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Nerd and the SEAL

Page 2

by Grady, D. R.

  “I’m awfully glad you’re here and not a freak.”

  He grinned. “I need evidence.” His voice held a teasing note she remembered well.

  “What do you want?” She was afraid of his answer, but wanted the response so badly.

  “You,” he answered, right before his lips took hers.

  Ben kissed Treeny with everything he had. He remembered the feel of her lips against his. The electricity arcing between them was also familiar.

  He worked a hand into the fall of red-gold hair and was thankful, grateful, and ecstatic he’d finally approached her. This euphoric moment had been a long time coming, but was right. If they had pursued their attraction earlier, their training and jobs might have interfered.

  Unfortunately, their jobs could still interfere. But this is what he wanted. He needed Treeny Deveau more than he had ever suspected. Kissing her like this made all the difference.

  And by her passionate, eager response, he believed she agreed. He liked the energy surging between them. He savored her warmth, her enticing scent, and the sweet sounds that issued from her throat.

  Soon they had to part for air. He grinned at her, liking the way her lips glistened from his kiss. “From that kiss I’d have to say you’re interested in a relationship with me.”

  Her smile was mysterious and feminine when she tugged his head back down to hers. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  Chapter 2

  When Treeny returned to work with Ben by her side, she wondered if her feet touched the ground. She figured she was doing a closer approximation to floating on air, but then, she had waited a long time to kiss Ben Morrison again. In fact, some could even say she’d been waiting her whole adult life. And they would be right.

  Mrs. Mays watched in speculation and something akin to denial as Treeny drifted across the floor. Waving to Ben, with his contact information tucked into a pocket of her lab coat, and hers safely in his phone, she watched him leave through the waiting area. Her heart kept beating a satisfied, excited, anticipatory staccato.

  He had come specifically to see her. He wanted a relationship with her. She had been waiting for this moment since their first kiss eleven years ago in The Closet. Now that the moment had finally arrived, she couldn’t imagine being more pleased. He was finally hers.

  She smiled at Mrs. Mays before returning to her office area. There she understood she must somehow work through the rest of the day. She and Ben had made dinner plans for after work, and she could wait until after seeing her patients.

  The only blight in her sunny, amazing day was that, while he was on leave now, he could be called up for duty at any time. She didn’t know how she would manage his frequent absences. With him leaving randomly, and for unknown periods of time, she would have to adjust to his haphazard schedule. And the terrifying fact that he might not return from one of his missions.

  Could she adjust to his crazy working schedule and dangerous job? Swallowing, she didn’t know the answer to that question. But she wanted Ben so badly, she needed him. Hopefully, her need for him would outweigh the unpredictability of his schedule. She had waited so long for this man.

  Nothing was going to interfere with their relationship. She couldn’t bear to be parted from him now that they made the crucial decision to get to know each other. He professed to needing a commitment with her. Never in her fantasies had she dreamed Ben Morrison would state his intentions so boldly. But now that he had, she couldn’t go back.

  At least for now, Ben Morrison was hers. And she intended to lap up every sweet, fantastic moment.


  Ben answered his phone, and adjusted the chair on Max and KC’s back deck. Ryan, home from school, raced through the yard with his dog, Spuds. “Hello?” He kept a careful eye on the rambunctious kid.

  Ryan’s new sister had arrived only a week or so ago. And while he wasn’t quite as upset about having a little sister as most little boys, Ryan made no apologies when he stated he’d rather have a little brother. His dad assured him that possibility was still in the works.

  Feeling his heart flip at the expression in KC’s eyes when she looked at Max, Ben suppressed a snort. So what if he wanted to see that same loving, devoted look in Treeny’s eyes? Yet he had, sort of, this morning. They agreed to date. And he still appreciated that look of anticipation he noticed in Treeny’s eyes.

  “Ben? This is Janine,” a feminine voice said. Speaking of little sisters... He’d only met this one a year ago, unlike the three he grew up with.

  “Janine? Where are you?”

