Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3)

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Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3) Page 20

by A. P. Jensen

  Demi smiled. “I’m going to wear a Bethany London.”

  “A what?”

  “Bethany’s a closet wedding gown designer. She’s a secret genius!” Regan declared and hopped off the counter with Chase on her hip. “I’m going to make her famous, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Regan walked over to Johnny who was surrounded by men who joked about the ball and chain that they enjoyed themselves. Regan wrapped her arms around Johnny’s middle and stayed there for a long minute. Johnny smiled, held her close and didn’t move. When Regan released him, Demi saw a tear course down her cheek before she walked into the living room with Brooks on her heels. He was still grinning like a maniac, so Demi knew all was well. This recent change in Regan was definitely disconcerting. Demi couldn’t wait until Regan reached her fifth month and reverted back to her badass self.

  The morning passed by in a flurry of excitement and details. It was apparent that Missy and Kerry appointed themselves her wedding planners and she was happy to let them. They pulled Johnny into the planning and wrote on legal pads, faces serious and calculating as they got an idea of the size of the wedding. Demi gulped when she realized there would be over five hundred guests, maybe more. Johnny had been in the music industry for years and had a wide range of acquaintances. To Missy’s surprise, Regan wandered over and offered her advice and input about the wedding.

  “You got married in the backyard,” Missy said frostily. “Demi and Johnny are gonna have a real wedding.”

  “I know that,” Regan snapped. “What Brooks and I did was what was best for us. I know Demi and Johnny want a real wedding. I liked Gwen’s. Just because I didn’t have a wedding doesn’t mean I don’t know what weddings are like.”

  “You need to talk to Bethany about the dress,” Kerry ordered and her face was full of doubt. “Are you sure you want her to do it?”

  “Absolutely,” Demi said.

  While Kerry and Missy began to call whatever contacts they could on a Saturday, Johnny extracted her from the mayhem. They drove into town and called Gwen on the way. She screamed, cried and demanded to know when it was going to be. It was obvious from the noise in the background that she was surrounded by a bunch of people. She offered her congratulations and said she’d call them back after the show.

  “Where are we going?” Demi asked.

  “To get coffee.”

  She stared at him. “We just had coffee at Valerie’s and it’s almost two o’clock.”

  “We need coffee,” he said with emphasis on the last word.

  “Are you trying to say something in code?”

  He parked and led her into the packed cafe. “Last stop.”

  People waved and called out greetings as they made their way to the counter. Sam and Jericha, the mother and daughter duo perked up when they saw them.

  “Heard you’ve been helping out Bethany London,” Sam said in greeting. “They say she makes wedding gowns?”

  “Yup,” Johnny said and held up Demi’s hand to show the engagement ring. “She’s going to make Demi’s dress.”

  All talk stopped. Jericha launched herself over the counter to grab Demi’s hand and salivated over the ring.

  “Oh, man,” Jericha breathed. “It’s amazing.”

  “When’s the wedding?” Sam demanded.

  “Two months. Kerry and Missy are taking care of the details,” Johnny said easily and received claps on the back from everyone as they offered their congratulations. “And you’re all invited!”

  Demi hugged, kissed and talked to a bunch of people she didn’t know. Johnny stood by her side the whole time and Demi had never felt more loved. These people didn’t even know her but because Johnny was one of them, so was she. People offered to help with everything and any anxiety she might have felt about her speedy nuptials disappeared. Everything would be taken care of. They broke away from the crowd with smiles and promises to keep them updated as they walked out of the cafe with three coffees.

  “What was that about?” Demi asked Johnny as they walked past the SUV.

  “Sam and Jericha will spread the word. Everyone will know by tonight. Phones are gonna be ringing all over White Mist.”

  She bumped him with her shoulder. “Not giving me a chance to back out, huh?”

  “Fuck no.” Johnny pounded on the door of Ever After and peered into the dark interior.

  “Uh, honey, it’s closed today.”

  “She’s here.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Work is her life. She’s here.”

