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Expecting Surrender (Dominion Trust Book 3)

Page 27

by Trent Evans

  This Trust was… something else.

  He’d just read the latest e-mail from Ella, and it was equal parts fascinating and chilling. The deeper she dug, the more layers she found: more companies, foundations, groups. It was as if they just randomly populated as she dug deeper and deeper. He’d never seen anything like it. But there was one thing about it, the very thing that galled him the most, what woke him up at night because his brain wouldn’t turn off, wouldn’t stop turning it over.

  He still knew nothing about the Dominion Trust. Not a thing. How was such a thing even possible in today’s world?

  “Do you understand what I’m telling you, Keihl?”

  “I think so.”

  “Perhaps you don’t.” Stan straightened the cuffs of his coat. “Send your girl on another errand. She’s already so deep she’d drown, if her boss let her.”

  The hair on the back of Keihl’s neck stood up.

  “But he won’t. For two reasons.” Stan fixed Keihl with a gaze so cold it almost made him shiver. “One: because a partner is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? And two: there’s nothing left for her to find. Nothing that matters. We understand one another, don’t we?”

  Keihl sat back in his seat, glancing from Stan to the woman and back again. She watched him intently, the bright interest there something a mouse, in the last moments of its life, might see in a cat’s eyes.

  “Yep, I think we do.” Keihl grabbed his laptop case, his sodden shirt suddenly feeling icy. “I think I’d better go, Mr. Broughton.”

  Stan grinned, extending a hand. “You’re a good man, Mr. Warren. I predict good things in your future.”

  Keihl took the offered hand, wanting to be anywhere but there at that moment. He gave the woman a nod, her big blue eyes tracking his every movement. “We’ll see you again sometime?”

  “That depends on Mr. Broughton, doesn’t it?”

  She leaned forward, her eyes following as Keihl stepped out, looking up at him from the open door. “Oh, in that case then we’ll definitely be seeing you again.”

  She nodded to Stan, who leaned forward, his arm extended through the open door, holding up a small card, glinting with gold filigree. “Take this. My thanks for your understanding. And your discretion.”

  “What’s this?”

  Keihl plucked it from Stan’s fingers, scanning it, but not reading it.

  Stan sighed. “There’s an address on the back of that card. Present it at that address — at any time. And you’ll be granted admittance.”

  Keihl flipped it over, the address not one he was familiar with. Another one for the Ella files.

  “I don’t… admittance to what?”

  But Stan didn’t reply, instead sitting back in his seat, addressing his driver again, his voice a muffled rumble.

  The woman’s eyes glinted, a sly, toothy smile lighting up her face. “Just do it. You won’t regret it.”

  Then she was gone, pulling the door closed behind her, the car already moving.

  Keihl stood in the parking lot, watching the limousine drive away.

  The rain had finally stopped.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  “How is it we’ve never been here before?” Kirsten sipped water from her glass, the glistening condensation sparkling in the spring sunshine.

  “I’ve wanted to get you out here for a while, but only on a day like this.” Joely slid her dark sunglasses down her graceful nose raising her eyebrows at Kirsten.

  Something was very different — and very good — with her friend. The way she smiled more, a new sexy hairstyle, the sadness gone from her eyes.

  Kirsten hadn’t seen Joely looking this good in months.

  The restaurant they’d picked was in the northwest part of the city; trendy, and crowded, yes, but vibrant, and exciting too. And the food, a fusion of French and Northwest cuisine, was off the charts delicious.

  They’d taken one of the tables clustered along the sidewalk, the uncharacteristically warm spring day, the press of people all around them, the light breeze carrying the incredible smell of freshly baked bread and savory garlic. It evoked the feel of an afternoon at a Parisian cafe. All that was missing were the horny, refreshingly forward French men.

  And we’re already back to thinking about cock. Made it a whole five minutes, horn dog.

  She hadn’t seen Jolie looking this good in months.

  “So how’s the baby?” Joely asked, her grin as bright as the sunshine. “How far along are you now, anyway?”

