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Chasing You

Page 5

by Kelly Elliott

  “Are you in the mood to go dancing?” he asked as he lifted an eyebrow.

  With a giggle, I nodded and said, “Aren’t you ready to pass out?”

  “For some reason I got my second wind.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tilted my head and fought to keep my giddiness down. For Pete’s sake, I wasn’t Lauren. I didn’t get giddy. “I’m not really dressed for dancing.”

  “How about we go to your place, you change and we head to Moe’s.”

  “Moe’s? They have an outside dance floor. It’s snowing!”

  “Nah, they have one on the inside too.” Grayson set me down and quickly kissed my lips. “Let me go change and we’ll head to your place.”

  I stepped out of my bedroom dressed in tighter-than-tight jeans, high heels, and a light-blue shirt that was dressy enough, but not too dressy. Plus it really highlighted my blue eyes and showed off the right amount of cleavage.

  “Ready!” I said as I reached down for my heavier coat.

  “Jesus, Meg, you look hot as hell. I’m not sure I’m willing to take my best friend out to a bar looking like this.”

  I looked Grayson over from top to bottom. “You look pretty damn good yourself, bestie.”

  Placing his hands over his heart, Grayson pouted. “You’re just now noticing? I’m hurt.”

  My eyebrows lifted as I gave him a sexy look. “Oh I noticed before, it was hard keeping my hands to myself on the way over here.”

  Grayson’s eyes turned dark as he walked up to me. “Don’t make me break my promise to you, Meg.”

  Heat surged between my legs as I silently begged him to kiss me again. “What promise was that?”

  “No sex. Today we’re friends only.”

  My lips slowly formed into a pout as Grayson shook his head. “Don’t even look at me like that.”

  When I placed my hands on his chest I felt his body shudder. I loved knowing I had such an affect on him.

  Grayson closed his eyes and moaned as he took my hands off of him and led us to the door. “Let’s go before I lose control.”

  Smiling like a little girl, I quickly put on my coat as Grayson pulled me out the door.

  Moe’s was packed as Grayson held onto my hand and led us over to a table. “Looks like they’re having some kind of function tonight,” he shouted over the music.

  Glancing around, I couldn’t help but notice all the women. What in the hell kind of function was this anyway?

  After sitting at the table and placing our order, an older woman approached us with a wide grin on her face. “Hey, handsome! You gonna do a show for us tonight?”

  Grayson pulled me closer to him as the older woman looked between Grayson and me. I couldn’t help but notice he was making some sort of statement. “Not tonight, Diana.”

  “Oh come on, Gray. It’s for a good cause.”

  Grayson moved about in his seat like he was uncomfortable as he glanced my way. Oh how I loved seeing him squirm around. With an evil smile, I shrugged and said, “Gray, if it’s for a good cause.” I looked up at Diana and asked, “What organization is it for?”

  “Kids against bullying. It’s a local group here in the area.”

  My heart stopped. “Yes I know, I’m a counselor at Helping Hands, so I know of that organization.” Diana’s face lit up as she looked back down at Grayson.

  “Oh that’s wonderful! What is your name, sweetheart?”

  With a polite smile, I said, “Meagan Atwood.”

  Diana glanced back over to Grayson. “See, even your girlfriend wants you to do it.”

  A silly grin spread over my face as Grayson looked back at me. “What do you say to that?”

  The fluttering in my stomach took off as his stare felt like it penetrated deep into my soul. I loved the way he was looking at me. I took a mental picture and stored it deep inside my heart. My lower stomach tightened and the need for Grayson to touch me became almost unbearable. The idea of knowing he wasn’t going to make a move on me tonight had my heart racing. “At least we did it right and were friends first,” I said with a wink.

  I’d never seen Grayson smile at me like he was. Standing, he reached down for my hand and pulled me up. “I’ll dance for you tonight, Diana, but I want my girlfriend front and center, no one else.”

  Wait. What?

  What does front and center mean, and did Grayson just call me his girlfriend? Holy shit. He’s dancing?