  She was about to tell Johnny he might be wrong when Bethany appeared. Even though Ever After wasn’t open on the weekends, she was dressed in slacks and a button up top. Bethany frowned as she opened the door.

  “What’s going on?” Bethany asked.

  Johnny handed her a coffee and walked inside. “I need a favor.”

  Bethany looked from Johnny to Demi. “Another favor?”

  Demi held up her hand and Bethany’s eyes went wide. She clapped her hands and hugged Demi and then Johnny. Clearly, sometime during the week, Johnny broke through Bethany’s reserve.

  “Oh! I’m so happy for you two!” Bethany jumped and her hair came out of her bun and cascaded around her.

  “So, my favor,” Johnny prompted.

  Bethany’s brows drew together. “What?”

  “Can you do my wedding gown?” Demi asked.

  Bethany put her hands over her mouth. It was a look of abject terror. “You want me to do your gown?”


  “Oh my God. I need to sit down.” Bethany staggered over to the sitting area and they followed. She shook herself and took a deep breath. “When is it?”

  “Two months.”

  Bethany’s eyes bugged. “Two months? What’s up with everyone getting married so fast?”

  “Can you do it?”

  Bethany chewed her bottom lip and then straightened her shoulders. “Yes. What kind of gown would you like?”

  “You know me, you know what would fit with my personality,” Demi said. “Surprise me.”

  Bethany looked nauseated. “Are you sure? What if you don’t like it?”

  “I will.”

  “I might have to close the shop to finish the dresses for Mandy’s wedding, the award show and now your wedding gown,” Bethany fretted.

  “Do it,” Johnny advised. “Bethany, your luck’s about to change.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I think she’s officially put me off of having kids for life,” Bethany said and shot Regan a disgusted look as she teared up.

  They both examined Demi who stood in front of three mirrors wearing Bethany’s design for the award show. At Johnny’s request, Bethany wore shocking scarlet. The color against Demi’s skin was striking. It had a deep neckline and twisted straps that crossed over her bare back. The dress skimmed her wide hips and courtesy of the high slit on her leg, showed a tantalizing amount of skin when she walked. It fit Demi like a glove and she knew she would look damn good beside Johnny. She wouldn’t feel self conscious or out of place in this dress.

  “At first the tears freaked me out, but now I think’s it’s cute,” Demi said with a grin. “It makes her more human.”

  Regan glared. “I can’t control it. Wait until you get pregnant!”

  “No thanks,” Bethany said and twisted her hands together. “What do you think, Demi?”

  “I think you outdid yourself and it’s a good thing Regan started your website,” Demi said.

  Bethany whirled to face Regan who sniffled into a tissue. “You what? I’m not paying you to start up Bethany London Designs! I’m not ready for this. You just,” she waved her hands wildly, “show my design to Mandy and then Johnny Bentley asks me to make this dress for the award show and now the wedding dress…” Bethany fell silent and massaged her temples.

  “I’m going to make your dreams come true!” Regan declared.

  “I don’t have dreams,” Bethany said.
  “What do you mean, you don’t have dreams?” Regan and Demi demanded.

  “Dreams…” Bethany shrugged. “We’re a bit old for that, don’t you think?”

  Regan and Demi glanced at each other and then at Bethany who was in her twenties.

  “You’re shitting me,” Regan snapped. “You have your whole life ahead of you. Shut up.”

  “When you were young, what did you want?” Demi asked.

  “I wanted to get out of White Mist,” Bethany said.

  “Were you happy working for Tyra Richie in New York?” Regan pressed.


  “Yes? Or were you just going through the motions?”

  Bethany crossed her arms. “I was fine.”

  “She wasn’t happy,” Regan told Demi. “Being on your own is great, but eventually, you’ll get lonely. I should know.” She turned back to Bethany. “You had a man in New York?”

  Bethany scowled. “No. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Everything,” Regan muttered and then said, “Friends?”



  “Yes.” When Regan snorted, Bethany demanded, “What’s wrong with that?”

