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Willing Victim

Page 5

by Carla Blake

  It hadn’t been intentional. They’d just found themselves there. Lured by warmth and kisses and the conviction that downstairs was not the place they wanted to be anymore. Hand in hand they’d climbed the stairs. The floorboards creaking. The glow from the street lights outside softly illuminating the landing as Kate had led Rachel into her bedroom and kissed her tenderly. Whispering in her ear that maybe she should get undress, climb into bed and wait for her.

  She wouldn’t be long.

  Heart racing, Rachel had obeyed in a thrill of anticipation and folding her clothes neatly onto a chair, she’d slipped beneath the crisp, white duvet and shivered under the coolness of the linen and the thought of what was to come. In return, she hoped she wouldn’t disappoint and that Kate wouldn’t find her reluctant or stiff or unable to relax with the thought of Simon’s rough treatment still fresh in her mind.

  Then Kate had returned, wrapped in a bathrobe and silhouetted against the doorframe. She’d paused there briefly, allowing Rachel to see her, before padding silently into the room and lighting three candles that provided just enough glow to see by as she’d stood at the end of the bed, untied the cord of her bathrobe and let it fall to the floor to reveal her naked body beneath.

  They’d kissed for ages, their bodies pressed together. Happy they hadn’t had to endure the embarrassment of chronic shyness at the prospect of being naked in front of someone new and appreciating that the removal of their blouses in the clubroom had gone a long way to breaking through that first barrier towards complete nakedness. Yet they didn’t go further. Instead they surrendered to anticipation. The slightest touch making them shudder and gasp.

  Kate sighed. “Your skin is so soft.” She said, trailing her fingers along the curve of Rachel’s waist and hip. “ I could touch you forever.”

  “Then touch away. I don’t mind. I love how your fingers feel.”

  “So do I.” Kate breathed and easing Rachel onto her back, she ran her fingers across the inside of Rachel’s thighs. The skin there felt softer than down and she stayed there a while, running her fingers up and down before returning to her hips and stomach. Her fingers dipping into the hollow of her navel before trialing up to her breasts, where she cupped the soft mounds in her hands and gently thumbed her nipples.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” She breathed, “ you wouldn’t believe it.” And bending her head she took Rachel’s nipple in her mouth and flicked it with her tongue. Sucking and licking until the small nub hardened and the skin wrinkled against her lips.

  Rachel moaned, and reaching for her other breast Kate gently squeezed the nipple, pleased when Rachel groaned again and arched her back as the first ripple of pleasure shuddered down her body and into her groin.

  “Please.” Rachel whispered, stroking Kate’s hair. “Touch me.”

  “Soon.” Kate breathed back and sucking and licking, passed from one breast to the other, her fingers trailing lazy circles around Rachel’s stomach and across her thighs as she came teasingly close to touching her between her legs before pulling away again.

  “You tease!” Rachel smiled. “How could you?”

  “Easily babe, but don’t worry, I always deliver.” And kissing along the length of Rachel’s throat, she allowed her hands to stray across breasts and nipples, still damp from her mouth, before finally swooping down and burying themselves in the soft down of Rachel’s fluff. Rachel gasped and in reply Kate teasingly wound her fingers in the soft curls, the tip of her finger just brushing against the edge of Rachel’s clit before she withdrew again and went back to caressing Rachel’s nipples, driving Rachel half mad with lust.

  “Please!” She begged. “Please Kate. Touch me.”

  “Wait.” Kate murmured and went back to trailing her hand slowly across Rachel’s thighs, eventually parting them to breath in the soft aroma of musk as Rachel spread her legs still wider and invited her in.

  “Now.” She begged. “Fuck me.”

  And Kate slid a finger into her pussy.

  Warmth engulfed her. And wetness. And for a moment she didn’t move, but held her finger perfectly still, savouring the swollen flesh that gently throbbed around it before slowly, as though wanting to feel every inch of Rachel’s body, running her finger up and down the slippery channel, each time coming deliberately close to Rachel’s clit but never quite touching it, whilst Rachel moaned and gasped and clawed at the duvet, and Kate skid two fingers into her vagina. Knowing Rachel was wet enough to take her and almost coming herself when Rachel’s muscles gripped her finger and dragged her in deeper still.

