The Harbinger of Vengeance: A Revenge Thriller
Page 6
Shawn loudly gulped, then said, “I'm sorry.”
Aiden smirked and joked, “Don't worry about it, Shawn. At least we can be twins now...” He coughed to clear his throat, then said, “Before we get into the next challenge, I'm really going to need that pen back. It's not only expensive, but we're going to need it for another challenge tonight.”
Shawn's eyes widened as Aiden's menacing words danced into his ears. The pain in his left hand reverberated through his limb, amplifying with the swelling fear. He scrambled to find the pieces to the puzzle, struggling to connect the shattered memories. Aiden simply chuckled as he bathed in Shawn's expressions.
Aiden said, “Don't worry, my old friend, you won't be stabbing yourself again. Just hand over the pen. Trust me.” Shawn's teeth chattered as he reluctantly tossed the pen on the table. As the pen rolled towards him, Aiden said, “Good, good... We can finally start the third challenge in our little game. Are you ready?”
Chapter Seven
The Third Challenge – Tea and Crumpets
A soft drizzle doused the home. The droplets of rain streamed down the kitchen window and drenched the lawn. The night was weeping for the punisher and the punished. Aiden leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. Shawn stared despondently at his lap. The natural shower offered a sense of normality in an unusually tense situation.
As he glanced at the stove, Aiden asked, “Do you remember home economics?”
Shawn gazed at Aiden with a deadpan expression. He thought about his high school cooking class and the terror he imposed on his classmates. He couldn't help but smile as he hopelessly pondered. Yet again, he could not find any particular event to reflect upon in his cluttered mind.
Shawn's nervous chuckle evolved to a delirious guffaw. Aiden copied Shawn with an equally deranged cackle. The orchestra of laughter danced through the home, gyrating down the halls and slipping through the slightly opened windows – one could confuse it for joy instead of madness.
Aiden stopped his laughter and glared at Shawn. He asked, “Do you remember home economics or not? Do you remember?”
Shawn sighed, then said, “Aiden, it's hard to remember everything when you... when you've lived my life. I have so much on my mind, so much happened in the past. It's difficult to remember those small, isolated incidents. You're going to have to be much more specific.”
“I see your actions haven't had much of an affect on you. It's funny, isn't it? The bully tends to live a nonchalant life. Maybe he has some problems at home, maybe, but he doesn't give a crap about the people he tortures. It doesn't affect him. That bully has been desensitized. Meanwhile, the bullying scars the bullied, which desensitizes him. It's a vicious cycle. That's probably one of the reasons so many bullied kids run up and shoot up their schools. They just don't feel anymore...”
Shawn coughed to clear his throat, then responded, “Enough of that. I get it. What is this about, Aiden? Was it the... the cake in the face? Me slapping you with a spatula? What is it? Frankly, I'm lost. I didn't make you bleed. I didn't kick you around. What did I do?”
Aiden stood, then strolled towards the kitchen sink. As he gazed at the falling rain, Aiden explained, “You're not going to like this one, either. But, I'm afraid there isn't any other way to get vengeance for this. In order to truly repent for our actions, the punishment must be greater than the crime. Let's see... Do you remember 'tea and crumpets'?”
Shawn glanced down at his lap and sighed in relief. He remembered those words like he remembered yesterday's breakfast – a set of simple teasing words. Words could not cause physical pain. Words could not stab or punch him. A sentence could be ignored by a resilient man, a stabbing would be more difficult to dismiss.
Shawn smiled and said, “I remember. Does... Does that mean the pain is over? We're done with the physical challenges, right?”
As he continued to stare out the window, Aiden shook his head and said, “I'm afraid not, Shawn. To me, the emotional pain was worse than the physical. I could live with the beatings. After a while, you stop feeling the punches and kicks. You become numb to the violence. The emotional pain, though... That sticks with you forever. It certainly stuck with me through high school.”
“I don't know about that, Aiden. It was only a few words...”
