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Chasing You

Page 12

by Kelly Elliott

  Oh. God.

  My parents.

  “That look of horror can only mean one thing.”

  I swallowed hard. “My parents.”

  Grayson shuddered as I giggled. “I should have asked your dad’s permission first.”

  The sales lady quickly stepped between us. “In the meantime, shall we go ahead and wrap up this purchase?”

  Grayson and I looked at her as if she had lost her damn mind. It was obvious she was more concerned with the sale over the fact that my father was most likely going to flip a gasket when he found out I was marrying a man they didn’t even know I was dating. Everything had been going so well with Grayson, and I knew the moment I told my parents, my father would be on the first flight out to check out Grayson and scare him away.

  Grayson took out his wallet and handed her his American Express card. “Talk to me, Meg.”

  “My parents don’t even know we are dating. My father is going to freak out, Gray.”

  Grayson took my hands in his as he gave me the sweetest smile. “Whatever happens, we’re in this together now. If you want, I’ll fly to Texas and ask your father for your hand in marriage.”

  All the tension left my body as I looked into Grayson’s eyes. The idea that he would risk his life for me had me longing for him. My lower stomach pulled with the instant desire I was feeling.

  “He’d kill you if you showed up and asked to marry me.”

  The left corner of his mouth rose as my insides quivered. “I’m willing to take the risk.”

  The saleslady handed Grayson his credit card back along with her card. She was talking a mile a minute, and all I heard was something about bringing the ring in every six months to check it out and clean it.

  I turned to her and nodded as I flashed her a polite smile before grabbing Grayson’s hand and pulling him out of the jewelry store right as it began snowing. Where in the world did the snow come from?

  “Jesus, Meg. Where is the fire and where the hell did the snow come from?”

  Spinning around, I pierced his eyes with mine. “Between my legs, Gray.”

  Grayson started choking as he pulled me to him. “What? The snow came from between your legs?”

  Frowning, I looked at him. “No. I want you.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked with a come get me look on his face.

  My eyes frantically searched his face. I wanted to say so many things to him. I wanted to tell him I was scared and excited, but more than anything, I was so turned on it felt like my insides were going to explode. There had been plenty of times I wanted to jump this man in public and right now was one of them. “I want you.”


  Pressing my lips together, I softly spoke. “Now.”

  It was Grayson’s turn to pull me now. “My truck is around the corner.”

  Walking carefully without slipping on the freshly snow-coated sidewalk, Grayson reached down and picked me up as I let out a giddy yelp. He opened the passenger door and practically threw me inside as I laughed.

  Fifteen minutes later, the door to Grayson’s apartment flew open as we stumbled in, lips pressed together and hands all over each other.

  “Fucking hell, Meg.”

  My hands shook as I quickly stripped my clothes off while watching Grayson do the same. His hard dick sprung out of his pants as I let out a moan.

  Dropping to my knees, I took him in my mouth as he pumped his hips and grabbed onto my hair. “Jesus . . . ahh . . . damn it, Meg! You need to stop.”

  Grayson lifted me by my shoulders and pulled me up as his hand made its way between my legs. My breathing was erratic as I anticipated the feel of his fingers inside of me.

  “Tell me how you want it, Meg.”

  His fingers pushed deep inside me as I gasped. “Fuck me, Gray. I need you to fuck me.”

  When his lips crashed into mine my hands tunneled through his thick brown hair and grabbed a handful. Grayson let out a rumbled growl from the back of his throat as he lifted me while walking me toward the wall. One quick movement of his hand and he pushed everything off the new wood table he had bought for his foyer. My ass landed on it with a thud as Grayson’s eyes roamed greedily over my body. Grasping my breasts with both his hands he bent over and sucked on one of my nipples as I dropped my head back and cried out in pleasure as my own hand found its way to my throbbing clit.

  “Fucking hell, that is so hot watching you play with yourself, Meg.”

