New Encounters
Page 8
‘Robert, its fine. Let’s go’.
‘Aye... that’s right go off with your bitch. Before you get knifed up you fucking arsehole’
Robert slams another punch into his face and if he wasn’t holding him up by his neck the guy would be on the floor. I look up and there are a bunch of guys heading our way and they are armed with flick knives.
‘Robert, look!’
He looks up and laughs. Why is he laughing? Is this funny? I feel like my body has gone numb, and my legs are about to turn into jelly. Within seconds, there is a second wave of guys. Great, there are more of them. We are never going to make it out of here alive and yet Robert is laughing harder.
‘Who wants to play first?’ Why on earth is Robert antagonizing them? Then as I look again, the second wave of guys are armed with guns and have them placed on the back of each thugs head. Immediately they all drop their knives.
‘Steve, take Bella to the car please.’
‘Robert, come on’
But Steve has lifted me off my feet and moves effortlessly out of the club.
‘I won’t be long Bella’
Steve puts me in the car and I try to get out, but David has locked the doors.
‘David let me out of the car this instant.’
‘No, I can’t do that Miss Stone’
‘David.... let me out’
‘I am sorry Miss Stone, but I can’t do that.’
‘Robert is in there, he needs to come out’.
‘Trust me Miss Stone. Robert will be just fine’
‘Trust you? I don’t even know you. For god sake’
I feel infuriated and scared all at once. I just want Robert beside me, he could be getting hurt in there. I keep watching the door and it feels like hours. But Robert is coming out, he looks so powerful. There are so many of the guys behind him and they escort Robert to the car before dispersing in different directions.
Robert climbs into the car and I grab hold of him.
‘Come here Bella. Its ok, don’t worry sweetheart’
‘Don’t worry. I have been beside myself. Look you have blood on your shirt.’ But its not Roberts, he doesn’t look harmed. He looked at the horror on my face and he took his shirt off.
‘I must have busted the guys nose.’ He threw the shirt out of the window and pulled me onto his knee and curled himself around me. He soothed me and rubbed my back, and I felt safe once more. As we pull up to the hotel David has taken his jacket off and his taking his shirt off.
‘What are you doing David?’
‘Robert, he needs a shirt to walk into the hotel with’.
‘Oh’. I turn away as I can see David looks awkward. I can hear Robert thanking him. We got into the room and Robert calls downstairs for a bottle of brandy and for the fire in our room to be lit.
‘You’re in shock Bella’. I feel dumbstruck and realise that I have barely spoken and that Robert has had to guide me to the room.
‘Sorry’ I mumble.
‘Sorry? Oh Bella.... you never say that word to me again. You hear me? You have no reason at all to be sorry. It was that.... that piece of shit.’ With that he clenches his fists and I take a step back. He immediately changes his aggressive stance and relaxed his hands. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me kissing me gently on my forehead he sits me on the bed. He leaves me and wanders into the bathroom and I just sit on the end of the bed. I can’t believe that all this happened tonight. We were having such a wonderful night out, such a giggle and it turned so violent. Robert returns to me and gets on his knees and undoes my shoe straps.
‘It was my fault’.
‘How did you figure that out?’
‘Well, he came over and came onto me. Maybe I should have been more gently when I turned him down’
‘Bella, that guy would not understand gentle. You did nothing wrong.’ He stands up and pulls me to my feet. Taking my clothes off, he picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. I can smell roses and he bends down and places me in the bath. I can hear a knock at the door and I jump.
‘Shhhhh... its ok...Its just the room service.’ He goes out of the room and I lean back. Robert puts on some soothing music and walks through with a large glass of brandy and ice. I take it from him and take a gulp, it burns as it hits the back of my throat. I feel as sober as a judge after tonight’s events.
Robert sits on the bathroom floor next to me and has one hand on his brandy glass and one hand on my arm stroking it.
‘Do you feel a little better baby’.
‘Yeah .... I do thank you. Sorry I was just shocked.’
‘Stop saying sorry. I am pleased you are feeling a little better. Let me check the fire then let’s curl up on the couch and watch a movies or something’
‘That sounds good’ I smile at him. He is so wonderful. So in charge of everything and in control. He thinks of everything.
I get out of the bath and dry myself. It suddenly occurs to me, who the hell were those guys that jumped in to help Robert? I pull on the big dressing gown courtesy of the hotel and walk through to our lounge.
‘Robert, who were those guys?’
‘What guys?’
‘The guys who had guns? The guys who jumped in to help you?’
‘Oh right. They are staff. ‘
‘I have a big team of staff Bella. Some of them are bodyguards. I deal with a lot of money and they are hired to ensure nothing happens to me.... or you now.’
‘Bodyguards?’ I can’t help but feel even more puzzled now. Was there nothing normal about this man.
‘Bella... its really nothing for you to worry about. Like I said, I deal with a lot of money and they are there to protect me and now you as well.’
‘oh’ I am not sure how I feel about this, but Robert is quick to poke our roaring fire and has a movie on the TV and has refilled my brandy glass in the blink of an eye. We curl up on the large couch and by the end of my second glass of brandy I feel slightly intoxicated.