“Tea and crumpets. I told Ms. Hernandez I would like to try tea and crumpets. I heard it on television and thought it sounded appetizing. It sounded interesting. You overheard me, then you mocked me in front of everyone. It's a common theme in bullying to question someone's sexuality over anything and everything. I understood the glory hole, but to be called a 'queer' or 'homo' over wanting to try tea and crumpets... That's something I don't understand. It's not something I'm capable of comprehending. It's... It's insane to me.”
Shawn shrugged, then said, “I didn't mean anything by it, Aiden, I swear. It was a joke. Hell, I like to drink tea, too. Those were just words. It had... It had nothing to do with your sexuality. It never does. It's like... It's an insult, that's all. Please, don't make this anything bigger.”
Aiden retrieved a heavy pan from the cabinet next to the oven. He turned the knob on the stove to low. The flames hissed beneath the pan. He sauntered towards the fridge, then inspected his supplies. Shawn watched with a furrowed brow, trying to predict Aiden's next move to no avail.
Shawn asked, “What are you doing? What are you planning?”
Weaving and bobbing his head around the refrigerated leftovers, eggs, and cartons, Aiden ignored Shawn's questions. He emerged from the refrigerator with a brick of butter. He unwrapped the butter, then chopped the brick into five cubes. The cubes were tossed into the heavy pan.
Shawn scratched the back of his head. Aiden's actions did not ring a bell. The memories never sparked. Butter was never part of his bullying agenda. Finally, Aiden returned to the table with a white ceramic coffee mug. He placed the mug in front of Shawn.
Shawn glanced at the mug and shrugged. He said, “I don't understand.”
Aiden said, “I'm doing you a favor by letting that butter simmer.”
Shawn glanced at the coffee mug, then towards the stove. The pieces were difficult to link considering the circumstances. Shawn expected something heinous, but he could only conjure one idea with the pieces of the puzzle he had at his disposal.
Shawn asked, “You want me to drink a cup of butter?”
Aiden chuckled, then explained, “No. That would be a gift, not a punishment. I suppose it could be a punishment for your long-term health, but that's not my plan. You see, you don't have tea. You don't even have a tea cup, so we're going to use this mug. You don't have the ingredients to make some scrumptious crumpets, either. And, I do wish I could taste a buttery crumpet right now. Damn, that would be delicious, but I digress. I don't want to sound like a 'homo' or anything. Anyway, with what we have available, this will have to do.”
“I'm not understanding, Aiden. I've gone through it in my mind over and over, but I don't remember this. I remember the tea and crumpet jokes, I'm sorry about that, but I don't remember butter and I don't remember a damn coffee mug. None of this is making any sense.”
Aiden wagged his index finger towards Shawn and explained, “I told you, Shawn, I was changing the rules for this one. Let me explain. This coffee mug represents the tea or a tea cup. The butter will represent the crumpets.”
Aiden leaned forward and grabbed the mug by the handle. He lifted the mug over his head, then pummeled the table with the cup. The cup shattered into a dozen pieces. He leaned over the table, then used his elbow to crush the shards into smaller fragments. Shawn was at a lost for words. A significant piece of the puzzle was shattered before his very eyes. Aiden swiped at the clinging crumbs on his elbow as he stood and walked towards the stove.
As he opened the three-piece set of cooking tools, Aiden said, “It's a good thing you bought these. I'm not going to beat you with the spatula, but it's going to help you a bit. We can make sure this butter is melted to perfection.”
Shawn could not conjure the words to respond – he did not know the questions to ask and he feared the answers he might receive. Aiden turned towards the table with the pan, then slowly dripped the butter over the shattered cup. The broken pieces were doused by the fatty liquid. The golden fluid coursed every which way on the table.
After placing the pan on the stove, Aiden returned to his throne and explained, “You don't have tea. You don't have crumpets. This will have to do. Don't worry, pal, the butter should help it go down easy...”
Shawn gazed at the broken cup. Dense shards of all sizes were cluttered towards the center of the table, drenched in melted butter. The broken pieces appeared sharp and blatantly inedible. Shawn glanced up at Aiden and slowly shook his head. He was dismayed by Aiden's eerily enigmatic smile.
Shawn asked, “Are you kidding?” Aiden shook his head. Shawn said, “This is... Look, Aiden, I understand what I did to you was horrible, but this is too much. This is demented. I can't believe you would change so much over the years over some... some bullying.”
