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His Loving Guidance

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by Sue Lyndon

  His Loving Guidance:

  Three Domestic Discipline Stories

  by Sue Lyndon

  Copyright © 2016 His Loving Guidance by Sue Lyndon

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Published in the United States of America

  Sweet Savage Press, LLC

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains descriptions of many BDSM and sexual practices but this is a work of fiction and as such should not be used in any way as a guide. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained within. In other words, enjoy the book but don’t try this at home, folks!

  About this book:

  Some husbands take their wives in hand.

  His Loving Guidance features three smoking hot domestic discipline stories from USA Today bestselling author Sue Lyndon:

  Confession Time

  A stay-cation at their lakeside home seems like the perfect way to start summer for Lucy and James - until an unexpected houseguest arrives, spoiling their plans to explore maintenance spanking and other aspects of their budding domestic discipline relationship. Determined to make the most of summer with his wife, James surprises Lucy with a last minute cabin retreat high in the Blue Ridge Mountains. But when Lucy’s sister finds out about their DD relationship, she overreacts and assumes the worst of James. Lucy’s attempt to smooth the situation over blows up in her face when James discovers her missing. Will hurt feelings, embarrassing confessions, and family drama ruin their summer? Or will James and Lucy find their way through the darkness and back to one another’s arms?

  Belonging to Ben

  Newlyweds Gina and Ben have never had a big disagreement before…until a childhood friend of Gina’s with a penchant for partying and bar hopping returns to town. Ben tries to reason with his wife, insisting that she’s harming their marriage by constantly staying out late, and also putting herself in danger by hanging out in seedy locales. When she shuts him out and becomes increasingly rebellious, he decides enough is enough. It’s time to take his errant wife in hand. But how will Gina react when he turns her over his knee for a hard spanking on her bare bottom?

  A Time to Heal

  Stephie’s cancer went into remission a year ago, but her husband, Marcus, still treats her like she’s breakable. They resume practicing domestic discipline, but Marcus has a hard time following through with punishments, leaving Stephie frustrated that it’s not the same as before her illness. Can they move past the fears that have built up between them to reclaim the intimacy they lost?

  Publisher’s Note: Belonging to Ben is a brand new story, while Confession Time and A Time to Heal were previously published in the domestic discipline anthologies Coming to Terms and Milestones.

  Table of Contents

  Confession Time

  Belonging to Ben

  A Time to Heal

  Confession Time

  Chapter One

  Lucy stared out into the darkness, holding aside the curtain at the front window. Each time a pair of headlights neared the driveway, her stomach did a little backflip. James would be home at any moment. With her free hand, she rubbed her panty-clad bottom, knowing he would be paying a great deal of attention to that particular part of her body tonight. She swallowed hard when a car slowed to turn down the drive. Finally.

  Stepping back from the window, Lucy took a deep breath and hurried to the bedroom, where James had instructed her to meet him. She glanced at her reflection in the full-length mirror, hoping her attire – or lack thereof – would please James. He had told her to wear underwear and a t-shirt, nothing more. She had chosen a snug pink top and a pair of lacy black panties.

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs, heavy and quick.

  A pang of trepidation twisted her stomach again, traveling lower to cause her pussy to clench, an unexpected side effect of the impending spanking. Her pulse increased, her heart nearly thudding outside of her chest.

  She moved to stand in the center of the room, fidgeting with her hands in a nervous fashion. It amazed her that after five years of marriage, she could feel a sense of newness around James, the sort of newness that made her feel like a schoolgirl with butterflies in her tummy. A few weeks ago, they had begun to practice domestic discipline, and now every time she saw her husband, it felt like the first time. Like the day they first met at a party hosted by a mutual friend. Six years ago. The memory brought a smile to her lips.

  James filled the doorway, and his larger-than-life presence caused the air to leave her lungs. His work jeans hugged him in all the right places, and the deep green of his shirt enhanced the intensity of his blue eyes. Dark stubble peppered the lower half of his face, and his black hair was messed up, no doubt due to his habit of running a hand through it in frustration. With his brother and business partner, Amos, on vacation, James had been doing the work of two men in the outdoor supply store he owned, and taking on the stress of two men as well.

  “There’s my beautiful girl.” He smiled, despite his obvious fatigue.

  Lucy wanted to melt. Her legs felt unsteady beneath her as she took two steps forward. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. “I missed you, James.” She inhaled the faint scent of his pine body wash.

  “I’m glad to be home.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “No, I grabbed a sandwich at the diner when business slowed down around dinnertime.” He drew back to meet her gaze, the pad of his thumb grazing her cheek. “You look nervous.”

  She automatically stiffened. A force of habit. She hated when someone told her how she felt or looked, even James. Of course, after five years of marriage he could read her like a book. Nothing escaped his all-knowing eyes.

  “Let’s sit down.” He directed her to the bed, holding her close as they sank down atop the comforter. He rested a hand on her naked thigh, reminding her of her state of undress.

  “It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the whole maintenance spanking thing.” With a sigh, Lucy glared at a piece of lint on the carpet.