  With a whimper, I lifted my fingers and pushed them into his mouth. Grayson’s eyes burned with desire as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the table where he quickly buried himself inside of me.

  “Yes!” I cried out as Grayson fucked me in earnest while my orgasm built. I loved when we lost control like this. It was raw, pure, animalistic pleasure that turned me on more than I could ever express. My legs wrapped around him as I pulled him in deeper. Grayson lifted me off the table and spun us around until I was pressed up against the wall with my right hand pinned above my head as Grayson continued to fill me full as I felt him grow bigger.

  “Baby, I can’t hold it back any longer,” Grayson called out as his dick throbbed inside of me.

  “Grayson!” I cried out as the intensity of my orgasm hit me full force.

  “Oh God, Meagan . . . fucking hell.”

  The sounds of our pleasure echoed off the walls as we both came hard. I could feel Grayson’s dick twitching inside of me as I squeezed down and milked every ounce of cum out of him.

  Minutes passed as we both fought to regain our breathing. My heart was beating crazy in my chest as Grayson carried me over to the couch, still buried inside of me. When he sat down, I dropped my forehead to his and waited for my breathing and heartbeat to return to normal.

  “My God, Meg. Each time with you is so fucking amazing.”

  I lifted my head and smiled. “It was amazing, wasn’t it? It felt so good, I didn’t want you to stop.”

  Grayson’s hand came up as he pushed a piece of my brown hair behind my ear. “I didn’t want to stop. I never want to stop when I’m making love to you.”

  With a chuckle, I bit down on my lip. “That was not making love, that was fucking.”

  Grayson’s eyes turned dark and then softened. “Yeah it was, but at the same time, it felt so damn intimate. Like I was a part of you and you were a part of me. We were one, and I loved every second of it.”

  Bending down, I softly kissed him as I moved my hips. I could feel Grayson’s dick twitch as it was coming back for round two.

  “You greedy little girl.”

  Pushing off his chest, I sat up and ground my hips onto him as my hands cupped my breasts while my head fell back. “I want more.”

  His hands grabbed onto my hips as he moved along with me. “Holy shit what are you doing to me? You’re like a drug that I can’t get enough of.”

  With a smile, I lifted my body as I rode him. I couldn’t believe how fast my orgasm was building.

  Grayson moaned as he began to grow harder and hit the spot I needed for my release.

  My hands landed on his shoulders as I fucked him as fast as I could while I called out his name. Grayson’s head dropped back onto the couch as he dug his fingers into my hips.

  Warmth spread through my lower body as I collapsed onto him, my breasts pressed against his chest as we both fought for air.

  “I’m spent. I don’t think my dick is ever going to recover from this.”

  Giggling, I kissed his chest and lifted my head. “Oh somehow I find that statement to be false.”

  Grayson winked and cupped my ass. “Yeah me too. Now get your beautiful ass off of me so we can go take a shower.”

  Crawling off Grayson, fear set in again. “Gray, what about my parents? They’re going to be so upset with me.”

  “You’re a grown woman, Meg. You’re not obligated to let them know about every single detail of your life.”

  “I would think dating someone might be something I’d share wit
h them.”

  I glanced down at my engagement ring. How in the world would I tell my father about Grayson and I seeing each other for so long and now we were engaged? He was going to lecture me . . . I just knew it.

  No. That was not going to happen. I needed to stop letting my father’s expectations guide me.

  After taking a hot shower, I thought I would feel better, but I felt worse. My head began to pound and I felt sick to my stomach.

  Grayson wrapped a towel around my body and carried me to the bed where he gently laid me down. Crawling in next to me, he pulled my body close to his.

  “Love you, baby.”

  My heart felt as if it was going to combust. I was instantly calmed and in that moment I knew all I would ever need was this right here, Grayson’s arms wrapped around me . . . protecting me and loving me.

  I cared about what my father thought, but I was going to follow my heart. I was in love with Grayson and that knowledge instantly calmed me.

  “Love you too.”