  “God, you’re so tight!” Kate breathed and began to fuck her slowly, wanting to make sure each penetration was as deep and satisfying as possible before quickening the pace when Rachel’s hips began to rise and she begged her to fuck her, harder, harder.

  Her fingers now sticky, Kate did what she was told, and as her other hand glided up the side of Rachel’s body and found her breasts, and she heard the gentle sigh of her own name as Rachel begged her to fuck her still harder, she slipped another finger in and increased the momentum, hoping like hell she wasn’t hurting her as she pumped in and out, and her own breathing became increasingly ragged as Rachel groaned with pleasure and told her that she was going to come! Going to come…

  Going to.. Oh God!

  Rachel came. Her pussy muscles squeezing down hard on Kate’s fingers as the glistening juices of her pink and swollen pussy flooded Kate’s hand and she threw back her head to shudder beneath her. The cords in her throat straining. Her hands clutching the duvet as she bucked and writhed and rode every last ounce of her orgasm to its exhausting end.

  Then she collapsed, panting for breath and barely able to return the kiss Kate placed on her lips, whilst Kate, still with her fingers buried inside her, kissed her again on the forehead and smiled at her that she was amazing.

  “So are you.” Rachel shuddered. “Oh, God, that was good.”

  “You think? How about this then?”

  And sliding her fingers free of Rachel’s cunt, she found her clit and began to rub. Lazily circling the pulsing nub as Rachel, hardly daring to believe she had anything left, gasped with pleasure and spread her legs wide. Propping herself up on her elbows to watch, as Kate’s hand slid easily along her pussy and then returned to rub at her clit.

  “Little voyeur.” Kate smiled, dipping into Rachel’s vagina to pump twice before sliding out again. “Didn’t know you liked to watch. Want to see something really erotic?”

  And abandoning her post at Rachel’s pussy, she scuttled down the bed and buried her head between Rachel’s legs, lapping at the fragrant juices and tonguing her clit until Rachel, unable to hold herself up any longer, collapsed back onto the bed.

  “Like that?” Kate smiled, using the tip of her tongue to tease the entrance to Rachel’s vagina and gently penetrate her. “I love it.” And sliding her tongue up the swollen folds of Rachel’s pussy she lapped at her clit, over and over. Her nose buried in Rachel’s fluff as she breathed in the warm, female fragrance of musk, and her tongue lapped and stroked and finally drove Rachel over the edge in a shuddering orgasm that ripped a cry from Rachel’s throat and simultaneously coated Kate’s chin in a fresh wave of warmth.

  Collapsing for a second time she barely had strength to moan when Kate kissed her and told her she was wonderful.

  “Now.. have you.. finished?” Rachel gasped, once Kate had licked the last of her juices from her lips. “Because I .. really don’t think I can.. take much more. My God, girl. You really know how to fuck don’t you?’

  “I try.” Kate smiled, lying beside her and reaching for her hand. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. First time’s should always be special.”

  “You’re not kidding! What little brain I have left has well and truly been blown. Now, how about you? You must be going off bang! How about I return the favour?”

�� Kate sighed. “Would be lovely.”

  Afterwards, they lay side by side in the semi darkness of Kate’s bedroom, unable to recall, exactly, when the candles had gone out. Rachel figured it was probably somewhere between taking Kate from behind and the ensuing pussy lick that had followed, but Kate didn’t really care. Too fucked to wonder about the life expectancy of a tea light.

  Rachel didn’t care much either and surreptitiously sniffing her fingers, pleased that the aroma of Kate’s pussy juices were still there she wondered if sex could ever get better than this? Kate had been amazing and she’d given her more pleasure in the few hours they’d spent together than Simon had managed in their entire relationship.

  God it had been good. No awkwardness, no shyness, just want and lust and a beautiful, responsive lover she felt like she’d known forever. And filthy! God, Kate could have won awards for that, suggesting ways of screwing that Rachel had only ever fantasized about and totally surprising her when she’d produced a dildo from her bedside drawer and then gone on to suggest they sit facing each other and feed it into each other’s cunts.