  “Almost twenty-four weeks.” Kirsten sighed, stroking her belly, the baby kicking as if on cue. “Can’t believe it. And this kid is already beating up on me!”

  The first time she’d felt it, weeks ago, she’d been in a meeting, her boss droning up at the screen, another PowerPoint of high-octane boredom. The kid might be a future soccer star, because the kick the baby gave her that day had her almost jumping. She’d thought she’d been ready for it — she’d been feeling smaller movements for weeks, but that shot — well, that was something else entirely. She remembered sitting there, no doubt a goofy grin on her face, as she smoothed a hand over her belly, hoping to feel another foot or fist or elbow. The feel of that little person — inside her! It hadn’t come home quite like that — even more visceral than the 3D ultrasound she’d had at 5 months — until that moment. It was really happening!

  “Just wait,” Joely said with a giggle. “Little Tiger’s gonna be waking you up at night soon. Might be a little less fun then.”

  “You kidding? I’d love that! You should see me. I sit there like a stupid kid, watching every time baby starts up the gymnastics. Nothing like it.”

  “There really isn’t, is there?” Joely sat back, taking off her glasses and gazing across the car-choked street. “God, it makes me want to have another. I always forget the bad parts afterward.”

  “Thank God, right? The Earth would’ve never populated without our collective amnesia!”

  This common bond she had with Joely, even more than her friendship, made her feel closer to her. It wasn’t even something she could explain in words — a secret sisterhood was the closest she could come to it, what it meant. Nobody else would quite understand — certainly not the men. Not even her Sir.

  You mean Keihl, don’t you?

  Kirsten brought a hand to her cheek, feeling for the blush, thankful she didn’t feel one.

  “You okay?” Joely draped and arm over the back of her chair, the bodice of her pale blue sun dress tightening over her breasts.

  “I’m fine. Sorry. Just had a, never mind.” Kirsten took a deep gulp of her ice water, the liquid refreshing in the warm sun.

  Joely tipped her head. “Are you gonna bring it up, or am I?”

  “Bring up what?”

  “Your little… thing. The Game, right?” Joely’s fingers played with her glasses on the table cloth. “Is it still going?”

  There’s that blush you were missing, Kirsten.

  Joely laughed. “I’ll take that as a big fat yes.”

  “It’s, um, it’s more than still going. It’s amped up even more. A lot more.”

  Joely’s eyes went wide, her voice dropping. “Really? He’s not… I mean, he hasn’t wanted to slow down?”

  “Hmm, well, no.” Kirsten took another drink of water, wishing for the millionth time she could have one single drink. “It’s changed a little, but it’s actually more… intense.”

  “You’re serious?”

  A burst of laughter from two tables over, made Kirsten jump, for a moment, making her think their conversation had an audience.

  “Completely serious. I can’t believe it either.”

  You’re not going to tell her that you want to take it even further, are you? No, because that might make you — wait for it — a slut.

  Joely leaned in closer, her elbows on the white table cloth, sliding her wineglass aside. “Tell me.”

  “I don’t… I don’t think I can.”

  “Why the hell not?” Joely
looked around, then gave her a sly wink. “Nobody’s listening. You can even whisper it to me, if it makes you feel better.”

  “I don’t think you’d understand.” Kirsten swallowed, locking gazes with her friend. “I don’t want you to think I’m — obsessed.”

  “Are you?” There was an avid glint in Joely’s clear blue eyes.

  “Of course not.”

  You sure about that?

  “So what is it now? Is he still spanking you? Ordering you around?”

  Kirsten gave a slight nod, her eyes scanning the people nearby for any reaction.

  “What’s new then? You said it’s gotten more amped up. Whips and chains time?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  She pictured Keihl with a whip in his hand, her body wrapped in chains, helpless as he stood over her. Her pussy spasmed at the image, knowing he’d never do that now — at least not in her condition. And that fact — that he’d still have her safety, the baby’s safety — so foremost in mind? It just made her want him more. She had a feeling there’d be further to explore once the baby was born and things were back to the new normal.

  At least she hoped so.

