Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3)

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Rock Star's Ballad (White Mist Series Book 3) Page 21

by A. P. Jensen

  “Alright, Paul?” Johnny asked.

  “Uh, no,” Paul said and leaned forward. “Are. You. Engaged?”

  “Yeah,” Johnny said, obviously not catching Paul’s vibe.

  “Yeah?” Paul echoed through clenched teeth. “When the fuck were you gonna tell me? I feel like an idiot. You’ve been avoiding my calls about the product endorsement deals and it seems like I’m the last to know my own client is getting married for the fourth time!”

  Johnny raised a brow. “Paul, it’s in two months and you’re invited.”

  “Well, of course I am!” Paul said indignantly.

  Johnny stayed quiet long enough to make Paul draw back. “I’m taking a break.”

  “Okay,” Paul said and glanced at Demi who was glad she hadn’t taken off her shades. “How long?”

  “At least three years.”

  “What?” Paul shouted.

  “I might do occasional appearances but that depends on Demi,” Johnny said and tucked her into his side. “How long I stay out of the music scene really depends on her.”

  When Demi opened her mouth to protest, Johnny gave her a squeeze and she subsided. It was obvious that Johnny planned it this way, she just wasn’t sure why.

  “We’re trying to get pregnant,” Johnny said bluntly. “So after this, I’m out.”

  “You’re trying to have kids?” Paul asked in a small, disbelieving voice. He looked at Johnny as if he’d never seen him before.

  “That’s what happens when you find the right girl,” Johnny said with a big grin.


  “We’re here,” Johnny said a moment before the limo stopped and the door opened.

  Once more Johnny put his arm around her as they walked into the MGM Grand and were greeted with more paparazzi and shouting. A team of security escorted them to the elevator. Paul handed Johnny a key card. He looked harried, pale and out of his element. He stared at Demi as if she were the devil. She wasn’t sure whether that was a good or bad thing.

  “Johnny, we have to talk,” Paul said with a pointed, angry look at Demi.

  “I’m gonna get Demi settled and then we’ll talk,” Johnny said and did just that.

  The suite was enormous, the view amazing and Demi was tired. She heard Paul whining in low undertones as she walked into the master bedroom and tested the bed, which felt heavenly. Their luggage arrived and she pulled out a nightgown and took a quick shower in the luxurious bathroom. She rolled her eyes when she heard Paul wheedling even after her bath. She winced when Johnny’s voice cut in, firm and decisive. It was worlds away from the laid-back rock star who never took a vacation and worked obsessively. Watching Johnny face off with Paul laid to rest any worries she had. In Johnny’s eyes, he wasn’t giving up anything, he was gaining and that’s all that mattered to her.



  Demi woke with a jolt as something bounced on the bed. Her eyes flew open and she stared at Gwen who was all smiles. Demi leapt up and hugged her hard. She didn’t ask how or why Gwen was in her room. She didn’t care. She was just glad to see her. It seemed like ages since Misty Lake.

  “What are you doing here?” Demi asked.

  “Johnny told me to give you time to sleep before I barged in. He’s rehearsing for tonight.”

  “Oh.” Had he slept at all? “Its great to see you.”

  “I know. It’s been hectic doing all the shows and promotions. It’s almost over, thank God. Let me see that ring!”

  Gwen grasped her left hand and examined the black diamond in awe. “It’s stunning,” Gwen declared.

  “I love it. What are we doing today?”

  “We’re having lunch at a restaurant downstairs in about an hour. Casual/dressy and then we come up here, gossip and do hair and makeup. Get ready. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  Gwen hopped off the bed and dashed from the room. Demi stared after her and then stumbled into the bathroom to make herself decent. She was finishing up her makeup when Gwen reappeared.

  “God, I’m so happy you’re here,” Gwen said.

  “Don’t you know everyone?” Demi asked as she shimmied into a comfortable jersey dress.

  “Well, yes, but I’m still not one hundred percent comfortable. I like being behind the scenes. Being followed constantly is irritating. With you I’ll have a girlfriend by my side while I greet business acquaintances and that makes it so much better.” She hooked her arm through Demi’s and led her out of the hotel suite. “So, how’s everything?”

