“Christ, you’re so tight…feels so good,” he gasped.
“Lazarus…I need…” She stopped talking as he drew out slow then slid back home, fully seating himself. Her eyes drifted closed.
He groaned long and low.
She loved how out of control he seemed, and forced her eyes open to watch him. She gasped when their stares collided, his steady gaze already locked on her as he drew back then slammed home. Too much, those eyes of his were too damn much. She tried to look away, but he gripped her jaw, stopping her.
“Don’t hide from me. I want to see your face when you come,” he said.
With each thrust he ground against her swollen clit, filling her deeper. She was half out of her mind by the time he leaned in and took her mouth in a brutal kiss.
Hungry for more, she nipped his lower lip. When he hissed, she ran her tongue over the abused flesh and sucked, soothing the sting, and Lazarus seemed to snap. His hips slammed forward, going so deep she gasped. His pace increased, taking her hard and fast. His chest pumped, and his breath came in fast pants.
“Oh God.” It was too much. Pleasure sent her reeling when he slammed into her next. She stiffened as her orgasm hit, and sunk her teeth into the muscle of his shoulder to stop the scream about to tear from her throat.
One of his big hands slapped against the wall by her head, and he growled.
Her inner muscles tightened, squeezing repeatedly around him. Lazarus shook, his big body almost vibrating as he moved his hands to her ass. He angled his hips, hitting her deeper as he thrust into her. Then he was coming, and so was she. Again.
He snarled—a wild, untamed sound that was anything but human, and dropped his head to her shoulder, shudders still rolling through him.
His skin felt hot and slick against hers, and goose bumps prickled her flesh as he panted, his warm breath tickling her neck.
After a few seconds, he lifted his head. “You okay?”
Was he joking? She’d never experienced anything like that before. She couldn’t help it—she grinned. “Ah, you were in this…um”—she looked around—“cupboard with me, weren’t you?”
His lips tilted up, offering her the smallest of grins. As he brushed her hair back behind her ear, his expression turned serious. “Is your arm all right?”
“It’s fine.”
He frowned.
Was he second-guessing himself and what they’d done? Did he regret it? “Lazarus—”
“It’s time for us to go.” He looked down at her nakedness and need once again darkened his gaze.
Her skin flushed with heat. “Okay.”
He stared at her for a long second, and she thought he was going to say more, but then he looked away, creating distance.
He let Eve slide to the ground and stepped back.
The moment was over.
Chapter 15
Oh yeah, what they’d done had complicated the hell out of things. He rubbed a hand over his forearm. Jesus, he had goose bumps, his skin still tingling, fucking alive.
Being buried inside Eve—nothing had ever felt so good. It’d taken everything he had not to yell mine when he’d come. The power of his release had almost knocked him on his ass. He could still feel her, tight and hot around him, gripping him—could still smell her sweet scent.
He shifted, trying to accommodate the hard-on that wouldn’t quit, his body aching for more of her already. He needed to get his shit back under control, but damn, it was a struggle. Especially with his demon hovering just below the surface, just as hungry for Eve as Lazarus.
The bastard was just waiting for another chance to break free.
He stared out the window of the cab, trying to keep it together. Not fucking likely when he could hear the way Eve kept shifting in her seat, when the scent of her arousal was reaching out to him, coiling around him. He took slow, even breaths and did his damnedest to ignore the way she was affecting him. Like that’ll help.
Lazarus knew better. There was no help for it. Because standing outside that door in the airport, protecting his female and waiting to engage his enemy, had sent his demon rocketing to the surface. He’d become consumed by the darkness, more than ever before.
After he’d dispatched the Orthon and made sure there weren’t any others, he’d been desperate to get back to her. And by the time he’d reached that supply room door, he’d no longer been in the driver’s seat. It was like hovering above himself, watching from a distance. He’d watched his hand rise to release that lock with no control over his actions.
The demon and not the demon hunter had gone back into that room. With serious effort, he’d warned her, told her to stay back. But instead of keeping her distance, Eve had approached him, touched him, and pulled him from the dark, bathing him in her light and warmth.
Thank God he hadn’t lost his head completely.
Kryos had warned him, had told him what would happen when he took Eve for the first time. Still, when that silvery thread had appeared in his mind’s eye moments after sinking deep inside her, he’d been stunned—not only by its beauty, but by the undeniable truth that Eve was meant to be his. It had called to him, enticed him. All he had to do was reach out and take hold, and Eve would be his, his mate.
She hadn’t even been aware of it. Only a male had the ability to complete the mating. He could have made her his that easily.
Without her consent.
He’d resisted. He couldn’t bring himself to do that to her.
He curled his fingers into a fist so tight the skin over his knuckles felt close to splitting. He’d fucked up. Badly. He should have been protecting her, not fucking her. He’d left her open to attack.
Eve didn’t know what she was doing. How could she? After all she had been through in such a short time, how could she resist the pull of their connection?
He’d taken advantage of that, of her.
He was a goddamned animal.
But in that dark place in the back of his mind, he knew there hadn’t been any other option. He was fast becoming a slave to this constant craving for her. He hated to think what might have happened if he hadn’t accepted the gift she’d offered him, if she hadn’t been there to pull him from the brink. His demon had all but taken him.
