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Onset of Danger

Page 8

by Aubrey Ross

  He caught her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing harder and harder until she gasped and looked into his eyes. “Would you like to hear what I have planned? I’ve thought of little else since I escaped you in Vancouver.”

  “You didn’t escape me. You escaped General Kovac, head of Vladya strain.” She held perfectly still, refusing to react to the hot sensations sparking from his firm grasp.

  His brow arched and he released her nipple. “General Kovac? I thought you called her Mother.”

  “And I thought Prince Alexi wanted you to question me.”

  “I’ll have more control over my scans once I’ve satisfied my hunger.” He leaned down and circled her throbbing nipple with his tongue, soothing the beaded point with heat and moisture. “Have you ever had your nipples clamped?”

  Excitement washed over her, dark and intoxicating. Her inner muscles rippled and her chest ached. His focus had clearly changed while she’d been unconscious. Information was no longer his top priority. She closed her eyes and savored the faint pulse of her symbionts. They liked nothing better than when she gave in to her most elemental desires and indulged her need for pain.

  “I’m not intimidated by pain.” She licked her lips and stared straight ahead. “Do your damnedest.”

  His only response was to latch on to her other breast and suck viciously. Her nipple pulsed, echoing the frantic rhythm of her heart. Would he whip her as she’d whipped him? Slice her flesh or—

  “I have something else in mind for my baby doll,” he whispered without raising his head. He’d obviously heard her rambling thoughts. “I’m going to spank your pampered ass and see how wet you get.” He finally straightened and met her gaze. “I don’t have to ask if you’ve been spanked before. Your eyes reveal your hunger.” He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, muscles rippling beneath smooth, golden skin.

  She watched him despite her determination to remain unaffected by his intimidation. His body was amazing, the ultimate example of a Strigoian male in his prime. Her hands clenched as she imagined how he would feel beneath her fingers, so hard and hot as his muscles bunched and flexed. She yanked against the cuffs and turned her head to the side, but his image was burned into her memory.

  “What’s the matter?” He ran his hand down her side then teased the upper curve of her ass. “Not so brave without your whip?”

  He was goading her, trying to provoke a response. She would remain stoic and silent. She took a deep breath and calmed her expression, drawing her focus inward. He wouldn’t hurt her. He might— His palm connected with her butt and she gasped. “That hurt!”

  He laughed and smacked the other side. “Isn’t that the point of a spanking?”

  Heat spread across her ass, sinking deep into the muscles. Why had the sting been so sharp? Usually her symbionts dispersed the pain and… Her symbionts were offline, paralyzed. She was human again.

  Rather than delivering another swat, his fingers teased her sensitized skin. “You’re so fair. I’ll have to be careful or I’ll bruise you.”

  “I think you’re too late,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Shall I kiss it and make it better?”

  She tensed as he bent to one knee and curved around her body. One hand splayed against her abdomen while the other grasped her thigh, and then his lips brushed her behind, a feather-soft caress that sent heat spiraling through her core. His breath was hot, his tongue hotter as he lightly licked her skin.

  Damn him. One second he was fierce and demanding, the next achingly tender. How was she supposed to keep up with his moods? He kissed his way across her hip and onto her belly, pausing to ring her navel with his tongue. Then he worked around to her other ass cheek, lingering over the tingling mark until the heat began to fade.

  This was worse than the spanking. He surrounded her, his hands exploring at will as his lips soothed and stimulated. His whiskers lightly abraded, accenting the softness of his lips. Contrasts and contradictions. It was intoxicating.

  And just when she began to relax and enjoy his attention, he hooked the sides of her thong with his index fingers and dragged the undergarment down around her knees. That was as far as he could get without lifting her off the bed, but he seemed satisfied with the arrangement. The subtle pressure of the stretched elastic became another restraint, a taunting reminder of her helplessness.

  Her heartbeat kicked up a notch and she could almost feel her blood sizzle. Could symbionts dream? Were they sensing her uncertainty and excitement and incorporating the emotions into some sort of incorporeal fantasy?