‘Come on Bella, it’s bed time for you.’
‘Okay’ I can’t help the dirty grin on my face. He carries me over to the bed and places me on it gently. We start to kiss and I am taking his clothes off revealing his physique. I run my hands over his body as he takes off my robe and moves it aside. But tonight... we don’t have frantic sex. We make love, slow and delicious love.
The next morning as I stir I can feel he is not beside me. I turn over and he is missing, so I sit up. There is a note from him on his side of the pillow.
‘Dearest Bella.
I am just dealing with a few business calls outside as I didn’t want to wake you. I will see you for breakfast when you are ready.... or maybe it will be brunch!
Love Robert x’
His note makes me smile and I get ready straight away. I jump up out of bed excitedly. I don’t like being away from him a minute longer than I have to. This is not a good sign. I have to admit to myself that I am 100% smitten. But what the hell.... it seems he is too. I pull on some smart chinos and a blouse and make my way downstairs. I peek around the restaurant where they have served us breakfast but there is no sign of Robert. He must be still outside on the phone, the workaholic.
I walk outside on the gravelled entrance and I can just make him out near the loch and I am right... he is still on the phone. I decide to be a bit mischievous and creep up on him and shock him off his phone call. I tiptoe along to the grass and hide behind the trees, one tree at a time. I am trying not to burst out laughing and find that I have to physically put a hand over my mouth to stop it. He has his back to me and like a cat I run and pounce I hear his words
‘Finish it.’
At that moment my hand is right near his bum and I nip it. He swings round within a nanosecond and looks shocked and angry. So I stand there feeling a bit stupid.
‘I have to go.’ With that he ends the call.
‘Bella, what are you p
laying at’. He bellows at me.
‘Oh for god sake I was just playing Robert.’
His face softens a bit. ‘How long were you there?’
‘Not long... I just ran up behind you.’
His face relaxes a little bit more. ‘Okay’
‘Why? What’s the big secret? I was only playing with you. ‘
‘No secret Bella, sorry you just caught me off guard.’
‘I’m sorry Robert, I didn’t mean to shock you’
With that we have our arms around each other and our lips meet. I hope that we have few arguments, and if there are any that they are as short lived as this one and end in the same way.
‘Lets get some breakfast and then pack up, we leave today’.
I nod and pull a face. I don’t want to leave. I wish we could stay here for a very long time. It’s been perfect. Well.... perfect apart from last night’s shenanigans. It reminds me that I need to ask him more about these bodyguards. But I don’t think over breakfast is the right time. We eat our breakfast and pack our things upstairs.
Checking out of the hotel was relatively quick as he motioned to David to settle the bill on his behalf. We climb into the car and after half an hour I think this may be the right moment.
‘Robert, you know you said you have bodyguards?’
His response is more of an irritated groan. ‘Bella, what’s the big deal? Don’t worry about it.’
‘Well I will address both of your points Robert. I am sorry to ask, but the big deal is I have never met anyone who has had the need for one bodyguard....never mind a team of them. Your ‘don’t worry about it’... is easier said than done. The man that I am with has to have the need for them.’
‘I’m sorry Bella. It’s just very normal for me. In my line of business, we deal with big amounts of money. When you have money like that, you get enemies. But this has been the case for many years. So really it is okay.’
‘They really have to go away with you on a romantic break?’
‘Yes, they really do.’
I go silent for a few minutes digesting what he said. ‘Robert, when you said they have to look after me, what did you mean?’
‘You are with me now Bella. You are not to be in harms way, ever. So they will look after you to.’
‘When I am with you?’
‘No, at all times you will have a team of bodyguards.’
‘That’s ridiculous and unnecessary’
‘Bella, this is not a moot point. You can stamp your feet all you want, but I need to know you are safe.’
‘I’m not stamping my feet, but Jesus, I just find it extreme’
‘Bella.... stop this. Its not extreme. You will not even notice they are there.’
I shake my head and turn to look at the scenery flying past the window. The beautiful rolling hills, the clouds moving so quickly with the sun playing hide and seek with them.
Robert pulls in at the next petrol station so that we can get a coffee. A much needed coffee as it strikes me that I have a dull head. Mind you, last night was rather action packed and fuelled with alcohol. Sod it, I am going to get some painkillers. There’s no point in suffering. I can see Robert is amused at my shopping. Coffee. painkillers... chocolate... crisps.
‘Well... I need to help my head’
He just laughs even more and we are off again on the never ending journey home. Why is it that when you go away, the journey is fine but the return journey feels like double the time. Robert managed to find a nice little cafe for lunch and I devour my carbs. Stuff the diet, I need all the help I can get today. I feel shattered which is ridiculous.
As we pull up to my house, I tell Robert that I don’t want our weekend to end.
‘Ahhh Bella.... everyday is soon to be like that weekend. Don’t forget to hand in your notice at work.’
‘Oh gosh. I keep forgetting about that.’
‘Well I shall remind you tomorrow morning.’