Had there been another choice? Not that he could see.
Like he thought, had hoped, Eve had the power to force back his demon with her body. He knew that without doubt.
Taking her as his mate wasn’t necessary.
The realization twisted something deep inside, and he clamped a lid on it, forced it deep down. He knew the sick feeling—the sense of wrongness he felt in that moment would never leave him. But he could live with that; better that than the alternative. This was how it should be, how it had to be.
Bad things happened to the people he cared about, and he wouldn’t allow Eve to be the next victim of his weakness. Part of his heart had died with Scarlet, and what remained had iced over when Tobias gave up the fight and succumbed to his demon.
Tobias was lost, and that was all on Lazarus.
He didn’t deserve happiness.
“Where are we going?” Eve asked beside him.
Her voice caused another stab of guilt, and he had to force down the bitter pill before he could speak. Dragging his eyes from the city lights blurring past the cab’s window, he faced her. He wasn’t ready to look at her again, and sure enough, as soon as he got another eyeful of those full lips still swollen from his kiss, her large pale eyes, not to mention her soft curvy body, his own hardened to painful proportions. It was as if she’d reached out and touched him.
“My friend owns a club,” he finally answered. “There’s accommodation. It’s well warded, safe.”
As if on cue, the cab pulled over and Lazarus handed the driver some cash before he grabbed their bags and climbed out. He waited while Eve scooted over and stepped out beside him. The place looked normal enough from the outside, like any other club, loud music, half-dressed women, and rowdy males loo
king for a good night. But this place had a unique difference.
Lazarus grabbed her hand and walked to the front of the queue. The bouncer let him past with a wordless nod.
Eve’s body pressed in close to his as they squeezed through the tightly packed humans, driving him fucking insane. He ground his teeth, trying to concentrate on retaining his slipping control. Just the warmth of her hand in his was too much. His nerve endings came alive at the slightest touch of her skin. He hurried toward the bar, pushing his way through the crowd.
“Where’s Brent?” he barked, too on edge to moderate his tone.
“Out back,” the guy, a shifter, shouted over the music. His eyes trailed over Eve, his appreciation blatant. The growl that ripped from Lazarus was unexpected and loud enough for the guy to hear over all the noise. His eyes went wide before stuttering, “S-sorry, man. No offense, yeah?”
“Don’t look at her again.”
Eve shot him a sharp glance but remained quiet at his side. Apparently he no longer had control over what the hell came out of his mouth either. The word mine was stuck on repeat in his mind. God, he wanted to smash something.
Without another word, he turned from the bar. He didn’t need to push through the crowd behind him this time because people parted like the Red Sea, stumbling over themselves to get out of his way.
Once they were away from the bar, he led Eve toward the back, weaving through the sweaty patrons dancing to shitty techno music. They finally reached the back of the building and a large male opened a nondescript door. Lazarus led Eve into the small hallway, turning a corner and stopping in front of another stocky male, this one a demi-demon, guarding a second plain metal door.
“Tom,” he greeted the guy in charge of security.
“It’s good to see you again, Laz.” He grinned.
The guy looked at Eve, winking at her as they passed. This time Laz managed to contain the growl before it escaped. They entered another hall, this one long and dark. Lights edged the floor, lighting their way. The farther they went the louder the thumping bass grew in volume.
“What is this place?” Eve tightened her grip on his hand and moved in closer. He ground his teeth at the contact, positive he could feel a tight, beaded nipple grazing his biceps.
“It’s like a club inside a club.” They approached another door, and another security guy opened it for them.
“Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns ’n’ Roses blasted from the speakers. Yeah, the song couldn’t be more apt. He felt rather than heard Eve’s gasp as they stepped through the door.
The dimly lit club was fairly full for this time of night. Barely covered males and females sat at tables or on the strategically placed couches around the room. Some talked, some danced, and though it was early still, some fucked.
Brent had opened the sex club more out of necessity than anything else. The place catered to nonhumans, a place they could come together, where they could have whatever needs they had met. Being the type of demi-demon Brent was, this place was more than just a business, it kept him safe, kept him breathing. Many that came here did so for the same reason.
“Jesus Christ, Lazarus. Where have you brought me?” Eve’s hand moved up to clutch his forearm.
He bent down to speak close to her ear, and had the sudden urge to dart his tongue out and trace the delicate lobe. “This place is owned by a demi named Brent. His demon side is different from yours. This place provides the cocktail of sex and volatile emotion he needs to keep from losing it.” He didn’t add that most of the employees and patrons here were other. She had enough to take in for now.
“Oh.” Her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings.
A Dom passed by them. A leash dangled from his fingers, the strip of leather attached to a collar around another guy’s neck. The sub crawled on his hands and knees, cheeks flushed, his excitement obvious as he followed his master to one of the private rooms.
“Is he going to…what do they…” She stopped abruptly, frowning. He guessed she was unsure how to finish her sentence.
“They give each other what they need.”
Her cheeks darkened.