  Turning, I saw Joshua Black standing with his arm around a dark haired girl.

  “Mr. Black, how are you this evening?”

  His eyes moved from me over to Meagan, where he looked a bit too long for my liking.

  “I’m doing good. Taking my girl out to a movie.” Gesturing over to Meagan, Joshua smiled. “I see you’re doing the same.”

  Reaching his hand out for Meagan’s, Joshua said, “Joshua Black.”

  Meagan went to say her name when I cut her off. “This is my fiancée, Meagan.”

  Meagan turned to look at me as Joshua chuckled. “This is Christy, my girlfriend.”

  I quickly looked the girl over and gave her a friendly smile. “Nice to meet you. If you’ll excuse us, we’re late; nice seeing you again, Mr. Black.”

  “Joshua, call me Joshua.”

  I nodded my head and led Meagan to another movie. “Gray, what’s going on? Why didn’t you let me talk?”

  Guiding her into the movie, I led us up toward the top row.

  “I don’t trust that guy. Neither does Derrick. Something about him is off, plus we found out he’s been snooping around asking questions about a murder case.”

  “Oh, what does he do for a living?”

  “He works for his father’s law firm.”


  “Yeah. Derrick checked him out. Something isn’t right though. He never brings any of his cases to trial. They’re all settled.”

  Meagan made a face like she was intrigued as I said, “Let’s grab a bite to eat instead of a movie.”

  “Are you sure? I thought you wanted to see a movie.”

  “Nah, not anymore.”

  A few minutes later we were sitting in a café drinking coffee and waiting for our dinner. “So, have you talked to your parents yet?”

  The coffee cup froze at Meagan’s lips. “Um . . . well I did tell them about you. Of course they already know you, but I broke the news that we had been dating.”

  Ouch. Broke the news. I had to admit that felt like a knife in my chest. I wasn’t sure why Meagan was so afraid to tell her parents we were dating. I’d met Brad and Amanda plenty of times, and every time they were super nice.

  Maybe it was my past she was afraid would come out. I could see how they wouldn’t want their little girl dating an ex stripper.

  “You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.”

  Meagan jerked her head back. “No. Not at all. It’s just, my parents aren’t used to me dating.”

  “Their reaction?”

  “My mom acted as if she already knew. She said she noticed the way we always looked at each other. She figured something was going on. My father on the other hand, he went on about dating a cop and the stress that would add to my already stressful career. All that kind of stuff.”

  “Damn, does your father ever let up on you?”

  Meagan shrugged her shoulders. “It’s not as bad as it used to be. Now that Taylor is going to be graduating college, my father will ease up on both of us. At least I hope he will.”

  “I heard he was always a little harder on you though.”

  With a lift of her eyebrow, Meagan flashed me a smile. “So how much did Grace tell you about me before we started officially dating?”

  Leaning back in the chair, I flashed her my crooked smile that I knew she loved. “She told me you were bullied in college and that your father rode your ass pretty hard. Compared you to Taylor all the time and wanted you to be the perfect example for her.”

  Meagan’s head tossed back with her laugh as I reached for my drink and took a sip. She exhaled a breath and nodded. “Ahh yes, all of that is very true. Although, he did let up for a little while when he realized I was moving to Colorado. I think he might have thought he pushed me away.”

  “Did he?”

  Meagan sat up a little taller as if she was still trying to prove something to her father. “I really did fall in love with it here when we came for our girls’ trip, and maybe I was running away from something I didn’t want to face.”

  My elbows rested on the table as I looked into her eyes. “Isn’t that what you council kids to do . . . not run away from things. Face them head on?”

  Her lips parted open as if she was going to argue with me. She didn’t though. My words must have been swirling around in that beautiful mind of hers because she was soon lost in her own thoughts.

  Reaching for her hands, I rubbed my thumbs gently across her delicate skin. “Hey, look at me, Meg.”

