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Primrose and Brimstone

Page 20

by Jason Mueller

  Jimmy never got to finish, Marcy dragged him to the bedroom for a repeat of the night before. Their boring sex life was gone forever in her mind, something had brought out the slut in her and she had lots to make up for.

  Jimmy pleasured his wife and collapsed on the bed exhausted. Marcy got up and went about her day relaxing on the couch and watching movies with Sarah. Around 3pm she got up showered and dressed in blue jeans and T-shirt slipping on her favorite pair of flip flops. She had tried to wake Jimmy twice, but he was completely out of it. She thought he was cute when he slept and she wasn’t aggravated. Marcy respected his work ethic as he often put in sixteen hour days to keep the lab, zoo and them going. She worked too, but not like he did and it made her love him all the more.

  Marcy got Sarah ready and headed to the lab and zoo to feed the zoo animals and to take care of things. They had already lost a little money she knew by not opening on Sundays but sometimes they needed a break. Right? She thought to herself as she drove with Sarah buckled in beside her jabbering nonstop to Smitty who seemed to ignore her as he tried to crawl away from his owner.

  When they arrived, as usual, Sarah headed for the outside pen that housed Franky the tortoise; Marcy picked up a stack of mail that had never been opened and quickly sorted it. Most of it was bills they could hardly pay but there was a check from the pharmaceutical company that processed the venom into anti-venom she stuck in her purse so it could be deposited into the account on Monday.

  As Sarah made her way through the inside portion of the zoo to the tortoise habitat a voice called to her out of the shadows.

  “Sarah.” It called to her in a sing-song voice. Sarah was frightened and frozen in her tracks. She wanted to run back to Marcy but could not make her limbs work.

  “Don’t be afraid child.” The voice continued speaking soothing words as the snake goddess manifested out of the shadows, she walked to Sarah naked as before.

  Sarah looked at the woman silently, even at seven something was stirring inside of Sarah, this woman caused her to feel things she never felt before. The woman was beautiful and Sarah thought she reminded her of a Disney princess although they didn’t walk around naked in the movies.

  The woman stood over the young girl smiling at her, she bent down and kissed her on the cheek. She straightened up and walked toward the office, toward Marcy. Sarah wondered what this strange woman would say to her mother.

  At that moment Smitty her beloved pet struck biting her in the face latching on. She never saw the resident Anaconda slithering out of the shadows toward her, its giant twenty-foot body coiling into the classic “S” stance to strike. Little Sarah never screamed as the Anaconda struck and coiled itself around her, slowly squeezing the life from her, clenching tighter and tighter with every expansion of her ribs as she desperately tried to breathe.

  Marcy busied herself in the lab cleaning and sorting through the piles of forms and records strewn about the place. There were old feeding schedules and animal care reports that kept track of the overall health of the snakes. She never messed with the snakes, she might feed some of the other animals in the zoo section but she left the venomous snakes to Jimmy.

  As she went about her chores, she felt a sudden chill and a feeling she wasn’t alone. She turned to see a naked woman standing in the lab room.

  “Who are you and how did you get in here?” Marcy asked knowing she had locked the door behind her to keep any tourist from just walking in.

  The woman smiled at her, Marcy was stunned by the woman’s beauty and sex appeal and could not help but to take in the lusciousness of her curves. The woman was incredible! Marcy had never been attracted to a woman before but this woman caused her to flush and to think differently.

  The snake goddess slowly and sensually walked over to Marcy standing so close her naked breasts were almost touching her own t-shirt clad breasts. The snake goddess stood gazing into Marcy’s eyes at first it was uncomfortable but the stranger's eyes seemed to flicker with almost a fire like glow, Marcy could feel herself lose control as she continued to stare back into the beautiful strangers’ eyes. Sexy images played in her mind as the woman’s gaze continued to bore into her psyche. Images of the two of them laying in a bed together making love to one another, Marcy could feel, hear, and taste her lover as if it were real.

