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Willing Victim

Page 12

by Carla Blake

  Their farewell was hurried and sharing a chastise hug, Kate’s lips brushed coldly against Rachel’s cheek as she whispered that she would see her tomorrow.

  “Okay.” Rachel whispered in return. “But I think you should move back a bit, we’re attracting the attention of smoker’s corner.”

  “For God’s sake, why?” Kate frowned. “We’re not doing anything. Please don’t start getting paranoid on me, Rach. We’ve got enough to put up with as it is.”

  She still stepped back though and rummaging in her handbag for her car keys was oblivious to the fact that Rachel was watching her hands and shivering with the memory of how those very same fingers had felt touching her skin. How soft they had been, how insistent. They’d made her pussy throb and her nipples harden. They’d made her want to throw Kate to the ground and snog her face off. They’d made her want to…

  “What?” She blinked as Kate touched her arm. “What did you say?”

  “Lift?” Kate said, dangling her car keys in front of Rachel’s face. “Do you want a lift home?”

  Rachel didn’t. She’d take the bus, she said. It was still early and it wouldn’t take her long to get home. Besides, a lift would take Kate out of her way and they were both tired enough already. She would see her tomorrow. Maybe they could meet for lunch?

  Slamming the door to his Ferrari, Simon gripped the steering wheel with both hands and let out a long string of expletives. Fifty quid it had cost him! Fifty, fucking quid to find out Rachel had dumped him for another bloody woman! He could hardly fucking believe it! She was a lesbian! A bloody lesbian! He’d kissed her for Christ’s sake. Seen her naked, even touched her tits and all the time she’d been fucking other women! It made him feel sick just thinking about it. And all those germs! Rachel must have been crawling with them! He’d have to clean everything now. Starting with the apartment. He’d have to completely strip that out and redecorate. Everything would have to go and then, once he had scrubbed every last trace of her from his skin, he would deal with Rachel herself.

  Or maybe he would start with Phil. Make him pay for laughing, cos he’d really lapped it up, hadn’t he? Nearly choking on his beer as he handed over the print out and demanded to know how he hadn’t known his own girlfriend was gay? His insolence had infuriated him. Annoyed him. Made him to want to beat the living daylights out of that smug, little git as Phil had read aloud what Rachel and Kate had said to each other like some benevolent benefactor doing him a favour. Then he’d had the nerve to ask for fifty quid both for the evidence and the promise of keeping his bloody gob shut.

  Well, he’d keep his mouth shut if he had anything to do with it.

  The doorbell rang at seven minutes past ten.

  Rachel had been home for less than an hour, and in that time had managed to regale Polly with a sketchy account of their scare in the cloakroom – Polly hadn’t been sure whether to laugh or berate – a brief grumble about the overcrowded state of the wine bar- Polly’s only comment being that it was always crowded in there- plus a heartfelt apology for not telling her she was going to be late for dinner.

  “Didn’t matter much anyway.” Was Polly’s answer to that one. “When you didn’t pitch up I ate yours as well. Steak, medium rare. With mushrooms, onions rings and chips.”

  Rachel wasn’t impressed. “You could have stuck mine in the microwave.” She grumbled, watching Polly fill the kettle. “It would have heated up okay.”

  “Yeah, it would. Except I didn’t think you were coming back.”

  “Even so.” Rachel sulked. “It would have done for breakfast or lunch. You didn’t have to actually go and eat it, you greedy cow!”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “No you’re not and eating all that, it’s obscene! Next thing I know, you’ll be running to me complaining about how you’re all fat and lumpy!”

  “No I won’t and it was only one meal! You’d think I’d eaten everything in the freezer the way you’re carrying on and what about you? If you carry on missing dinner you’ll end up as nothing but an emaciated scrap of skin and bone scrapping along the pavement picking at discarded lumps of chewing gum!”

  “Yeah, well I might have to!” Rachel exclaimed, looking up as the doorbell rang. “If you keep eating all my dinners.”

