Bestsellers: Duo - the Wedding Day and My Love

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by Joanne Clancy

  I would advise a woman who is starting a new relationship to be sure to maintain contact with her girlfriends. Continue to enjoy their company, have girly nights out together without your boyfriends or husbands.

  A man will be glad that he is not the only person in your life. He will respect your independence and will cherish your time together more, especially if he knows that you have other interests than just him. I don't believe in playing games with a man. If you like him, tell him you like him.

  If you feel like calling him, then call him. If you want to go out somewhere then ask him out. You can take the initiative in the relationship too. Most men will like a strong, independent woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to speak her mind.

  Ultimately, just be yourself. Your new man should fall in love with you for exactly who and what you are right now, not some pretend, fake version of you.

  What things should a man not do if he has a girlfriend?

  If everyone lived by the general rule “treat others as you would like to be treated yourself” then there wouldn't be very many problems in this world. However, life isn't that simple and human beings are not yet that evolved so, sometimes we need a few suggestions on how to conduct ourselves in our relationships with each other.

  There are a few things a man should not do if he has a girlfriend. Some of these suggestions can also be applied to women who have boyfriends.

  A man should never forget the important dates in his relationship with his girlfriend, such as your anniversary, her birthday and no matter how much she might insist that Valentine's Day is just another commercial ploy by the marketing companies, she really does want you to make her feel special on Valentine's Day.

  After all, it's not a very nice feeling for her when she's talking with her friends and has to listen to them saying what a wonderful time they had and how special their boyfriends made them feel and when it comes to her turn she has to give some speech about how she thinks it's just a commercial gimmick. So, guys, don't ignore Valentine's Day. Make an effort and show her that you love her. It doesn't have to expensive-chocolates, a card and flowers are a sweet gesture which lets her know you've thought of her.

  A man should try not to take his girlfriend for granted. There are probably a million little things that she does for you every day, without you even realising-she keeps your home together clean and tidy, your laundry is always fresh, you have a home-cooked meal most evenings. These are things that she does for you because she loves and cares for you, but which often goes unappreciated. Make an effort to do your share of the household chores and thank her for what she does for you. A little gratitude goes a long way in any relationship.

  It's important to spend quality time with your girlfriend, especially when you live together. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily routine of life. Even though you are seeing each other every day, it's vital to your relationship to spend quality time together. Take her out on a date-dinner, the movies, a walk in the park. Be affectionate with her, hold her hand, hug her, talk to her, and also listen wholeheartedly to her.

  Low budget date nights for married couples

  There are quite a few low budget date night options for married couples; all you need is a little imagination. Let's face it, very few of us has any spare cash at the moment, given the current economic situation. We count ourselves lucky to be able to put food on the table and meet our mortgage repayments every month. When all the necessities have been bought and paid for there is very little extra cash left over.

  However, it is important not to forget your husband or wife, no matter what your financial situation. It's vital to make time for each other, away from the children and the worries of daily life. It's so easy to get caught up in life's daily struggles, but you need to remember that special someone in your life and make an effort to keep the romance alive. You don't have to spend a fortune to enjoy a low budget date night together. The only thing that's holding you back is your imagination!

  If you and your close friends have children, maybe you could agree to babysit each other's children in turns, one night a week. This way, you and your husband get some quality time alone together without having the children running around or waking up in the middle of the night. Something as simple as heating up a pizza in the oven, with a bottle of wine sitting in front of the television, watching your favourite film together can be very romantic.

  If you feel like making an effort, maybe one of you can cook your partner's favourite dinner. Put out the special tableware and dishes. Get dressed up. Just because you may not be going out to dinner, doesn't mean that you can't dress up for dinner alone at home together. Light some candles and have romantic music playing in the background. Sit back and enjoy yourselves. Go for a walk together in the park. Hold hands. Chat about your plans for the future together. Stop for a hot chocolate.

  Sometimes simply sitting and chatting, without the distraction of children or the television can be very romantic. Sit together, look into each other's eyes and really listen to what your partner has to say.

  If you feel like having a night out then there are often two for the price of one cinema deals available, especially if you book in advance. There's something very romantic about sitting in the darkened cinema theatre, enjoying a movie and munching on popcorn.

  Make time for each other, that's the most important element in a relationship. You don't have to spend money to be together, just be.

  Working on a happy balance while dating

  Last night I was watching “The Break Up” starring Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn. The film shows the last few weeks in a relationship and also the aftermath of their break-up. It’s quite an insightful film, bittersweet, with a few lessons to be learned along the way.