  Bronik shifted to both knees directly in front of her, his hands resting on her hips. “I still smell more fear than arousal. Are you wet? Or should I try another couple of swats?”

  “Do whatever you like. I can’t stop you.” She did her best to sound calm, but her thighs were so tense they were starting to shake.

  “And would you if you could?”

  “Would I what?” She pretended not to know what he meant but she had never been more aware of another person.

  “Would you stop me from touching you?” He leaned down and licked the gentle protrusion of one of her hipbones. “Tasting you?”

  “Release the cuffs and let’s find out.” To her utter mystification he released the cuffs with some sort of mental command and her arms fell free. She was so shocked by the sudden lack of resistance that her hands slapped against her thighs.

  He grinned, eyes flashing with predatory challenge.

  After a moment of frozen disbelief, she twisted sharply to the side and tried to scurry off the bed. Her movements were hampered by the thong still hugging her knees and she didn’t even make it to the floor. He hauled her back and tossed her into the middle of the bed. She landed on her side with a startled gasp and he yanked the thong off as she kicked at him.

  “Go on. Stop me.”

  She kicked and hit, twisted and clawed, but he barely noticed her struggles. With a few effortless movements he had her facedown on the bed, arms securely held in one long-fingered fist. She tried to turn over but he pressed against the small of her back.

  “Lie still.”

  Ignoring the warning, she yanked against his restraining hand and bucked her hips. “Fuck you!”

  “Not until you learn some manners.”

  The pressure against her back eased, but she barely had time to register the change before that same hand smacked her ass. Her indignant cry only earned her another swat and then another. “What is wrong with you?” she snapped. “We already played this game.”

  “But you obviously didn’t learn the lesson, so I thought we’d play again.” He accented the statement with another firm spank.

  She stilled, accepting the heat as the sting gradually mellowed. “What was I supposed to have learned?”

  He released her hands, leaving her arms angled above her head, and straddled her legs before she could roll over. His hands skimmed down her sides and over her hips. “Pleasure or pain. The choice is yours. I enjoy either.” He bent and kissed the middle of her back.

  “The only thing I want is my freedom, so the rest is irrelevant.” She kept her arms raised and tried not to shiver each time his lips touched her skin.

  He scooted down then drew her hips up until she rested on her knees and forearms. She closed her eyes, expecting him to free his cock and push inside her. That’s what purebloods did with their sex slaves. They used them, fucked them fast and hard with no thought but satisfying their own desires.

  Her breasts felt heavy, the tips lightly rubbing against the bedding as she waited for his next move. What was taking him so long? She knew how fast he could move. Why wasn’t he inside her, filling her, riding her with savage intensity? Desire rolled through her and her core softened, melted, preparing for his entry, his possession.

  “Oh yes. Now you’re waking up.” His breath fanned her damp folds but he still wasn’t touching her. “Make your choice or I’ll make it for you.”

Pleasure. The word echoed through her mind but she couldn’t force it past her lips. He was her enemy, her captor, her master. The last title made her shiver. “I have no choice as long as I’m your prisoner.”

  “You have whatever choice I choose to give you. Tell me now. I will not ask again.”

  She fisted the bedding and clenched her teeth, knowing she would pay dearly for her stubbornness. “Just let me go,” she whispered.

  Flipping her over, he glared with furious impatience. Then he forced her legs open with his knees and interlaced their fingers, pinning her hands to the bed. Without a word, he bent to her breast and pushed his fangs into the soft flesh. Pain shot through her chest but a sensual swell was close behind. Her nipples beaded so tightly she whimpered and her lungs felt sluggish.

  He didn’t drink, just created twin puncture wounds then raised his head and watched her blood flow. Ordinarily her symbionts would have closed the wounds as soon as he withdrew his fangs, but without their assistance blood seeped out and pooled between her breasts. He lapped at the pool, his gaze burning into hers while he savored her taste.

  Helpless. Human. How had she survived before her initiation?

