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Onset of Danger

Page 10

by Aubrey Ross

  A slow, heated tingle spiraled through her body. Wasn’t that thought supposed to be distasteful, not exciting?

  She shook away the sensation and tried again. “Where are we? If you simply used Strigo strain to escape, why are you still here?”

  “We’re in upstate New York. I don’t know the exact location. I was teleported here. And you’d be dead if I hadn’t stuck around. Just say thank you.”

  Eloise felt a twinge of shame. Simone was right. None of this was her fault. “I’m sorry Garrett treated you so badly and thank you for the energy.”

  Tears filled Simone’s eyes. She angrily blinked them back, obviously losing some inner battle. “The worst part is I’d been trying to make him notice me for weeks. I wanted to be with him but…” She covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes. “I didn’t want to be treated like a sex toy. He didn’t want me. He just made me…”

  Acting on instinct, Eloise wrapped her arms around Simone’s trembling body. “Forget about Garrett. He’s not worth your tears.” She held Simone and let her cry, not knowing what else to do. Eloise had spent so much of her life suppressing her emotions, trying to appear strong and unflappable—like her mother. Emulating Tara seemed like such a foolish endeavor now. Without the power of Vladya strain behind her, Tara wouldn’t be nearly as arrogant or indomitable.

  Simone wiped her tears with her sleeve and stepped back, looking even more uncomfortable than she had before the emotional outburst. “May I go? I’m not sure why Bronik sent me here. I have nothing new to report.”

  “He told me a healer facilitated the energy transfer. I didn’t realize he was talking about you.” He’d offered the healer as a way for Eloise to determine the truth of his claims and the crux of the matter still remained unresolved. “If my levels become depleted again, can Bronik feed me?”

  “It’s not if, it’s when, and he’d need a direct link to your symbionts. Even then I’m not sure how they do it. Vladya symbionts shouldn’t be able to ingest Strigo energy, but Alexi and Caitlyn only seem to need each other now. It’s really quite remarkable.”

  “Caitlyn is here too?” Caitlyn had been found in the forest by Tara’s men, traumatized by a forced initiation. Something about the woman fascinated Tara, so she’d allowed Caitlyn to remain at the Vancouver compound. Caitlyn had been with Vladya strain for about five weeks when Prince Alexi’s ship crashed in the Canadian Rockies. Caitlyn had been part of the team sent to search the wreckage for survivors. That’s where she’d first encountered the prince. “And she’s still with Prince Alexi?”

  Simone sighed. “A lot happened the night you were taken. Caitlyn is with Alexi by choice, but that’s all I’ll say. If you want to know more, you’ll have to ask Caitlyn.”

  It had been obvious from the beginning that Caitlyn and Alexi were drawn to each other. Eloise had expected them to spend a few nights indulging their desires and then get on with their respective lives. That’s generally how it worked when hosts from different strains were attracted to each other. Apparently there was more than a passing infatuation between these two. She didn’t understand the significance of the individual events, but she sensed that there was a whole hell of a lot Simone wasn’t telling her.

  “Caitlyn, you and me all disappeared on the same night?” Eloise shook her head. “Mother must be frantic.”

  “Don’t count on it.” Simone’s tone turned icy and the sudden drop in temperature centered Eloise’s attention on the healer. “Your mother deals harshly with her enemies and she likely believes we all betrayed her now.”

  “I was kidnapped.” The objection sounded hollow even in her ears. Again Simone was right. Tara wouldn’t care if the information had been stripped from Eloise’s mind while she writhed in agony. Eloise was a liability to Vladya strain now and Tara would treat her accordingly. Expecting anything else from her ruthless mother would be foolish, dangerous.

  “She’s always had a soft spot for you,” Simone mused. “Perhaps you’ll be the exception to the rule.”

  There were no exceptions to Tara’s rules. Everyone knew that. Still, Eloise wasn’t ready to speak the words out loud. “If I allow Bronik to form this bond, will he be able to maintain my energy level?”