  The stranger leaned in kissing Marcy passionately on the lips. Marcy responded in kind, both of their tongues darting in and out of each other’s mouth; moments later Marcy was naked also as she worked her way down her lover stopping at each breast as she made her way south.

  Marcy got on her knees as her mistress lay back on the desk, Marcy plunged her face into the stranger's sex eagerly lapping her juices. All the while Marcy’s mind rebelled as the entire scene played out but she was powerless to stop it, she hoped that Sarah would not walk in on her as she ate this erotic stranger. How could she ever explain it to Jimmy or live it down with Sarah? Yet she didn’t care. This sexy stranger had awakened something she could not explain or understand and wasn’t sure if it really mattered if anyone saw them.

  The woman moaned at the onslaught of Marcy’s tongue flicking the folds of her pussy; she grabbed Marcy’s hair pulling her face deeper as she continued to tongue her. The woman came amid a mix of pants and moans drenching Marcy who continued until she had brought the woman to orgasm again.

  As the woman sat up and pulled Marcy to her feet, they kissed again the woman licking her own juices from Marcy’s face. She pushed Marcy back on the desk pushing her legs back giving her complete access and returned the favor. When Marcy had come enough to suit the sexy stranger she was pulled from the desk.

  Marcy struggled to stand on rubbery legs so intense had her own orgasms been. The beautiful woman leaned in gently kissing Marcy on the lips once more and then walked away.

  Marcy watched the woman walked away for a moment and then turned toward the snake cages, her mind screamed as her hand reached for the latches of the cages unlocking them. What was she doing? She asked as she continued unlocking the drawers that held the snakes individually. When they were all unlocked, she glanced toward her new lover with desperation and pleading for help in her eyes who stood patiently waiting and watching her. No help would come she knew by the look on the naked strangers face a sadistic smile and reptilian eyes glared back at her, cold and unblinking.

  With a wave of her hand, the snake goddess slammed the drawers open releasing the snakes who slithered out dropping to the floor. Marcy backed away till her back touched a wall, the snakes all continued to advance toward her tongues flicking the air as they tasted her scent.

  She was surrounded; the snakes descending upon her, the king cobra leading the way. The king of snakes slowly rose till it was looking at her eye to eye. Its large tongue flicking out almost touching her face. Marcy knew she was dead, there was no way out from this mess; even if Jimmy walked through the door, it would be unlikely that he could handle so many of the deadly snakes before one or both of them were bitten. She hoped that Sarah would make it out of this and that Jimmy would make it there in time to save their daughter.

  The King Cobra struck followed by the hundreds of other venomous snakes as she fell to the floor. Marcy was spared the knowledge that Sarah was already dead as she faded away even as the snakes continued to strike.

  Jimmy woke up feeling groggy as hell. The three marathon sex sessions had left him exhausted. He still wasn’t sure about the snake goddess seducing him but it had seemed real enough at the time and he had ejaculated so he figured it counted. He stumbled into the shower the hot water making him feel more alert as he got out and dressed in shorts and an old heavy metal T-shirt left over from his college days.

  Jimmy walked out into the living room and was met with silence, he then checked the kitchen and found a note from Marcy that they had gone to the lab to take care of things. He tried calling her cell phone but got no answer and then tried the lab phone, but that rang until the answering machine picked up. He grabb
ed his car keys and headed out the door as a feeling of dread came over him.

  Jimmy pulled into the lot with somewhat of a sense of relief at the sight of Marcy’s car. He berated himself for jumping to conclusions when it appeared likely that she had just been busy and hadn’t heard the phones ringing when he had called before.

  Jimmy let himself into the side door of the lab and came up short. There were snakes everywhere! Somehow all of his venomous snakes had been let out. He called out to Marcy and Sarah but all that seemed to do was aggravate the snakes whom they had paid little attention to him until now. Oh shit, he thought to himself as he backed out of the door and headed to his car to grab the snake handling tools he kept there.

