Book Read Free

Time is Money

Page 5

by Silk White

  “What’s the special occasion?” Stone asked.

  “He’s moving to Hawaii,” Dana paused to take a sip of her wine. “My brother and I are really close and I think he’s expecting me to go to Hawaii with him,” she explained. “I think I’m going to tell him at the party that I won’t be accompanying him.”

  “Do you want to go?” Stone asked. He really liked Dana, but if she really wanted to go to Hawaii with her brother, he wasn’t about to stop her.

  “Honestly?” Dana paused again. “Honestly I want to be with you and wherever you are,” she looked Stone in his eyes. “A lot of people may think I’m moving too fast, but I just know what I want and what I want is you.”

  Her words caught Stone off guard. Truthfully, he felt the exact same way, but just didn’t have the courage or the heart to say it. He leaned over the table and gave Dana a slow long drawn out kiss. “I would love to meet your brother at the party.”

  “Thank you so much,” Dana smiled brightly. She knew that more than likely Ghost wouldn’t approve of her and Stone’s relationship, but she could tell by just looking in Stone’s eyes that he had her back and would back her up and hold her down. Under the table, Dana removed her shoe, placed her foot directly on Stone’s crotch, and began massaging his package with her foot. “I’m really not that hungry after all. Let’s get out of here. I got a few things I want to do to you,” she said in a sexually charged tone.

  “I thought you would never ask,” Stone smiled.

  Dana paid the bill and left a hefty tip on the table and just like that, they were gone.

  * * *

  Stone and Dana barely even made their way through the front door of Dana’s baby mansion before their hands were all over each other. They kissed like newlyweds as they moved throughout the house removing each other’s clothes. Stone looked at Dana standing there looking beautiful in nothing but a black laced thong and her red pumps and couldn’t resist any longer. He walked over, ripped Dana’s thong off like a savage, dropped down to his knees, and began kissing her thick thighs as if his life depended on it. Stone surprised Dana with his strength as he picked her up, flipped her upside down, put her legs around his neck, held her by her waist, and brought her dampness to his tongue. Stone gripped Dana while her moans rose and her hair dropped out of the neat bun and covered his toes. One by one, her high heels dropped from her feet. Dana grabbed Stone’s dick and began to jerk it, while he ate her out. She took him deep inside her mouth, did that while he put his tongue inside her as deep as he could.

  Stone’s tongue made circles as he licked on her clit. He licked figure eights and gave her the sweetest torture. Dana’s head moved from side to side, jerked, and moaned as if the devil inside her was fighting for freedom.

  “Oh my God! Put me down!” Dana begged. “I can’t take it no more!”

  Stone positioned Dana back right side up and carried her over to the counter. He gently sat Dana on the counter and entered her slowly as the two shared a long kiss.

  “Fuck me Stone!” Dana growled in his ear. “Fuck me!” She squeezed Stone’s ass forcing him to fuck her, forcing him to thrust even harder. She bit her bottom lip and watched Stone’s tool move in and out of her warmth at a steady pace. “Ahh, ahhh, ahhh!” she moaned loudly. Dana threw her head back, closed her eyes tight, opened her mouth wide, and moved her head side to side, in pain and in pleasure. She was in heaven, but she was sweating as if she were in hell’s kitchen.

  Stone wrapped his hand around Dana’s throat, as he plowed in and out of her sopping wet insides like a mad man.

  “Stone! Stone! Oh my God, Stone! Shit!” Dana’s legs trembled and then her entire body did the same.

  Stone let out a strong roar as he shot his load and erupted inside of Dana.

  “Oh shit!” Stone said out of breath as he walked over to the couch and flopped down lazily. Sex with Dana was an amazing experience, an experience he could see himself getting used to. Dana was beginning to make him nervous. He just couldn’t find anything wrong with her. While Stone was deep in his thoughts, Dana disappeared upstairs.

