McKenzie, Cooper - The Cop's Mate [Sequel to The Billionaire's Lady] (Siren Publishing Classic)
Page 2
Then she felt heat as someone moved closer. Turning, she found herself looking up, up, up into the disapproving expression of a tall, blond man with the most intense blue eyes she’d ever seen.
Leigh froze and took a deep breath, inhaling smoke and pine. As she exhaled, her entire body relaxed and went soft. This man was her mate. He’d finally come to her, and she would finally be able to get the hell out of her parents’ home. Dropping her gaze, Leigh fought the urge to kneel at his feet and beg him to claim her as his mate.
He leaned close to sniff at her neck. Then he cupped one hand under her chin to force her head up until her eyes met his once again. “Do you know who I am?” he asked in a soft, grumbly growl.
Chapter 2
Something in his deep melodious voice sent a shiver of lust through Leigh. Her nipples peaked under the silk and her cunt dampened in response to his question.
“Yes,” she responded, taking another deep breath that she released on a sigh. “You are my mate.”
She looked way, way up, and immediately the shape shifter’s lust turned into a woman’s love. Except for the disapproval darkening his features, he looked as wonderful as he smelled. She could not wait to get him alone. She wanted to run her fingers through his golden blond hair to see if it felt as soft as it looked. She wanted to smooth his brow so that he would stop frowning. She wanted him to smile at her with the same intensity he wore now as he frowned.
“You will stop giving my sister a hard time immediately,” he ordered in his soft, deep voice that was filled with a power that touched something deep inside her. She could not deny anything he demanded. “And you will apologize to Margot and your pack for this outrageous behavior you have shown here tonight.”
Though his tone was soft, Leigh heard the dominant thread of iron running through it. Here was the strong man her father always wished for her. The man who would not put up with the wild ways and privileged, spoiled-princess persona her mother had encouraged. She had adopted the mask of an outrageous, outgoing Southern belle to keep the world from knowing the truth, that she was a wallflower who much preferred to sit in the corner reading to going out partying at night.
She heard others around them whisper but didn’t care. From here on out, no one mattered to her except this gorgeous, blond god-man who stood before her. When she nodded her agreement to his demand, his stern countenance eased. A moment later, one corner of his mouth tilted upwards. Not the full smile she continued to wish for, but at least he no longer looked so angry.
“Good girl,” he said, taking her hand in his before turning them both toward Adam and Margot. “Alpha Thomasson, with your permission, I’d like to claim this woman as my mate.”
At his touch, Leigh sucked a breath. Pulsating waves of electric heat shot up her arm to spread through her entire body. His touch sent her arousal winding tighter and tighter around her, sending her dangerously close to orgasm. When he declared his intentions before the room full of people that included her parents, she had to clench her thighs together in order to keep her juices from overflowing her cunt and running down the insides of her legs.
She watched Adam’s eyes widen before he looked at her. “Leigh, is this what you want?”
Leigh nodded immediately. “Yes, Adam. This man is my mate and…” She swallowed hard as she tried to put her feelings in words. But there were no words to explain. “Well, you know,” she ended with a shrug as she shifted her gaze to Margot. Adam’s mate looked equally shocked at the events that were unfolding.
Then she smiled, but still looked wary. “Yes, Leigh, we understand. Fate has brought you your match. Matt, are you certain about this? She’s—”
Before Margot could say another word of warning, Leigh turned and laid her free hand on her big mate’s chest. The heat radiating through the soft cotton material warmed her palm. “What she’s trying to say is that I’ve been a true bitch. I have attacked her twice in the past week with the thought that if I got her out of my way, Adam would claim me for his mate.”
While Matt didn’t flinch at her brutal honesty, shocked gasps went up from the crowd around them. Matt ignored everyone else. He continued to stare deep into her eyes, his expression serious but not angry.
“That stops now. Otherwise you’ll find yourself over my lap as I paddle your bare ass until you can’t sit down. You are my mate and will act with dignity and respect toward everyone, shifter and human alike. Do you understand?”
Leigh swallowed hard before nodding. No one had ever spanked her before. She wasn’t sure if it was fear or arousal that caused her to shiver in reaction to his words.
“And from here on out, you will dress like a lady and not a slut.”
Again Leigh nodded without argument. After all, she hadn’t picked out this dress, her mother had. She preferred well-worn jeans and soft T-shirts to slinky, silky dresses. And it was only right she agree with anything he asked of her. He was, after all, her mate.
“Words, mate. I need words.”
“Yes, okay.”
“Yes, okay, who?” he pushed, obviously demanding for her to submit to his will in front of this crowd of her friends and family.
“Yes, okay, Sir?” Leigh whispered.
For a moment, she wondered if he was even more dominant than she had thought. That thought sent another shiver through her. She had always wanted a man to take control, be stronger than she was, but none of the ones she’d dated had fit the bill.
Matt nodded then leaned down. “Good girl,” he murmured just before he kissed her.
At the touch of his lips on hers, Leigh felt her insides melt and her juices overflow from her pussy. When Matt finally lifted his head, she wanted to pull him back down and continue kissing him for the next week or so.