  His sister seemed to have gotten distracted because he heard her speak away from the phone. “I’m sorry about that, the movers are here, and asked me a question. I’m in Atlanta, but plan to be in Hershey by tomorrow.”

  Ben sat up abruptly. “You’re coming tomorrow?”

  “I am. Do you still have a place for me?” He heard amusement in her islander cadence.

  “Yeah, Mitch and Lainy had the house cleaned and Mitch sounds pretty excited to have you in the Fandrich’s house. Apparently they were the closest thing to parents he’s ever had, and he wanted someone who would take care of the place.”

  “Of course I intend to do so.”

  He paused and savored the island flavor of her voice. Had Heather Morrison not adopted him, he’d probably have the same rhythm when he spoke. The blood tests had come through and Janine was definitely his biological relative.

  “Good. The family is planning some sort of party for you. I haven’t managed to squeeze out the details from any of the relatives, or as we call them, rellys.”

  “What sort of party?” Her voice sounded wary. “Nothing big, I hope.”

  He grinned. “Hello, you’re a Morrison. What did you expect?”

  “I...I suppose I wasn’t anticipating a lot of fanfare,” she answered and the fact she sounded hesitant made him smile.

  “Janine, you’re family. That means you’re going to receive a blow-out party of some sort soon after you arrive. I imagine everyone will overwhelm you but you’ll feel welcomed.” He hoped his smile came through on her end.

  “I see,” she answered, but he doubted she actually did.

  “You’ll get to meet Max and KC’s little girl.” He wasn’t above using whatever enticements he could.

  “I have pictures of Macy.”

  “Good, but they don’t compare with the actual thing.” He looked up in time to see KC trudge through the back door of the house, Macy in her arms. She deposited her daughter onto his lap and disappeared back inside. Ben grinned down at the sleeping little girl. “Speak of the cutest kid ever and guess who just got dumped on me?” He tickled the little chin and looked over the perfect child, amazed by this little being all over again.

  “You’re holding my baby?” Janine protested.

  “Yes, but she’s my baby.”

  “Actually, she’s my baby,” Max said from behind him and relieved him of Macy’s warm weight.

  “Hey, you can’t trump me like that.” Ben mock glared at his cousin.

  “Can too. She’s my kid.” Max smiled down at the little girl, and Ben wished for something he couldn’t identify. He wondered if Treeny liked kids. While that thought passed through his mind Max tenderly rocked his daughter. His cousin had waited a long time for KC, but they’d made Macy in Will’s closet. So far, he was the last Morrison man in his generation not to make a baby in said closet.

  “Are you still there?” Janine asked. She never seemed to become flustered.

  “I’m here. Max just stole the kid.” He frowned at the thief in question.

  Max grinned, and gazed adoringly at his baby daughter. “My kids,” he said and looked out over the yard where his son, Ryan, raced with the family dog.

  Ben rolled his eyes. “He’s getting all paternal on me.”

  Janine laughed. “I’m definitely coming tomorrow. I like this trend of being able to swipe babies.”

  “Trust me, we’re a prolific lot. There’re lots o
f babies. Mitch and Lainy have one too.”

  “So I’ve heard.” He received the idea that while Janine was worried about being overwhelmed by the Morrisons, she was looking forward to seeing KC often and spoiling all the kids. “How close is my house to Max and KC?”

  “Across the street. Max and KC are the last house for a few miles. They’re on about five acres. The Fandrichs had two or three acres. You can’t see Max and KC’s house from your front windows, but they’re close.”

  “I’ll be happy to be near KC,” Janine said, and he gleaned the impression she looked forward to moving to a place where she had family connections. Because he’d grown up in such a huge family, he couldn’t imagine her anticipation. In the back of his mind he wondered if he took his abundant family for granted. That thought first sprouted when he realized how excited KC was at Janine’s impending move.

  The two women had obviously formed a lasting bond while patching up the wounded in Kuwait. Ben figured he was part of the draw for Janine’s move, but that KC and her children also proved to be a large selling point for the area.