  As a herpetologist, he was often called to handle snakes that had made their way into people’s yards and homes. Armed now with the tools of his trade Jimmy made his way back into the lab and God knew what. The fact that he had not gotten a response from Marcy and Sarah nearly sent him over the edge with fear. It never entered his mind to call for help since he was the only one qualified to deal with the situation. If need be he had the supplies available to start anti-venom of which he kept on hand in case he himself ever got envenomed.

  Once inside and the door secured behind him, Jimmy took the lid off of a large trash can and pulled the bag out carefully setting it on the floor. Now he had a receptacle to put some of the smaller snakes in while he cleared out a path to the large rack with the bins where the individual snakes were held.

  Going painstakingly slow as to not get bit himself Jimmy concentrated on those snakes directly in front of him and in front of the snake enclosure. There weren’t a lot of snakes in this area which was puzzling but Jimmy also could not see behind the large counter that sectioned off the lab. He assumed the rest of the snakes had made their way over there and were laying together to stay warm on the cool concrete and tile floor.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours Jimmy had the area clear in front of the snake enclosure and a garbage can full of snakes. He put the lid on the can and used a bungee cord used for holding the door to the lab open when deliveries came to secure the lid on the can. He didn’t need any of the snakes getting back out and making an already dangerous situation even more so.

  Jimmy made his way carefully around the counter top not wanting to get ambushed by a snake that was hiding from view. He came to a stop and nearly dropped to his knees in anguish. There in a wriggling and slithering mound was Marcy, he could tell with a glance she was gone. Her exposed skin was blackish and he could see blood from all the puncture wounds where she had been bitten.

  She was also bleeding from her mouth and eyes as some species of snake venom works that way while other types worked on the nervous system. He tried to maintain his composure as he cleared her body of the snakes that had claimed her life and put them back into their perspective enclosures. Again time seemed to stand still yet only about forty minutes passed as Jimmy in his grief took more risks and was more careless handling the snakes than he might have been if his heart wasn’t broken.

  Finally, the snakes were in their cages. He moved to his wife and held her as he wept. The venom was already doing its work, she was rotting from the inside as the venom quickly broke down her cells. She was smelling already and her flesh felt pulpy.

  Slowly his mind cleared, and he remembered Sarah and he set off to find her; he entered the back area of the lab and found yet another sight he could never forget. The anaconda lay there hissing at him a large lump in its belly. The snake worked its jaws opening and closing while its stomach muscles created a wavelike action.

  Being a herpetologist and an expert on snakes Jimmy knew what was coming, and he was sure he did not want to see it. The snake regurgitated Sarah up as she slid out lifeless onto the floor with a sick squishing sound. Now the snake's belly was empty and it could go on the attack or flee if it wanted to.

  For the second time that morning Jimmy felt as if his mind would explode at the images that danced before his eyes. His little girl lay dead before him, crushed to death by this large hissing constrictor. Jimmy flew into a rage; grabbing a shovel from a hook on the wall and stalked the snake.

  The snake curled up into a defensive posture coiled and ready to strike, its upper body in the classic S-shape as it intently watched him. Jimmy picked up a book from on top of a file cabinet and tossed it at the anaconda; the snake struck at the book momentarily distracted from the man. Jimmy swung the edge of the shovel down on the massive snake.

  The snake now headless writhed about in the finality of its death throes. Jimmy scooped up his daughter; no longer able to hold himself together he wept as he carried her into the lab gently placing her next to her mother.

  How could this have happened? How did all the snakes get loose from their enclosures? Why was Marcy naked; and oh God how Sarah must have suffered as the life was choked out of her by the giant constrictors coils. He realized he had envisioned these things as he slept, and the realization left him being gutted. He had just assumed that it was a bad dream.

  “Why do you cry?” A sultry voice asked.

  “Who are you?” Jimmy sobbed looking around for the source of the voice.

  “Who do you think I am silly man?” The snake goddess seemed to materialize out of nothing and was walking toward him, he was so enamored with her beauty even amidst the death and carnage of his wife and child. He watched as her as she seductively walked toward him. His eyes taking in the lushness of her skin, he could feel himself thicken at the memory of her in his bed.

