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Expecting Surrender (Dominion Trust Book 3)

Page 44

by Trent Evans

  “You’re staying right where you are.” He held up a finger. “Don’t move. I’ve got something for you.”

  Keihl took the stairs two at a time up to the office. Retrieving it from the back of the bottom drawer of his desk, he brought it back to his waiting wife.

  “What’s this?”

  He lifted a shoulder, handing it to her. “Tom gave this to me several months ago. Made me promise not to open it until after the baby came.”

  Kirsten’s eyebrows raised. “You know what it is?”

  “No idea. Time to find out though. Open it.”

  Her slim fingers tore at the dark blue paper, pulling it away to reveal a leather-bound book. Her mouth dropped open as she looked at the cover.

  “What is it?” Keihl asked.

  “It’s”—she handed the book over to him—“you’d better read that.”

  His mouth went dry as he read the title, the words finely stitched in gold thread upon the leather:

  The Care and Training of Your Slave Girl

  (A Manual of Strict and Loving Dominance)

  A knock sounded at the door, and Kirsten spun, holding a hand to her mouth. “Jesus… who?”

  He touched the lock of hair that had come loose around her ear, the mass of dark tresses piled atop her head with the alluring Japanese sticks he so loved. He resolved he’d be finding her some kinky ones to wear for him soon.

  “Wait here, girl.”

  He set the book down on the small side table in the foyer, and opened the door. He stood aside as the two men entered. Both of the visitors were dressed in black suits, one of them carrying a garment of striking deep crimson draped over his arm.

  Kirsten’s big eyes went wide. “Tom? Blaine? I don’t…”

  Blaine gave her a little nod, then glanced at Keihl. “She really didn’t know?”

  “Told you he had the right stuff,” Tom murmured.

  “Do you remember the trial run we spoke about last week?” Keihl closed the door, drawing the deadbolt before turning back to his wife.

  “Y-yes, but I don’t understand.” Then the color ran from her face. “You don’t mean…”

  Keihl nodded. “I’ll be damned if I’m sending my wife to some stranger for her first time, tradition or not. So I asked for a volunteer.” Keihl looked at Blaine and Tom, then back at his wife. “I got two.”

  “You guys are… serious?”

  Blaine held an arm out to his side. “I sure as shit don’t get dressed up in these monkey suits without a damn good reason.”

  “It’s going to be okay,” Tom said, the warmth of his smile not quite masking the subtle avarice in the man’s gaze.

  The bastard’s been looking forward to this.

  Truth be told though, so had Keihl, as insane as it sounded.

  She looked to Keihl then, and he saw the mix of fear and anticipation he’d hoped for. Still, he went to her again, hugging her tight, whispering into her hair.

  “Nothing more than you can handle, girl. You’ll be fine. I promise.” He looked down upon her, those big, bright eyes seeming to fill his field of vision. “This is happening. Are you ready? We won’t do this, if you’re not.”

  A shudder ran through her and she laid her forehead against his chest. “I—I can do this.”

  “Good girl,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. Then he stepped back with a sigh, looking to Tom and Blaine, waiting.

  Tom’s voice was soft. “You ready to do this, Keihl?”

  After many months of momentous decisions, this suddenly felt like the biggest one of all. Then he met Kirsten’s gaze, and he saw her pupils had already dilated, her breathing heavier, her nostrils flared.

  “She’s ready,” Keihl said. Then he gave his wife a curt nod. “Take your clothes off, Kirsten.”


  He crossed his arms over his chest. “All of them.”

  “Here… now?” Her lower lip trembled.

  “Right now.” Keihl said.

  Kirsten turned her back to the men, unbuttoning her blouse and letting it drop to the floor. She paused a moment before unbuttoning her jeans. Her knees bent as she pushed both her jeans and panties down her legs, couching down to extricate her feet.

  “Stand up straight and turn around, Kirsten.”

  She inhaled deeply, then obeyed, facing the men, her cheeks flaming scarlet. Keihl’s cock was already aching hard, and at that moment, he knew the trial run would be far harder for him to bear than it would be for her. The room crackled with tension, Tom and Blaine both visibly aroused.

  “Are her tits normally that swollen?” Blaine winked at Keihl. “Not that I’m complaining, believe me. She’s gorgeous.”

  Kirsten made a tiny, frightened sound.

  “She still nursing?” Tom glanced at Keihl. “Nipples don’t look too inflamed.”

  “Definitely — and she’s not stopping anytime soon,” Keihl said. He lifted a finger. “Hands behind your head, girl.”

  He wasn’t sure she’d actually do it, but he needed to push her a little, to test her ability to obey any command given to her. They’d talked about it, of course, and she certainly had no problem obeying Keihl — but this was something else entirely. A balk at this point, and he’d know she wasn’t ready, no matter what she said.

  He swallowed down a sigh of relief as she slowly obeyed, dropping her gaze to the floor as she laced her fingers together behind her. The position lifted her heavy, milk-swollen breasts, the long nipples a deep red-brown color. A faint network of bluish veins could be seen, the pale skin of her breasts almost translucent.

