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Catching Maggie

Page 13

by Hayley Faiman

  “All right, Jackson,” I whisper. His hands tighten in response.

  “That was fuckin’ easy as shit,” he remarks as I place a kiss on his neck and raise up slightly.

  “Amalie told me her whole story. She didn’t fight Jarrod and he kept her safe and protected her. I won’t fight you either, Jackson.” He chuckles and rolls us over, pulling a blanket over our bodies. He then wraps himself around me, his leg slung across mine and one strong arm wrapped all the way around my waist, with his head resting against my breast.

  “Go to sleep, gorgeous. We’ll leave for my place first thing in the morning. I want my girl to see me play ball, so I better get to practicing. I have seriously blown lately.”

  “I thought you were going to spank me and bring me to a near death experience?” I tease.

  Jackson slaps my hip hard, leaving a red handprint, I’m sure. Then he nips the flesh of my breast as he speaks a rumbled sound that is music to my ears.

  “Sleep, you little brat.”

  I giggle again. I feel so light now - so damn happy. I fall easily into a dreamless sleep. Wrapped in the arms of my man, my Dom, my lover and maybe so much more than all of those things.

  Hopefully, one day he will be the love of my life. While my feelings for him are seriously strong, I need to know the man, all of the man, before I make a declaration of love. I want to be smarter this time around. I don’t want to be that easily manipulated young girl I once was.

  FEAR AND DREAD GRIPS ME as I walk toward the family section of the baseball stadium. Today, I will see Jackson play. I have been hiding out in Jackson’s apartment for a total of three days and this is the first time I have seen the light of day. Jackson has kept me holed up, making me come repeatedly before he heads to practice, leaving me exhausted and asleep in his bed. It has been the best three days of my life.

  However, I am starting to worry. He hasn’t tried any of the kinky things we saw in either of the clubs. No bondage, no spanking, nothing like that. Every time I try to ask him about it, he tells me to be patient; that he has to earn my trust back before he can fully take me as his submissive. I’m not going to complain, though, because each time with him is better than the last, and they are all the best I’ve ever had. That truth makes me feel slightly guilty about Sammy.

  “Oh, are you fucking serious right now? I thought we got rid of this bitch?” Alana scowls, her blonde hair looking much rattier than usual and her face looking even thinner. Basically, she looks like shit.

  “Shut your whore mouth, Alana. Maggie is here so just get used to it,” Libby barks, making Alana scrunch her nose up and turn away from me.

  “It’s like a fucking Stepford Wives reunion,” she grumbles.

  “Better than sitting in the Cleat Chaser’s section, fawning over men who will only fuck you, toss you away, and never marry you,” Victoria points out. Alana flips us off as her rebuttal.

  I give Libby a sad, nervous, wobbly smile and sit down next to her. I wave at Victoria, who is on the other side of her, and she rubs her small swollen belly before giving me a bright smile. The simple act makes my heart hurt.

  “Congratulations are in order, I see,” I say softly, trying to mask the hurt. It isn’t her fault that Sammy didn’t want a family or that I may never have a family of my own.

  “Baby number two. Carlos is thrilled and I’m sick all the time. It’s a vicious cycle.” She giggles and it makes me smile to see her so happy.

  Victoria, Libby and I talk for a few minutes, catching up on our lives, and I feel my body calming down in their presence. I had forgotten how much I had missed my crazy friends. A few moments later I watch Carrie, the other bitch and Alana’s sidekick, walk over and sit next to Alana. Then Amalie and Axel make their way toward us and sit down next to me. Amalie wraps her free arm around me and kisses my cheek.

  “How in the heck did Jackson talk you into coming here and when the hell did you guys get back to good?” she asks loudly. I shake my head as Alana and Carrie both turn around with shocked looks on their faces.

  “Three days ago. I’m sorry I haven’t called I’ve been… busy.” I blush at my own words and look down at my hands. Amalie starts to laugh, throwing her head back as Victoria and Libby both join in.

  “Just what is so damn funny up there?” Carrie asks, her short hair swinging as she whips her head around to glare at us.

  “Jackson brought Maggie out of hiding three days ago, but he’s been so busy with her, I didn’t even know she was amongst the living again. I think it’s hilarious and awesome,” Amalie says with a huge crazy smile. Carrie rolls her eyes but Alana glares at me, a look I’m used to. Then she smirks and it looks maniacal on her.

  “If you think you can hold onto Jackson better than you did Sammy, you’re sadly mistaken.” Alana smiles and I can feel the blood draining from my face as I go pale.

  “Excuse me?” I practically stutter.

  “What, you didn’t think Sammy was faithful, did you? Please - Carrie and I both fucked him, multiple times. Who knows how many other girls he screwed behind your fat ass back. If you think that you can keep any man at all, you’re mistaken. Sammy told us all the time how timid and shy you were; said he liked to keep you meek and in the dark. You made it easier to look like the All-American guy to the public,” she says with a smile. My hands start to shake. Amalie wraps her arm around me but she isn’t warm enough. I can feel ice flooding my veins at Alana’s words.

  “You are such a fucking bitch, Alana. Sammy’s gone. Why do you even have to talk about him?” Victoria yells. I hardly hear her. I can’t concentrate. I can hardly breathe.

  I was the biggest fool in the world - blind and pathetic. Worst of all, I am a fucking joke to Alana, the biggest joke amongst all the players. I don’t even know how or why she has seats with us.

  “How can you sit here, game after game, knowing you’re a couple of whore home wreckers?” Libby demands. I want to get up and run, scream, and cry, but I’m frozen - completely frozen.

  “Easy - his cock was fantastic and his tongue, holy shit that hit all the right spots,” Carrie groans.

  I glare at the two of them. Knowing that Sammy put his tongue on either of these dirty ass whores makes me ill. It also makes me grateful that he didn’t put his mouth anywhere near me. I could have ended up with some dirty disease.

  “You girls want Jackson? I wish you all the luck in the world. If he wants two used stretched out whores, then he can have you,” I practically scream. They look at each other and then at me. The truth must sting, I think as I tip my lips in a smile. I turn around without another word or glance in their direction the entire game.

  “Jackson isn’t Sammy, Maggie. I hope you know that,” Amalie murmurs as we wait for the guys to come out of the locker room after the game.

  “I know, Amalie. I also know that I won’t let a man treat me the way Sammy did for all of those years. I won’t be cheated on or used,” I say.

  “I never thought I could be in a serious relationship after Eric. I thought that he ruined that part of me, but then I met Jarrod. Sammy didn’t ruin that part of you either, Maggie. You have to let Jackson in. I’ve talked to him a lot since you left and I can see that he is truly head over heels for you. I didn’t know Sammy, but I know Jackson and he genuinely cares for you.” I smile up at her because she doesn’t know. How could she know that Jackson has shown me, in just three days, how much he cares for me in ways that Sammy never did.

  “I know Amalie; I care for him too, very much. Sammy didn’t ruin me. He hurt me deeply, but I sat back and let it all happen. I was naïve and looking for a savior when I met Sammy. I let Sammy treat me the way he did - I never questioned him and I never asked for more. I would never go into anything like that again. With Jackson, he’s just Jackson. He’s not my savior, but he’s wonderful.” I must say what she wants to hear, because she just smiles and we wait in silence for the men to come out of the locker room.

  Jackson is gorgeous. His hair is wet f
rom the showers and his ball cap is pulled low, hiding his dark eyes. His shirt is stretched tightly over his chest and his jeans are snug on his thick thighs, riding low on hips. I don’t run up to him like some of the women. Instead, I wait for him to come to me.

  Our eyes connect and I watch as he smirks at me. He knows he has to come to me. I’ll probably get a little punishment because of it, but I want it. Alana slides right up to him and he doesn’t even stop walking, his eyes never breaking away from mine. When he reaches me, he bends down and places a soft kiss on my lips.

  “You’re a brat for not coming over to greet me,” he mutters, one of his hands sliding around my waist. He presses his hips against my stomach and his hard length makes me instantly wet with want for him.

  “Sometimes a girl wants her man to come to her,” I whisper as he grunts softly, his nose running alongside mine.

  “I seem to come to you more often than not, Marguerite,” he says, making me smile. It’s true. Jackson has been the one chasing me and I love it.

  “I think you’ll be all right, Jackson,” I whisper. He nips my bottom lip and we start walking together toward his car.

  “We have dinner with Carlos, Pete, Jarrod and their wives tomorrow night. You don’t mind, do you?”

  I smile because this is so comfortable, so normal. When I was with Sammy, we were always invited to those dinners but Sammy never wanted to go. I am giddy simply knowing that Jackson wants to go.

  “That sounds like fun,” I admit. He smiles before speeding off toward his apartment.

  “WOULD YOU STOP TRYING TO get pictures of my wife?” I hear who I know must be Jarrod, bellowing from behind the closed door of Carlos and Victoria’s apartment, and I can’t help but smile.

  I knock, balancing the plate of brownies I made earlier today in my other hand. I have never been to one of these dinners before, so I don’t know if I have to bring something or not. I made boxed brownies, just in case. I wish I was a better cook so I could have made something cute and pretty to share. I should get one of those Pinterest accounts Victoria is always mentioning. I have never had the opportunity to do something like this before so I never needed it.

  “Dude, your wife is hot as shit. I’ll take all the pics I can get,” Carlos yells as he opens the door, a huge smile on his face.

  “Come on in, guys,” he motions as we walk inside. Jackson’s hand is wrapped around my waist and we are greeted by all of our friends. Jackson quickly takes the brownies from my hands and walks them over to the table before returning back to me.

  “Jackson, tell me right now, if Carlos or Pete wanted pictures of Maggie in her lingerie and bikini, would you just hand them out?” Jarrod asks. I hear a low growl come from Jackson’s chest and I know this conversation could go really bad really fast.

  “That’s different and you know it. Maggie isn’t in magazines and calendars wearing that,” Carlos cries out. Jarrod opens his mouth to respond, but Amalie walks in with Axel in her arms and speaks before Jarrod can.

  “Carlos, stop goading my Jarrod, you know how he gets. The only pictures you will get are the ones you cut from a magazine. Now, hush,” she says with a smile handing Axel over to Jarrod. My eyes glaze over at the sight of this huge man cradling the small baby in his arms. It’s truly a beautiful sight and warms my heart. I laugh at her words as I turn to look at Jackson, who is still grinding his jaw.

  “Jackson, are you all right?” His nostrils flare as he turns to look at me and I notice the spark in his eyes.

  “I’m all right. I’m just trying to stop imagining people having photos of you right now,” he glowers before I kiss his cheek.

  “There are no photos of me like that, Jackson. Don’t worry,” I murmur immediately feeling the tension leave his body as he relaxes.

  As evening progresses, I find that this group of friends is so much more than just friends; they are truly a family and I am so grateful to be welcomed by them. I look around at the couples in love and notice the sweet, tender touches, the knowing looks, and passing kisses exchanged between the men and their wives.

  Everybody looks so happy – Victoria, with her small baby bump and a little toddler running around; and Amalie, who is cuddled with Axel as Jarrod’s long arm wraps around her shoulders. However, when I glance over at Libby, I see that she looks lost. It concerns me and I wonder what’s going on. Pete is a funny guy, sweet and charming, but there seems to be something missing between them and I can’t quite decipher what she’s feeling, but when Libby looks at Victoria or Amalie, it’s as if she’s looking in the mirror, seeing only what she lacks. I wonder if there is more to Pete and Libby than anyone truly knows. Libby is always so loud and funny that to see her quiet is almost a shock.

  When the men take the babies into the living room so that the women can clean up, I feel like I need to ask Libby if she’s all right. I wait until Victoria and Amalie are in a discussion about something baby related before I ask her.

  “Libby, are you all right?” I quietly ask. She blinks and looks up at me as if not quite hearing me.

  “I’m fine, why do you ask?” She graces me with a huge Libby grin and I can’t help but wonder if this is her fake smile. I faked a smile for years, especially in public.

  “You seem, I don’t know, sad. Is everything okay with you and Pete?” She stares at me, her mouth agape for a second, before she shrugs.

  “We’re good, Maggs. Don’t worry about it. I’m just tired, I guess. It’s making me off,” she says with a sad smile. I decide to drop it, even if I know that what she’s telling me is a bunch of bullshit. Who am I to try and counsel someone? I have a list of issues a mile long.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” Jackson asks in the car on the way home.

  I smile before I speak, “I had so much fun, but I’m worried about Libby and Pete,” I confess. Jackson furrows his brow silently before asking me what the hell I’m talking about.

  “She just seemed off; sad or depressed, almost,” I explain. Jackson shakes his head as he continues to drive home.

  “Pete’s never said a bad word about Libby. Maybe she was just tired or something. She was quiet, but she seemed all right,” he points out as I chew on my lips.

  “Libby is never quiet,” I mention. He nods his agreement.

  “She’s fine babe. I think you’d know if there was something really wrong. Libby doesn’t seem the type to hold much back.”

  It’s true. Libby is loud, wild, and outgoing, but I wonder if she is the type of person to hold all of her personal hurts deep inside - if she feels them harder than anyone else and just masks them with her over the top personality. I hope she’s okay, I would hate for her to be living a life like I had - a life she feels trapped in.

  I stifle as yawn as we walk into the apartment and place my purse down on the kitchen counter. I feel Jackson’s heat behind me and brace for his touch. He doesn’t even place a finger on me, instead his lips hover next to my ear.

  “Go into the bedroom and strip,” he breathes. A shiver runs through me in anticipation of what is to come. A thrill consumes me, maybe tonight he will be more dominating?

  I quickly walk toward the bedroom, stripping off every piece of clothing I am wearing along the way. My body is humming with hope; my skin feels hyper sensitive when the cool air from the air conditioning blows on me from above. I walk toward the bed, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. When I feel a tremor of awareness crawl up my spine, I know that it is from Jackson’s eyes. I slowly turn around to see him leaning heavily against the doorway. His cream shirt unbuttoned and hanging open, showing me the perfect ripple of his abs below his broad chest. My eyes devour him. Every speck of skin on display is golden and I almost can’t believe that it’s real.

  “Crawl to me, my little bunny,” he commands, his voice deep. I shiver at his words. I haven’t heard him say that in so long.

  I drop straight to my knees and crawl to him. I can feel my breasts swaying with each move of my legs and arms. Though
there is more of me than there used to be, I’m not embarrassed. Jackson makes me feel beautiful. Once I am at his feet, I sit back and look up at him. A smile tugs at his lips.

  “What a good girl,” he utters, cupping my cheek with his warm hand before sliding it through my hair.

  “Now, open those pretty pink lips and suck me, Marguerite,” his voice is laced with the domination I have been craving. I hiss a breath of surprise, watching him unbuckle and drop his pants.

  I open my lips wide, waiting for him until he slides his cock past my lips and into my mouth. I love the taste of him, love the feel of his hard length against my tongue, love the way he slides slowly into my mouth, love the way he is both gentle and yet purposeful with his movements. I raise one of my hands to wrap it around the base of his length, but he pulls out of my mouth and makes a tsking sound.

  “No hands, beautiful. Now put them behind your back and push those pretty tits out for me; spread your thighs, too. I want to see all of you while you take my cock in your hot mouth,” he orders.

  I whimper at Jackson’s words; they make my belly flip as wetness pools between my thighs. I want to squeeze them together to ease the throbbing, but instead I do as I have been instructed. I spread them wide while clasping my hands behind my back and opening my mouth for him again.

  “Look at you, so beautiful, and all fucking mine,” he rasps, sliding himself in and out of my mouth.

  I can’t do anything but take him inside of me. As he thrusts, I swirl my tongue and suck. Jackson buries his hands in my hair and grips me tightly. The act burns my scalp, but I can’t help the rush of pleasure that courses through me, or the way my eyes roll to the back of my head as he pulls, tilting my head back so that I can take in more of him.

  “Just hold still now, bunny. I’m going to fuck this beautiful mouth, but I won’t come inside of you. I’m going to come all over those big sexy tits.” My eyes pop open and heat flares over my entire body.


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