  “He’s — kind of gotten into my head. Gives me orders — detailed ones. Expects”—Kirsten dropped her gaze, checking the table over to see if anyone was looking their way— “obedience.”

  “’Woof woof’ or “Yes, Master’?”

  “Maybe a little of both.”

  You’re seriously sitting in a public place discussing this? He wouldn’t like it.

  Joely wiggled in her chair a little, the glee coming off her in waves. “Oh, this shit’s even better than I thought.”

  “That Keihl.” Joely made a tsk tsk sound. “It’s always the ones you never suspect. Perv Central.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Oh, I’m not making fun of him. I’m jealous.”

  “Kevin hopelessly vanilla?”

  Kirsten picked up a hot slice of the amazing sourdough the place served with their salad. She blew on it, the bright sunshine highlighting the wafting steam.

  Joely’s blue eyes flashed. “I wouldn’t say that.”

  Kirsten laughed, dropping her bread on her plate. “Oh it’s your turn now, bitch. I want details.”

  “If I tell you this, you’ve got to promise not to tell anyone.”

  “No problem — this must be juicy.”

  “I mean it — not a soul. Not even Keihl.”

  Kirsten waved her hand impatiently. “Fine, fine. To the grave.”

  “You remember Kelly Hartwood, right?”

  “The chick with fifty kids? Yeah.”

  Joely gave her a mischievous smile. “It’s weird. Out of the blue, she hits me up on IM. Said she saw my name — somewhere on social media, or something. Anyway, we start chatting, and she asks if Kevin and I want to meet her and her husband for drinks or something sometime.”

  “What I thought I remember you saying Kelly’s husband is into clean living or something. What’s with the drinks?”

  “Yeah, I’ll get back to that too.”

  A car creeped by, the bass so loud it made Joely’s wine glass vibrate. She looked over her shoulder, scowling. “Pricks.”

  “Look, this isn’t exactly top secret stuff here, Jo. Skip to the good part.”

  “Okay, sorry.” Joely touched her neck, fingers fiddling with the thin gold necklace there. “Kevin — miraculously — gets a wild hair and agrees to go out.”

  “Your Kevin?”

  “I know, right? Dude’s practically a hermit, most of the time.” Joely sighed, then continued. “So he and Kelly’s husband hit it off. Before you know it, we’re back at their place. Fuck, you should see the place — they’re up in the hills, and the view of the city is unbelievable. Kevin and Shane — that’s Kelly’s husband—”

  “Got it, super ditz.”


  Kirsten giggled, taking a bite of bread.

  “So Kevin gets talking to him, and they’re out there on the deck. It goes on and on. Kelly and I finally gave up and went inside to watch a movie. Finally, they come back inside and we say goodbye.”

  “You’re disappointing me here, Jo.”

  “Just wait,” Joely said, holding up a finger and downing the last swallow of her wine. “Kevin’s this like talking machine on the way home, telling me all the shit he and Shane were blabbing about. I was tired so most of it just went in one ear and out the other. But he kept coming back to how things needed to be different.” Joely pursed her lips. “Then he gives me this look — something I haven’t seen from him in a long time. You know the look I’m talking about.”

  “Thank God. I was worried about you guys. Glad to know his, uh, motor’s still running.”

  One of the waiters squeezed by, his hip brushing Kirsten’s chair, and she watched the tight ass, encased in snug black slacks, weave its way through the tables, the image of Keihl’s gorgeous backside popping into her mind. She sometimes wished she could somehow stand behind her husband, and watch those muscled buttocks as he pumped into her. It would give new meaning to the proverbial out of body experience.

  Down girl.

  “You don’t need to worry about us anymore — not after that night.”

  “Drought’s over!” Kirsten had the absurd urge to put her hand up to give Jo five. “What happened?”

  Joely’s voice lowered to barely above a whisper, her gaze fixed upon Kirsten’s. “No sooner we’re in the door then he’s got me on my knees, holding me by the hair, his cock in my mouth.” A flush darkened Joely’s sun-kissed cheeks. “He made me choke on him.”