  “Alexi is keeping Caitlyn alive and according to her, Bronik is also of the Yeager bloodline. It’s likely they have all sorts of unusual abilities. I’m working with a team of Strigo scientists, trying to figure out what the Levari used on you, but Bronik is your best chance at survival.”

  “I appreciate your honesty,” she said, but her mind was still reeling from Simone’s first revelation. Bronik was a Yeager? He was of the royal bloodline? Holy hell. What had she gotten herself into now? Even bruised, bloodied and in chains, he’d exuded power and authority. Still, her wildest imaginings hadn’t led her to this explanation.

  “I should go.” Simone motioned toward the door. “Unless there’s something else you need.”

  “What’s in the bag?” She indicated the canvas tote Simone had left on the floor.

  “Clothes, toiletries, all the things men don’t seem to think about when they take women on unscheduled adventures. The only thing I wasn’t able to find was a pair of shoes.”

  “Anything is better than Bronik’s hand-me-downs. Thank you again. And I mean it about Garrett. Forget him. He’s not worth another thought.”

  Sadness tinged Simone’s smile and she shook her head. “If only it were that easy.”

  Eloise moved to the window as the healer left. She was ready for some time alone. She’d been shuffled from one crisis to another, drugged, teleported, overwhelmed. It was disorienting. All she could see outside was the shadowy outline of trees. Bronik could flash back and forth between long distances but Simone had to have come from somewhere relatively close. It was likely that this cottage wasn’t quite as secluded as it seemed.

  So Simone had helped Bronik and the other Strigo survivors escape the Vancouver compound. That answered one of the questions Bronik had ignored. If Prince Alexi and Caitlyn were here, this was likely Edrick Yeager’s estate. It only made sense that a visiting prince would stay with the leader of his strain, especially if the leader was also his uncle. And if Bronik was a member of the royal family, he must be related to Edrick as well.

  All of this was beside the point. What the hell was she going to do about Bronik’s proposition? That was what she needed to figure out. Could she survive without Strigo protection and could she live with herself if she paid his price? He wasn’t just asking for sex. She’d been imagining what it would be like to fuck him ever since she interrogated him. He wanted her complete surrender, submission, unconditional obedience in the bedroom. It wasn’t a game, a role she could play for a while and then discard. This would change her, redefine who she was and how she interacted with the rest of the world. Even if he never issued a command in public, he was a Yeager. Everyone would know what he demanded from his lovers, what he needed to be fully satisfied.

  But what about her needs?

  Her memory flared with mocking intensity. She could still feel his mouth tenderly pulling on her clit and his finger sliding in her pussy and then her ass. No one had ever dared to touch her there. Several had tried to coax her into exploring anal pleasures but she’d firmly refused. So why had she found such pleasure when he took without asking, propelling her into the most powerful orgasm of her life? She’d never wanted a man more than she’d wanted Bronik, never ached with her soul as well as her body. He’d been harsh and commanding and she’d been ready to yield, to follow where he led and revel in every step of the journey.

  But he was her enemy.

  Or was he?

  If she was no longer a trusted member of Vladya strain, why should she refuse Bronik’s offer? If Tara believed Eloise had given up Vladya secrets—and she had been the prisoner of both Levari and Strigo strains so the conclusion was basically inevitable—Tara would send assassins, make sure the damage was minimized.

  Was Bronik her on
ly option or just the most pleasurable one? She forced herself to be objective, to think with her mind without accepting input from her body. Everyone she knew was loyal to Tara. Everyone thought of her as Tara’s daughter, even though their connection was symbiotic and not biological. Tara had not given birth to Eloise, she had reared her from infancy and gifted her with Vladya symbionts once Eloise reached physical maturity. None of which would mean anything to Tara once she perceived Eloise as a threat.

  What about Garrett? Would he hide her, help her… Not a chance. With Eloise gone his chances of leading Vladya strain had just doubled. It had always seemed more likely that Tara would choose him as her successor even though Eloise was older. Garrett had been born with symbionts while Eloise had been initiated, so Garrett was undeniably stronger.