  Her eyes slowly looked up into mine. “You’re not that girl anymore, Meg. You’re a smart, beautiful, confident, amazing, woman and I’m so damn proud to be a part of your life.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes. “My dad is coming to visit me and I guess I’m so afraid he is going to judge every single thing I’ve done and then he’ll judge you and I don’t want him to scare you off . . . and oh my God. Why is this bothering me so much?”

  The waitress walked over and set our plates down as I pulled my hands back. “Is everything okay, sweetheart?”

  Meagan quickly wiped her eyes and nodded. “My gosh, I don’t cry. Ever. Yes, yes, everything is perfect. Just emotional today.”

  Giving Meagan a wink, the waitress glanced at me and asked, “Can I get anything else for you?”

  With a polite smile, I shook my head. “No thank you.”

  “Let’s eat and head back to your place. We can snuggle up and watch a movie.”

  “When is your dad coming, Meg?”

  Without so much as looking up at me, she softly said, “In a week. He’s staying for four days.”

  So much for getting rid of her apartment.

  “After that you’ll get rid of your place and move in with me, right?”

  Meagan’s eyes softened as she looked at me. “Yes. Gray, there’s nothing more I want than to be with you. I just need to figure out how to do this and I need a bit more time.”

  I nodded and took a bite of food. “But you’re going to tell him while he’s here that we’re engaged, right?”

  Pressing her lips together, Meagan looked down at her food. “Maybe.”

  I quickly grew frustrated. Whatever issues Meagan had with her father needed to be worked out during this visit. I was tired of feeling like I was a bad secret she needed to keep locked away.

  “Meg, you can’t hide this forever. At some point I am going to want to actually marry you and have your family there.”

  “I know! I know! Just let me worry about it when he gets here. For now we have a few days to prepare.”

  I couldn’t help but feel like it was more than just Brad being a tough father. It was my past that was stopping Meagan from saying anything.

  “Damn it, Bennett. Did you not learn a damn thing from me at all?”

  Looking up, I stared at my partner. “What’s up, Winn?”

  “A ring? You bought her ring? You’re in all the way now.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Stop acting like you don’t believe in marriage. I see the way you look at your wife.”

  “It’s too late for me. I have to be happy, but you. My god, son, you’re young, good looking, and women are falling at your feet. Mainly the chick up in the main office. What’s her name? Claire?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t even go there with me. Claire is not anyone I want to get myself hooked up with. I love Meagan.”

  Derrick smiled a goofy-ass smile as he slowly shook his head. “Damn straight. I just needed to make sure my partner was on the up and up. Lana wants to invite you and Meagan over for dinner if you’re free Friday night.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “I’ll never understand you.”

  “Good. That’s the way it should be.”

  “Bennet, Winn, we’ve got another 187 near Wilcox Road.”

  Derrick looked disgusted as he grabbed his jacket and said, “Shit, let’s go.”

  As we walked to the car, I punched the address into my phone. “That’s two blocks over from the last one.”

  “It’s looking more and more like we have a serial rapist murderer out there.”

  “I need to talk to Meg about staying at work late. They all need to make sure they leave as a group.”

  Derrick nodded his head. “Yeah, make sure she keeps her eyes and ears open and pays attention to who is around her.”

  Pulling up to the scene, I couldn’t help but look around for Joshua Black.

  “You looking for him?”

  “Yeah. Don’t see him anywhere though,” I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

  “Come on, let’s go talk to Murphy, see what his first thoughts are.”

  The hair on my neck stood as I glanced around. That feeling of being watched swept over me again as I searched the crowd.

  “I’m right behind you,” I said as I followed behind my partner.


  “I’LL BE AT the airport early, Dad. Stop worrying.”

  “I’m not worried, Meg. I just don’t want you rushing through traffic to get there if you’re running late.”

  Rolling my eyes, I bit my tongue to keep from saying what I really wanted to say. “It’s not Austin, Dad. It’ll be fine. I’ll see you in a few hours.”


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