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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

Page 12

by Charmanie Saquea

  I could have easily killed her and her friend right then and there, but I wanted her ass to suffer for a little. I wanted her to know that I was in her city and I came to make her life a living hell, before I destroyed it all together. She may have thought she got away, but I had her right where I wanted her. She wasn’t going to be able to sleep at night or go anywhere without looking over her shoulder, out of fear that I might pop up on her ass. That’s the shit that I like.

  “So it’s like Benny said, your girl is fucking with one of Richmond’s richest niggas. That nigga Sire got major bank. Shit, while we at it, we might as well hit his ass up too,” Shooter said.

  “I wanna talk to this nigga, I got some shit he need to hear,” I said.

  If it was one thing niggas hated, it was hearing some shit about their girl from the last nigga she was fucking. I had so much dirt and info on Lady that would rock her fucking world. I guess she forgot who she was fucking with and exactly what I was capable of.

  “How you gon’ do that? You heard Benny say he was basically untouchable,” Shooter said.

  “I got a plan that I think will work,” I said as I rubbed my hands together.

  Pulling out my phone, I called up one of my old connections. It was my home girl named Autumn. She was smart as hell with that computer shit and any information that you needed that was on a computer, she could definitely get it for you, even if it was sealed. She ran with a crew of these crazy ass bitch back home in Detroit called the Murder Mitten Mami’s. They were into everything and was really with the shit.

  “Autumn’s phone,” she answered.

  “Yo Autumn, it’s Omar. I need a favor from you,” I told her.

  “Omar, I haven’t heard from you since I almost shot your ass a few months ago,” she laughed. “Hold on, let me go to my computer.”

  See, that’s that crazy shit I was talking about. Who just laughs about damn near shooting somebody? Autumn and her crew were some of the most ruthless bitches Detroit has ever seen.

  “Alright, who is it and what you need on ‘em?” she asked.

  “Okay, it’s two people. One, find me Lady Morrison’s phone number,” I told her.

  “Nigga, I know you don’t got me doing no amateur shit like this all in the name of your ex.” She sucked her teeth. “I thought I was about to do some serious work and you playing with my emotions. Number sent nigga,” she said just as my phone went off letting me know I had a message.

  Damn she’s good, I thought as I shook my head.

  “Chill out girl, I told you it was two. Now that we got the first one out of the way, see what you can find for me on a nigga named Sire or something of the sort, in Richmond or surrounding areas,” I told her.

  “Sire, huh? You don’t have a last name for me?” she asked.

  “Nah, that’s all I got to work with.”

  I could hear her going ham on the keyboard from my end of the phone. Having Autumn around was like having your own little FBI on watch. She did the same shit that chick off of that show Criminal Minds did except she did it illegally.

  “It’s cool, I think I have something for you,” she said. “I have a Kasire Lewis who was arrested on drug related charges a few years back. He spent about three years in prison, no priors before that, not even on his juvenile record. He was adopted by a Nisa Lewis when he was just eleven years old. He doesn’t have any houses or cars in his name, so I’m guessing he’s into some illegal shit like all of us,” she laughed.

  It was crazy to me how just that quick, Autumn was able to tell me a nigga’s whole life story just about. I sure would hate to see whatever she could pull up on my black ass on there because I know it would be some shit; some crazy shit.

  “Alright, damn. So I can’t get an address on his ass? Aye, do me a favor and track where that number at that you sent me for Lady,” I told her.

  “Nigga, I’m about to charge you for my services. You ask for a lot, all in one phone call,” she said. “Sent.”

  “Damn, is there anything you can’t do?” I laughed but I was dead ass serious.

  “When I find out I’ll let you know. Anything else?”

  “Nah, that’s it. Appreciate it, I owe you,” I let her know.

  “You sure do and I’m going to hold you to it,” she said before hanging up.

  I smiled as I picked up the hotel room phone and dialed the number she just gave me that was supposed to be Lady’s. I couldn’t call off my phone because I knew she wouldn’t answer if she saw a 313 area code pop up on her phone.


  A smile a mile long appeared on my face when I heard her voice answer the phone. That was really all I needed. I hung up with a feeling of satisfaction knowing that each day I was getting closer and closer to getting my revenge on Lady.

  Twenty Five – Ryan

  “You wanna get something to eat or something before I drop you off?” I asked Tasha.

  We had just left her doctor’s appointment and I was really warming up to this idea of being somebody’s daddy. We were only there to make sure everything was good since she had been having some complications before, which is the only reason she reached out to me in the first place. But when they pulled that monitor up and I saw my daughter’s fat face, I instantly fell in love.

  The shit was crazy because I never saw me as being daddy material, let alone being one this early in my life, but God makes no mistakes and I was ready.

  “Nah, I’m not hungry,” she said.

  “Tasha, don’t be in that house and not feeding my fucking daughter, man. If I have to come over everyday and personally shove some food down your throat, then that’s exactly what the fuck I will do. You heard the doctor say your ass is a little under weight and that was one of the reasons for the complications in the first place,” I snapped.