‘I’m sure you will control freak’
He pulls a hurt face so I lean over and kiss him, which soon turns his frown upside down. Robert opens my car door and then grabs my bags and suitcase. I get the keys out and go ahead to open the door. As I step in, it looked really messy. To my horror I realise that someone has been in the house.
‘Oh my god.’ I rush through to the lounge. The books are on the floor, along with the cushions off the sofa. The TV is still there though.
‘Bella. wait for me.’ Robert is catching up with me and has thrown my bags and suitcase. He runs around and checks everything. As I walk around my once safe house, the place has been turned upside down.
‘I will phone the police’
‘There is no point Bella, it doesn’t look like they have taken anything. ‘
‘Yeah but someone has broken in. I have to report it. Oh my god where is Ash?’
Roberts face turns, I can see the look in his eyes. I am shaking as I get my mobile out of my handbag and dial her number.
‘Pick up Ash.... pick up.’ She does, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
‘Ash, are you ok?’
‘I’m fine sweetie, are you? You sound anxious’
‘Anxious isn’t even the word for it. I have just got home now with Robert. Someone has broken in. It doesn’t look like they have taken anything, but there is stuff everywhere.’
‘Oh no. I stayed at Emma’s last night. Let me get my stuff together and I will be right over.’
‘Okay hun, see you in a bit’
I hang up and Robert looks relieved.
‘Oh Robert, you look as relieved as I am. Bless you’. I wrap my arms around him. ‘At least they haven’t taken anything. They must have been disturbed.’
‘Yeah... must have been’
‘You don’t sound convinced.’
‘I am... sorry. I just can’t believe this has happened’
I call the police much to Roberts’s protests not to. Ash is home before the police manage to arrive.
‘But how did they get in? There is no sign of the door being broken into?’
‘God knows Ash, you hear about these criminals having all sorts of ways of getting in now. You just never know I guess’ I look at Robert as I finish this sentence and he looks tense.
‘you ok?’
‘No not really. What if you were here on your own Bella?’
‘Well I wasn’t. There is no point in thinking like that.’
‘Ahhh... my Bella. You are so strong’
‘I am just trying to keep calm about the whole thing. At least they haven’t taken anything.’
The police spent half an hour taking our statements, they said that if there was are no witnesses or things taken there was not much they could do. But we should change the locks and be vigilant. All in all... dead helpful. Robert has his ‘staff’ here within minutes after the police have left. Its like he belongs in the A team or something. They have replaced the doors and window locks.
‘Well Robert... I thought it was like fort knox before but wow.... You really have gone all out’ I can’t stifle my laughter anymore. But Robert is not amused.
‘This is no laughing matter Bella. You must both be safe at all times.’
‘It was just some chancer. Fancied their chances on breaking in and stealing stuff before they were disturbed.’
Robert nods and walks into the kitchen taking the cups. I can hear Ash talking to him, so I edge to the door.
‘Robert... you don’t think it was a chancer do you?’
‘What do you mean Ash?’
‘I can see it on your face. You’re really concerned.’
‘I don’t know Ash, Bella is probably right. But please I beg you. You must both be careful. There are some weirdo’s out there and you are two women living in this house. For me.... please.’
‘Oh don’t you worry Robert.... Bella and I are like two ninjas.’ Ash starts laughing, but Robert is silent.
‘Robert... stop worrying we will be fine. Hell you just made this place
like maximum security. So thank you. I appreciate it and I know Bella does.’
‘Okay. Well here is my number. If you ever need help, please don’t hesitate.’
‘Thanks Robert. I will.’
‘In the habit of passing your number to all my friends Robert.’ I tease him, but wow he looks stressed and does not take the joke very well.
‘No... no of course I don’t.’ Deadpan serious is what I call this answer.
‘I’m joking Robert.’
‘Okay... sorry. Darling I have to leave you. I have a meeting tomorrow, but I will cancel it now.’
‘You will do no such thing Robert. Go! I will be furious if you don’t’
‘No Bella.’
‘Robert, so help me god, just go. I really will be fine. You can’t be with me 24/7’
‘I will be if I can help it.’ I shut him up with a kiss but have to literally push him out of the door.
‘Thanks for helping tidy the place up and for making the house secure. I will speak to you tomorrow. Oh and thanks for the weekend, it was ..... well it was amazing. Oh and thank you for the urmmm... the 2 million quid.’ He laughs at this, and Ash... well Ash chokes in the kitchen as she has clearly heard that statement. As I shut the door Ash runs through to the hall...
‘Two million quid! My god you must be fucking amazing in bed’. We both kill ourselves laughing, tears streaming down my cheeks.
‘Clearly I am.... Pretty woman... move over.’ I strut off and Ash is holding onto the banister to support herself.
‘Oh I’m gonna wee myself. 2 minutes.’ She runs off. What is she like. We carry on tidying up and then open some wine. I fill Ash in on my dirty weekend and she sits there as giddy as I am. I reassure her that the money only means I can leave work. It doesn’t change our arrangement, to which she says she is relieved. I did explain that I may be away for a while.