With a sigh, she laid her forehead on his chest as he said to Adam, “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll take my mate for a walk around the grounds.”
“May you have many happy years together,” Adam said in response. They’d just received the shape shifter’s blessing on their mating from her alpha. If only it would be that easy to receive her parents’ blessing.
When Matt turned to her, bent at the waist, and put his shoulder against her middle, she gasped. She then squealed when he straightened and she found herself draped over one broad, muscle-covered shoulder.
Though embarrassed by the caveman treatment, she didn’t fight him. She couldn’t. She wanted this. She wanted him. She wondered if they would be able to find somewhere private where they could complete their mating so she would never have to be alone again.
As soon as they were out the front door and they were alone, Matt set her down again. “Strip,” he ordered sharply. His voice was once again filled with that dark power that made her go weak in the knees.
“Here? Now?” she asked. Looking around with wide eyes, she was, for one of the first times in her adult life, fearful of what was about to happen.
Instead of responding with words, Matt reached up and untied the straps that secured the top of her dress behind her neck. Once they were undone, he dropped them then pushed the waistband of her dress until it passed over her hips and the dress pooled around her feet.
Taking her hand, he helped her to step out of her stiletto heels. Then, without speaking, he turned and headed down the driveway past the cars parked there. He went slow though she wondered if it was because she was short and bare foot or if he was simply prolonging whatever was to come. When they reached the corner of the big stone house and the edge of light provided by the floodlights around the yard, he continued walking forward without hesitation.
Though her senses were as acute as any shape shifter, it took her eyes a few seconds to adjust to the sudden darkness they’d plunged into. She looked around, trying to figure out where her mate was heading but couldn’t see another building anywhere in sight. They continued walking on the soft grass beside a stone path until they were well out of sight of the house. He stopped at a bench that was tucked into a small a
lcove surrounded on three sides by bushes and trees.
He sat down on the center of the bench and pulled her to lay across his lap, head down and ass up. “I am the enforcer for my pack. Do you know what that means?”
“Not really,” she said, trying not to struggle in his hold but finding it difficult.
“It means I am even more dominant than Adam. I enforce the laws of the Council, the laws of my pack, and obey my alpha’s wishes. Now, that being said you are my mate and I will not condone you acting like a spoiled princess even if that is how your family has raised you. I am a simple man, but I am the head of our family. Which means my word is law. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Leigh said softly, hoping her submission would keep him from spanking her.
A stinging slap on her left ass cheek brought her head up. “Oww,” she squealed.
“When you answer me it is yes, Sir.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Since you walked in tonight, you’ve behaved like a spoiled child. In my family, spoiled children were not tolerated. They were spanked until they learned better.”
Matt held her with one arm snugly around her waist while the other rubbed all over her ass cheeks then down between her legs, sending heat and arousal spiraling through her body.
Then he began to spank her. She screamed at the surprise and then the pain and struggled against his hold, but he ignored her. He used only one arm to hold her secure across his lap as the other continued swatting her. He struck one side of her ass and then the other, back and forth, time and again, until Leigh thought her ass had caught fire. She didn’t realize she was crying until he stopped and shifted her so she sat across his lap with her head resting against his chest just under his chin.
“I’m sorry,” she blubbered as he wrapped both arms around her to cuddle her closer. “I had given up on ever finding my mate. I figured if I could not have the mate the Fates intended, I would settle on a man who had everything else. I’m sorry.”
“Shhh, little one. It’s all right. Just so you understand that you will not flash that sexy, little come-hither smile of yours at any other man from now on,” Matt said, his voice deep, low, and surprisingly gentle.
“I won’t, but that means you can’t flirt with other women either,” she said between sniffing hiccups as she tried to get herself back under control.
“Don’t you worry about that. There will be no one else in our marriage, our mating. It’s just you and me, little mate of mine. I will love you and protect you from everyone, even your own bad choices, if need be.” He made the promise solemnly then bent his head to nuzzle his nose against the spot where her neck flowed out into shoulder. “Your scent is driving me mad. I need to mate you now, angel. Please tell me you want this. Tell me you want me.”
With a sigh, Leigh dropped her head to the side to allow him greater access. “Yes, please, Sir. I need you, too.”
* * * *
She felt so good in his arms and smelled so sweet. Matt was having a hard time keeping himself from throwing her on the ground and fucking her right there. He ran one hand down a silky thigh then over the top of her leg and back up to her pussy. Along the way he was not surprised to find her upper thighs slick with her sweet cream. She moaned as he cupped his hand over her mound with his fingers just brushing her open, wet entrance. The soft sound of her need drove him to the edge of his control. He had to find them some privacy, and fast.
Pulling his hand away, he slipped one arm under her knees and the other around her back. When he stood, his little mate gasped. Obviously she was unused to strong men who went after what they wanted. He carried her easily through the bushes, away from the path where someone might happen by while looking for a trysting spot of their own. He carried her through the forest until they reached a small clearing that was open to the star-filled sky above.
“Perfect,” he murmured as he dropped her legs and his precious cargo on her feet.