  A delivery man stood on the doorstep, dressed all in leathers and with a crash helmet visor pushed up over his face. He smiled when Rachel opened the door and held out six, tall rectangular cartons, all of which had apparently come from the local Chinese restaurant.

  “ Two King Prawn. Chop Suey, two chicken, two special and two mushroom.” He said, reading off a list. “Oh, and egg fried rice. Twenty four, ninety please.”


  “Twenty four, ninety. I’ve got change if you need it.”

  “I’m sure you have.” Rachel replied, crossing her arms across her chest. “It’s just that I didn’t order any of this. Are you sure you’ve got the right address?”

  The delivery man swiveled a piece of paper in her direction. The address written at the top was theirs. “Pretty sure.” He said.

  Polly appeared at her side. “What’s going on?” She asked.

  “This chap reckons we’ve ordered all this food.” Rachel replied, indicating the greasy looking cartons. “You didn’t, did you?”

  “What? After double steak and chips? I don’t think so. Sorry mate, you’ll have to take it back.”

  The delivery man shook his head. “No can do, love. You ordered it, you pay for it.”

  “But we didn’t order it! I mean, look at us! Do we look like we could eat all that?” “ Not for me to say. All I do is deliver the stuff. Are you going to pay for it or not?”


  “Okay, then I’ll take it back, but I have to warn you, you might get barred from ordering from us again. This’ll be classed as theft, you see. Can’t re-sell it. Not with health and safety the way it is these days. It’ll just have to go in the bin. And the owners can be a bit touchy about that sort of waste. Wouldn’t put it past them to call the police. You sure you don’t want to just pay for it and have a midnight feast?”

  “No, we don’t!” Polly insisted. “It’s not our fault someone took down the wrong flippin’ address and it’s not our fault you’ll have to chuck it. Go try somewhere else. Like number thirty two? Have you tried them? Maybe they got the numbers round the wrong way or something ? Either way, we didn’t order it and we’re not paying for it. Goodbye.”

  She slammed the door and Rachel chuckled. “I love it when you get angry.” She laughed. “ You go such a lovely pink colour.”

  Stretching, Rachel turned off the alarm clock and yawned, smiling at the memory of her dream in which Kate had featured heavily, alongside a stone structure she assumed had been a castle. Kate had been fucking her. Her hands on her tits and pussy whilst she, with her back up against the crumbling crenellations, had turned her face to a sky the colour of molten syrup and waited to come. She’d been about to too, until she had been cruelly awoken, then the feeling had melted away and she had lain there, gasping and disappointed, her eyes staring not at a golden sky but at the ceiling of her bedroom.

  In the bathroom she’d climbed into the shower and touched herself, hoping for some small remnant of the dream to fizz between her legs and for a lovely orgasm to start the day, but there was nothing there and feeling even more disappointed, she’d soaped herself down and listened to Polly moving about on the other side of the wall, singing along to something on the radio she knew only half the words to.

  Dressed, she’d rattled on Polly’s door and wandered downstairs, shouting over her shoulder that she was going to make toast if Polly was interested.

  Downstairs, the hallway was dappled with sunshine and stretching out her arms, Rachel took a great lungful of air and almost choked when the smell of festering drains shot up her nose.

What the hell is that? She coughed and trotting into the kitchen opened the cupboard under the sink, wondering if the washing up from last night had clogged up the pipes and they were about to experience a ton of filthy water rushing back up the overflow. But the cupboard smelt of nothing but cleaning materials, and when she looked in the sink and ran the hot tap, the water drained away without hindrance or problem.

  Sniffing, she opened the fridge door and peered inside, looking for gone off cheese or a pint of sour milk. But everything was either carefully wrapped in cling film or sealed inside containers and there was nothing to smell but the faint whiff of lemon.

  Yet the smell was still there. Pungent. Stomach turning. Like..

  Polly’s voice hailed her from the hallway. “Rachel!” She cried, her voice sounding muffled through the cage of her fingers. “Someone’s shoved dig shit through our letter box!”