  “You were living in one of the most exciting cities in the world and you only stayed in your Richie boutique bubble. You never expanded beyond that. What was the most spontaneous thing you did in New York?”

  Bethany was silent for a minute and then, “I tried this Thai restaurant once.”

  Demi bit her lip to contain her laughter and Bethany flushed.

  “Okay, fine. Maybe I didn’t go to pubs or broadway or see the Statue of Liberty, but I’m not that kind of girl. I like what I like and I was doing my own thing. There’s nothing wrong with liking your job.”

  Demi sobered and said, “The night I went to Johnny’s concert, I walked out on Barry. My plan was to buy a car and start driving to find a small town like this. Do you know how happy I am that Johnny dragged me on stage? If I never took a chance and bought those concert tickets, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “That kind of stuff doesn’t happen to me,” Bethany said with a shrug. “I mean, Jesus, a rock star? Really? I heard you went to Sacred Hearts and owned The Ashton Hotel.” She jabbed her finger in Regan’s direction, “Not everybody who leaves White Mist gets engaged to a billionaire and comes back as a business guru. Some of us leave and come back the same. Nothing new.”

  “You need to get laid,” Regan said after a long silence.

  “If I sleep with someone in this town, everyone will know within two hours.”

  “You have a point,” Demi said and looked at Regan. “Help her.”

  “I’m going to have to think about this,” Regan said thoughtfully and tapped her lips.

  “The point is,” Bethany said, “my life is fine the way it is. I don’t need you two to fix it.”

  “Yes, we do,” Regan said dismissively. “Anyway, Demi, you’re gonna end up on the best dressed list. Johnny should be here any minute.”

  Demi slipped behind a room divider and Bethany fretted as she put the dress in a garment bag.

  “All of this is just happening too fast,” Bethany said.

  “That’s what happens when you have a life,” Regan retorted.

  “You know what, Preggo?” Bethany snapped. “Maybe you should leave for the rest of the day and give me some peace.”


  Bethany turned to Demi. “You’re seriously leaving me with her for two days?”

  “Unfortunately. Unless you want to come with us.”

  Bethany’s eyes widened in horror. “Hell no. I don’t know how you can be so casual about it. There’s gonna be stars there and cameras.”

  “I’m used to having my picture taken. Had to attend events with my dad and,” she shrugged, “I know Johnny will be with me.”

  “You really love each other,” Bethany said wonderingly and shook her head. “My logical mind says that it’s impossible for you to find each other again and get engaged within so little time, but what I see… I can’t deny you two are in sync.”

  Demi hugged Bethany and hoped she’d find someone who turned off her ‘logical mind’ and shocked her dreams to life again. Bethany was way too young and talented to settle. Regan wouldn’t push Bethany if she wasn’t sure of her future success. Demi knew it as well, which was why she was determined to wear Bethany’s design on the red carpet and her wedding.

  Regan put her arm around her waist. “You and Johnny talk about kids?”

  “He wants kids as soon as possible,” Demi confessed.

  Bethany froze with a massive pair of scissors in her hands. “Not before the wedding. I just took your measurements for your gown.”

  “Even if I got pregnant, I wouldn’t show so early in my pregnancy.”

  Regan calculated in her head. “Is it possible that you’re pregnant?”

  “Well, yes, but my periods have always been off and I’m in my thirties…”

  “Which means absolutely nothing.”

  Demi raised a brow. “I doubt I’m going to get pregnant so quickly.”

  Regan flapped her hands in front of her face and began to tear up again. “What if we had kids that were born within months of each other?”

  A horn honked and they looked out the window. Johnny was parked at the curb.

  “Have fun, rock the dress and show off that rock!” Regan said as she hugged Demi.

  “I will.” Demi laughed and turned to Bethany and gave her a hug too. “Thanks for making this dress for me. It’s beautiful.”

  Bethany handed the garment bag over and met her eyes. “Thanks, Demi.” Her voice was raspy with emotion.