“Come on.” He approached a waitress, a young demi named Chaya. Brent gave her a job after her release from the compound a few months back. Like Eve, she favored her human DNA and had a curvy build.
A wide smile lit up her delicate elfin features when she turned and spotted him. “Hey, Lazarus, I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Something came up.”
She smirked. “You lot missing me already, huh?”
Yeah, he wasn’t touching that one. The female had given them all hell while at the compound, and she’d enjoyed every damn minute of it. “How do you like it here?”
Her low chuckle said she knew exactly why he’d changed the subject. “A girl’s gotta pay the rent somehow, right?”
He introduced Eve then asked after his friend’s whereabouts.
“He’s with someone right now, but he shouldn’t be much longer.” She glanced over to where the private rooms were located and scowled. “You can wait over there.” She pointed to a table.
“Sure.” She spun on her skyscraper heels and disappeared into the crowed.
“So Brent’s a…is he a…” Eve started.
Lazarus took pity on her. “His sire was a sex demon.”
He led her to the table and Eve sat across from him studying her hands, pretending not to notice what was going on around her. Strobe lights flashed incessantly, irritating the shit out of his eyes, pulsing with the loud music. Each flash revealed a glimpse of writhing, naked limbs tangled in the darkened corners. The smell of sex was thick in the air and heightened his already out-of-control need for Eve. How Brent spent every night in this place, he didn’t know.
The music made it hard to talk, and Lazarus was relieved when a door across the club opened and Brent strode out. He was dressed in gray trousers and a black silk shirt, looking sharp as always.
His friend tugged the female who followed him from the room closer, kissed her temple, and sent her on her way. He shrugged into his jacket and took a moment survey his club.
Brent never let it show, but Lazarus knew the guy still struggled with the demon side of himself and what it demanded of him. But it was either this or…well, it wasn’t worth thinking about the condition Lazarus had found his friend in many years ago.
Brent looked up at that moment and spotted him, his frown replaced by a wide grin. He made his way over to them, straightening his jacket and running a hand over his slightly mussed hair. “You should’ve said you were coming. I would’ve towed out the welcome wagon.”
“Sure, you would have.”
“You doubt me?”
Brent chuckled, his gaze sliding to Eve standing at his side. “You need a place to stay?” he said without looking at Lazarus.
“Yeah, we do.”
His dark gaze continued to trail over her and Lazarus wanted to snarl in warning.
The guy smiled when she looked up at him, all charm and model good looks, and extended a hand. “I’m Brent. Nice to meet you. I hope Lazarus hasn’t given you too much of a hard time.”
Eve giggled. Fucking grinned up at the asshole, and giggled. An urge to reach out, grab the guy by the throat, and wipe that smile off his face nearly won out.
“I’m Eve.” She took his hand. “Interesting place you have here.” That beautiful open smile covered her lovely face, and Brent sucked in an appreciative breath.
“Would you like the grand tour? The private rooms are…cozy.” His friend’s voice had dropped an octave, and the charming grin now held an edge of hunger.
Eve blinked up at him. “Oh, I…no. Thank you.”
Brent was standing beside him, and Lazarus decided that perhaps a warning was in order.
Eve was busy sneaking glances around the club to pay them too much attention. He grinned at her when she glanced his way
and leaned closer to Brent, like he was trying to talk over the music. “If you take one step with her toward those rooms, I’ll make it so you never walk again. Do you understand?” he said in a low voice.
A dark chuckle rumbled from his friend. “I’m beginning to.”
Brent was like family to him, but if he so much as touched Eve, he’d rip the guy’s hands off at the wrists.
Brent leaned back. “Can you stop with the crazy-assed smile now? I’m trying to run a business here. You’re scaring my customers.”
The guy was obviously in the mood to mess with him, or had a death wish, because he turned back to Eve, relaxed and still grinning like Lazarus hadn’t just threatened to cripple him. “Would you like a drink, Eve?”
She smiled back, and like always he felt it like a sucker punch to his gut. “Sure, sounds good.”
Brent turned to him then and the bastard winked. “Get the female a drink, Laz.”
A growl started building in his chest before he could stop it. Brent’s brows rose, and he said in his own low tone, “You would leave your female wanting?”
Brent was fishing, but it didn’t take a genius to work out Eve meant something to him. Not with the possessive way he’d been behaving. The other male’s eyes widened when, scowling in silent warning, he turned and stalked to the bar. His need to provide for Eve, to give his would-be mate whatever she needed was a compulsion he couldn’t ignore.
After ordering their drinks, he turned back to Eve, unable to keep his eyes off the woman for more than a few seconds at a time. Brent looked to be chatting amiably, but then Eve flinched and clutched her forehead.
With the way her power was growing in strength, the short distance between them must have been far enough for the block he had over her telepathy to drop. By the way her mouth was hanging open she’d gotten a head full of his perverted friend’s thoughts, not to mention the rest of the room.
Grabbing the drinks, he stalked back to the pair, and after strengthening the block, he put down the drinks and pulled her into his side. “All right?”
She smiled, the strain washing from her face. “I am now.”
Knight's Redemption (Knights of Hell Book 1) Page 14