  “You’re comfortable with punishment spankings,” he pointed out.

  “I know. I guess I’m confused.”

  James captured her hands in his. “This isn’t a punishment, Lucy. It’s a light spanking, once a week, on Friday nights, to help us reconnect with one another and to help reinforce our roles in this marriage. Think of it as a meaningful conversation.”

  She leaned into him, soaking up his maleness and his strength. “It sounds so logical when you put it that way. But it feels strange. You’ve only spanked me for punishment before.”

  “I’ve smacked your ass a few times in bed.” His lips seared her neck, but only for a moment.

  “I know. I’m just afraid of how much it’s going to hurt. You spank hard.” Her voice contained a hint of laughter.

  “Lucy girl, you blew my mind a few weeks ago when you came to me, asking me to spank you for something you felt guilty over. You trusted me with your secret and told me all about domestic discipline. It took a lot of guts for you to come to me lik
e that. I know I didn’t quite understand at first, but I understand more and more each day. I don’t like causing you pain, but after all we’ve been through I won’t hesitate to give you a hard spanking when you’ve earned one. I know I spank hard. I’ll always spank hard.”

  “I knew what maintenance spanking was, but I never imagined you’d want to try it.” Her tone was light, her fears fading. He had made a leap for her, all those weeks ago after she finally worked up the courage to confess her deep desire to be spanked as punishment. It was only fair she make a leap for him now. Besides, it was not like he was going to use the paddle he had bought. Or his belt. He had assured her those implements were reserved for punishment only. She turned her head, and her cheek brushed against his stubble.

  “We grew apart last year, Lucy. We fought a lot. I don’t ever want us back in that dark place. I want us to stay connected, always. I think maintenance will help us stay connected.” His words and his nearness blanketed her with security and tenderness. “It will hurt, Lucy. I want you to feel the sting of my hand to remind you what happens if you disobey me, but it won’t hold a candle to the sting of the paddle when you’ve made a mistake.”

  She sighed. “Okay. I’m still a little nervous, but I trust you.”

  “All right then,” he said, patting his leg. “I want you to lay over my lap, Lucy girl.”

  A spasm of warmth quaked between her legs, jarring her momentarily. Not wishing for him to see the telling expression on her face, she practically dove over his lap. As he shifted her into a position of his liking, with her bottom raised high up and her legs pinned beneath his, she tried to process her new feelings of arousal. The idea of being spanked had never turned her on before … so why did it now?

  Her mind traveled back to the handful of punishment spankings she had endured. On each night, they had made love, but not directly after. The pain did not excite her, but she craved it – needed it desperately – in order to feel forgiven and loved. God, why could she not be normal? Why could she not let go of her guilt without a trip over her husband’s knee? Why did a spanking have to make her feel so protected and cherished?

  “Tell me why you’re getting this spanking, Lucy.” He cupped her left bottom cheek, giving it a light squeeze.

  “Do I have to?” She wanted it over and done with already, not dragged out with more talking.

  “Yes.” He gave her other cheek a squeeze, and continued to rub her bottom over the top of her panties.

  She huffed, frustrated that she had to repeat his words. “This spanking is to help us reconnect and remind us both of our roles in this marriage.” Her irritation lent an edge to her voice, and she winced at the way she sounded.

  “That’s good enough, Lucy. But next time, I’ll expect your tone to be more respectful.”

  She remained silent, bracing herself for the first slap.

  “Unclench your cheeks.”

  Mortified, she relaxed on his lap. He had scolded her about clenching her ass before. He wanted her to feel the spanking, and he viewed clenching as a way to avoid some of the sting. “Sorry,” she muttered, feeling her whole body flush with embarrassment. At least she still had her panties on, though she knew they would come down soon.

  As if reading her thoughts, James peeled her panties down until they bunched above her knees.

  “All the spankings I give you will be bare-bottomed ones, even maintenance. You’ll always be bared to me, Lucy girl.”


  James’ hand cracked down on Lucy’s ass with a resounding smack. Her pale flesh reddened quickly as he alternated cheeks, careful not to hit the same spot twice in a row. During a punishment he might do so, but he had promised to make this one light. Light did not mean he would not redden her backside, though. A spanking was a spanking, in his mind, and he intended for her to feel the sting, just enough to make her squirm and wonder when it would end. Not enough to prompt her tears and leave her gasping for breath as she begged him to stop before finally surrendering – the very process they went through during a punishment.

  After a dozen slaps to each cheek, he paused to rub her bottom, all the while ignoring his growing erection. “How are you doing, Lucy?”

  “I – I’m fine. Is it over?”

  “Not yet, sweetheart. I just wanted to check on you. I’m going to spank harder now.”

  Before the next smack fell, she had already tensed up, clenching her cheeks together.

  “Lucy,” he warned.

  “Sorry. I can’t help it.”

  “Yes you can.” He paused. “I think this is a problem I need to help you with. You know, there are things I can do to keep you from tensing up.”

  “Like what?”