  “Your mind is troubled, why is this so?” She questioned in her sing-song lilt.

  “I loved them!”

  “But do you not love me more than them?” She asked with a smirk.

  He hesitated, he loved Marcy and Sarah and he was devastated by their deaths. Was it possible that he loved her more than his wife and child? He didn’t want to believe it for the truth as that would only make his guilt worse. She was right though he loved her more, needed her more. Why he did not know. Whatever the case he could not imagine never feeling her touch again. It was wrong, he knew but he couldn’t help himself. The thought of being without Marcy and Sarah hurt like hell but when he considered being without the snake goddess it was as if he could see himself being driven mad with longing for her.

  She stood over him pussy at eye level he could smell her musky scent, her eyes looking down upon him in a lustful stare, she pushed him back flat on the floor and undressed him. She took her place between his legs her tongue flicking his shaft in its snake-like pattern. Soon Jimmy lay there on his back next to the bodies of his wife and daughter as the snake goddess rode him to orgasm. When she was satisfied and Jimmy was spent, she got up and began to dematerialize with these echoing words.

  “Bring me a new lover you are no good to me now.” And she was gone.

  Jimmy sat up and looked around him and shuddered with revulsion at the sight of his family laying there blackened and swollen on the floor. He dressed and headed for the phone, he had a lot of explaining to do but he was confident the evidence would support his version of the events obviously he would not mention any serpent deities to the police.

  Jimmy spent much of the rest of the day and evening being questioned while the police went through not only the lab and facility but also their house looking for any evidence of foul play. Not being able to find any other evidence to the contrary and preliminary reports confirming most of Jimmy’s statements the police let him go with the stereotypical orders to not leave the state without letting them know just in case they had more questions.

  Jimmy returned home that night tearing down the yellow police line tape as he entered through the back door. The house was a mess. Apparently, the police department didn’t care about trashing someone’s house even though they were given the truth of what happened and the deaths hadn’t taken place somewhere else.

  Jimmy wandered woefully about the house; everything his eyes landed on brought back painfu
l memories of Marcy and Sarah. His mind still reeled at the horrible deaths his girls had suffered just hours before, and the one thing he could not figure out was why the police had hammered him over and over about it in their questioning was why Marcy was naked?

  He could not give them a rational explanation but he had an idea, and it made the bitterness in his heart worse. The only thing he could think of was that the snake goddess had not only caused their deaths, she had seduced Marcy too.

  For no rational reason Jimmy felt like he had to know, no answer would change the situation his world had been shattered and there would be no fixing that. He rummaged around the house until he found what he was looking for. He sat on the bed with the stone idol in his hands.

  “Come here you bitch!” he yelled into the darkness.

  But she never came at his call; as he sat there drinking beers until he fell asleep. Jimmy awoke to her presence filling the room as he was slightly drunk and was half off the bed and naked. He had stripped since that is how she seemed to like him.

  “What is it you want from me?” She questioned as she approached from the shadows.

  “Why did you kill Marcy and Sarah?” Jimmy slurred.

  “And who is this?” She asked with confusion written on her face.

  “My wife and child you fucking bitch!” He yelled at her.

  She acted as if she hadn’t heard him curse her.

  “Ah, the woman and the child.” Yes, I remember them now.

  When she didn’t continue Jimmy became even more upset.

  “Why did you kill them? Why was Marcy naked did you seduce her?”

  “Did she offer herself as you have?” She sarcastically asked as if Jimmy was feeble minded. “Every man, every woman wants to have me, you know this! You want me even now your flesh betrays you.”

  Jimmy looked down at his erection embarrassed. His intention was to be taken seriously by this demonic bitch and yet his dick was standing at attention just being in the same room with her. Jimmy had to admit the thought of Marcy and this snake faced bitch together was beyond incredible but still Marcy was dead because of this bitch and he wanted her out of his life. He couldn’t kill her since she wasn’t alive, but he enjoyed the thought.


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