Wrecking Ball

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Wrecking Ball Page 14

by Toler, B N

  “Well, right now, while you’re here with me, you’re Sophia. Not Brandon’s wife. Today we live for us.” She pats my hand and holds up her beer with the other hand. “To my sister, the most beautiful incredible woman I know.” I raise my beer and clink my bottle to hers before we drink.


  It’s been three weeks since we arrived in Mexico and Tia was right. Getting away has been wonderful. I miss my girls and even Brandon, but the time away has really allowed me to clear my head. I’ve done things with Tia in the past weeks I haven’t done in years; like staying up all night drinking and laughing. Antonio has taken us dancing and we’ve gone scuba diving. After a few too many beers one afternoon, Tia convinced me to get a tattoo. It’s a little heart on the lower part of my back near my hip bone. Not very exciting overall, but I played it safe: small, simple, and hidden.

  “What does it say?” I ask Tia after the tattoo artist finishes hers. Antonio runs his finger across the words in Spanish, reading them out loud.

  “It says, I’m a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar,” he answers me while staring into her eyes.

  Tia smiles devilishly at him. “The freest spirit I ever laid eyes on.” He kisses her softly and I swoon. “The most beautiful, too,” he adds. This man is head over heels in love with my sister. It’s not hard to see she feels the same way about him, too.

  I’ve watched them closely these three weeks. Antonio moves with Tia as if she may disappear. Knowing Tia, she may very well disappear. She’s a drifter, a non-committer. It wouldn’t be surprising if she picked up and left Mexico without a word to Antonio. It’s what she does. Though, I hope maybe this time she’ll stay and throw herself into this because he’s a man she deserves. He treats her like gold.


  I left this morning to do a little shopping while Tia and Antonio slept in. Most mornings they’re up before me, but there are days when I don’t see them until well into the afternoon. When I woke today and found the kitchen empty, I decided to explore on my own.

  I’ve collected quite a few gifts for the girls and with this last batch of purchases I decide it’s time to ship them. Every night I talk to the girls they ask me what I’ve gotten them. I told them I’d ship their gifts home and they’d have to wait until they returned from their grandparents to get them.

  When I get back to the house around two in the afternoon, Tia and Antonio are on the patio in lounge chairs, baking in the sun. The day is warm, slightly humid, and I can’t help wishing I had a frozen margarita in my hand.

  “Hey, guys. Glad to see you finally woke up,” I laugh as plop down on the end of Tia’s chair. The movement I cause makes her grimace. “What’s up with you? Hit it too hard last night?”

  “Yeah. I’m not feeling well.” She shifts on her side towards me and gives me a half smile. “What did you buy?”

  “Some more stuff for the girls. I think I over did it. Where’d you put the other stuff we bought? I’m going to ship it home.”

  “I packed it up and had Antonio send it all last week to your house. I thought you’d want it sent there. I didn’t know you were going to buy more.”

  “Oh.” I shrug surprised. “Thanks, Antonio.” I guess I can pack the gifts I bought today in my luggage.

  “My pleasure. I also threw in your copies from your shoot.” He grabs the Corona next to his chair and sips it.

  “Really? I haven’t even seen them yet.”

  “I didn’t want to give you the chance to say they were bad so I picked the best ones and sent them with your package. You can toss them when you get home, but I think you’ll like them.”

  “We’ll see.” I smile. Patting Tia’s leg, I stand up and stare at her. She looks exhausted. “You two stay up too late playing last night?” I arch a questioning brow at Antonio who gazes at Tia. An odd expression comes over his face and he hops off his chair and runs a hand through his hair.

  “Yeah, I guess we did.” His tone holds no humor and he seems agitated. “You want a beer? I need another.” He doesn’t wait for a response, just turns and moseys into the house.

  “What’s with him?”

  “Oh nothing. We just played hard last night so he’s tired.” Tia waggles her eyebrows. Something seems off about her, but I can’t put my finger on it.

  “Did you guys have a fight?” I ask concerned.

  Tia smirks at me. “We only fight so we can make up.”

  I place a hand on her forehead and she feels warm. “You have a fever.”