  Oh yea, I was all up in the business when it came to my fucking daughter. Her doctor was speaking and I damn sure was listening. I didn’t give a damn. She had a whole other human being growing inside of her, but yet she refused to fucking eat. I don’t know what’s wrong with her ass. I thought that was one of the things pregnant women loved to do, eat.

  “Calm down, Ryan, it’s not that deep for you to be going that hard. It’s not like I just sit at home all day and not eat anything. I can only eat when I have an appetite and I can’t force myself to eat. This shit is frustrating, I’m not trying to purposely starve your child,” she snapped back.

  “Alright, alright, damn, my bad,” I sighed. “Look, how about I just have my mom cook for you and I bring the shit over to you every day, or you just take your ass over there? She’s not going to turn you away and she would love to fatten you up, especially since you’re going to be having her granddaughter.”

  I was a little scared to tell my mom about Tasha being pregnant at first because she had never expressed in detail how she felt about her. She never flat out came to me and said that she didn’t like her but at the same time, she never told me that she liked her either, like she did when Sire brought Lady to the crib. But when I told her about the baby, she was happy as hell. She said she was finally getting a grandchild.

  I knew that she was happy about that because Sire had killed her dreams when he axed out any ideas of claiming, acknowledging, or speaking upon the baby Lexus was carrying until he found out for sure if the baby was his or not. Until then, he said bet not nobody even think to bring the shit up to him. My brother was a different kind of nigga, but he had his trifling ass sperm donor to thank for that one. That nigga had fucked Sire all the way up.

  “I don’t know, you don’t think that’s doing too much?” Tasha asked, snatching me out of my thoughts.

  “No, you know she loves cooking and you got to eat, so why not kill two birds with one stone?” I shrugged.

  “Well, alright. I guess we can do it like that then. I’ll call her and talk to her,” she said as I pulled up to her house.

  “Alright, be safe and take care of my baby.”

st me, she’s not going anywhere anytime soon Ry,” she said before getting out of the car.

  I just laughed at her and watched her until she went in the house. After being on Daddy duty for a minute, now it was time to let loose and go kick it with my niggas. Sire had finally talked Toine into leaving Doc’s house, even if it was for an hour so he could spend some time with the fellas and clear his mind for a while. Nobody had really seen or heard from him since the night he killed Anton, because he went right back by Lala’s side after the fact, and had been there ever since. I had to give my nigga his props though, he was really holding it down for her.


  “What up Daddy Ry?” Sire cracked.

  “Ain’t shit Daddy Sire,” I went back at his ass.

  Toine spit the beer out he was drinking and looked at me with wide eyes. “Fuck outta here, since when, nigga?” Candy?” he asked.

  I shook my head in sadness at the mention of her name. Since the day I left her house, I hadn’t seen or heard from Candace. I haven’t even seen her around campus like I usually would. I had to get little updates from Lady about how she was doing and shit.

  “Nah, Tasha, and apparently since five months ago,” I told him.

  “Somebody get this man a beer, he’s going to be a daddy!” Toine yelled, causing all of us to laugh. “Nah, but congrats, man, it’s one of the best feelings in the world.”

  “I bet you would know, as many times as you done knocked somebody up,” Sire joked.

  “Fuck you, nigga. Don’t forget you got Lexus in the background waiting to pop,” Toine reminded him.

  See, this was the shit I missed. Just the four of us getting together, joking around and talking shit to each other with no worries. It was good to see Toine in good spirits because my nigga had been down bad for a while now, and the shit had us all feeling it.

  “Excuse me, Sire right?” some unknown nigga asked, interrupting our moment.

  Off instinct, we all started reaching for our guns because we didn’t know what this nigga’s intentions were and if we had to have a shootout right here all out in the opening, then so be it.

  “Whoa, gentlemen, there’s no need for all the hostility, I come in peace,” he said with a smile.

  “You know me?” Sire asked.

  “Not at all, but I know your girl, Lady,” he said with a smile that turned into a devilish smirk.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I spat.

  It seemed as if we couldn’t go nowhere or do nothing without it being some shit. From the moment I laid eyes on this nigga, I knew he wasn’t from around here and his vibe was all off. Something about him just wasn’t right.

  “I’m just a nigga from her past that she doesn’t speak of too much, obviously,” he said.

  “And it must be a fucking reason for that,” I said.

  “What the fuck you want with me?” Sire asked.

  “I just have some information on your girl that I think you might find very valuable. All I would say is, be careful who you lay with,” he said. “Here’s my number in case you want to further this conversation,” he added as he placed a piece of paper on the table and walked away.

  This nigga left a number with no name to go along with it. It was pretty obvious that he didn’t want any of us bringing up his name to Lady, and that sent up another red flag for me. Another thing was, how the fuck did this nigga knew who the fuck Sire was and where the fuck he was going to be at? Once again, we were hit with some shit that just wasn’t adding up.

  Monty picked up the paper and looked at it. “Three-one-three, Detroit huh? Yo Ry, where did Lady say she was from?” he asked.

  “She didn’t,” I mumbled.

  Sire took the paper from Monty and looked at it like he was really pondering what that nigga said. I hoped like hell this nigga wasn’t about to fall for the okey doke and actually call his ass up. If Lady didn’t talk about his ass, there definitely had to be a reason why, and if she wanted anyone to know that reason, she would’ve told us.