  “I’m really looking forward to your arrival.”

  “So am I. I can’t wait to squeeze all of you.” Janine’s voice held the smallest hint of excitement. She was very good at concealing her emotions, but he appreciated that she allowed some of her anticipation to show now. It told him more than any of her words how excited she was to move to Hershey.

  “We’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Wonderful. Now my next question.” She stopped and he heard rustling in the background.


  “Have you spoken to Treeny yet?”

  His heart skittered and then accelerated at the mention of her name. “How did you know about Treeny?” he all but demanded. Sisters. He barely knew this one, but it appeared she already planned to be an interfering busybody. Exactly like the three he already had.

  He could hear the smile in Janine’s voice when she answered. “I lived in Kuwait with KC for seven months.”

  “Yeah, that’s right.” Then he paused as he thought about his sister’s revelation. “Wait a minute, KC told you about Treeny and me?”

  “Of course. Treeny sounds like she’s a major part of your life. I needed to know all the elements that will hinder my time with you.”

  “Oh, well, Treeny and I are having dinner tonight. What else did KC spill about me?”

  “She mentioned your job is a bit unconventional. Well, at least your skills and the hours you keep are.”

  “I don’t keep hours.”


  “Yeah, I can pretty much be called up at any time.”

  He heard Janine sigh, which made him grin. “So, I’ll have to work around a woman and your job to spend time with you.”

  “Treeny will want to spend time with you too. She’s a doctor.”

  “Oh that’s right. KC told me that, but I forgot.” He could hear the smile in her voice.

  “I haven’t spoken with her about you, yet. But we’ll talk tonight. I’m sure she’ll be around tomorrow when you pull in.”

  “I look forward to meeting her.” Ben could tell she was sincere.

  They chatted for a few more minutes before disconnecting.

  KC returned to the patio and looked around. “Where’s my baby?”

  “Your husband took her.”

  “Oh.” She frowned.

  “That’s not okay?” he teased.

  She swatted him before turning to find where Max had gone. Ben had been so involved in his conversation with Janine he hadn’t noticed Max and Macy leave.

  KC returned moments later with her daughter, and set about feeding the baby. “What did Janine have to say?”

  “She plans to arrive tomorrow.” Ben watched his cousin stroll across the patio and drop into a nearby chair to watch his wife feed his daughter.

  “Who plans to arrive tomorrow?” Max asked as he reached out to stroke Macy’s cheek.

  “Janine,” Ben and KC said at the same time. They grinned at each other.

  “Is she moving in across the street?” This time Max trailed a finger over KC’s cheek. She offered him a secret, feminine, loving smile.

  Ben wanted Treeny to smile at him like that. He wanted her to want him in the same way KC and Max enjoyed.

  “She is. She sounded pretty excited. I think you’ll probably lose the kid.” He glanced into the yard. “Both kids.”

  Max laughed. “That’s okay. She’ll send them back at bath time.”

  “Or at night, when she can’t sleep,” KC added dryly.

  “Have you lessened your hours at the office again?” Ben asked. Since spending the eight months in Kuwait, the rest of the employees at the company she and Max ran together had all offered to take on some of her designated tasks while she was gone. Soon after she returned, she and Max had married, and soon after that, they were expecting Macy.

  “Yes,” KC nodded, and burped the baby. “Max and everyone else have all agreed to keep some of my tasks. I do work a couple days a week, but otherwise I intend to be a stay-at-home mom.”

  Ben nodded. “Lainy’s happy she can be home.”

  “So’s Mitch,” Max said about his brother-in-law.

  KC sent a speaking look to Max then frowned at something on Macy’s outfit.

  “He is happy she’s spending so much time with Alexis,” Max repeated.

  “I’m sure he is, but Lainy is still working on her electronics. She probably won’t ever be able to completely stop that,” KC said as she started feeding the baby again. Ben wasn’t quite following the conversation, but decided that was okay.