Aiden responded, “You say it like it was nothing. I've explained it to you countless times tonight: it was everything. I want you to eat the cup. The emotional pain clung to my insides, Shawn, now these shards will cling to yours. Eat the cup or it's game over.”
The chair groaned as Shawn leaned back. He ran his right hand through his hair as he gazed at the unsettling cup. His everyday coffee mug had become an intimidating tool of torture. Once again, there was no way out – another dead end in an endless maze of torment.
Shawn asked, “Could this... Could this possible kill me?”
Aiden shook his head, then said, “If you want my honest opinion, I don't think so. Trust me, if I planned on killing you, I wouldn't have planned out five challenges. It would be a waste of time. This... This won't kill you. It'll probably hurt a little, but you'll survive to eat and shit another day. I'm not sure about the chemicals and crap in the actual cup, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Eat it, then we'll move on to the next challenge.”
“Come on, there must be something else I can do. I mean, I... I don't want the pain anymore. It hurts too much, man, and I'm fucking tired. Can we just move on to the next challenge? You can embarrass me in front of everyone, I don't care. You can do anything to me, but not another physical challenge. Please, not another...”
Aiden placed his elbows on the table and said, “You've always been a tough guy. You never took shit from anyone. I know you're not tired. I know you're not weak. It may hurt for a moment, but you always bounce back. Don't treat me like I'm some sort of fool. I'm not that naive kid from high school anymore. I've learned more than you could ever imagine, Shawn. Eat the cup and get it over with. It's that simple. Don't make me do anything rash. Don't make me destroy your life over something so trivial.”
Shawn's eyes swelled with tears. He sobbed as he planted his chiseled chin on the table. Aiden's derisive chuckle bounced from wall-to-wall. He had never seen a man cry as much as Shawn in a single night – it was thoroughly amusing to his sinister mind.
Shawn rebutted, “If it's so trivial and so damn easy, why don't you eat the cup? Huh? Why don't you have a taste of your own medicine? You sit there like some sort of king, holier-than-thou, but you're a monster. You're nothing but a beast.”
“It's ironic, isn't it? You're sitting there telling me I should have a taste of my own medicine when you're actually overdosing on your own. We wouldn't be here if you weren't tasting your own medicine. And, 'holier-than-thou?' Don't be so foolish, Shawn, I know what I've become. I'm no better than you, but at least I can teach you a lesson. At least I can force you to repent. Don't try to flip this on me, it won't work.”
Shawn was dumbfounded by Aiden's response. His attempts at reconciliation were futile, his sly negotiations were in vain. His words were worthless to Aiden – nothing but letters without meaning. Shawn was maladroit compared to Aiden's sharp tongue. He could not outmaneuver or deceive his former classmate.
Shawn said, “I can pay...”
Aiden interrupted, “Stop right there, my old pal. We've been through that already. If this were a film, people would be tired of the retreading. Frankly, I'm tired of going over the same shit over and over. We're not playing the begging game this time. I thought it was cute with the pen, but I'm just bored now. We're dragging this along for far too long. This is your only chance. You stall again and the game ends. The videos go live and your life will never be the same. Eat the cup and get it over with. Don't make me shout.” As he spotted the reluctance in Shawn's eyes, Aiden said, “Okay, okay. I think I have something that might help. It always helps me when I'm down and out.”
Aiden dug into his pocket, then retrieved his cellphone. Shawn watched with a glimmer of hope sparkling in his eyes. Aiden flicked his finger up-and-down the screen, his eyes gliding with the scrolling pages. He stopped, then smirked.
Music erupted from the cellphone's speakers. A tender acoustic guitar, an energetic piano, and sparse drumming echoed through the home, filling the house with a melodious sound. The smooth and harmonious music created a buoyant mood contrasting with the stark challenge in hand.
As the mellow bossa nova track danced through the kitchen, Aiden stood from his seat, then undulated with the rhythmic tune. Shawn watched Aiden with a furrowed brow, baffled by his frequent shifts in mood. Aiden was unusually jolly.
Shawn said, “I don't...”