  His fingers slipped out from between hers and he slid his hands down her arms. Blood stained his lips and his dark eyes glowed green with Strigo energy. “So fragile.” His whispered words seemed to echo her thoughts but she hadn’t sensed his presence inside her mind. Not that her powers of observation were at their strongest at the moment.

  Licking his way to her nipple, he smeared blood across her pale skin. Then his fingers captured her other nipple while he sucked on the first. His fangs were still distended, pressing into her flesh with each firm pull. If she squirmed too much or tried to jerk away, he’d slice open her breast.

  Danger and hunger swirled through her, speeding her pulse and sensitizing her skin. She’d refused his offer of pleasure, forcing him to explore harsher impulses and darker desires. Though free now, her hands remained above her head, folded into loose fists. She couldn’t find the strength to move them to a less submissive position. She felt weightless and dizzy, hovering on the verge of something monumental.

  Hunger pounded Bronik’s control, urging him on, demanding more of her tantalizing taste. Her blood lingered on his tongue, sweet and vibrant, with a unique spiciness he’d never tasted before. He released her nipple and returned to the wounds he’d created. He desperately wanted to thrust his fangs back in and drink deeply. Her symbionts were neutralized, not that they would have been much of a problem anyway. Strigo was the original strain. The other three were mutations, weaker distortions of the true strain.

  But he wasn’t here to feed. He was trying to provoke her, to stimulate her dormant symbionts back to wakefulness. Rather than drink his fill, he dragged his tongue across the mark and closed the twin wounds. She lay still beneath him, much too still for his liking.

  He rocked back onto his knees and waited until she looked at him. “Grab the backs of your knees and hold your legs open. I like to use my hands as well as my mouth.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped as her sluggish mind registered the command. “Go. To. Hell.” Venom dripped off each word and crimson sparks burst within her eyes.

  Red light meant Vladya energy. The progress was slow but his strategy was working. “I don’t want to damage you. If you were at full strength it might be fun to wrestle but you are too easily injured at the moment.”

  “Isn’t that just too damn bad?” She drew her knees up, either to kick him or in an attempt to roll away. He swooped in under her legs and grabbed both her wrists then used his body like a wedge to pry her legs apart. After a few moments of kicking and twisting, her legs settled over his arms and he dragged her hands beneath her hips, which tilted her pelvis to the perfect angle.

  “Much better.” He searched her gaze, hoping for more sparks of Vladya light. All he saw was anger and uncertainty. He wanted to reassure her, tell her he wouldn’t hurt her. But that was counterproductive to the plan. She needed to fear him, think him capable of anything, or this was pointless. He inhaled her aroused scent and groaned. Perhaps not pointless. They were both enjoying the struggle but this wasn’t really about sex. He parted his lips, displaying his fangs as Strigo fire burned within his eyes. “I’m famished, so you’d better lie still or I’ll be sucking more than cream from your pussy.”

  One of her arms slipped within his grasp then twisted and her fingernails bit into his hand. Judging from the sting, her claws were extended. He hissed in warning but the reaction was encouraging. Even the smallest transformation required symbiotic energy.

  “Retract those claws or you’ll feel my fangs again and I won’t stop until my hunger is sated.”

  Her breasts quivered, the nipples still tightly peaked and smeared with blood. She glared for another moment then turned her head and closed her eyes.

  He leaned in and dragged his fangs down her inner thigh. She yelped and red welts striped her ivory flesh, though he’d been careful not to break the skin. “You look lovely in stripes. We’ll have to play with the whips once I’ve tasted you properly.” He teased her crease with the tip of his tongue then striped her other thigh with his fangs. She cried out, her hips bucking as he watched the new welt form. “What’s the matter?”

  “I hate you.” Her voice broke but she refused to open her eyes.

  “Of course you do. You’re a Vladya princess and I’m treating you like a whore.”

  Please treat me like a whore. Fuck me hard. Fuck me now! Just let me come.