  Demi jumped when five security guards congregated around them.

  “This is what I mean,” Gwen said, rolling her eyes. “Necessary and irritating. The fans and paparazzi can get out of hand. Johnny and Trey will meet us at lunch. So, Bethany London made your dress for the show tonight? I know she can sew, but I didn’t know she designs.”

  “Yes, she’s amazing, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Gwen’s smile was a little forced and Demi squeezed her arm. “You worried about tonight?”

  “Just my performance, but it’s a duet with Trey so I’ll be fine.”

  Gwen led Demi into the loud, busy, crowded casino. The security guards hemmed them in and Gwen continued to talk, distracting Demi from feeling claustrophobic. Cigarette smoke was heavy in the air and the sound of the slot machines was deafening. Despite everything, Demi felt her heart lift in excitement when two women began to scream as a red light flashed over a machine. Everyone around her cheered.

  “How are the wedding plans coming?” Gwen asked.

  “Kerry and Missy are taking care of everything. It’s great. By the way, will you be one of my bridesmaids?”

  Gwen came to an abrupt halt and stared at her. “Really?”

  “Yes. You’re one of the reasons we’re together. I’d like to think we’re friends.” When Gwen said nothing, Demi began to backtrack. “If it’s too weird, that’s okay—”

  “Are you kidding? I’d be honored.”

  Gwen clasped Demi’s hand in hers and she had a little spring in her step as they began to walk again.

  “You know Regan’s pregnant again?” Demi said.

  “How long have I been gone? Good God.”

  “Apparently, she turns into a water faucet when she’s pregnant. She cried for a whole day when I asked her to be my maid of honor.”

  Gwen snickered. “I can’t wait to see it. I’ll be back in White Mist before the wedding. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Demi was feeling light and free until she saw a solid wall of paparazzi up ahead. She pulled back on Gwen’s hand. “What’s going on?”

  “That’s the restaurant we’re meeting at.”

  “We who?” Demi asked with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

  “Well, everyone who’s nominated.”

  “I’m not dressed for this!” Demi hissed.

  “This is informal,” Gwen said and plunged forward.

  The paparazzi whipped towards them and the flashes started in earnest.

  “Are you engaged to Johnny Bentley? When’s the wedding?”

  “How do you feel being Mrs. Johnny Bentley number four?”

  “Are you sure Bentley can be faithful?”

  Demi wished she had on sunglasses, but Gwen’s firm hold pulling her through the throng of nasty paparazzi kept her focused. It took her a few seconds to filter out all the ‘Bentley’ questions and realize Gwen was getting attacked too.

  “Do you still have stage fright, Gwen?”

  “Is your marriage stable?”

  “Are you too old to have children? Is your husband still seeing Natasha Wilde?”

  “Does Trey have a problem with your success?”

  Demi knew the paparazzi were trying to get a rise out of them. A flinch or grimace magnified on a magazine cover with an eye catching headline would sell thousands of copies, but the way the paparazzi were doing it incensed her. Demi pulled Gwen to a stop and heard the security guards mutter under their breath,
instinctively knowing this couldn’t be good. Demi pulled Gwen in beside her and faced the paparazzi defiantly. She held up her left hand and flashed her engagement ring. The backlash of light was nearly blinding, but she didn’t care.

  “Yes, I am getting married to Johnny Bentley and I’m not concerned that I’m wife number four. I know I’ll be the last and that’s all that matters. As for the date of my wedding, you don’t need to know because you’re not invited.” She gave the paparazzi a blinding smile. “As for Johnny being unfaithful, no, I’m not worried. Not one bit. He’s mine and always has been.”

  At Demi’s side, Gwen giggled.

  “As for Gwen and Trey, they’re happy and its none of your business why she hasn’t had children. Some people need to have children to give their life a purpose. Neither Trey nor Gwen suffers from that affliction. And as far as stage fright goes, the greatest artists of all time were always sick before a performance because it meant something to them.” Demi took a deep breath and inclined her head regally. “Now, if you don’t mind, we’re gonna party.”