  “All money goes to the organization?” Diana asked.

  Grayson turned to Diana and smiled. “Of course. You ought to know me better than that, Di.”

  Diana looked at me with a pleased smile. “You’re one lucky girl, darling.” She turned and walked over to the bartender and then to the DJ.

  Grayson took my hand and walked us over toward the stage. “Who was that?” I asked.

  “My old boss.”

  Pinching my eyebrows together, I pulled him to a stop. “From the strip club?”

  With a chuckle, he nodded. “Yep. She likes to do little fundraisers throughout the year where she gives the ladies a taste of what they can see if they come to the club. Show them just enough to have them wanting to come back for more. It’s a win-win for Diana. She’s helping the community and marketing her club at the same time.”

  “Holy shit,” I whispered as I realized what was happening. “Wait, you’re not going to?”

  “No, I’ve done these for her before. I promise, nothing will be shown and no one will touch me. Besides, my job would frown on that.”

  Biting down on my lip, I felt the bubble of excitement begin to build at the idea of Grayson dancing. I had no idea how I was going to keep my hands off him after this.

  Diana brought over a chair and sat it down on the stage as she gave Grayson a high five and said, “Have fun, darling.”

  Grayson brought me over to the side of the stage. “Don’t move from this spot okay?”

  Nodding my head, I smiled. “I won’t move, I promise.”

  Diana stood on the stage and called for everyone’s attention.

  “For those who just got here, we have a silent auction going on for a great cause against bullying. Ladies, it’s time for our next dancer and boy do I have a surprise for you. Get those dollar bills out for this great cause! Our very own Grayson Bennett has agreed to come out of retirement to give us a little . . . performance . . . with all proceeds going to Kids Against Bullying here in the Durango area.”

  The audience erupted in cheers as I turned and looked at the women pushing closer to the stage. Jesus, what a bunch of horny bitches. It’s like they’d never seen a guy dance before.

  My eyes darted over to Grayson who was talking to the DJ. I watched him as he made his way over while the crazies in the audience screamed when Grayson sat in the seat.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea after all.

  Grayson smiled as a few girls screamed out his name. Former customers I’m guessing.

  “We have one rule tonight ladies, no touching, unless the dancer touches you first.”

  More screaming as I started laughing when Grayson looked at me and made a funny face. Rolling his eyes, he blew me a kiss as I chuckled and blew one back.

  “Are you ready?” Diana called out as the place erupted again.

  The lights went dim as the music started and my body caught on fire just from the beat. “Powerful” by Major Lazer started and Grayson’s body moved with each beat. Screams from the women at the front of the stage caused me to jump and look at them before quickly looking back at Grayson.

  “Oh my,” I breathed out as I watched Grayson begin dancing. His hips moved in a graceful sexy way as he moved to the beat of the song. My mouth went dry as I thought of the things I wanted him to do to me. The way he moved had my heart racing as I forced myself to remember to breathe.

  I couldn’t pull my eyes off him as he captured his audience with his hotter-than-hot moves . . . and that smile. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt as the crowd went wild.
My eyes scanned the sea of women and my heart stopped when I saw her.


  She stood right up at the front, waving a one hundred dollar bill around as Grayson slid across the floor, making some pretty erotic moves with his hips as women threw money onto the stage. Claire tried to reach over and touch Grayson but a security guy pulled her back.

  “You bitch,” I whispered as I balled my fists together.

  I jumped when I saw Grayson in front of me. He pulled me further out onto the stage as the second chorus started. His hands moved over my body when he dropped to his knees as women screamed out louder. I quickly forgot all about Claire and looked down at the man I was falling for hard and fast while he smiled up at me. With a sexy wink, he threw my leg over his shoulder as he lifted me up and carried me over to the chair.

  The words to the song rang so true at that very moment, as Grayson set me down.

  “Do that to me next!” someone screamed.