  There was a scene in the film, with the breakup looming on the horizon, where Jennifer's character, Brooke, asks her boyfriend, Gary, played by Vince Vaughn, to do the washing up after she has single-handedly prepared dinner for them and their family and friends. Gary is resting on the couch playing with his Playstation, and says he’ll do the dishes later.

  Brooke wants the dishes done now because she hates waking up to a messy kitchen. She ends up storming into the kitchen and doing the dishes herself. Gary asks her in honest bewilderment why she is so upset at him for not doing dishes. Brooke is now crying and says that after all her efforts in cooking a wonderful dinner for everyone that the least he should have wanted to wash the dishes.

  This statement of course completely confuses Gary who looks at her and asks why in the world would anyone want to do dishes? Of course, Brooke wants him to want to do the dishes so that she won’t have to, especially when she’s cooked dinner for everyone and also as a gesture from Gary that he is happy to do his share.

  Anyway, the scene got me thinking about the ridiculous arguments we can have with our partners, the people we are supposed to love more than anyone else. Too many of these petty arguments can, over time, lead to the complete deterioration of our relationship. The way I look at it is that Brooke should have cooked dinner because she wanted to, and not expected Gary to do the dishes.

  If she wanted the dishes done then she should just have done them, or left them for Gary to wash later, as he offered to do. After all, what would she have done if she was living alone? She would’ve been stuck doing the dishes herself, and in fairness to Gary, he intended to do them-later. Why should he jump to attention and wash them on Brooke’s timetable.

  I've had a few relationships myself and what I’ve learned is not to sweat the small stuff, after all, there will always be dishes to wash, definitely not worth breaking up because of them.

  Why humour is important in a dating relationship

  Humour is a very important factor in a dating relationship. Let's face it, if we didn't laugh we'd cry, so we might as well laugh. Every relationship experiences good and bad times. It's easy to laugh through the happy times, but not so easy to laugh through the tough times. When we laugh together
we see each other differently. A connection or a bond is formed and developed through our mutual laughter. It's important to try to see the humour in life. There simply is no point in taking life too seriously. Every moment is transient anyway. Let's face it, most of the time what seems so important and so serious to us now, will be forgotten in a few years.

  There is nothing more attractive in a partner than their ability to laugh at themselves. There's nothing worse than someone who takes themselves and life too seriously. However, what is equally crucial is that both people in a relationship have a similar sense of humour. I dated a perfectly decent man once for a few months. He was physically attractive and had a good personality.

  We got along fairly well for the most part, except for the fact that our sense of humour was very different and more importantly, he could not laugh at himself. He wanted to be taken seriously all the time. I would make little jokes at his expense and he would look at me stony-faced. He had a very high-brow sense of humour and I have the ability to laugh at almost anything, myself included.

  Eventually, we broke up. I don't think either one of us could stand the other's sense of humour any longer. Now I'm with someone who shares a similar sense of humour to me. We laugh at the same things, including each other. When I am in an argument or should I say heated discussion with my partner, half through our discussion I usually burst out laughing. I suddenly see myself, with my face all scrunched up, looking really annoyed and I can't help but laugh at myself, which immediately dissipates the heat of the situation.

  Who doesn't look more attractive when they smile and laugh? Everyone looks more attractive in my opinion. The facial muscles relax and we instantly look more approachable. So my advice to anyone in a dating relationship is to smile, enjoy yourself, focus on humour and everything else will fall into place.

  Men to avoid on the dating scene

  There are several types of men who should be avoided on the dating scene. Most people who are on the dating scene are genuinely looking for love and a potential relationship, but there are some exceptions. The first man to avoid on the dating scene is the married man. It shouldn't even have to be mentioned, but unfortunately, there are a few men, and women too, who are married and can be found on the dating scene.

  Another man to avoid on the dating scene is the quintessential serial dater. We all know the type; he's been on many dates with lots of different women, and rarely makes it past the second date with anyone. Is he being very choosy or he is just addicted to dating and the initial excitement of meeting someone new?

  It's important to listen to how your date talks about his previous dates or relationships. This will often reveal how he feels about women. A man who is very critical of women can rarely hold back from openly criticising an ex-girlfriend or a woman he sees when you are on a date with him.

  Avoid men who talk too much, especially about themselves. Conversation is a two way process, not a monologue. You want to listen and be listened to in return. A conversation should be a discussion between two or more people. Listen to what your date is actually saying. Do they talk about a wide range of topics?

  Do not date a man who is mean with his money. It's no fun dating someone who doesn't like spending a little cash every now and then. I don't mean that you should expect him to spend a fortune on you either but nobody wants to go out with someone who counts every penny.

  I wouldn't recommend dating a man who is still living at home with his parents past a certain age. You want to be with someone who is independent and living at home is usually a sign of someone who has not yet quite grown up. After all, the expense and daily reality of the real world can only be fully experienced when you live on your own for a while. You certainly don't want to end up being your man's second mother!