  It had, without a shadow of a doubt, been a first time screw to end all others.

  Now they lay quietly in the dark. Waiting for their bodies to stop thrumming, and for the howling wind outside to either shatter the loose milk bottle it was playing with or bring it to a halt beneath someone’s hedge.

  Kate squeezed her hand. “Do you think we rushed things?” She whispered as Rachel squeezed back. “I know it’s probably a bit late to ask, seeing as how the first time we met I screwed you, but do you think we should have waited a bit longer and got to know each other first before we.. you know.”

  Rachel propped herself up on one elbow. “I think.” She said. “That if any of my other friends had told me they’d slept with their new partner on the first date I’d be horrified, but with you it feels different. It feels, I don’t know - right. Like we’re meant to be together. Like it’s going to last.”

  “It is.”

  “Is it?” Rachel questioned quietly.

  “Of course!” Kate insisted. “Why wouldn’t it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, come on, babe. You must have a reason or you wouldn’t have asked.”


  “Would be nice.”

  “Then it’s because I can’t believe how lucky I am and that I’m worried I may not be good enough for you. I mean, look at you. You’re gorgeous! You’ve got a terrific body, a lovely personality and those eyes! God Kate, I can’t tell you how much I love your eyes. But me. I’m nothing. I’m just ordinary and I’m really scared that you’ll leave me the moment someone better comes along.”

  “And you mad?” Kate asked incredulously. “After everything we’ve done tonight? I’d be insane to leave you. And what about the lengths I went to just to get to know you in the first place? That wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, you know. I was crapping bricks for bloody weeks!”

  Rachel cringed. “I know!” She cried. “I know it sounds mean and I’m really sorry, but I can’t help it. I’m just scared Kate. You’re so beautiful..”

  “And so are you.” Kate said, running a hand through her hair. “And I truly am sorry you feel this way Rach, because I really don’t get it. Why does my being ‘beautiful’ worry you so much? Not that I think I am. I think I’m as ugly as a bog brush. But why do you think I’ll leave you just ‘cos you think I’m pretty. Is it something I’ve done?”

  “No, nothing like that! God, I’m not explaining this very well. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I never thought someone like you would ever be interested in someone like me and I can’t believe, much as I want to, that it’s going to last. You’re everything I’ve ever looked for Kate, and I’m scared, really scared that I’m going to end up hurt.”

  “ But you’re not!” Kate exclaimed. “I promise! What can I say? Other than I have absolutely no intention of ever leaving you for ‘someone better’ or anyone else come to that. I want you Rachel, just you, and I promise we are going to be together for a very, very long time. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Rachel smiled weakly. “I’m sorry. And I’m sorry you don’t have any idea what I’m going on about.”

  Kate kissed the back of her hand. “To be honest, I don’t. At least not all of it. And I don’t mean that nastily, it’s just that I can’t honestly say I’ve ever felt that way about anyone. Guess none of my past relationships have ever been that deep.. It’s always been here today, gone tomorrow.”

  “That’s comforting.”

  “But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same with you! If it was, do you think I would have asked if you regretted not waiting? I was worried I’d fucked up by moving too soon, pardon the pun, and that you were going to think I was merely after your body and tell me to get lost. All I can say is trust me. I won’t hurt you and I won’t run away. I might try to poison you with my dreadful cooking and I can’t say I won’t fall over you when I’m drunk, but I definitely won’t hurt you. Now give us a kiss and stop talking. I have this huge desire to fuck you again.”


  Curled up on the sofa wearing her favourite pair of pyjamas, Polly glanced at the clock and wondered what Rachel was doing now?

  Not that it took a great deal of imagination. No doubt she was wrapped around Kate by now, blissfully happy and a million miles away from that creep Simon. That low life piece of scum she’d been saddled with for God knows how long. She’d never trusted him. All cool and charming on the outside, with his bloody flowers and polite enquires as to how she was, whilst he calmly played at being the perfect gentleman whilst systematically putting Rachel through absolute hell.