  “I’m laying out in the sun. It’s hot.” She takes my hand and tosses it away.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You look…”

  “Amazing. Yes, well I feel it so thank you.” She interrupts me. “Damn, Phi, can’t I just be tired? Stop mothering over me,” she whines.

  “Alright.” I throw my hands up in defeat. “I’m going to go take a nap.” I leave her spread out on her lounge chair and head into the kitchen where Antonio is leaned on the counter, his head down like he’s lost in thought.

  “You two need to stop staying up so late,” I chuckle and he raises his head, his eyes distant.

  “Yeah, I guess so.” He sips his beer and turns to open the fridge.

  “Well, I’m going to go take a nap,” I sigh and scurry up to my bedroom. For being so young these two look worn out. When I climb into bed I take my cell off the nightstand and dial Brandon’s number. I want to speak to the girls. Although I’m enjoying my time in Mexico, I miss them terribly.

  “Hello.” Brandon answers, but I can barely hear him over all of the background noise from his end of the line.

  “Hey, how are you?” I ask quickly.

  “I’m fine. You?” His words are clipped. What’s with the attitude?

  “I’m good. I was hoping to speak with the girls. Are they with you?”

  “No. I’ll have to call you later. Oh, could you text me the address where you’re staying, the girls made you cards they want to mail to you.”

  “Ahh, that’s sweet. Yeah, I’ll text it to you now.” I smile at the thought of my sweet girls. I do miss them tremendously.

  “Okay, I’m sorry, Soph, but I gotta run.”

  “Okay. Talk to you soon. Tell the girls I love them.”

  “Will do. Bye.” And the line goes dead. I quickly text Brandon Antonio’s address before tossing my cell back on the nightstand and curl up with my pillow. I wanted time away from Brandon to think about what we were going to do, but it seems Brandon is pulling away from me. Maybe he’s moved on.



  When the box arrived this morning, Chloe and Ferrah were squealing and hanging on my arms, begging me to open it. I could see the box had been sent to our home in Alabama and realized Arlene must’ve forwarded it to me in New York. I’m sure Sophia didn’t mean for her to do that, but probably forgot to tell her.

  “Daddy!” the girls beg in unison.

  “Fine, girls,” I huff. “But go sit at the table and I’ll open it.” They obey and sit in their chairs, fidgeting as they wait.

  I open the package and begin handing out the gifts Sophia bought them, surprised there was no letter inside on top. Chloe and Ferrah ooh and ahh over everything and when I pull out the last gifts, two dresses, I find a large manila envelope in the bottom.

  When I pull the envelope out I see there’s writing on it.


  For a beautiful and sexy woman. May these pictures always remind you of that.


  My stomach flips, and I have to steady my temper before I speak to the girls. “Girls, take your presents to your room and play with them, okay.”

  “Yes, sir,” they chime in unison as they collect everything and carry it with them. My hands tremble as I open the envelope and pull out the stack of photographs. The first one is of Sophia sitting on a bed in a bikini, sipping a glass of champagne, the ocean and beach a perfect backdrop. Her hair falls freely over her shoulders, her cheeks are red, almost as i
f she’s blushing and she stares at the camera teasingly. My mouth goes dry at the sight of it. This is my wife and fuck, she’s beautiful. The second photo is in black and white, Sophia sits naked facing the ocean, peeking over her shoulder at the camera. Closing my eyes I remind myself to breathe. What is this? Are these photos her lover took? I realize I’m biting my cheek as anger surges through me, but I have to keep looking. My hands tremble as I move to the next photo; Sophia facing the ocean, slightly turned back towards the camera, biting her lip seductively, her hands holding her hair in a messy bunch on top of her head. One breast barely peaks out from her side revealing her perfect nipple. My throat feels like it’s closing up.

  You’re an idiot. She’s going to leave you. She’s fucking another man and she’s going to leave you. Way to fuck up the best thing that has ever happened to you.