  “Beautiful,” Tom murmured, his gaze locked upon the displayed globes.

  “She’s nursing exclusively, so I want to make sure her production doesn’t drop at all.” Keihl reached out, tweaking one of the hard nipples between thumb and forefinger. “Stimulating her nipples helps with her let-down. The more the better.”

  Blaine’s dark eyes glittered. “That won’t be a problem.”

  “The lotion seems to have worked well.” Tom looked to Keihl. “Do you mind?”

  “Go for it.”

  Kirsten’s breath caught as Tom’s fingers traced over her nearly flat belly. “You’re looking great, Kirsten. Only a few stretch marks here, I see.”

  “She’s incredibly self-conscious about them.” Keihl smiled. “It doesn’t matter how much I tell her they’re beautiful, she doesn’t believe me.”

  “Sharon was the same way,” Tom murmured. “She eventually came around though.”

  Blaine walked around her looking her naked body up and down. He paused behind her. She bit off a yelp as he squeezed one of her buttocks.

  “No marks?” Blaine raised an eyebrow at Keihl.

  “I’ve been going easy on her, but that needs to stop. I was afraid spanking her might reduce her flow.”

  “You can ease her into it, and it won’t affect let-down at all,” Tom said. He flashed a wry grin. “Just ask Sharon.”

  Kirsten whimpered softly.

  “It’s okay, girl.” Keihl wished he could hug her at that moment, to reassure her how incredibly gorgeous he found her, but he knew it would make the whole process of letting her go with them that much harder. He reminded himself for the hundredth time that it was only for a night.

  This time.

  Tom gently lifted Kirsten’s chin so he could see her eyes. “You ready to go?”

  Her delicate throat worked, then she finally spoke, her voice a husky whisper. “Yes… but. I can’t go like this.”

  Blaine extended his arm, the crimson fabric extending toward the floor. “Another little tradition we like to follow.”

  “What… is that?” Kirsten’s arms began to drop, but she quickly raised them again at Keihl’s low growl.

  “A cloak,” Tom said. “It’s called the Intake Shroud.”

  “Put it on,” Blaine said. “Here, I’ll help you.”

  He stepped close, easing her arms down and draping it across her shoulders. />
  “This is all you’ll be allowed until we return you tomorrow,” Blaine said.

  Kirsten pulled at the two halves of the cloak. “It… it’s only got the one button.”

  The cloak fastened at the base of her throat. It was obvious it would reveal everything as she walked however.

  “Don’t worry,” Blaine said with a wolfen grin. “You won’t be wearing it long.”

  “Any restrictions?” Tom asked, turning to Keihl.

  “No. But bring her back in the same shape she left.” Keihl locked gazes with his frightened — and aroused — wife. “You’ll obey any command given to you as if it were me. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He saw the pleading in her eyes, and couldn’t resist hugging her close one last time. He kissed her soft, trembling lips, tasted her skin. “No fear, girl. I’ll never let you be hurt. You’re ready now, Kirsten. I love you — and I’m proud of you.” He took her hand, and placed it in Tom’s, meeting her gaze one last time. “Be brave, be strong — and be good.”

  Then the two men took their leave, Kirsten in hand, her crimson cloak billowing behind her.

  # # #

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  Other Books By Trent Evans

  A Message of Love

  How does a Dominant go on after the untimely death of his submissive?

  Jacob tried to rebuild his life after being shattered by the death of his wife, Mara. His best friend Sierra had helped him through the darkest moments of grief, helped put him back together. But now, things have changed, and perhaps the warm and willing beauty may no longer want to be just friends?

  A cold, lonely Halloween night brings Jacob this revelation, the knowledge that he might finally be able to move on with his life. He's made his decision, ready to embrace an uncertain future when the night brings him something else: a strange, gorgeous woman shivering on his doorstep, a woman who soon appears to be much more than she seems...

  Could this alluring woman be the key to what he seeks? In this paranormal erotic tale one man will discover if love can indeed transcend anything — even death.

  Publisher's Warning: Intended for mature readers. 18 and over only!

  This paranormal erotic short novella features the following themes: explicit sex, spanking, Dominance/submission (M/F), bondage and the pain of lost love.

  12,438 words

  57 pages

  The Fall of Lady Westwood

  (The Chronicles of Muurland Book#1)

  Decades of prosperity have left the realms of man happy, healthy ... and complacent. Bounty, fertility, and a bright future lay ahead for all, or so it would seem. For during these happy times, the enemies of men have planned, and gathered ― and waited.

  All across the land, hubris, arrogance, and decadence have left the world of man vulnerable, weak, ripe for the taking. For decades the nocturne have bided their time, bolstered their numbers, and sown the seeds of man's downfall. Now, the time has come to crush the armies of men, for wiping human civilization from the earth ― and for the rise of the vampires.

