dock quickly so the next group can go. I look back and just as Bella had whined, they’ll be three rides behind us.

  “Come on Teag, we’ll wait on the exit ramp.” Tucker places his hand on the small of my back again, causing a flurry of heat to course through my veins, settlings in my belly and at the apex of my thighs. Just down the first winding ramp, I stop and lean against the wood railing. Tucker stops just beside me, our bodies touching.

  With a gentle sweep of his hand, Tucker brushes a few wisps of hair from my face tucking them behind my ear. “You’re flushed again, Teag,” he says standing in front of me now, his eyes roaming my face.

  “Hmm, must be the adrenaline,” I murmur. My tongue quickly darts out, wetting my lips, as I watch Tucker’s eyes focus intently on them.

  “Teag,” his voice pleading, lusty, conflicted. “Tell me no.”

  I shake my head no to his request as his face moves toward mine I’ve been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember. Even if my head knows I should be saying no, I can’t, I can’t tell my heart to follow. “Not saying no, Tucker,” I whisper.

  I inhale just before his lips caress mine gently, expertly. My body feels as if it’s engulfed in flames. His hands find my cheeks and move into my hair. My lips part and our kiss deepens as I moan into his mouth, hardly aware of the people exiting the ride. Never in my wildest fantasies that I was kissing Tucker Elliot Hoyt, did it feel like this.

  Tucker is turning me to mush; I’m putty in his hands. Gliding my fingers up his stomach feeling the valleys of his abs, I reach his taut shoulders and squeeze his traps as hard as I’m having to squeeze my thighs to ease my pulsing and aching core.

  “Teagan,” Tucker murmurs against my lips. “Shit, I’ve wanted to do that for years.”

  “Years?” I whisper, panting as our eyes lock. Tucker moves in to kiss me again, this time a brief, firm peck.

  “You’re Ben’s baby sister, one of my best friends. I’ve wanted you for well over a decade.” Resting his forehead to mine, I get lost in his adoring gaze. That is, until the cackling of kids fly past us.

  “Jesus, Teag, You drive me mad.” Tucker exhales and leans in and pours his a
ssault on my lips, tugging my hair from the messy ponytail, but then pulls away abruptly. “Shit!”

  “Tuck,” I gasp out. When he looks away, I almost burst into tears. A moment I’ve dreamt of so quickly vanishing. It’s as if he’s realized I’m his greatest mistake.

  “Teagan, I shouldn’t have done that… this. I just crossed so many lines. Shit.”

  Grabbing his face, I pull his attention to me. “Tucker Elliot Hoyt,” I say definitively, “don’t do that. Don’t look at me like I’m a mistake.” My eyes begin to cloud with tears as I wait for the final impact of his dismissal. What can I expect? I know he’s got an ocean of opportunity in college. As he said, he shouldn’t have done it.

  Caressing my cheeks, he brushes away my tears. “No man, not even me, worth keeping or holding your attention should make you cry.” Tucker’s lips find mine quickly, biting my bottom lip before resting his forehead to mine. “This might be messy, me and you. But you’ll never be a mistake.” He assures me.

  “I’m not scared of a little mess or hard work. I didn’t make it to all-state by pussing out.”

  “That’s the thing. It shouldn’t be work. If it’s meant to be, it will be. One promise, Teag. Promise we–”

  “Where are they?” We hear Bella’s voice before she sees us, thanks to the dark corner we’re situated in. With heavy sighs and an unfinished conversation, we separate ourselves. And almost instantly, I miss his warmth.

  “Hey guys!” I feign excitement when they approach us causing Tucker to burst into laughter as I fix my tousled hair.

  Chapter 4: Tucker

  Me: Hey

  Teag: Hi

  Me: Wyd?

  Teag: Just got home from practice

  Me: Nice and limber then

  Teag: Tucker Elliot Hoyt


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