  Dana returned downstairs with a soapy washcloth in her hands. She cleaned Stone up so gently making sure not to miss a spot.

  “Why are you so good to me?”

  “You deserve the best and that’s what I’m going to give you,” Dana leaned forward and kissed Stone on the lips.

  Stone was getting ready to respond, when he heard his cell phone ring. He looked down at his phone and saw that it was Captain Fisher. “Hold on baby, I have to take this,” he said as he got up and walked out of ear shot so Dana couldn’t hear his conversation. “Hey Captain,” he answered.

  “Get down to the station now. We have one of the gunmen from the bank robberies in custody!” Captain Fisher ended the call.

  Stone walked back into the sitting room and took a minute to take in Dana’s naked beauty for a moment. She was a beautiful woman and Stone considered himself lucky to have her in his life. “Baby I have to run out for a minute.”

  “Will you be coming back?” Dana asked, putting on her sad puppy face.

  “It may be real late by the time I get done baby.”

  Dana got up and walked over to the counter where her purse rested. She reached down in her purse, removed her house key off the ring of keys, and handed it Stone. “I don’t care how late it is, just come back.” She grabbed the back of Stone’s head and gave him a sloppy tongue kiss.

  Stone looked down at the key in his hand and smiled. “Thanks baby I’ll be back; gotta go,” he said then disappeared out the door.

  Chapter 14


  Stone stepped foot in the precinct and noticed that it was full of commotion as usual. He was expecting to see cameras and reporters all over the place, but to his surprise, not one reporter or cameraman was present.

  “Stone!” Captain Fisher called him over. “So glad you could finally join us,” he said in a sarcastic tone of voice. “We got one of the bank robbers right in that room over there,” Captain Fisher nodded towards a room down the hall. “We’ve kept this on the hush because I think you can make him talk. If he talks, we can bring down the entire organization.” He cracked a smile. “If we would have announced his arrest to the world, the rest of his crew would have fled in fear that he had talked.”

  “So what do you need me to do?” Stone asked. He still had a little buzz from the wine that he and Dana had consumed earlier.

  “I need you to go in there and make him talk,” Captain Fisher stated plainly.

  “I’m on it,” Stone headed down the hall, but paused when he reached the door. He needed a second to gather his thoughts and gather his game plan together. He took a deep breath then entered the room. From the first glance at Randy, he didn’t look like a bank robber. In fact, he looked more like a college student then a bank robber, but Stone had learned a long time ago not to judge a book by its cover.

  “What’s poppin?” Stone pulled a chair up to the table and sat down. “My man, check this out,” he began. “I’mma keep it tall with you. You done got yourself in a fucked up situation,” he paused to take in Randy’s reaction. “We know that you are one of the bank robbers and now on top of that you shot a cop.” Stone shook his head sadly. “I can help you, but I’m going to need you to help me.”

  Randy chuckled. “Help you how? I’m sure my picture is all over the news by now.”

  “No one knows about your arrest,” Stone told him. “These are your two options. One you can tell me who your buddies are that helped you rob all these banks and walk away clean or two you cannot tell me anything and spend the rest of your life in jail. The choice is yours.”

  “And if I cooperate I get to walk away clean?” Randy asked with a raised brow.

  Stone nodded his head yes.

  “Fuck you! You just a worker! I need to hear that from your boss’s mouth!” Randy said.

  “I’ll be back in a second,” Stone said as he exited the room. He
walked back into the other room where Captain Fisher and a few other cops sat behind the two way mirror listening in on their conversation. “Captain I need you for a second.”

  When Stone and Captain Fisher were out the room, Stone spoke. “I need you to guarantee this scumbag something so he can give up his partners.”

  “I’m not guaranteeing this scumbag anything!” Captain Fisher barked. “Either he gives up his partners or he sits in jail forever! It’s up to him!”

  “Captain getting four violent bank robbers off the street is better than one,” Stone pointed out. “It has to be something you can offer him.”