  My mind was running wild as Grayson sat down on me and moved his hips in the most erotic way. My eyes widened with delight. My hands went to touch him before he grabbed them and shook his head. “Friends only tonight, baby,” he shouted over the music as I held my hands up like I was in a no-touch zone.

  Grayson jumped back and danced around me as dollar bills flew everywhere. I took the chance at peeking over to Claire. I could practically see the steam coming from her ears as she stared me down. Pulling my eyes from her, I watched Grayson do his thing while an extended version of the song continued to play.

  Grayson would get close to the crowd, but stop out of their reach to tease them before he would turn his attention back on me.

  Grayson picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him while he dipped me back as we danced together in the most sensual way possible. I could feel his hard on pressing into me as he moved his body against mine. Setting me back down in the chair, he climbed on me again and pushed down as I sucked in a breath of air. Grayson laughed and then placed his hands on the sides of my face as he looked into my eyes.

  Jesus these feelings . . . what is happening to me?

  It was like a roller coaster of emotions that I never wanted to get off of. His lips brushed lightly across mine as he slipped his hand into my hair and deepened the kiss. I wasn’t sure how long he kissed me for after the song ended, all I knew was I heard lots of women screaming and then Diana talking.

  “Oh, ladies aren’t we all very jealous of Grayson’s girlfriend, Meagan. She got all the attention tonight, didn’t she?”

  Grayson and I laughed against each other’s lips as he pulled back and looked at me. “I think I’m ready to get out of here.”

  Rolling my eyes, I nodded. “You’re gonna have to sneak out the back!”

  Grayson stood up as he reached down for his shirt and put it back on as I stood up. I could feel her stare as I looked down and saw Claire shooting daggers at me.

  I wasn’t sure why I said it, but I regretted it the moment it slipped from my lips. “Your friend Claire is here.”

  Grayson turned and looked directly at Claire who smiled and waved. I quickly turned and started toward the side of the stage that led to the back. Grayson was right beside me within seconds as he took my hand and led me straight toward the back door.

  The moment the cold air hit my face, I sucked in a deep breath. I hated that she still had some sort of control over my actions.

  “Tell me how you know Claire,” he said as he looked at me with a concerned face.

  Trying to get my senses straight, I stalled with a question. “What?”

  “I never said what her name was. You knew back in Texas her name was Claire. How do you know her?”

  Something came over me and I pulled away from him in anger. “Why haven’t you asked her?”

  Grayson’s eyes softened as he placed his hands on my arms. “Because I’m asking you. The first time you saw us that day, when we were at lunch, I saw your face, Meagan. Please talk to me, baby.”

  Swallowing hard, I looked away. Grayson placed his finger on my chin and pulled my eyes back to him. “Meg?”

  “I know her from Baylor.”

  A look of recognition passed over Grayson’s face. “Shit, that’s right she mentioned graduating from there. Damn it, I didn’t put two and two together.”

  My eyes searched his face as I took in a deep breath and slowly blew it out. “She didn’t . . . um . . . she didn’t say anything to you about me after that day?”

  Grayson looked at me with a dumbfounded face. “No. She didn’t utter a word to me.”

  I either kept pushing this off, or I faced it head on and told Grayson the truth. It was time to put my past in the past. There was no way in hell I was ever going to let that bitch dictate my life again.

  “My freshman year of college I started dating this guy, James was his name. He took me to his frat party and Claire was there with some friends. She was his ex girlfriend, but apparently she hadn’t gotten that memo. It was her and another girl who ended up making my life a living hell.”

  Grayson’s eyes widened. “The bullying?”

  Chewing on the corner of my lip, I slowly nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Was it bad?”

  Tears built up in my eyes before I pushed them away. I’d never shed another tear because of those girls. “Bad enough that I changed my degree plan and vowed to fight against bullying.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.”

  With a shrug of my shoulders, I plastered on a fake smile. “It’s over. I made it through and I’m a stronger person for it. I won’t lie and say I don’t have my moments where I get shaken, but there is so much more to life than the rumors and lies those vile girls spread about me.”