  She sighed and turned from the window. None of that mattered now. Her top priority had to be survival and Bronik seemed to be the only viable alternative. Despite her stealth and battle skills, she couldn’t outrun Tara’s assassins indefinitely. Which meant she needed more information. Was this bond permanent? Would she have access to his mind or would it only give him access to hers? Was she allowed to set guidelines, declare certain pleasures unacceptable? Could he share her with others?

  The scene with Simone and Garrett flashed through her mind. Garrett had enjoyed absolute power over Simone. It had been subjugation, not surrender. Forcing Simone to pleasure someone else had been more enjoyable to Garrett than fucking the healer himself. He’d touched her, mocked her with her body’s response to the sexually charged situation. And through it all Simone had ached for a compassionate look or caring caress. The slightest kindness would have changed the dynamic completely.

  Eloise shivered. Allowing Bronik to control their mutual pleasure was one thing, but she would never agree to be any man’s slave. If Bronik wanted to control her like Garrett had controlled Simone, Eloise would take her chances with the assassins.

  * * * * *

  Kristof hugged Bronik so tightly Bronik’s ribs creaked. Bronik laughed and eased his brother back, returning his beaming smile. “I’ve only been gone a few days, Kris. You didn’t have time to miss me this much.”

  Ghosts still clouded Kristof’s gaze. His expression contained too much pain and loss for one so young. “I was so sure I’d lost you before. Now I can’t shake that sick feeling every time you walk out of a room.”

  Disastrous missions were part of life for any career soldier. It would have been better for Kristof if he’d had a few successful endeavors under his belt before he’d been forced to deal with the loss of so many of his comrades. But still, he had to learn that a survivor’s courage honored the memory of the dead.

  “We’re alive,” Bronik stressed. “And I intend to stay that way. Besides, you’re too pretty to die and I’m too damn mean.”

  “I am not pretty.” Kristof glared, but anger only made his thick-lashed eyes shine like polished amber, which accented the golden sheen in his curly hair. Fortunately his jawline was hardening and starting to show signs of whiskers. People no longer mistook him for a girl. In fact, girls tended to giggle every time he walked by now and Kristof seemed to enjoy the attention.

  “And I’m not going to leave you. So relax.” Bronik looked around the vaulted foyer of Edrick Yeager’s manor house, feeling a bit intrusive. Edrick would be required to step aside if Alexi chose to exert his authority, but Bronik doubted the prince would be so disrespectful. It was likely Alexi would eventually return to Strigo Prime, so displacing Edrick served no real purpose.

  Bronik had flashed to his bedroom and grabbed a clean shirt, not wanting to speak with Alexi while half-naked. The sprawling mansion was technically Strigo strain’s headquarters, but Bronik didn’t feel comfortable enough with the situation to wander the halls at will. “Have you seen Alexi tonight?”

  “He’s in the library with Edrick.” Kristof pointed toward the corridor branching off to Bronik’s right. “Want me to take you there?”

  “Not necessary. Where are you headed?”

  “We’re going to recruit some new feeders. Edrick said the demand on his current staff is dangerous with so many of us recovering from serious injuries.”

  He nodded. Even after outward signs of an injury were gone from the host, symbionts required increased amounts of blood for several weeks while they regenerated. “Is Edrick leading the hunt?” A good old-fashioned hunt would give Kristof a chance to release some of his pent-up frustration, but Bronik didn’t want him running off without supervision.

  “I don’t know. We’re going in groups of three, each led by an experienced hunter. I was told to be out front at 1:30 if I wanted to participate.”

  It sounded well-organized and Kristof needed the opportunity to prove himself to his new strain mates. “Then happy hunting. But follow their lead. Remember we are guests on this planet.”

  “Yes, Father.” Kristof made a face and headed out the front door.

  Bronik paused again, not sure why he felt so awkward. He might not be a prince but Edrick was his uncle too.

  He walked down the hallway Kristof had indicated, vaguely remembering that the library was about halfway down on the left. The door was ajar so Bronik pushed it open, remaining in the doorway as he asked, “May I come in?”

  Edrick stood near the chair in which Alexi sat. The book-lined room was clean and orderly, if a bit cluttered.

  “Please do,” Edrick said. “I’m on my way out.” Like most Yeager men, Edrick had dark hair and chiseled features. His eyes were green like Alexi’s, but he lacked his nephew’s height.

  “Are you leading the hunt Kristof mentioned?” Bronik walked into the room, still feeling rather intrusive.

  “I have another engagement, but Brandon has special orders to subtly keep an eye on Kristof. I thought the boy would benefit from a chance to let off some steam. I also know he’s still distractible.”

  “I appreciate the caution and I agree that Kristof needs to get out of this house.”

  “Help yourself to a drink or summon a feeder. In other words, make yourself at home.”

  Bronik nodded. “I could use a drink. Thank you.”

  Edrick excused himself, leaving Bronik alone with Alexi.

  “Want me to top that off?” Bronik motioned toward the snifter in Alexi’s hand.

  “I’m good. Why aren’t you in the gatehouse provoking your guest?”

  Bronik poured himself a brandy and crossed to the chairs grouped around the fireplace. He chose a chair that faced the prince and took a sip then sat. “I asked Simone to confirm some of the things I told Eloise. Eloise has no reason to trust me.”

  “She needs to fear you, not trust you.”

  He’d never gone out of his way to make anyone fear him. His size and intensity tended to do the job without conscious effort on his part. The thought of terrorizing Eloise was particularly upsetting. “Where’s Caitlyn? I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without her since we left Canada.”

  “She had some things to take care of in Vegas that couldn’t be done remotely. I took her home shortly after we awakened and I’m going back for her tomorrow night.” When Bronik only nodded, Alexi asked, “Does Eloise know about the Rom captives? Does she have any idea where they’re stashed?”

  Bronik swirled the brandy around in his snifter, only half hearing Alexi’s question. So much had happened in such a short period of time. He’d barely had one night to recover from his captivity when his blood bond with Eloise began to fade. If he’d allowed the connection to disintegrate he would have had no way to locate her. So Edrick and Caitlyn quickly filled him in on current conflicts and then he headed off in search of Eloise. Bronik had never dreamed the intrigues on Earth would rival those on Strigoia Prime.

  Finding Eloise had been the easy part. Now he had to figure out what to do with her. He knew what he wanted to do with her, had spent every night since his interrogation imagining the ways they would pleasure each other. But he couldn’t abandon
himself to desire if she was as amoral as Edrick seemed to think.

  Bronik absently shook his head. Tara might be the villain Edrick claimed but Bronik didn’t believe Eloise was equally guilty. He’d tasted her blood and scanned her mind. Her shields had kept specific images out of reach but he’d sensed her basic nature. Eloise was not evil.

  “Earth to Bronik. Should I come back when you’re awake?”

  He looked up with a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I guess Kris isn’t the only one distractible tonight.”

  Alexi lounged in a tall-backed armchair, legs crossed at the ankle. This mansion might belong to Edrick, but the prince looked right at home surrounded by richly polished wood and carved marble. Bronik, on the other hand, was used to austere soldier barracks and field outposts. He might be a frequent visitor to the palace, but he was just a visitor.

  “Did you manage to learn anything useful?” Alexi’s gaze narrowed, the intensity of his eyes belying his casual pose.

  “We haven’t been doing a lot of talking,” Bronik admitted then shrugged with a nonchalance he didn’t feel. “Caitlyn told me to see if I could wake up Eloise’s symbionts, so that’s what I’ve been trying to do.”

  Alexi raised his snifter to his lips and took a contemplative sip. “She drew first blood. I get it. She needs to be taught some manners.”

  Which was almost the exact phrase Bronik had used with Eloise. He’d told her he wouldn’t fuck her until she learned some manners. And even after their battle of wills, he wasn’t sure he was any closer to that goal. “She knows I won’t hurt her, so all my posturing was a waste of time.”

  Challenge arched one of Alexi’s dark brows. “Why would she be so certain you won’t hurt her? I’ve seen you when you’re pissed off. Females run for the hills.”


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