  “Oh shit. I’m… sorry.”

  Kirsten had to feign mild distaste at the idea, while on the inside it only made her long for the next time Keihl forced her to take his big penis down her throat. She’d come to savor it, the way his thighs tensed and trembled under her hands as she sucked him, the deep, almost angry rumble of his voice as he’d bark at her to suck harder, his dark admonishment to swallow every drop — or else.

  “Sorry? Are you kidding? I loved it. Was like we were back in college.” Joely put her hand to her forehead, peeking out from under it at Kirsten. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this. He used to love making me gag on him. Turned him on. And I couldn’t get enough either. I’m going to hell for admitting that.”

  “You’ll have lots of company there, believe me.” Kirsten murmured. She gave Joely a mock scowl. “You’re still a dirty whore though.”

  “Whatever, ratchet.”

  “What got into him?”

  “He wouldn’t really say it. Just said that things would be changing — a lot.” Joely gave Kirsten a million watt grin. “The man’s changed though. He fucked me later on that night — then gave me a pounding the following morning for good measure.”

  “It’s about damned time.” Kirsten grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “I’m so happy. Relieved and happy for you. You deserved this.”

  “We’re going to go visit with Kelly and Shane again soon — maybe next week. We’ll see.” Joely inclined her head, her gaze mischievous again. “He’ll keep me occupied between now and then though, that’s for sure.”

  “I’ll bet he will. Watch out for sore kitties though. Yours has been out of commission for a while.” Kirsten gave her a lecherous wink.

  “That’s not the only thing sore.”

  Kirsten set down her water glass. “What?”

  Joely sat forward in her seat, wiggling pointedly. “I’m sitting on a bruised and swollen ass, right now. And I love it.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Did you… have any idea he had that in him?” Kirsten tried to think back to all the conversations she’d had with Joely — and kink was not a subject she’d have associated with Kevin. Ever.

  “No clue. I just joked about it last night — and next thing I know, I’m over his lap and he’s beating my ass like a rented mule.”

  Kirsten muffled her laugh with her hand
. “You sure have a way of putting things, girl.”

  “It’s one of my best qualities — that and my boobs.”

  Kirsten tore a piece of bread in half, pointing it at Joely. “There’s gotta be a reason though. He didn’t say anything to you?”

  Joely shrugged. “Not really. Wait, there was something he mentioned that I remembered. Something he said Shane was all hush hush about.”

  Kirsten’s phone started buzzing again, but she silenced it.

  “Kevin said it was something about a… trust.” Joely’s glossy fingernail tapped the rim of her wineglass. “Does that mean anything to you?”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  The coffee shop was packed with college kids. With summer break looming, every table, every bar was occupied, some of the occupants pouring over a book, or laptop, others — the ones who’d stopped caring — loud, happy, carefree. Keihl managed to snag a booth as it emptied of a gaggle of co-eds, their blonde pony-tails bouncing. The leather seats were still warm as he and Tom sat down.

  “Before you tell me why we’re here, let me say something.” Tom set his coffee down, wisps of steam meandering over the white lid. “I was stupid, and I’m sorry. I threw you in the deep end — and I shouldn’t have.”

  For a moment Keihl wasn’t sure what Tom meant, then it came to him. “You’re talking about the tennis match?”

  Tom gave him a nod, sipping from his coffee.

  “There’s been a few… changes, since then.”

  “I’ll bet. Still spanking her at least?”

  Keihl wasn’t even sure where to start.

  Might as well get it out of the way now.

  He pulled out his wallet, sliding the card across the table. “Any idea what this is?”

  Tom stared at it a moment. “Where’d you get that?”

  “Answer my question, and I’ll tell you.”

  Tom sat back, fixing Keihl with a steady gaze. “It’s a formal invitation. Been a while since I’ve seen one of those.” He shrugged. “I didn’t even know they were still being used, actually.”

  “I had a nice little talk with my reclusive client.”

  Tom’s eyebrow raised. “Oh? You weren’t even sure if he was an actual person. That same guy?”


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