  Randy sat in the empty interrogation room with a nervous look on his face. He didn’t want to roll over on Ghost and the rest of the crew, but for the last twenty minutes, he had been trying to convince himself that if they were in the same position that they would do the same thing. Not to mention Randy didn’t like how Ghost had always played him like a sucker and made him drive all the time. In his mind he had no other choice than to do what he had to do and that was look out for himself.

  Seconds later, the door opened and in walked Stone and Captain Fisher. “This here is my boss Captain Fisher,” Stone said.

  “Here are your options,” Captain Fisher began. “One you can spend the rest of your life in jail. Two you can tell us who your partners are and serve eight years for your cooperation or you can take this last option.” Captain Fisher paused for a second. “You can set up your partners. You can set up another bank robbery, we catch them red handed, and you get to walk away like nothing ever happened.”

  Stone could immediately see the wheels turning in Randy’s head. Spend the rest of your life in jail or walk away free, was the decision that Randy had to make.

  “So all I have to do is set up another bank robbery and y’all will be there to arrest my crew and I get to go free?” Randy asked just making sure they all were on the same page. “I’m going to need that in writing captain.”

  “You can have that in writing, but did I mention that you only have two weeks to make this happen?” Captain Fisher smiled. “Now are you in or are you out?”

  Chapter 15

  Make a Choice

  Ghost pulled his black Range Rover in Dana’s driveway and killed the engine. Several days passed since the last time he laid his eyes on his little sister, which was unusual since the two usually spoke every day. Lately, Ghost had noticed that Dana had been acting a little funny. Now he was here to see what was up. Ghost stepped out of the Range Rover in a slim fitting black tailored suit, with a pair of expensive hard bottom shoes on his feet. He rang the doorbell and waited patiently for a response. A few seconds later Dana answered the door in a short fitting silk red robe.

  “Hey Ghost what you doing here?” Dana asked. Her brother just showing up at her house had caught her a little off guard.

  “Expecting company?” Ghost asked, taking in the sexy getup that his sister wore.

  “Actually I was,” Dana said standing firm. Usually she tried to keep her boyfriends a secret, but not anymore.

  “We need to talk,” Ghost said, entering the house without bothering to wait for an invitation. “I got a few things I need to talk to you about.” He made his way over to the bar area and poured himself a shot of Coconut 1800. Ghost downed the liquid fire in one gulp, and then quickly refilled his shot glass. “What’s up with Hawaii?”

  “What’s up with it?” Dana asked with an attitude. She was tired of Ghost turning his dreams into their dreams.

  “You began to pack your things and say your goodbyes yet?” Ghost asked.

  “I’m not going to Hawaii Ghost.”

  “Fuck you mean you not going?” Ghost downed another drink then looked at his little sister as if she was insane.

  “I said I’m not going,” Dana said with her arms folded across her chest. “I’m going to stay here with my new boyfriend.”

  “Your new boyfriend?” Ghost echoed with his face crumbled up. “How long have you been knowing this guy for?”

  “A few weeks.”

  “You don’t even know him; my point exactly!” Ghost shouted. “I’ve worked my ass off so we could be straight and be able to live with our feet kicked up on an island somewhere!”

  “I can still live with my feet kicked up without going to Hawaii,” Dana said defensively. “I’m staying here and that’s final.”

  “If you stay, there’s always a chance that the cops may figure out our identity later on down the line and come get you,” Ghost explained. “I know you think I don’t want to see you happy, but that’s the furthest from the truth. My main priority is to keep you safe!”

  “Ghost I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but I’m grown and well capable of taking care of myself.”

  Ghost laughed. He hated that his sister was so stubborn. If she stopped being so defensive all the time, she would clearly see that he was only trying to look out for her. “When can I meet him?”


  “When can I meet him?” Ghost repeated. “Your new boyfriend.”

  “I’ll bring him to your going away party,” Dana replied.