As he beamed from ear-to-ear and gyrated, Aiden sternly said, “Eat the damn cup.”
Shawn sighed in disappointment. His pleas for mercy were fruitless. He had accepted his failure. He leaned forward, then grabbed the largest shard. The moist shard slipped out of his fingertips and slid into his palm. His hand trembled as he held the shattered piece. Aiden continued to swing his hips and wag his fingers as he danced to the music. Shawn placed the piece on his tongue, then chewed on the shard. The nerve-shredding crunch was louder than the smooth music.
Aiden grinned and shouted, “That's it! That's what I've wanted! Eat it all, Shawn, consume my pain and set me free!”
Shawn grimaced from the insufferable pain. The hard cup pierced into his gums and teeth with each slow chomp. The shattered shards scraped into his molars, shredding his nerves with each bite. He could feel his gums throbbing and he could taste blood over the butter. The suffering was dreadful, like if a dentist were drilling into his teeth without anesthetics.
As Shawn sobbed, Aiden shouted, “Another! Another, Shawn! Eat another! Don't worry, help yourself to some tea and crumpets!”
Shawn grabbed three small pieces, dragging them through the puddle of butter. He inspected each piece in his palm and contemplated. He needed to reduce the pain, he needed to save himself from the torture. A bulb materialized above his dome – an idea crossed his mind.
Teary-eyed, Shawn turned towards Aiden and asked, “Can I... Can I swallow it?”
Aiden tilted his head and smiled. The odd request signified Shawn's acceptance of Aiden's challenges – it represented the power Aiden had over Shawn. Aiden couldn't help but smile and groove with the music. His victory dance was quirky, but he could not contain his happiness.
As he swung his hips, Aiden shouted, “Swallow it, Shawn! You get it into your body one way or another, and you win the challenge! Chew it, swallow it, just do it!”
Shawn asked, “Can... Can I have some water?”
Aiden shook his head and said, “And, you were doing so well. Don't push it. I'll make sure you chew each piece until your gums are torn to shreds. Swallow it with the butter or chew it. No water. Only tea and crumpets. Remember that: only tea and crumpets.”
Shawn glanced down at his trembling hands. Thinking about the consequences only worsened his anxiety. He shoved the three pieces into his mouth, then threw his head back like if he were swallowing pills. He frowned as he gulped. He coughed and grunted, gagging from the disgust and pain.
; Aiden joked, “Don't choke, Shawn! It's not the worst thing you've ever had to swallow, right? It's certainly not the worst thing I ever had to chew...”
Shawn glowered as the anger boiled within. He lunged over the table and quickly grabbed three more shards. He dabbed the shards in the streaming butter, then tossed them into his mouth. Like a crazed pill addict, he quickly swallowed the remaining pieces – he needed his fix.
Aiden slowed his dancing as he watched Shawn with glimmering eyes. He was amazed by Shawn's sudden burst in determination. His eyes twinkled as memories rushed through his mind, stampeding through his fragile psyche.
Aiden whispered, “That's the Shawn I remember...” The last shard was the largest – impossible to swallow in one gulp. Upon spotting the piece, Aiden said, “You can't break it with your hands. That would be against the rules.”
Shawn's breathing intensified as he struggled to control his fury. He grabbed the last piece, then bit into it. Like a starved man, Shawn chewed on the shard. The crunching and squishing reverberated over the music. Droplets of blood spurted from Shawn's mouth and dripped onto the tabletop.
As he swallowed the final piece, Shawn turned towards Aiden and opened his mouth as wide as possible. He stuck his scraped and bloodied tongue out. His teeth were painted red by the blood oozing from his gums. Gratified by the bloody results, Aiden smiled and nodded – good job.
Eyes brimming with tears, Shawn said, “It's done. It's over.” Like if the painkilling confidence had worn off, Shawn started to whimper as he stuttered, “I–I... I can't handle another one... It–It hurts... Shit... You... You fucked me up, Aiden...”
Aiden turned off the music and said, “It's not over yet, Shawn. I wanted you to finish everything. I wanted you to absorb all of my pain. You left some sharp crumbs all over the table and plenty of tea, so get to work. Come on, finish what you started.”