  Demi ignored the roar of the paparazzi as she turned away. Two men opened the doors that led into the restaurant, which had blacked out windows. There was a crowd of people inside, milling with fancy appetizers on white plates and glasses of champagne or other drinks. The room was filled with the greatest singers and performers from the past six decades.

  Trey and Gwen’s manager, Angie, rushed forward in blinding white heels. Paul wasn’t far behind her. Both of them looked furious.

  “Did you talk to the paparazzi?” Angie hissed.

  “Yup,” Demi said and snatched a can of ginger ale off a table to settle her rocking stomach.

  “You don’t talk to the media, we do,” Paul snapped.

  “Just setting some things straight,” Demi said and they looked like they wanted to strangle her. “Where’s Johnny?”

  “Not here yet,” Paul said through bleached teeth. “You and I need to talk.”

  “I don’t think so,” Demi said firmly. “You’re Johnny’s manager, not mine.”

  Demi didn’t get pissed until she heard what the paparazzi were saying to Gwen. They had no conscience and would tear a healthy marriage apart to make money. She didn’t care if defending herself wasn’t politically correct. If she had something to say, she would. She didn’t live in this world anymore, a world where she had to be polite for business sake or because her parents raised her to be courteous and polite. Spending time in White Mist taught her to let it all hang out and be herself. The polite mask she’d always worn was gone and she was the Demi she was meant to be—direct, affectionate and future wife to a rock god who loved the shit out of her. The only way to live in this world with Johnny was to be herself. Johnny would return to this world at some point and she wouldn’t pretend.

  Angie didn’t look happy with her attitude and glanced at Paul. “Good luck.”

  Paul’s phone began to ring. He didn’t even let it finish the first ring before he picked it up. He gave Demi a threatening look and paced away, speaking rapidly.

  “That was… refreshing and unexpected,” Gwen said.

  “I think Regan’s rubbing off on me,” Demi admitted.

  “Usually Trey handles the paparazzi. Most of the time they sound like squawking birds to me, but,” Gwen gave her a little hug, “that was really sweet.”

  “Yo, Gwen!”

  Demi turned and saw Oliver Crum, a huge breakout star that was fighting Justin Bieber for the crown for the tween/twenty-something market. Despite being in a casino restaurant with blacked out windows, he had on Ray Bans and low jeans that showed his Ralph Lauren underwear.

  “Oliver!” Gwen gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “This is Demi, Johnny’s fiancé.”

  Oliver lowered the Ray Ban’s and gave her a very thorough examination. She would have found this offensive coming from such a young guy, but if Gwen liked him, he couldn’t be that bad, right?

  “I can see why Johnny picked you. You’re hot and tall and the ring he got you is super fly. I’m invited to the wedding, yes?” Oliver asked.

  Demi’s eyes got big and she looked at Gwen. Why hadn’t she realized these people would be asking her this question?

  “Of course,” Gwen said quickly and then to Demi, “Oliver and Johnny are close.”

  “Of course,” Demi echoed politely.

  “I’ll perform if you want,” Oliver offered as if this was a huge deal and Demi guessed it was.

  “I’ll talk to Johnny about it,” Demi said.

  She was surprised when Oliver gripped her hips, leaned in close and kissed her on the cheek. He looked into her eyes and she glared at him when he didn’t release her.

  He smiled at her. “You’re feisty.”

  “If you don’t step back I’ll show you how hard I can slap,” she said sweetly.

  Oliver laughed and pulled back. “Where can I get one?” he asked Gwen.

  “You’re not ready, honey,” Gwen said patronizingly and pushed him away. “Go mingle.”

  Before Oliver took more than three steps away, another man came up to Gwen and this time, Demi’s temperature went up for different reasons. Gabriel Heely had a buff figure like Mark Wahlberg and a strong, masculine face like Channing Tatum. He was dressed casually in jeans and a polo shirt which bulged around his biceps. He kissed Gwen on the cheek and turned to Demi.