  Twenty Six – Sire

  Ever since that nigga walked up on us when we were out having drinks, that shit had been heavy on my mind. Usually I don’t even play into shit like that because niggas could say whatever the fuck they wanted to say about a bitch they used to deal with that broke their heart, or something just to tarnish their name. I just got a feeling about this shit though. A part of me was telling me to hear him out, but the other part of me was saying that I needed to go ahead and let him go on about his business. I needed some advice about this shit and I knew exactly who not to get it from.

  From the moment ole boy walked up to the table and said he knew Lady, you could tell that Ryan wanted to pounce on his ass. He had this overly protective instinct over her and while I respected it, he kind of stepped out of line sometimes. This nigga acted like he wanted to fight me for even picking up the paper with the nigga’s number on it. He didn’t want to hear shit ole boy had to say. You couldn’t say shit bad about Lady to Ryan because his ass would refuse to believe it, even if it was true. His opinion on this situation was biased as fuck.

  Picking up the phone, I called the one person who I know would never steer me wrong in any situation.

  “Hello? What’s wrong?” my mama answered.

  “Why you think something wrong?” I asked through a chuckle.

  “Because the only time you call me is when something is wrong, any other time you just pop up. Is everything okay? Antoine good? Lala alright?” she panicked.

  “Ma, calm down, everybody’s good. That’s not why I’m calling,” I told her so she could ease her mind.

  “Okay, what’s up then?”

  “What would you do if somebody’s past came back and said they had some information that could fuck up the future you’re trying to build?”

  “Has she ever given you a reason not to trust her? What’s the reason for the past even coming back to be a part of the present? If Lady left that man in the past, she left him for a reason. Rather it be good or bad, the fact remains that she still left. I would say if you do choose to listen to anything this person has to say, take everything they give you with a grain of salt and talk to Lady first before you make any irrational moves, Kasire,” she said.

  “I hear you Ma, I really do, but it’s like Lady never talks about her past or where she’s from and when people bring it up, she shies away from the subject or changes it. I never thought she had anything to hide up until now, but this really got me over here thinking,” I explained to her.

  I couldn’t blame Lady too much for not talking about her past because there were some things that I hadn’t shared with her myself, but it was never a problem. We were good how we were and I didn’t think anything of it, until this nigga just pops up out the woodwork.

  “I don’t know baby, the only thing I can say is do what you feel you have to do, but think through things clearly before you do anything in case you hear something you don’t like,” she said.

  “I got you,” I told her as we ended our call.

  After dealing with Lexus and her bullshit, I wasn’t taking any chances on any more broads. If a nigga had something for me like he claimed, then I wanted to know what the fuck was up because it was obvious that I wasn’t going to hear it out of Lady’s mouth. I was just hoping that this nigga was just pulling my card and that I wouldn’t find some shit out about Lady that would make me have to kill her ass.


  After calling this nigga up, I told him where I wanted him to meet me. Of course, I had my niggas with me because we were dealing with an unknown and we had to stay ready at all times. Everyone was here except for Ry’s little bitch ass. Even Toine showed up to be in attendance on top of everything he was going through.

  “You sure this what you wanna do, Sire?” Monty asked. “How do you even know you can trust this nigga? He won’t even tell you his damn name.”

  “Hell nah he’s not sure, but he’s letting that big ass ego get in the way of his logical thinking,
” Ry said as he walked in the dungeon looking like he was about to go on a killing spree, dressed in all black.

  “Shut up and sit down,” I told him.

  “I’m good, I would rather stand.”

  “Don’t y’all niggas start or I’m going to make you kiss and make up,” Toine said.

  “I’m good,” I said.

  “I’m super good,” Ry’s stubborn ass said.


  Since Ry was closest to the door, he went ahead and opened it. I let out a little laugh at the fact that his ass was patting the nigga down like he was top flight security of the world, like Craig. After he made sure he was good, he finally let him in.

  “Oh great, I see the whole gang is here,” he smirked, but me and my niggas just sat stone faced.

  “Get to fucking talking,” Ry told him as he walked up on him, looking at him upside his head.

  “A little anxious, huh?” he laughed. “Alright, here it goes. Back home in Detroit I had Lady doing any and everything that I wanted her to do. She was my bitch…shit, still is if you ask me. I started fucking with her when she was young so I had been grooming her from the jump. You can basically say I taught her everything she knows about setting niggas up, faking to be in relationships with them, milking them dry and then bouncing. That was until a few months ago when her ass started getting off course. She didn’t think I knew it, but her ass started catching feelings for the nigga we were supposed to be setting up. She started slipping on her duties, wouldn’t report shit to me, so I did the only thing I could think of to do to get her mind right. I killed his ass right while she was sleep in the bed with him. Of course, she flipped the fuck out, but I had to get her ass in check and remind her of what the fuck we had going on. She had the codes to the nigga’s safes and shit, so you know what happened. I dropped her ass off at the nearest motel so she could clean up and I could handle some shit real quick, and I made a mistake of leaving the money with her ass. That was the last time I ever saw her again.”


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