  The voice inside of my head wastes no time reiterating my worst fear. The next photo, Sophia lays on her side, the sheet covering her sparingly, exposing the perfect curve of her ass. In this photo she doesn’t look at the camera, she’s just staring at some unknown thing, a sexy satisfied smile on her lips, and her beautiful hair spread out like a soft blanket around her head.

  Stop being such a pussy and go get her back. You’ll never find another woman like her. I have to get her back. I don’t care who she’s fucked. She’s mine, and I will get her back. Shoving the photographs back in the envelope, cursing Antonio’s name, I head to my laptop in the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later, my flight to Puerto Vallarta is booked, and I’m packing my suitcase.

  “Where are you going?” My father’s burley voice startles me.

  “I’m going to get my wife back,” I reply grabbing my cell phone charger off my nightstand.

  “It’s about damn time,” My father grumbles. I told my father everything that happened, and while he has been supportive, he didn’t hesitate to tell me what a ‘dumb twat’ I am. Yes, he actually called me a ‘dumb twat.’

  “Can you and Mom handle the girls?”

  “Of course.” He nods, shoving his hands in his pockets. “And Brandon.” He says my name sternly so I stop and look at him. “You won’t find another one like her. A good woman is worth begging for. Don’t let your pride get in the way.” With that he nods and exits the room, calling, “Have a safe trip.” Momentarily I wonder if he knows this from experience, but I quickly shake that thought off. I have no time to think about my father’s possible indiscretions. I have my soul mate to get back.

  I toss the envelope of Sophia’s photos on top of my clothes and zip my suitcase. It’ll be almost twelve hours before I get to Puerto Vallarta. Maybe that’s enough time for me to figure out what the hell I’m going to say. Darker thoughts swarm my head, like Sophia making love to Antonio on the beach, or Antonio going down on her. I don’t even know what Antonio looks like, but in my imagination, he’s a Mexican version of Fabio. How can I compete with that? Hey, Soph, please leave your God-like lover and come back to your shitty husband that took you for granted. I’ve got a real strong sales pitch.

  I’m terrified of what will happen, but win or lose, she’s worth it. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, my rock, my soft place to land. Sophia makes me a better man and somehow I forgot that. I’ve always loved her, appreciated her, but I forgot to tell her, show her. I just hope I’m not too late now.



  When I emerge from my bedroom, it’s already dark outside. Apparently I was in a coma. Making my way into the kitchen, the smells of spicy food fill the air and my stomach grumbles. Tia holds a wooden spoon up to Antonio’s mouth and he slurps the sauce off the end. They look amazing together. My sister is beautiful, not just physically, but she’s like a walking, talking upper. You can’t help, but feel high in her presence. And Antonio. Geesh. I know I’m a married woman, and Antonio is my sister’s boyfriend/lover, but damn that man is sex on a stick. I have a hard time looking at him without panting a little.

  “Phi, you’re finally awake.” Tia gives me a knowing look as she just caught me eyeing her man. But Tia doesn’t get jealous. Instead, she nods, letting me know she understands what I was thinking. She is complimented by it. I love that about her. She’s so secure with herself in that way. Another woman checking out her man doesn’t faze her. There have been many times I’ve caught women checking out Brandon and I’ve scowled at them, unable to stop myself. I didn’t like someone checking out what was mine. That thought makes me wince. Is Brandon still mine?

  Tia places the spoon on the stove and grabs an empty wine glass off the counter. “Let me get you a glass of wine.”

  “Are you feeling better?” I ask as I take a seat at the kitchen island.

  “I was just tired, Phi. I’m fine,” she groans. “Antonio, I love this song. Will you turn it up?”

  Antonio quickly obliges and just after Tia sets my glass in front me, he grabs her and pulls her to him and spins her around. Tia is glowing, and I know even if she won’t admit it, she loves Antonio. It’s written all over her face and he’s no better. He’s just as smitten with her.

  “You two are adorable,” I smirk before taking a sip of wine.

  “Adorable?” Antonio stops and looks at Tia, his brow furrowed in mock offense. “Not sexy and mesmerizing?”

  “Oh, that, too, I guess.” I shrug.