  I have just written my own opinions on men to avoid on the dating scene. Of course, there are exceptions to every category. I realise that I have made some sweeping generalisations in my article, but they are made from my own experiences.

  Can an older man find love in a younger woman?

  An older man can definitely find love in a younger woman, in my opinion. When two people who are compatible are lucky enough to find each other and fall in love, then age should not be too much of a concern. Some people are said to have an old soul while others are thought to be young at heart. We can’t help who we fall in love with, and if the feelings are reciprocated then why should age get in the way?

  I have dated men who were younger than me and also men who were older than me and I have always had a much stronger connection with the older man. I have found that the younger men I dated were just little boys acting like men, whereas the older man was a man. Older men know who they are, they know what they want from life and they’re not afraid to pursue it without looking for permission from anyone else.

  Older men know how to romance a woman, they appreciate who she is and try to support and advise her on her goals and ambitions. A lot of younger men don’t know how to handle a real woman. They feel intimidated by her and instead of encouraging her in her pursuits they try to bring her down to size and expect her main focus to be him and his priorities.

  Older men are more secure within themselves. They have experienced enough of life to know what it’s all about. They know when to work hard and also when to relax and enjoy life. A younger woman brings out the boy in the older man. She helps him to see the fun, more light hearted side of life again, while he can bring stability and security to her. Older men aren’t afraid to be emotional and express how they feel. This openness is a joy to the younger woman who has spent previous relationships with younger men wondering if he cared about her at all.

  An older man has a wealth of knowledge and experience which is so interesting to a younger woman. He is an entertaining conversationalist and can offer a balanced perspective and opinion on certain aspects of life.

  I think the union of an older man and a younger woman can often be a near-perfect liaison. They both appreciate the different qualities in each other and are often the ideal complement to one another’s lives.

  Does age matter in a relationship?

  Does age matter in a relationship? Well, it depends on the maturity, or immaturity, of the two people who are involved. You can have a very mature twenty year old or a very immature thirty five year old. If I had to answer the question definitively, then I would say that there is no definitive answer as such. Age should not matter in a relationship but unfortunately, sometimes, it can matter very much.

  There is so much more to a relationship than age. After all, age is just a number, or it should be just a number. When two people have similar interests and beliefs then age should be, and often is, completely irrelevant. A relationship between two people, who truly love and care for each other, should be based on mutual love, respect and understanding.

  If one partner is older than the other then they often have a wealth of knowledge and life experience which can often be very attractive to the younger partner. Equally, the younger partner is often full of life and enthusiasm, which the older partner can find attractive. So an age difference in a relationship should be celebrated.

  However, there is sometimes a negative side to an age difference in a relationship, especially if it is quite a significant gap. The older person may think that their younger partner is immature and infantile in their outlook. The older person has the wisdom and experience of age, and realises that certain situations may not work out as well as the younger person hopes. The younger partner may sometimes feel that their older partner is cynical and stuck in their ways, unwilling to take a risk on life.

  Both partners may need to compromise; the older partner might agree to try something new sometimes and be patient with their younger partner who may not have the wisdom that life experience brings. The younger partner may need to realise that their older partner has a wealth of knowledge and advice from which they might benefit if they only listened once in a while.

  All couples ar
gue, it's a natural part of any relationship. It's easy to blame an age gap for disagreements in a relationship as it is an obvious difference between the two people involved. However, two people who love each other can get through just about anything that life throws at them. All they need is love, patience and mutual understanding.

  How to get through a rough patch in your relationship

  All relationships, without exception, go through rough patches. Even the happiest, most fulfilled relationship will experience its ups and downs. It's human nature to disagree with each other and not be completely happy all of the time. As long as we are happy most of the time in our relationships then that's the most important thing. Rough patches are to be expected and can be overcome, as long as we bear in mind that the rough patches are only temporary.

  So, the question is, how do we get through a rough patch in our relationship? Well, I cannot emphasise enough the importance of communicating with your partner. Talk to them. Explain to them how you are feeling. Hopefully, you can come up with a solution together. We all feel better when we believe that we are being understood and that the other person empathises with us.

  Compromise is part of all relationships. Maybe you have to compromise on an issue for a while. Remember that it may be your turn to compromise now, but later it may be your partners turn to compromise for you.

  Sometimes, we need a little space in our relationship. I'm not saying that we need to leave each other or break up for a while, maybe just spend some time with your friends for a few hours. Sometimes it may help to talk to someone outside the relationship, like a trusted friend, about the rough patch you are experiencing with your partner. A new perspective on a problem can be very enlightening.


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