  He was a compete and utter shit and she’d seen through him right from the start. It was all there in his eyes. The way he glanced at Rachel when he thought no one was looking. Staring at her as if she was somehow beneath him and he was only going out with her to do her a favour. Rachel hadn’t deserved that. Rachel was lovely and if anything, it should have been the other way round. Simon was the creep whilst Rachel was just Rachel. Kind, considerate, loving and being played like a bloody fiddle by that rotten bastard.

  It had driven her mad having to watch him degrade her like that and she’d hated him for it. Even going so far as to lie awake in the dead of night plotting how she could break his legs with a large baseball bat or failing that, lace his drink with poison. But Rachel had never gone along with any of her ideas,( even though, in the cold light of day, she’d been careful to leave out the more creative ones and limit her advice to simply getting the hell out of the relationship), and instead of seeing her friend dump the cretin, she’d been forced to accept Rachel’s rather weak insistence that everything was fine.

  Still, he was history now. Gone and forgotten and replaced by Kate, who seemed infinitely better and who had invited Rachel over to hers, meaning she had the house to herself.

  She’d started the evening with a bath, lingering for far long that she normally did and following it with a dippy movie in which she’d cried like a baby and eaten half a box of chocolates she kept at hand especially for occasions like this. After that, she’d drawn the curtains and put on her favourite CD, dancing around the lounge and happy in the knowledge that no one could see her and that Rachel wasn’t about to come thundering downstairs wanting to know where the baby elephant was and why she was so red in the face?

  Then had come the wine. A delicious claret she’d been saving for just such an evening and which, despite the fact she’d nearly finished the whole bottle all by herself, was only just starting to go to her head, which wasn’t like her at all. Usually she would have been giggling like a nutter by now. Or telling everyone she loved them. But aside from a slight buzz in her head and a tendency to yawn every few minutes, she felt bloody fine.

  Must be the chocolate, she thought, reaching for the bottle and p
ouring out the last half inch into her glass, all that fruit and nut must be acting like a sponge and soaking up all that lovely alcohol, or maybe the dancing had dehydrated her and the wine was merely topping her liquid levels back up to normal? Who knows? Who the fuck cares? Not feeling pissed was the perfect excuse to crack open another bottle.

  Except the ‘other bottle’ was in the kitchen and she really couldn’t be bothered to get up right now and fetch it. She was too warm and cosy here, snuggled up in her pyjamas and the kitchen was so far away! But if she didn’t move, she couldn’t have another little drinkie or go for that wee that was just starting to make itself felt –

  Fucking hell!

  The heavy thumping on the front door almost stopped her heart and shakily setting down her glass, she swore when the thumping was quickly replaced by a good kicking.

  No prizes for guessing who that is, she scowled, reaching for her bathrobe and slipping it on over her pyjamas. I’m amazed it took him so long.

  Engaging the safety chain, she opened the door an inch and peered out.

  Simon crammed his head into the gap.

  “Where is she?” He demanded, poking a finger at her ribs. “ I know she’s in there!”

  “Actually she isn’t.”

  “Oh yeah? I can smell her perfume.”

  “That’s probably because she lives here.” Polly said patiently. “And I’m assuming you mean Rachel when you refer to her as ‘she’?”

  “You bloody well know I do! Where is she?”

  Polly shrugged. “Not a clue. I don’t know where she’s gone, when she’ll back or who she’s with. I also can’t see what concern it is of yours, seeing as how she’s dumped you.”

  Simon kicked the door. “Oh, she told you, did she?” He spat. “Well, let me tell you it isn’t over. No bitch dumps me! Where is she Polly, or do I have to kick the fuckin’ door down and drag her out myself.”

  Polly braced her foot against the door. “I told you.” She said, reaching behind her for the phone. “Rachel is not here! And if you so much as breath heavy on this door I’m calling the cops. Now piss off Simon. Rachel doesn’t want you, I don’t want you and unless you want to spend the night banged up in a cell I suggest you crawl back under the stone you came from and go and annoy someone else.”


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