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Make Mine A Monster: Monsterotica: Book 2

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by Madison Sevier

  “Entertaining! Well, I never! If that’s some sort of an apology, girl, you’re not doing a very good job of it. Didn’t your mama ever teach you any manners?”

  Right back in fifth grade all over again.

  “You’re right, Thelma. I’m sorry. Truly. It was none of my business. Can we start over?”

  “Why? So you can exploit the good names of people in this good town just to sell a few newspapers? No thank you.”

  “But, Thelma…”

  “No buts. Look, I don’t know who sent you here and I don’t care. If you aren’t here to enjoy the festival like everyone else, then go back to where ya’ came from. Between reporters and movie directors running our town through the mud, we’ve all had our fill”

  “But, Melanie Wickey sent me.”

  Thelma snapped to attention and her eyes took on an almost evil glow. “Leave. Now.” She pointed towards the door and I’d have been the dumbest woman in the world to argue with Thelma. I’d rather take my chances with a monster any day of the week.

  Chapter Three

  Resigned to the fact that I wasn’t going to get any information out of the very old and very bitter Thelma, I retreated to my truck. Unlocking the doors with a handy remote keychain, I hopped inside, pondering what my next move should be. I needed information for this story and though I’d never let anyone get in my way of digging for facts before, this wasn’t my town and I knew I had to tread lightly.

  Thankfully, Hopkinsville was close enough to a cell tower and even though it used my cellular data, I could hop online to search for tidbits about Hop Town’s alien and goblin festival. Of course, nothing other than what I already knew popped up.


  Frustrated and sweaty, I tossed my phone into the passenger seat, started the truck with the air conditioner dial switched to on. Pressing my forehead to the cool leather wrapping on the steering wheel, I chewed at my bottom lip. Maybe this was a bad idea. What was I thinking? No one was going to talk to me or tell me their deep, dark secrets. I’d been away from home for half a day and already I’d hit a brick wall.

  Leaning back in my seat, I looked around the small town in front of me. The many decorations attached to utility poles, storefronts and awnings hung perfectly still with not even a hint of a breeze in the stiflingly humid air. How were these people going to make it through an entire three-day festival without keeling over from heat exhaustion, I had no idea.

  “The festival!”

  God, I could be so damn dippy. I’d wait for the festival to start. Surely there would be plenty of people willing to talk, especially if alcohol happened to be involved. I was sure that I’d hear a boatload of stories; real or imagined once the festivities began. Maybe I’d find that one person who’d tell all of the nitty-gritty details of the Sampson house. Who knew? I might even run into someone who knew my boss.

  Checking the time, I realized it was time for me to check in at the hotel. Easing the truck into the slow-moving traffic, I made my way down Main Street and towards the outskirts of town.

  Hotel Kelley was the only place to stay within twenty miles of Hop Town. Obviously, their annual festival brought a ton of what Thelma would call gawkers and I was one of the lucky few who had been able to score a last minute hotel room. By last minute I mean, a year late and a few weeks ago when I’d called to book a room, the desk clerk made sure to inform me of everything.

  “We’re usually booked a year in advance, Miss. But, I just happen to have one room that just opened up. It’s nothin’ special, but it’ll get you by in a pinch.”

  The desk clerk had proceeded to go on and on about how many guests they averaged each year and proceeded to barrage me with her overzealous southern charm while I waited for what felt like a month for my credit card information to be processed.

  “We’re just so happy you’ll be visitin’ us soon!”

  After finally saying our goodbyes, I was positive I’d be able to breeze into town, get enough research done to write my article, possibly shag a monster and get out of town without any problems. Boy, was I wrong.

  I pulled into the large gravel parking lot and squeezed my full-size truck into a less than adequate spot. The red, flashing ‘no vacancy’ sign above the door was glaringly bright now that the sun was on the other side of the foothills and though the building was nothing like a certain hotel in the movies, I felt like I’d just stepped onto a movie set. Sure, there were twenty other vehicles in the lot, but out there, in the middle of nowhere, I immediately felt alone.

  Suppressing a shiver, I gathered my purse and made my way across the stone lot and through the front door. A jingling bell announced my arrival when I walked into the musty, smoke-filled office. Taking in the sparse and outdated surroundings, I waited for the desk clerk to arrive and when she did, I shouldn’t have been surprised at her appearance, but I was.

  “Howdy! I’m Darcy Kelley. Can I help you? If you’re lookin’ for a room, yer’ outta luck. We’re all booked.”

  “Hi. My name is Rosie Peaks and I have a reservation.” I smiled, pulling my driver’s license out of my wallet and placed it on the counter, hoping the rooms weren’t as smoky and musty as the office I was standing in. I had nothing against smokers, certainly not even the fifty year old woman with a half-smoked cigarette dangling from her lips standing before me, but I prefer to sleep in fresher accommodations.

  Darcy picked up my identification, looking it over. A strange look passed over her face before she slid it back across the counter to me.

  “I’m all booked up.”

  “But, I have a reservation.” What the hell was happening?

  “I said we’re booked.”

  “You can’t be serious?” I couldn’t hide my irritation and I shoved my wallet back into my purse with a bit more force than was necessary. “How can you ignore the fact that I reserved your last room a few weeks ago? Remember how lucky I was?”

  “I remember. That was before.”

  “Before what?”

  Darcy averted her eyes, refusing to meet mine. “Look, just head back to wherever you came from. I don’t want any trouble.”

  Trouble? What was she talking about?

  “I have a business to run. Please leave.”

  “What am I supposed to do? There’s nowhere else to stay in this crazy-ass town.”

  Clearly uncomfortable, Darcy muttered, “I’m sorry. Really I am. But you have to leave. I can’t have you here stirring things up for us. We’re barely hanging on as it is.”

  Suddenly, the light bulb went on. Apparently, Thelma was a lot more than a clerk at the Town Hall. Her reach extended to the edge of town and its flailing businesses. I was officially screwed.

  “Darcy, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I did apologize for upsetting Thelma.”

  At the mention of her name, Darcy looked away quickly and I knew I was on the right track.

  “I’m sure you’ll find another room somewhere. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have guests to attend to.” Without another word, she turned and headed back through the narrow doorway she’d come through.


  I shoved the door open hard, the bells jingling and jangling grating on my already frazzled nerves as I left the hotel office. Walking back to my truck, defeat tried again to settle on my shoulders. The fact was, I had camping gear. I could always glamp it up if I had to.

  “Now, to find a campground.” Kicking up a cloud of dust, I retrieved my phone from my truck and started searching. So involved in my task, I hadn’t heard anyone approaching. The long shadow that fell across me caused me to jump.


  Before me stood an extremely attractive, six-foot tall, real-life cowboy. Or as close to the real thing as I’d ever seen. I could only assume he was a real cowboy. I mean…he was dressed like one; Stetson, boots, soft cotton t-shirt and boots. I was willing to go with it.

  “Can I help you with something?” Like peeling those ass-hugging wranglers of
f of you and licking you from top to bottom?

  “I don’t mean to intrude, but I overheard your conversation with Darcy and I’d like to offer you some help.”

  Oh sweet baby Jay! A cowboy and a gentleman!

  I trailed my finger down the front of his baby-blue shirt and gazed up into the most amazing chocolate-brown eyes I’d ever seen, “And just what kind of help would you like to offer me, cowboy?”

  He tipped his Stetson, blushing a bit beneath his well-tanned cheeks. “Ma’am, I know of a place you can stay during the festival. It’s nothin’ special, but it’ll do in a pinch.”

  “And why should I trust you, cowboy?”

  “Seems to me that you really have no other choice. You need a place and I know the perfect one for you. Name’s Roy. Roy Longfellow, by the way.” Pulling my hand to his lips, Roy kissed it with full, delectable lips jump-starting my already primed-for-action hormones.

  “Longfellow, huh? I bet.” If the size of his hands were anything to go by, Roy might actually make me change my mind about cowboys. For the moment anyways. I’d almost bet no man would ever satisfy me the way Nessiana had, but I’d gladly give this stud a ride he’d never forget.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Hi. I’m Rosie Peaks.” A flicker of amusement lit his face. It happened all of the time. Most people have their minds in the gutter ninety percent of the time and it was no surprise that Mr. Longfellow’s would immediately follow suit. So where is this perfect place?”

  “Just up the road a ways. It’s an old farmhouse that’s sat empty on my property for over a year. I go in once a month and make sure no critters or squatters have been habitatin’ in there and I’ve kept it pretty clean.”

  “Why’s it abandoned?”

  “No one wants to live that far out of town. People have traded in fresh air for free wi-fi. Hop Town is all right, but myself, I prefer staying outside the city limits.”

  “Won’t you be on Thelma’s hit-list too? I wouldn’t want to cause trouble for you.” Batting my eyelashes as I stuck my chest out a bit further.

  “Don’t you worry about that, darlin’ ” Winking, “Trouble’s my middle name.”

  Well, yeeee-haw! Guess who just found a way to save a horse.

  “You lead, I’ll follow, cowboy.”

  Chapter Four

  Traveling through the countryside, sticking mainly to dirt and gravel roads that wound up and around the tree-lined foothills, we finally arrived at the homestead forty-five minutes after leaving the Kelley Hotel. I knew it’d take a really good scrubbing to get all of the dust and dirt off of my shin, new baby but when I reached the top of the ridge, I didn’t care.

  Roy slid out of his truck with the grace of a lion and I hopped out of mine like an uncoordinated monkey, almost tripping over my own two feet after shutting the door. We stood facing one of the most beautiful scenes I’d ever witnessed. Rolling green hills, dotted with patches of forest that seemed to go on for miles and miles. A peach, pink, blue and purple sunset casted a magical glow across the land and I felt as though we were part of a famous painting. Besides, the large log cabin, barn and what I assumed to be the abandoned farm house in the distance, the land was virtually untouched; rugged.

  “How many acres is this?”

  “Two-hundred-fifty-eight. Give or take a few.”

  “And all of this is yours?”


  “How do survive out here? Don’t you get lonely?”

  “I’m on the road a lot, but when I’m lonely I can always find a willing bedwarmer.”

  Though we stood there in the shade of the giant oak trees, it was humid. Little rivulets of sweats trailed down from his temples to his neck, his uniquely male scent permeated my senses and I wanted to climb him like a tree, wrap my legs around his waist and slide up and down the length of him.

  “Rosie? Y’all right? Your cheeks are pretty red. Let’s get you down to the house.”

  “What? Oh, I’m fine.” Just a little hot and bothered.

  “How about a drink?”

  “Sounds great.” Hope it’s something stiff.

  We followed another trail, just barely big enough for one truck, to Roy’s cabin and went inside. