Book Read Free

Strike Me Dead

Page 19

by Bob Goodwin

  Graham Lawson sheltered his eyes from the light beams as he ran towards the open door. His left leg pulled the chain across the floor behind him. Nearly at the arms of his saviours, the chain length came to an abrupt end, and his legs went from underneath him, sending him crashing heavily to the floor. Mitchell squatted to help while Hunter stepped over him and moved to the silent, naked girl lying on a filthy mattress.

  ‘Conrad, get help. Paramedics and someone with bolt cutters,’ shouted Jason. Conrad was a little stunned and for a moment stood just staring, still with his hand on his gun. Jason had his long, heavy raincoat off and placed it over the girl. He put a hand close to her mouth. ‘Go, go, go! This is Jessica Chang. She is still alive!’

  Chapter 61

  Plan “C”

  In the dim flickering flashes of a faulty streetlight, a solitary figure clambered up to the side of the muddy road. He was soaking wet and held a large plastic bag over his shoulder. He crouched then sat on the embankment facing the flooded creek from where he emerged.

  James Champion sucked in some deep breaths and momentarily set down his plastic bag. The rain had slowed to a drizzle and the storm moved away. There were still a few distant flashes through the night sky and some smothered faraway rumbles.

  He allowed himself two minutes of rest then stood and walked a hundred meters down the road to the Corolla. In the boot was a clean towel, a set of clothes and a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag. After changing, he grabbed the packet and removed the bottle. He checked the label — Chloral Hydrate Syrup 500 mgs per 5 mls.

  The area was quite remote and, as the crow flies, only about 500 meters from the Finn house, but on a completely different road so his departure from Kings Wood could go un-noticed.

  After half an hour of driving, he arrived at the Kawana home of the late Morgan and Claymore Finn.

  Chapter 62


  Jason Hunter remained at Jessica’s side until she departed in the ambulance. He called Tien and Mary; it was a short but emotional phone call and even Tien was barely able to speak. As for Graham Lawson, apart from some cuts and bruises, he was not in bad shape, and had already left ahead of Jessica with the other team of paramedics. Hunter had mixed emotions. He felt a great sense of relief and joy in finding Jessica, but there remained uncertainty and mystery and he felt a compulsion to get back up the hill and see the other two containers.

  After seeing Jessica off in the ambulance, he made his way back to the house, taking care through the driveway which with all the rain and vehicles, was part quagmire and part deep trenches. He passed police keeping watch on the house and made his way back up the hill.

  He looked past the open door of Damnation and could see Riley standing in front of the second metal box. He was a couple of steps back from the opening with a handkerchief over his nose and mouth.

  ‘That’s far enough,’ said Constable Mitchell with her stop hand raised. Hunter looked past her.

  ‘Riley!’ shouted Hunter.

  The detective turned his head and waved for him to be let through. He moved alongside Riley and peered into Salvation. The foul stench of decay slapped Jason Hunter in the face. While he coughed and gagged slightly, he was astounded at the vision that lay before him. The container had a purpose-built narrow wooden bench, at chest height, running around three sides. On the benches was a row of human skulls running down the left, across the back and part way up the right side. The second last skull still had a little dried blackened flesh attached to the cheekbones and around the eye sockets. The final skull was more recent. It was moving. Thousands of maggots covered the severed head and many more crawled over the bench and across the floor. Laying at the front of each skull was a small metal crucifix.

  ‘There is more than seventeen here,’ Jason eventually said. He waved his hand to shoo away several flies that were pestering him.

  ‘Twenty-five,’ said Riley. ‘What’s with seventeen?’

  ‘Champion gave me a list of names. There were eighteen if you included Jessica Chang. He knew what he was talking about. Just not the full extent.’

  ‘He tried to tell me about this. I just fobbed him off. Thought he was a stupid psychotic.’

  ‘Sorry, Riley but you really are a dick. And not as in a detective type. You with me?’

  ‘Yeah I know. I owe you an apology.’

  ‘What’s in number three?’

  ‘Workspace, tools, chemicals. He was making his own chloroform and sulphuric acid. There is an underground vat thing over there.’ Riley pointed to an area just past Redemption where an old green tarp has been pulled to one side. ‘We think that’s where the bodies were put. Plenty of forensic work to be done here,’ said Riley.

  ‘So then, the big question is...’ Hunter paused. Riley looked at him. ‘Is the serial killer really dead?’

  Chapter 63

  Wake up, James

  Raelene Watson had an unsettled night trying to sleep in the recliner beside the bed of James Champion. A couple of times she thought he was waking up and was quickly at his side, kissing him on the forehead and saying his name. Nurses had regularly been in and out of his single room checking the monitors, adjusting the intravenous drip, and now and then altering his position on the bed. Carmel had returned home at around one in the morning but regardless had called Rae three times since to see if there was any change.

  A uniformed police officer had been stationed at the door of the single room shortly after James arrived at the hospital by ambulance. Not that he was charged with anything, but given the gravity of the situation, it was a precaution; and besides, a number of people were now queuing up to talk to him the moment he awoke and had medical clearance.

  It was eleven in the morning when James coughed and opened his eyes.

  ‘James, it’s Rae.’ She wiped a tear from her eye. ‘You’re going to be okay. You are in the hospital.’

  ‘Oh no, not again,’ he coughed.

  ‘It’s the medical ward. Not psych. Definitely not psych,’ she laughed a little through her tears.

  ‘He’s waking up!’ She looked around and shouted to no one. A policeman’s head peered around the corner and smiled.

  ‘I’ve been drugged,’ breathed James.

  ‘Yes. They had to break the door down to save you. You were unconscious on the floor at Morgan Finn’s unit in Kawana.’

  ‘My father’s home-made lemonade,’ James put a hand to his forehead. ‘This is the worst hangover, and I don’t even drink. Yeah, I remember going to see him. To confront him and Claymore and tell them about my evidence. I wanted them to give themselves up.’

  ‘You saved Jessica Chang, James.’

  He opened his eyes more fully. Raelene sniffed and nodded vigorously to him.

  ‘Yes, you did.’ Rae kissed him some more.

  ‘Thank God.’

  ‘And another guy too.’

  ‘Father and Claymore,’ he said softly. ‘Surely they are locked up now?’

  Raelene stood then laid on the bed next to James. She took him in her arms and squeezed hard. ‘Oh, James,’ she cried. ‘I think they might both have been killed down at the Kings Wood house. There were three bodies. I’m so sorry.’ She pulled her head into his shoulder. James wrapped his arms around her, dislodging the monitor cable. A series of loud beeps sounded. Over Rae’s shoulder, James Champion smiled through his tired eyes.

  Chapter 64

  Thank You

  James sat in the chair at the side of his hospital bed finishing the last of his scrambled eggs and toast. Raelene was packing up what belongings he had into an overnight bag.

  It was Wednesday morning. James was significantly improved and was now ready for discharge. He had two preliminary bedside interviews yesterday afternoon with investigating police officers and was advised there would be more to come in the days ahead.

  ‘I’ll drop you home while I go off to work,’ said Rae. She zipped up the bag and dro
pped it on the bed. ‘But I’ll be round tonight to cook dinner for you and your Mum.’

  ‘Sounds perfect.’

  There was a knock on the open door. James and Rae both raised their heads at the same time. It was a Chinese man.

  ‘Sorry to interrupt,’ said Tien Chang. ‘You be Mr James Champion? Yes?’

  James moved his breakfast tray to the bed and stood. ‘Yes I am.’

  ‘I Tien Chang. Father of Jessica.’

  James stepped forward and took both of Tien’s hands in his.

  ‘So very pleased to meet you. How is Jessica going?’

  ‘She still in intensive care. Getting better. Pneumonia, dehydration. Many bruises on back and shoulder. But she be okay now. Thanks to you.’

  ‘I am so pleased to hear that. It must have been so dreadful for her. I cannot imagine what she must have gone through.’

  ‘I owe you big apology, Mr Champion.’

  ‘Oh no, I don’t think that is necessary at all.’

  ‘Yes. I do that silly Charlie Chan at your house. I blame you. I think bad things of you. I so sorry.’ Tien bowed his head several times.

  ‘Jessica was missing. Of course, you would do whatever it takes to find her. And to be honest, I was not so well for a while there and I did say and do some strange things.’

  ‘You have had your troubles. Now you okay, Mr Champion?’

  ‘I am fine, and please call me James.’ He let go of Tien’s hands. ‘I hope this doesn’t sound odd,’ continued James. ‘But I think I need to give you a big hug.’ Tien smiled. James bent over slightly and wrapped his arms around him. He squeezed and patted him firmly on the back. Raelene was blotting her eyes with a tissue. The two men stood back from each other still holding each other’s arms. Tien’s face was wet with tears.

  ‘I call you James. Your name, James Champion, suit you very much. I always see you now as my champion. Thank you.’

  ‘You are very kind.’ James nodded his appreciation.

  ‘When Jessica out of hospital we have proper Christmas. Her family, her friends all come. You most welcome.’

  ‘I appreciate that. I’m sure it will be a wonderful occasion.’

  ‘I go now. Thank you again. I always remember.’ Tien backed away towards the door. ‘Bad men have now gone. We all safer. Stay well my friend.’ The Chinese man disappeared.

  James and Raelene just stared at each other for a moment.

  ‘Oh, my God!’ Rae eventually blubbered. ‘How special was that?’

  ‘It was big, that’s for sure. Took my breath away.’ James took a few big breaths and moved towards Rae.

  ‘I don’t think he knew your father and brother were the two bad men.’ She cuddled James around the waist.

  ‘No. It’s not common knowledge yet. But it will be soon enough.’

  Chapter 65

  Several Days Later

  ‘I think you’ve become a bit more untidy than usual over the past week,’ said Carmel. She placed a cooked breakfast on the verandah table in front of her son and another plate for herself opposite. ‘I know you have been through so much.’ She sat down and picked up her utensils; she looked back at James then kept shifting about in her chair. ‘It has all been a great shock to me too. Finding out about Morgan that way. All a bit confusing and distressing. I’ve been crying myself to sleep.’

  ‘I know that. It’s okay Mother. You can ask me whatever you like. I will answer as best as I can. No secrets,’ said James. Carmel’s face seemed to lighten a little. She took a big breath.

  ‘So how long have you known that Morgan was your biological father?’

  ‘You sure you want all the details? Might be upsetting,’ cautioned James.

  ‘I need to know everything. I need to know the truth.’

  ‘Okay then. Well, the first thing I knew was that Walt was not my real Dad. And that was years ago, because of the genetic eye-colour thing. I worked that out for myself. But there was this guy and his son who I saw hanging around here a few times. Even saw them at the Stella Maris church. The son looked so much like me it was uncanny. It was after church one Sunday that I eventually spoke to them. They already knew about me and you. It was because of you they were here. Morgan was insistent on needing to see you every now and then. He still loved you, Mother, but he didn’t want to interfere in your life again.’

  ‘Oh, my God.’

  ‘This was all just before he had a serious boating accident.’

  ‘James, I apologise before even asking, but did you ever think for a moment he was actually killing people?’

  ‘He was weird. Very preoccupied with odd religious ideas about punishing people who defamed God. We argued about this,’ said James as he took a small bite of toast. ‘I tried to tell him it wasn’t his place to do this. And when he said punish I had no idea he really meant killing them. But there was this thing, always in the back of my mind, that he was up to no good. That’s why I spent so much time on the missing persons list and the weather maps. I guess I was hoping to prove it was not Morgan. I didn’t want to believe he was capable of doing such a thing — not my father.’

  ‘Oh James. I wish you had spoken to me sooner. You poor thing being tormented by this for so long.’

  ‘I really think that all this has contributed to my relapses. I know I don’t deal with high levels of stress that well.’

  Carmel burst into tears and moved around the table to her son. She hugged him.’

  ‘It’s okay Mother. Honestly, I feel so much better now it’s all over.’ After a minute, she went back and picked away at her breakfast.

  ‘It might be good to think about getting back to work soon,’ she said through a few moist sniffs, and changing the subject.

  ‘I will soon. Rae and I are talking things over,’ replied James. ‘I might even be moving in with her.’ He picked up a piece of crispy bacon and crunched on it.

  ‘Okay then,’ replied Carmel. James nearly choked on his bacon. ‘Yes, Rae and I have shared a few moments lately. I know she has your best interests at heart and I know she cares deeply for you.’


  ‘And of course, I will be over for dinner on a regular basis.’

  ‘Oh ... a little less than outstanding then,’ he laughed.

  Halfway through their breakfast, James stood and looked down at the coffee shop.

  ‘Okay,’ Carmel said, ‘I didn’t want to say anything, but that is the third time you’ve done that.’

  ‘There’s someone down there,’ said James.

  ‘Is this the newspaper thing all over again?’

  ‘Sort of, same guy but no newspaper. He wants to see me.’ James gave a wave over the balcony.

  * * *

  James pulled out a chair and sat across from Jason Hunter. Jason pushed over a coffee.

  ‘Latte. Double shot. No sugar.’

  ‘Nice, thanks,’ said James. ‘You finally get your turn to have a chat with me. I’m pretty much talked out. The police have spent days with me, but I hope I can help. I would have thought by now that you’d be pretty much up to speed with most everything.’

  ‘Mostly. There are a couple of outstanding issues,’ said Jason. ‘It’s been a dramatic and upsetting time for many people. My condolences regarding your father and brother.’

  ‘Thanks, but I’m not sorry for them. I wish I was onto them sooner. They were always an odd pair — reclusive, private and sort of religious but in an obsessive, unhealthy and most improper way. And yes, it’s been a difficult week, but I’d do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant saving lives.’

  ‘Wonderful to hear,’ said Hunter unconvincingly. He sipped his coffee. ‘I have to pass on a big thanks to you from the Chang family.’

  ‘Well, that’s nice. Tien did thank me in person at the hospital. I heard on the news that Jessica has been discharged. That’s fantastic.’

  ‘She’s doing well. She would like to thank you herself
sometime soon.’

  ‘Her father, Tien, did invite me to their belated Christmas celebrations, but I think we both know that would be a very bad idea. I look too much like Claymore; it would surely cause Jessica a lot of unnecessary distress,’ said James.

  ‘I had a feeling you would say something like that,’ replied Hunter. ‘Oh by the way, the red Barina was located.’


  ‘It belonged to an old couple out of town.’

  ‘Sorry but that doesn’t seem to make any sense.’ He sipped his latte.

  ‘Some guy they knew as Dale was living with them and using their car. Apparently, he was an absolutely delightful fellow.’

  ‘I don’t know any Dale. Why was he spying on me?’

  Hunter just looked at James and drank more coffee.

  ‘You tell me, Columbo.’

  ‘I don’t care for your tone or implication Mr Hunter,’ said James. ‘I think we are done here.’ James moved his chair back. Hunter placed his big hand on top of James’ and leaned forward.

  ‘This Dale is the guy who was murdered at Kings Wood. Had his throat cut and his face burnt off with acid. He has no ID, no documentation. It’s like he never existed. He had some connection with your father and brother, so it seems logical to me that you might have met him. You know, in your travels here and there. You do get around.’

  ‘I didn’t meet him. Yes, as I told the police, I had maintained some occasional contact with my father and brother over the past few years, but it was only after my research that I knew what they were up to. My plan was to turn them in. I couldn’t get the police to listen to me. You were the only one that believed I was onto something.’


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