  “A plug in your bottom hole. And if that doesn’t work by itself, I can coat it in ginger oil.”

  “Why would you coat it in ginger oil?” She sounded genuinely confused.

  “Because it burns, even more so when you clench down.”

  She gasped and squirmed against his hold. “We will not be doing that!”

  “Relax your bottom and we won’t.” He caressed the reddest parts of her ass, the center of each cheek, as he gazed down at her, willingly draped over his lap, despite her reluctance to add maintenance spankings to their weekly routine. His heart swelled at the sight of her in this position, and his hands traveled to massage the backs of her thighs.

  Time to finish her spanking. He slapped the lower curve of her bottom, once on each side, before moving up to rain more smacks down. She began to whimper as he increased his pace, making the final ten the hardest.

  “All done, Lucy. You did great.” Warmth flooded his insides as he gathered her up in his lap, surrounding her with his loving embrace. She clung to him for dear life, hugging him back so hard it was almost painful. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” A breathless whisper.

  “Look at me.”

  Reluctantly, she loosened her arms and pulled back. Their eyes locked and she smiled. “I’m fine, James. Really. It hurt, but it wasn’t so bad. I’m relieved I didn’t make a fool of myself by crying.” She trailed her fingers over his stubble.

  “Sweetheart, it’s okay to cry.”

  Her eyebrows pinched together. “But it wasn’t a punishment.”

  “Doesn’t matter, angel. If you ever feel like you need to cry, I don’t want you holding back.” He kissed her forehead. “Never hold back from me, Lucy. We don’t hold back from each other anymore. That goes for me as well.” During the dark time in their marriage when they had grown hopelessly apart, he had taken to angry silences, not speaking to Lucy for days. Likewise, Lucy had bottled up her emotions so tight she always had a sick stomach, never felt like eating, and lost too much weight. James was thankful it was in the past. And he sure as hell never wanted to go back there. Lucy had suggested domestic discipline during one of their brief lapses back into pleasantness, and although he’d been skeptical at first, after a few weeks of trial and error, the wilting flower that had been their relationship grew stronger, blooming back to life with more beauty than ever before.

  “I know,” she finally said. “But I honestly don’t feel like crying right now. I just want a hug.”

  Warmth infused his soul. “Come here, Lucy girl.” He nestled her head below his chin, placing her head over his heart. They remained locked together for an eternity, breathing in sync in the quiet house as all worry faded from James’ mind. They had both survived her first maintenance spanking.

  “I feel peaceful,” she said.

  “Me too, sweetheart, me too.”

  A half hour later, Lucy snuggled up under the covers beside James in bed. He angled his body over hers, enjoying the searing skin-to-skin contact. His cock stiffened against her leg. Had she felt his raging hard-on when he had her over his lap during the spanking? Threatening to put a plug in her asshole had nearly done him in.

  Her hand closed over his hard length, coaxing him with sensuous strokes. Groaning, he captured her lips, driving
his tongue inside, demanding her response while he pinched one of her nipples hard enough to make her whimper. He broke the kiss, moving to trail kisses down her neck, licking and lightly biting her flesh. Sweet and salty, she was smooth and delicate beneath him as she squirmed to grind her center against his leg.

  “Is your bottom sore, Lucy?”

  She stilled, and he glanced up to see her shocked expression. He had never mentioned spanking her in bed before, though he had slapped her bottom a few times while he took her from behind. But damn if it did not turn him on to think of that pert little backside turning red under his hand, whether for punishment or maintenance or – fun.

  “Don’t be shy.” He pinned her down so she was forced to look him in the eye. “Now answer my question. Is your bottom sore?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it. Can’t we just –”

  James threw the covers back and flipped Lucy on her stomach in one swift move.

  “Hey!” She struggled to turn back over, but he placed his hands on her shoulders, preventing her activity.

  “I want to take you like this, Lucy,” he said huskily. “From behind.”

  Her breath hitched and she ceased her resistance. “Okay,” she whispered, pushing up on her hands and knees after James released her shoulders.

  “You’re still red.” He rubbed her bottom for a moment, exploring and caressing her inflamed flesh. Two fingers swept inside her slit, discovering the slick, warm evidence of her desire. “Oh, sweetheart. You’re soaking wet.”

  She whined when he grazed her clit and didn’t pay it enough attention, on purpose of course. James loved to tease her. As he watched her ass wiggle in search of his hand, he sucked in a quick breath at the vision of her freshly spanked bottom. She was not as red as she was after a punishment, but a deep circle of pink stained each mound, and his cock hardened further. So lovely. Her ass truly belonged to him. With a sense of ownership, he splayed her cheeks apart to glimpse her quivering hole.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve played with this little hole of yours, Lucy, hasn’t it?”

  A shudder havocked her body as a high-pitched whimper leapt from her throat. She made no move to pull away, and James did not expect her to put up a fight. He had touched her most intimate spot many times before, though he did not fuck her ass very often. Most of the time, he lubed up a finger, and thrust it in and out while she bucked against him, often with a vibrator held to her clit.


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