  Grayson placed his hand on the side of my face. “Surely Claire realizes what she did.”

  My stomach dropped and I instantly felt sick. “I doubt it.”

  “I mean, that was college.”

  I swallowed hard as I realized what Grayson was doing.

  This is not happening.


  MEAGAN STOOD BEFORE me with a stunned expression on her face. “I’m ready to go home, Grayson. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

  Turning, she headed down the alley toward the parking lot. I reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. “Wait. I’m not trying to lessen what Claire did to you, Meg. I’m just saying people change and she seems to be really nice and . . .”

  “And she doesn’t seem like the kind of girl who would send guys to my dorm room telling them I gave out free blowjobs. All hours of the night my freshman year of college, they were at my door. I couldn’t walk to class without some asshole approaching me about sex. So, forgive me if I just don’t have the heart to forgive her or think someone that vile would ever change.”

  With a yank of her arm, she pulled away as she started walking.

  I pushed my hands through my hair and cursed. “Fuck.” This was not the way I wanted our night to end. It started snowing harder as I took off after her. Rounding the corner, I must have hit a patch of ice because I instantly went down and landed on my ankle wrong.

  “Shit!” I called out as Meagan spun around.

  “Gray! Oh my gosh are you okay?”

  She was by my side in less than two seconds, helping me up. My ankle was fine, but I decided to put a plan of action into place. “I think I sprained my ankle.”

  “No! Oh shit! I’m so sorry.”

  I draped my arm around her shoulder as she helped me back to the truck. “It wasn’t your fault. It was mine. I didn’t mean what I said, Meagan and I would never say something if I knew it was going to hurt you.”

  Her eyes looked into mine as she smiled. She knew I was telling her the truth. “I have no idea what you went through and I’m sorry I tried to lessen any of it.”

  Meagan’s smile slipped away as she looked toward my truck. “It doesn’t matter. Like I said, it’s in the past and Claire will never hurt me again.”

bsp; Fuck no she wouldn’t.

  “I’m not sure I can drive,” I said as I tried to hold my smile back.

  “Do we need to go to the doctor?”

  Panic set in. “No! Um . . . I just need to get back home.”

  “Okay, I’ll drive,” Meagan said as she opened the passenger side door. Slipping in, I couldn’t believe how easy this was going to be. Meagan was so wrapped up in my ankle being hurt, she wasn’t even thinking that I couldn’t drive her home.

  Sitting on the couch, I turned the television on and let out a deep breath. My lack of sleep was finally catching up to me and I was fighting to keep my eyes open. I could hear Meagan making something in the kitchen and I smiled at the idea of her messing around in my kitchen every day.

  She walked around the corner holding a tray. “Okay, here ya go!” she said with excitement in her voice.

  I sat up as I watched her put the tray down on the coffee table. My eyes widened at the sight of a bowl of noodle soup, hot chocolate, two pieces of toast with honey drizzled over the top, two chocolate cookies that I was almost positive I bought like three weeks ago, and was that a protein bar?

  “Meg, baby, I hurt my ankle. I’m not starving to death.”

  With a giggle, Meagan flopped down on the couch next to me as she grabbed a piece of toast and the hot chocolate. “Doesn’t chicken noodle soup help you with everything?”

  Glancing between the soup and the beautiful girl sitting on my couch, I felt my chest tighten. I wasn’t falling in love with her, I was already in love with her.

  “If I had the flu, yeah. But I have a twisted ankle. Soup isn’t going to make the pain go away.”

  Meagan looked at me through her eyelashes as her eyes danced with fire. “What would make the pain go away?”

  An idea popped in my head as I leaned back and looked up toward the ceiling. “Let me think.” Snapping my fingers, I pointed to Meagan as she raised her eyebrows.

  “You can pay me back.”

  Pinching her eyes together, she asked, “Pay you back for what?”

  “I think I should get a dance since you got one from me.”

  Meagan started laughing. “What? Are you insane? I’m not dancing for you, besides you used to do it for a living.”


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