  Rachel rushed over to meet Kate the moment she arrived at work. Her face felt flushed and her hands were sweating, but she smiled as though nothing was wrong, hissing at Kate to meet her in the club room’s toilets in exactly ten minutes and not to be bloody late! Then she disappeared inside, leaving Kate to wonder what the hell had happened in the few short hours they’d been apart.

  “He knows.” Rachel said, the moment the door closed behind Kate.

  The clubroom toilets were, as usual for this time of day, totally deserted but Rachel still wasn’t taking any chances. Getting down here had been harrowing enough and she’d lost count of the number of times she’d cursed her clattering heels as she’d hurried down the concrete stairs, wishing for carpet and pausing every third step to turn and look behind her shoulder. And things weren’t any better now she was actually down here. Now she was convinced someone was outside, listening.

  “Who knows?” Kate asked, covering the short distance across the tiled floor to put her arms around Rachel’s waist. “And who’s ‘he’?”

  “Simon!” Rachel cried. “That’s who. He knows, Kate. He knows about us!”

  “What? I mean, how? You haven’t seen him, have you? You haven’t said anything. How does he know?”

  “I don’t know!” Rachel said, quickly adding a brief run down of the Chinese food incident followed by the dog mess on the hall carpet. “ But I’m certain it’s him. And that’s not all. When I went out to my car this morning, someone had scrapped ‘ dyke’ in the frost. Right across the bonnet.”

  “Nice.” Kate said sarcastically. “But that still doesn’t prove it was Simon. And not being funny babe, but anyone could have done that?”

  “Sure.” Rachel agreed. “Except very few people know I’m gay. And the Chinese food. It just seems too much of a coincidence. Simon knows how much I hate Chop Suey.. Remember the restaurant?”

  Kate nodded. “I do, and okay, let’s assume for a minute you’re right and it is Simon. Apart from writing in the frost, would he really put dog shit through your letter box? It just sounds a bit too base for him. A bit too common. And for someone who’s so fastidious about germs and such like, I really can’t see him wanting to go out and collect the stuff in the first place?”

  “ I agree. But who else could it be?”

  “Dunno. What does Polly think?”

  “She thinks it’s Simon, especially after the way he ranted on at her Friday. She thinks it’s his way of getting back at me.”

  Kate sighed. “There you go then.” She said. “And if that’s the worst he can do, then count yourself lucky. At least he didn’t run his keys down the side of your car.”

  “I know. But that still doesn’t explain how he found out about us.”

  “If he’s found about us?”

  “Oh, he’s found out alright.”

  “And you’re basing this on..?”

  “A feeling! The word ‘dyke’ on my car. I just know he knows, Kate!”

  “But that’s..” Kate shook the thought away. “Okay.” She said, trying again. “Let’s just suppose he does know. How did he find out?”

  “Someone must have told him.”

  “Like who? Only you and me know about us.”

  “And Polly.”

  “Oh, yeah, Polly. She wouldn’t have told though, would she?”

  Rachel vehemently shook her head. “No way! Absolutely no way. You should have seen her face this morning. She practically cried when we couldn’t get the stain out of the carpet. So, no, definitely not Polly. She would rather die than betray me to Simon, plus she’s the one who’s been pushing me to dump him for ages.”

  “Okay, fair enough. It’s not Polly. How about someone at the wine bar?”

  Rachel shrugged. “Who knows?” She said. “And what could they possibly have seen to incriminate us with? Two friends having a drink and a bit of a gossip. Hardly the stuff to base a love affair on.”

  “What about here then? Is there someone here that’s mean enough to rat on us?”

  “Only Phil. He’s mean enough to stitch up his own Grandmother.”

  “True. But that would mean he’d have to know about us and Simon as well. Does he?”

  “Not a clue.” Rachel said. “But it still wouldn’t hurt to keep an eye on him and see if he’s watching us. We could even be a bit obvious about it, like you coming over to my desk and then the pair of us disappearing off together. Maybe if he thinks we’re up to something, he’ll follow us.”

  “Maybe. But do you really think he’d fall for that?” Kate asked doubtfully.