  Caught in a terrifying series of events, a humble landowning family, torn asunder by the whims of a jaded, cruel noblewoman, seeks to be reunited. Young Owen, deprived of his Sophie, finds himself thrust into a mission his youth has left him ill-suited to carry out. And Sophie's father, vowing to do anything to retrieve his daughter, prepares to sell his soul for her freedom.

  Evil has come to the realms of men ― and only the power of love has the chance to save it.

  Publisher's Warning: Intended for mature readers. 18 and over only!

  This novel features the following themes: explicit BDSM sexuality, including MF, MFM, FF, pony play, vampirism, and graphic violence.

  Word count: 40595

  Page count: 149

  Maintenance Night

  "Maintenance Night." The very words make a submissive woman shudder in dread — and anticipation.

  Lacey has always been just such a woman, and now she's also a spanked wife, subject to her dominant husband's rules, his discipline, and most of all, his desires.

  She loves Troy with every atom of her being, and can't get enough of him. But if that's the case, why does she persist in disobeying him? For a loving couple in a serious D/s marriage, disobedience has its punishments — and its rewards.

  And it's on Maintenance Night that her husband decides to take Lacey's submission to a deeper, even more intimate level.

  Publisher's Warning: Intended for mature audiences. 18 and over only!

  This BDSM short novella features the following themes: spanking, caning, Dominance/submission (M/F), sadomasochism, bondage, explicit sex (including anal), a Dom who loves his wife, and a sweet, but disobedient sub who might be in over her head.

  14446 words

  72 pages

  What She’s Looking For

  What if the very thing you crave is that which you most fear?

  Ashley is a woman running from her past — and from herself. Ten years of marriage to a man who took his dominance too far has left her scared, but defiant… determined, yet desperate.

  Knowing what she doesn't want, but not knowing what she really needs, she moves West, seeking to rebuild her life, for once in control of herself. But inside she suspects it's that control itself that's the real problem — she doesn't want it. Any of it.

  In a beautiful resort town in central Washington, she meets two gorgeous men; the stern, dangerous Parker, and the dark, brawny Drake. Can she risk herself again, surrender to the forbidden pleasure of being subject to these men? Or is the possibility of having her heart broken yet again too much to chance?

  In the arms of not one, but two, strict Dominant men, can she find the peace she's looked for all her life? The peace she's only found in the bonds of utter submission, the taboo pleasure of being the property of two men at once?

  Or, as she learns more about these mysterious men, will she realize that it's not only her heart at risk?

  Publisher's Warning: Intended for mature readers. 18 and over only!

  This novel contains the following acts or themes: MFM Menage (Maledom/femsub), rough sex (including DP and anal), D/s, TPE, sadomasochism, objectification, humiliation, spanking, caning, tawse/strap, bondage, suspension.

  This is an MFM menage erotic romance. There is no sexual interaction between the males in this story.

  100,212 words

  339 pages

  Becoming Theirs

  (Dominion Trust #1)

  A Dominion Trust story.

  What is a modern, independent woman to do when the only thing she truly wants is to surrender herself completely? Erica, a young, beautiful college student is looking for that something which speaks to what she truly is deep down inside. Is it possible to finally find peace, even happiness within the strict bonds of utter submission?

  When Blaine, a powerful, successful businessman realizes he and his wife are ready for something new, a deeper exploration of the love and lust they've shared as husband and wife, the naive, fetching Erica enters the picture. As a member of the Dominion Trust, Blaine has witnessed the fascinating dynamic of other couples who've taken a submissive into their beds, and into their lives. And now it's time to experience it for himself.

  Blaine's wife Kathryn — a fiercely driven executive in her own right — submits to her husband in all things, but as the years have gone by, new needs, darker desires have stirred within her. Is she ready for a submissive of her own? Is their D/s marriage ready for a third, a woman who will submit to them both?

  In this story, three people come together to find out if happiness really can be found in the complicated dance of dominance and submission, pain and pleasure of a BDSM menage relationship.

  Publisher's Warning: Intended for mature readers. 18 and over only!

  This is a MFF BDSM menag
e erotic romance, with sexual contact among all three members of the menage.

  22000 words.

  89 pages

  Her Troika — The Complete Story

  (Dominion Trust #2)

  Two strict Doms, one brave sub, and a slave auction…

  Kurt Erickson has been offered a Dom’s dream job. He picks his own hours, answers to no one, and gets to train submissive women all day. One of those submissive women happens to be his willing wife. Making Breanna's deepest, darkest fantasy come true is the easy part. It may be trickier to persuade his best friend Derek to... buy her.

  Breanna Erickson prides herself on being ready for anything. From the courtroom to the bedroom, she can handle it all. But when her strict, but loving, husband gives her the chance to live out a dream, she finds there are things no woman can be ready for.

  Derek’s marriage ended because he buried dark needs that proved incompatible with a vanilla wife. He’s buried those needs, those truths, deep down, determined to never let them hurt him again. Being Kurt’s best friend has many benefits, but some of them are much more than Derek is ready for — or so he thinks.


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