  “Think about what you want out of life,” Demi said, “if you don’t, fate will decide for you and you may not like it.”

  Bethany nodded and Demi dashed out to the SUV.

  “How’s it look?” Johnny asked.

  She trailed her fingers over his arm. “Let’s just say, I’m warning you now you aren’t ripping it off of me. It’s too pretty.”

  “That good, huh?” He twined their hands together as he drove. “How do you feel?”

  “I’m fine. Why?”

  “Don’t want you to freak out about the show or the paparazzi.”

  “I’m good, Johnny. You’re giving me a break from Kerry and Missy. They stopped by three times today because they knew I was going out of town,” she said, amused.

  She had no doubt that Kerry and Missy would make everything perfect. Missy was part drill sergeant because she was Regan’s older sister and wife to the Chief of Police. Kerry and Missy threw themselves into wedding details with gusto. Demi suspected a lot of this was contributed to the fact that Johnny said money wasn’t an issue. Missy and Kerry conferred with a contact at Martin Hotel, ironed out the details and reported back to Demi. Regan and Bethany were stunned speechless when she asked them to be her bridesmaids. Regan cried the whole day, which Brooks didn’t appreciate. It felt like years that she’d been living in Montana instead of mere weeks.

  “No nerves at all?” Johnny asked in surprise.

  “Well, a little. I mean, you’re getting married to the woman you pulled out of the crowd… That’s kind of crazy.”

  “Don’t sweat it, babe.”

  “I’m glad Gwen’s gonna be there,” she said.

  “Everyone’s gonna be interested in you, but you handle people well, so it’ll be fine. You won over Regan. Enough said.”

  Demi smiled. “Watching her cry over everything is bizarre, but I love her.”

  “I’m glad. She and Gwen mean a lot to me.”

  “Where are we staying?”

  “MGM Grand, where the show is being held.”

  They parked at the airstrip and her heart began to beat double time when she saw the plane. Johnny noticed her hesitation and kissed her.

  “We’re gonna be fine.”


  She took a deep
breath and walked up the steps with her garment bag. Johnny led her to one of the seats and talked to the flight attendants and pilot before he sat beside her. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. She examined him as the plane began to move.

  “I remember the boy that used to sit on my bed with his guitar, asking me what I thought of his songs and now I look at you… You’re so much more than I ever dreamed.”

  “It’s been a long road. I’m ready for the next journey,” he said.

  “Are you nervous about anything?” she fished. “Show, wedding…?”



  “Demi, I’m really fucking good for the first time in thirteen years. Having you walk by my side on the carpet, telling the world you’re mine and not being nervous about it… I’m damn proud.”

  Her stomach dipped as the plane left the ground. “I can’t believe we’re here, together.”

  “Believe it. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. I’ll be stalking you until the wedding. Actually, until you’re pregnant with my child, I’m going to be very close.”

  She laughed. “Johnny, I’m not going to change my mind.”

  “I’m not taking any chances. Just bear with me, okay? It’s gonna get a little crazy once we land, but if you need anything, just tell me.”

  “I can do that.”


  “Babe, we’re here,” Johnny said.

  She groaned, stretched and looked out of the foggy window at the neon lights of Las Vegas.

  “Time is it?” she yawned.

  “Around ten. We’re gonna go straight to the hotel, but you need your sunglasses.”


  “We have a welcoming committee.” When she frowned, he added, “Not the good kind.”

  And so it begins, she thought.

  Johnny held her hand tight as they walked down the stairs. People were shouting Johnny’s name and to her surprise, hers as well. The flashes were nearly blinding and Johnny put an arm around her as they walked to a limo.

  “Are you engaged?”

  “How long have you known each other?”

  “Is she pregnant?”

  “Let’s see the ring!”

  Demi ducked into the limo and stiffened when she saw slick haired Paul. He didn’t look happy. He wore a black shirt, tight pants and shiny boots. Johnny got in beside her and slammed the door. The limo immediately began to move and Johnny nodded to Paul.


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