  “Yeah, I can’t see Lainy turning her back on her work,” he agreed and stared at the expanse of yard. He’d love to own a spread like this with Treeny and maybe sometime have kids. Never before had he felt this way, but then, his job, while fun and fulfilling and challenging, wasn’t satisfying him the way it used to. Now, whenever he thought of satisfaction, he thought of Treeny.

  “By the way, we’re having hamburgers and baked beans for supper tonight. At Max and Ryan’s request,” KC said and looked at him.

  Ben smiled at her. “Thanks, but I’ve made other arrangements.” He tried to look mysterious and secretive, but KC pounced.

  “Where are you taking Treeny?”

  Even Max looked impressed with him.

  “Why does everyone assume that I’m going to be with Treeny?” Even as he said it, Ben knew the laughter would come. And it did. KC and Max both laughed, at him, not with him.

  “Like any other woman has ever interested you,” she said and rolled her eyes.

  Max agreed. “I’ve never heard you talk about another woman.”

  “Is this normal, do you think?” Ben looked at both of these people he loved so much, and realized he really wanted this answer.

  Max and KC stared at each other before glancing back at him. “Oh yes, I think it’s perfectly normal,” KC finally answered. Ben didn’t miss the loving look that passed between them.

  “You’re a Morrison, Ben. Once we fall in love, we don’t have eyes for anyone else. That’s just a given, I think.” Max shrugged.

  KC grinned at him while Ben nodded. “I suppose that’s true. No other woman has ever interested me like Treeny.” He shook his head, still not able to figure that one out. Why she’d haunted him through the years, he didn’t know. All he did know was she had been there, like a ghost, to tempt him, tease him, but always hovered out of his reach.

  “Where are you going for supper?” KC burped the baby again.

  “I think we’ll try something along the river.” Ben rattled off a few places. Max and KC both nodded.

  “They’re all nice restaurants,” Max said.

  “I don’t care so much about the food as I do the company,” Ben answered, and looked at his watch. “Maybe I’d better shower and shave.”

  KC nodded solemnly. “Yes, maybe you’d better.”

  Max reached out a
nd swatted her. She laughed, and Ben again wished for the easy camaraderie this pair, and Max’s sister, Lainy and her husband, shared.

  But then, both couples had endured their own trials and relationship pains before reaching the happy place they enjoyed today.

  Ben hoped he and Treeny didn’t have too many before they came to a conclusion about their bond. He wanted her, and was very happy she shared his feelings. Nothing else could go wrong, right?

  Chapter 3

  When Ben escorted her through the parking lot into the restaurant, Treeny’s insides quivered in anticipation. She’d dreamed of this moment for so long, she was having difficulty assimilating reality from her fantasies. She liked the warmth of him next to her, and the casual way he rested a hand on the small of her back.

  She didn’t miss the possessive significance of his gesture. And even enjoyed his subtle message to other men concerning her; his manly signal proclaimed my woman. Treeny had always felt like she and Ben Morrison belonged together, and now that very well could be true. She took a moment to breathe deeply because she was suddenly short of breath.

  The hostess seated them, and Treeny saw the woman’s eyes sweep up and down Ben in admiration. Treeny moved a little closer to him, and challenged the woman with her eyes. So what if she was doing the possessive bit too? She wasn’t about to let this man slip out of her tenuous grasp if she could take a firm hold of him somehow.

  Once they were seated and had ordered, Ben leaned forward. “I talked to my sister today.”

  “Which one?” she asked. Keeping his family straight sometimes proved difficult.

  “You might not know this one,” he began and her interest perked.

  “You have another sister?”

  His lips quirked. “Remember when KC got called up to go to Kuwait?”

  “Of course.”

  “She bunked in a tent with nine other women. One of those women was a fellow doctor named Janine Morris. I popped in to see KC on Christmas Day.” Treeny nodded. She had been with her sister at his Aunt Monica’s house. So she had heard the news and been relieved that he and KC were together for the holiday. “Janine kept staring at me.”


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