  “Antonio, dance with Phi. I need to stir the sauce.” Tia pats his chest, which is bare, per the usual. I’m convinced he doesn’t own any shirts. Nor should he. I like to think of a man like Antonio as God’s masterpiece, art put on display by the Almighty for mankind’s viewing pleasure.

  “No, no. I’m good.” I wave my hand.

  “Come, Phi.” His voice is robust and obnoxious. “Let me show you the sexy dance?” Tia giggles as she glances at me.

  “The sexy dance?” I quirk a brow, laughter on the verge of bursting through my lips.

  “Yes. It is sexy.” His tone is still obnoxious and he nods, holding out a hand to me.

  “I’m goo—” Before I can argue with him he pulls me from the stool where I sit and crushes me to his body. Jesus this man is like a slab of stone.

  “Now you relax, I show you the sexy moves.” He waggles his eyebrows and leads me. I’m actually impressed, he’s a great dancer. Brandon is decent, but he hates to do it. Antonio has a grace about him and he leads well.

  “Are you feeling sexy yet?” he questions.

  “Still waiting,” I giggle.

  We’re spinning around the kitchen when there’s a knock at the door. “You two don’t stop, I’ll get it,” Tia laughs as she passes by us, wiping her hands on a dish rag.

  “Now let’s show your sister that the big sister knows how to do the sexy.” Antonio growls and with one more spin he dips me. I’m laughing so hard as he has me upside down and when he pulls me up my head falls to his chest as I try to compose myself.

  “You mother fucker!” A voice growls and a loud pop sounds off causing my laughter to evaporate as Antonio rips away from my body.

  “Brandon!” Tia shrieks as she pushes him back and then falls to Antonio who is on the floor holding his nose, his hand drenched in blood.

  My mind lurches as I try to understand what just happened. Brandon just punched Antonio. Brandon is here! Brandon just punched Antonio!

  My head whips towards Brandon, my eyes wide in disbelief. “What are you doing here?” I manage through my shock. Brandon stares back at me, his hands clenched in fists at his sides, shoulders tense, and his chest heaving up and down. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days, with a good start on a beard and messy hair.

  “I came here to stop whatever it is you’ve got going on with this dick,” Brandon growls, his eyes wild with fury.

  “Excuse me?” I gaff. “What exactly are you stopping?” Does he think I’m sleeping with Antonio? Why would he think that?

  “I saw the photos, Soph. It’s pretty obvious you’re banging this guy,” Brandon says with disgust as he stares down
at Antonio.

  Anger bubbles inside of me as my mind fumbles. What photos? What is he—oh shit! The boudoir photos. How could I forget about asking Arlene to forward everything to Brandon in New York? I didn’t even think about it when Tia told me Antonio shipped the package with the girls’ gifts in it.

  Tia immediately hops up and shoves Brandon causing him to stumble back. If she punched him right now, I wouldn’t be mad. “Brandon Dalton, you are a piece of work. For your information, the only woman banging this ‘dick’ as you called him, is me. And even if she were fucking his brains out, what right do you have to say a goddamn word about it!” Tia presses her finger on his chest and Brandon backs up, as the reality of the situation dawns on him. It’s like watching a car accident in slow motion, his eyes grow wide as it finally dawns on him what an ass he just made out of himself.

  “Tia—” Antonio is suddenly behind her pulling her back.

  “So you’re not having sex with this guy?” Brandon looks to me, relief peeking in his eyes in spite of the spectacle he just made. I can see he’s somewhat embarrassed, but even more relieved at the thought I haven’t been cheating on him.

  “No!” I boom. “You just punched a guy for no reason, Brandon!”

  Brandon runs a hand through his hair and sighs. When he gazes back to Antonio, Tia is holding a dish towel to his face to stop the bleeding.

  “God, man. I’m sorry. I saw those pictures and when I showed up here, the way you guys were standing, I just snapped,” Brandon apologizes.

  “And that’s an excuse?” I question staring at him like he just sprouted extra limbs. I cross my arms and gaze disappointingly at him.

  “Fuck,” he sighs, scrubbing his face with his hands. “No, it’s not. I’m really sorry.” There’s sincerity in his voice and Tia rolls her eyes.


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