  He doubted she’d meant for him to hear the exasperated thoughts, but the desperation in her tone was telling. Baby doll didn’t like to wait for her pleasure. Either that or she’d been far more aroused by their activities than he’d realized. He pressed his lips against her slit and absorbed the heat of her sex, thrilled by the slick softness.

  She pushed up into the kiss like a greedy feline begging for attention. He traced the enticing line, trying not to part her folds. She wiggled and gasped so he ventured deeper. Her folds surrounded his tongue, warm and wet, urging him onward.

  Cream flowed from her core, making her slippery and incredibly soft. All he’d have to do is swipe his tongue across her clit and she’d shatter, which was why he avoided the sensitive nub. He swirled his tongue inside her core then followed the creamy trail downward. She tensed, her thighs shaking as he ringed her anus. He had to feed her savage instincts. Provoke the symbionts, not the host.

  He carefully shifted her hands into one fist then pulled his free hand out from under her. She tugged against his fingers for a moment then went still, apparently waiting to see if she wanted to protest his next move. He lightly scanned her mind but only sensed the slightest hint of Vladya activity.

  Closely watching her face, he pushed his long middle finger into her core. Her inner muscles gripped him with strong, rhythmic clenches and he imagined those muscles caressing his cock. He slid in and out, slowly, encouraging her to savor the smooth motion. She gradually relaxed, her legs shifting wider as she lost herself in the pleasure.

  He longed for her satisfied cry and the fresh rush of cream that would signal her completion, but he couldn’t let her come. He needed her uncertain and angry, combative. Without warning he pulled his wet finger out of her core and pushed it deep into her ass.

  She went wild, crying out and twisting as she tried to dislodge his hand. He ignored her distress and covered her slit with his mouth, effortlessly locating her clit with his tongue.

  “You pervert! I will not let you pretend I’m a boy.”

  You’re not letting me do anything. He carefully closed his lips around her clit and sucked with gentle pressure. I didn’t ask permission. She couldn’t escape his mouth or his finger. He drew nearly out as he released her clit, then thrust back in as he switched to a light flicking motion.

  She shook beneath him, gasping and moaning as her body responded despite her obvious misgivings. Energy hummed within her,
building in tandem with her agitation. He needed to stop. She was nearly there. He could sense her impending orgasm, taste it in the sudden richness of her cream. It made him wild and possessive, determined to fulfill her every need. If he didn’t stop she’d—

  A sharp cry tore from her throat and he pushed deeper into her mind. Her symbionts struggled against their sedation, aware yet not quite functional. Pleasure flooded her mind and spread through her body, making him ache for a similar release. Through it all her symbionts simmered, unable to assist or protect her.

  Why had her pleasure been so important? He’d felt almost compelled to satisfy her.

  Limp and sated, she sprawled before him, eyes drooping sleepily. He carefully withdrew his finger and she shivered then sighed. Despite his sexual aggression, it was obvious she didn’t perceive him as a threat. He’d sensed no real fear within her mind, just uncertainty and anticipation. All the intimidation in the world wouldn’t be enough to rouse her symbionts if she knew it was an idle threat. He would have to try something else, some sort of direct stimulation.

  “Look at me.” She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. He smiled, fascinated by her spirit. Even naked and flushed from their intimacies, she was rebellious. “Life as you knew it ended the moment the Levari kidnapped you. According to your strain, you are compromised, tainted, expendable. I’m the only hope you’ve got. Pretending otherwise is dishonest and futile.”

  Her eyes flew open and she glared. “I might be an outcast among Vladya strain but I still have options.”

  “You cannot even feed yourself.” Inwardly he cringed at the brutal honesty but they were running out of time. Not only would Eloise inevitably weaken again without her symbionts, it was imperative that he gain her cooperation. She was the beloved daughter of Vladya strain’s leader, privy to all sorts of crucial information. He released her hands and pulled his arms out from under her legs, stubbornly ignoring the painful pressure in his crotch. “Have you ever heard of a sworn protector?”


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