Unbuttoning his shirt, he stripped it off and laid it on the ground. It took longer to take off his boots and the rest of his clothes, but finally he stood naked before his beautiful mate. She looked wide-eyed and dazed as she looked him up and down.
He couldn’t tell if it was due to the shock of finding her mate or the spanking he’d just administered or something else. Taking a deep breath to control the howling, wolf-demanding and immediate mating, he forced himself to stand quiet and allow her to make the next move.
* * * *
Leigh watched him strip and was stunned by what his clothes hid. He was gorgeous. Long-limbed with thick, well-defined muscles, he was more than she had ever expected for her mate. She did not deserve such a man who seemed good and decent and honest. She sent a silent prayer of thanks to the Fates for presenting her with such a fine man. She looked up and down his body quickly then again more slowly. She was half afraid the wine she’d drunk earlier had distorted her vision. No one could be this well built outside of magazines, and even there the images were airbrushed. But here he stood, naked, hard, and hers for the taking. He was her very own sex god.
“Oh my,” she whispered.
Stepping closer, she lifted her hands to touch him. She had to make sure he was real and not just a figment of her sometimes overactive imagination. She traced across his broad shoulders then down thick, muscular arms. When she reached his wrists, she lifted her hands then brought them up to caress his broad chest.
The muscles and bones there were covered with an inverted triangle of soft, blond hair that went from nipple to nipple then narrowed to a point just above his navel. Dropping her hand lower, she traced the line of hair that started again below the indentation to trail down where it thickened around the base of his erect cock.
They both sucked in a breath when she traced a line up the top of his shaft from base to tip using the pad of just one finger. Matt was big all over, and his cock was in proportion with the rest of him. It was also bigger than any she’d ever seen before in real life.
“I want it,” she breathed. Wrapping one hand around the base of his thickness, she found her fingers barely met on the other side. Slowly she stroked up his long, thick length, smiling when the shaft twitched in response.
Lifting her gaze to his, she read the fire of stark hunger in his glowing blue eyes. It matched the inferno burning low in her pelvis. Though she had many questions about him, their relationship, and their future together, they all slid away until she could think of nothing but him and her and the sliver of a moon overhead.
“It’s all yours for the rest of our lives,” he responded softly, laying his hands on her shoulders as he leaned down to kiss her.
In seconds, they were kneeling on the grass next to his shirt. Their arms wrapped tight around one another’s back as their bodies came into full contact. The kiss went on and on until Leigh felt dizzy from lack of air and the overwhelming intensity of arousal.
Pulling her head back to break the kiss, she licked at his lips before saying, “I need to lie down.”
He nodded and they lay down together, his shirt protecting them from the grass. They remained wrapped together as the kissing and touching went on until they were rubbing their bodies together. Their hips arched together, the length of his shaft rubbing in the furrow of her pussy lips, brushing back and forth against her hard, knotted clit. His touch sent her closer and closer to the edge of insanity.
“Please, now,” she whimpered against his lips as she lifted her top leg and wrapped it around his hip. “I need you right now.”
He pulled back to look at her. His expression was nearly as wild as she felt. “Are you sure, little one? Once I claim you, there’s no going back. You’re mine forever.”
Chapter 3
Green eyes stared into blue and she nodded with a slow-growing smile. “I’m sure. How about you? Are you sure you want me for a mate?”
His sexy grin sent increased shivers of need, want, and excitement through her. Instead of answering with words, he pulled his hips down a
nd away from where they had been pressed against hers. Running a hand down her back then over one still-sensitive ass cheek, he slid two fingers into her cunt before pulling them out again and positioning the head of his cock at her opening.
When he pressed just the head in, she moaned, and began to pant as he pushed deeper and deeper. His length and width filled her so full all the muscles in her pussy quivered from the stretching they were receiving. She growled and flexed her fingernails into his skin when his blunted head pressed tight against her cervix.
“You’re so damn tight,” he growled as he rolled them until she lay flat on her back in the center of his shirt. Pushing up, he stayed deep in her cunt as he knelt between her legs. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he then took her hips in his big, powerful hands. “I wanted this to go slow and easy, but…” His voice trailed off as he eased out then slammed deep again.
“Fuck me hard,” she begged as she arched her lower body to try and slide herself up and down on his cock.
But she couldn’t move. He had her in a position where she could not move, could only accept what he gave her. She couldn’t even reach out to caress his beautiful body as it was too far away. He began to thrust in and out of her body in a fast, hard rhythm that sent shivers of thrill through her. As the quivers turned to trembling, she reached out, needing to feel him as well, but she could only reach as far as his forearms. She grabbed what she could and held on tight. Two minutes later, her upper body curled forward and she screamed as release rolled over her like an avalanche.
As her orgasm rolled on and on, Matt leaned forward. He dropped forward to crouch above her, his hips still flashing in and out of her clenching pussy. He dropped his upper body even lower until his chest rubbed over her nipples. Leaning up, he kissed her wet, parted lips. Then he shifted his attention to her left earlobe. He nuzzled his way down her neck to where it flowed into her shoulder. As his hips slammed forward one last time, he roared his completion. Then he bit into her shoulder, marking her forever as his mate.