  “Been hearing a lot about you from Gwen, Trey and now Johnny. He won’t shut up about the love of his life.” Gabriel shook his head in mock regret. “There’s something about White Mist. Its like a magnet for people to settle down and get married.” He gave an exaggerated shudder and Gwen elbowed him in the ribs. “I’m scared to go to your wedding. I might get shot by Cupid’s bow.”

  “You need to be shot with something,” Gwen retorted with a smile and explained to Demi. “Trey’s a saint compared to Gabriel and Johnny. Johnny’s nearly pure rock, but if there’s a country artist with a hint of grit, it’s Gabriel.”

  “I love your music,” Demi said and hoped she didn’t sound breathy.

  “Never gets old hearing that,” Gabriel said and looked her over. “You’re not Johnny’s type, but I guess that’s a good thing. The other women he’s been with—hot but needy and brainless.”

  “Uh, thanks?”

  A touch on her arm made her turn. She met Daniel Martin’s eyes with surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m dating Cassidy.”

  “The singer?” Demi had a vague impression of a fierce half black, half white woman shaking her hips on stage with intense eyes looking straight into the camera. “She’s a handful, isn’t she?”

  Daniel examined her more keenly. “You’ve changed.”

  “Losing everything will do that to you,” Demi said honestly. “Now I don’t have to pretend. I have what I want.”

  Daniel shook his head. “There’s something about that town. I find it to be a very odd, dramatic place.”

  “Yet you’re building a resort nearby.”

  “I saw a business opportunity.”

  “Why would you travel to White Mist in the first place?” she fished.

  “Regan,” Daniel said without hesitation. “Whatever challenge I put in front of her, she didn’t just achieve the goal, she demolished it. She inhaled information and we worked well together. I couldn’t believe she’d leave me.” He gave her a sharp look. “I’m sure she or others in town told you what happened between us.” He shrugged. “I care for her in my own way. I can see that she’s settled and I’m intrigued by it.”

  Demi cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  “Men like me die young and rich. I’ve been advised to slow down and I don’t know how to do that. I was hoping I’d learn through observation. Even Johnny’s taken the plunge.” He looked down at her ring with a mixture of consternation and fascination. “Johnny visited Regan often. He’s as much of a workaholic as myself.” He refocused. “I’m honored that you’ll use m
y resort for the wedding.”

  “I’m glad you’re allowing us in before you open,” she said and narrowed her eyes. “You know about Barry.”

  He gave a curt nod. “I found out after the fact. I’m not doing any further business with him.”

  She was startled by this news and let it show on her face. “What? Why?”

  “He has no honor.”

  Daniel cheated on Regan. Almost as if he knew what she was thinking, a muscle ticked in his cheek.

  “I don’t take advantage of women, Demi.”

  “I didn’t say you did.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  Before she could respond to that terse comment, Cassidy appeared at Daniel’s side. She wore a leather leotard and see through lace skirt. Her beautiful face was clearly hostile and possessive as she eyed Demi.

  “Honey, who are you talking to?” Cassidy demanded.


  Before she could turn she was whirled around and hauled into Johnny’s arms. His mouth slanted over hers and she was a goner. She was dimly aware of Cassidy’s shocked gasp, Gabriel’s chuckle and Daniel’s grunt of disgust before their lips parted. She cupped Johnny’s face and grinned.

  “Hey, baby,” she said.

  “So, I’m yours, huh?” he asked, eyes sparkling and she grimaced.

  “Those paparazzi are a menace!”

  “I liked hearing the news as I walked up,” Johnny said and brushed soft kisses over her forehead, nose and corner of her lip. “Made me feel claimed by a demanding lady. I like it.”

  Demi laughed. “I’m sure you’re used to it.”

  “Being claimed by you is completely different.” He led her away from the crowd and paused when he recognized Daniel. “What’s he doing here?”

  “Dating Cassidy.”

  “She’s wild,” Johnny said as he made a plate of food.

  “So was Regan.”

  Johnny snorted. “The Regan who worked for Daniel and wore his ring on her finger was a robot. The Regan you see today is the real Regan. The best thing she ever did was catch Daniel cheating on her. She broke out of jail and came home.”


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