  Rachel nodded. “He will if he’s guilty.”

  They should have been at their desks an hour ago, but Rachel didn’t care. She’d tell them she’d been stuck in traffic. Or her car hadn’t started. She might even tell them the truth. That her vicious, ex boyfriend have shoved Fido’s recycled breakfast through her letter box and left her to clear up the mess. But she wouldn’t tell them the truth. That her beautiful, sexy girlfriend had persuaded her to perch herself on the surround of the wash basin whilst she hitched up her skirt, pulled down her knickers and started to lick out her pussy. Because that’s exactly what she was doing now.

  And God, she was close to coming! Her pussy lips felt enormous! Swollen and sensitive as Kate’s tongue wove its way up and down her moist channel and her finger delved deep inside to stroke her G-spot.

  It was making her tremble and she could hear her heels, tap-tapping on the tiled floor, as Kate’s free hand stroked her thigh and her tongue curled around her clit. Her cunt was going crazy! Throbbing uncontrollably as she took her breasts in her own hands and squeezed her nipples, feeling them harden through her bra, whilst between her legs, Kate lapped and pushed at her G-spot. Filling her cunt with fingers and making her gasp and shudder and moan, until finally, unable to hold on any longer, she came. Hard and deep. Her backside slapping against the cold enamel, her cunt squeezing Kate’s fingers as Kate fucked her hard and she tipped over the edge, gasping Kate’s name. The strength suddenly melting from her legs as she clung onto Kate’s shoulder and breathed in the warm perfume of her hair, her pussy convulsing with after shocks.

  “Now I take you from behind.” She whispered, once she’d recovered her strength. “ Turn round babe.”

  Kate was already wet, and pressing her fingers against her knickers, Rachel felt warm moisture seep through the thin fabric of the material as she eased them aside and slid her thumb deep inside Kate’s waiting cunt. Then she fucked her. Slowly at first, then quickening the pace, her other hand sliding round to play with her clit.

  The sensation made Kate gasp and hanging her head, she gripped the edge of the enamel surround and pushed back, impaling herself on Rachel’s thumb and begging to be fucked harder, as Rachel pumped in and out and played with her clit. Rubbing and fucking her lover at the same time, until Kate’s orgasm shuddered through her and she collapsed in a heap on the floor, her knickers still wrapped around her ankles.

  Kate’s recov
ery was slower and by the time she had regained her feet and they had both straightened out their clothing, they were almost an hour late for work.

  “We.” Kate said, looking at her watch. “Are going to be in so much trouble.”

  “Not if we’re clever.” Rachel replied, and diving under the wash basins, she ran her hand along the pipes carrying the hot water to the taps, and resurfaced again with her fingers covered in a thick layer of dust. Smearing it across Kate’s forehead and arms, she then did the same to her own and shoving a wad of paper towels into Kate’s hands, told her what she had in mind.

  “You’re late!” Phil pointed out the moment Rachel sat down at her desk. “And not just by fifteen minutes this time. And whole bloody hour! Where you been? Doing your nails?”

  Rachel regarded him sourly. If anyone was spying on her, she concluded, it was definitely Phil. He wasn’t even her supervisor, yet here he was again, sniffing around her desk like he had some sort of authority over when she came and went. She was sick of it. Sick, too, of her own supervisor, Veronica, who never seemed to be around whenever Phil swooped in for the kill, and merely took any complaints concerning Phil’s harassing nature as something Rachel should stop grousing about and learn to live with.

  Well, she wasn’t about to ‘live with it’ anymore and plucking a tissue from the box on her desk, she vigorously wiped her fingers and looked him straight in the eye. “If you must know.” she said with barely concealed contempt. “The reason why I’m late is because I was helping Kate change the tyre on her car and it took a bit longer than we thought.”

  Cue Kate, who having waited the ten minutes Rachel had requested, now banged through the doors, frantically rubbing at her own hands whilst lamenting the fact that she’d busted two nails and a perfectly good pair of tights trying to get the spare tyre out of the boot of her car.


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