  “Listen Dana,” Ghost said walking up on Dana. “I know you are grown and I’m going to respect your wishes, but please know that I’m only trying to look out for you like I’ve always done since we were kids.”

  “I understand, but I’m not a kid anymore Ghost,” Dana said. “I’m grown now and I know I’m your little sister, but you are going to have to start treating me like a grown woman.”

  “You got it,” Ghost smiled. “From now on I’ll treat you like a grown woman and let you make your own decisions.”

  “And promise me you’ll be nice when I bring my boyfriend to the party,” Dana said, giving Ghost a stern look.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Ghost smiled as he headed for the door.

  “Where you going?”

  “Randy just text me asking me to meet him at his crib,” Ghost replied. “I’ve been watching the news. The cops still have no clue who we are, but I still want you to fly under the radar. You know the rules, stay low key and don’t make any big purchases.”

  “You already know,” Dana said, tightly hugging her brother.

  She watched him climb back in his Range Rover and pull out into traffic.

  Chapter 16

  I See You

  Stone sat in the back of a van, alongside a young detective that was there holding a camera. He’d gotten a call from Randy informing him that the leader of the bank robbing crew, a man they called Ghost, agreed to meet him at his apartment today in about five minutes. Randy had described Ghost as a handsome, tall man that would be dressed in a nice suit.

  “So what have you heard about this Ghost guy?” the detective that held the camera asked.

  “I haven’t heard too much about him,” Stone shrugged. “All I know is that he’s an animal and a violent man that needs to be off the streets.”

  “Why can’t we arrest this guy today?”

  “Because we need Randy to get this guy to agree to do another bank job, so that we can catch him and the rest of his team red handed,” Stone explained.

  “Hold on, I think we got some action!” the detective with the camera said. Stone looked up and noticed a black Range Rover pull up to the curb. A minute later, a man stepped out in a black slim fitted Armani suit. Just from how the man walked, Stone knew from first look that this was his man. That was indeed the man they called, Ghost.

  “That’s him,” Stone whispered as the detective next to him snapped several pictures of Ghost heading into the building. Once Ghost disappeared inside the building, Stone and the detective quickly moved to the back of the van and covered their ears with headphones, hopping that Randy could get Ghost to incriminate himself on the wire.

  Chapter 17

  Switching Sides

  Randy looked at his reflection in the mirror for the hundredth time. He was afraid that Ghost would be able to tell that he
wore a wire. A part of Randy felt bad about setting up his crew. They had all known each other for over fifteen years, which is what made his decision even more difficult. Randy had been convincing himself for the past few days that Ghost only cared about Ghost and if the shoe were on the other foot; he would have done the same exact thing. “Fuck that it’s either them or you,” Randy told himself. Not to mention Randy had blew most of his money anyway, so the deal that the cops offered him would be like a new start for him to get his life together. A strong knock at the door snapped Randy out of his zone. “I’m coming!” he yelled, gave himself a once over, then headed to the door. “Glad you could make it Ghost.” Randy stepped to the side so that Ghost could enter.

  Ghost stepped inside the small apartment, looked around, and then frowned. “What did you do with all of your money?” He shook his head.

  Randy walked into the kitchen area then returned carrying two drinks in his hands. “Ghost I need your help,” he said in a serious tone. “I got robbed the other night.”

  “Got robbed?” Ghost echoed. For all the years, he’d known Randy, he’d never been the type to get robbed. “When did this happen?”

  “Two days ago.”

  “Why didn’t you come to me when it happened?” Ghost asked.

  “I was trying to figure out something on my own,” Randy replied. “Plus I was embarrassed and you know men like us are not supposed to get robbed.”

  “So what do you need from me?”

  “I’m a little short on cash.” Randy’s eyes diverted down to the floor. “So I was wondering if we could maybe hit another bank.”

  Ghost chuckled. “Randy if you’re asking me to rob a bank then the answer is no.” Ghost was discipline enough to never talk reckless, especially not in his own place. “If you need some cash then I can help you out.”


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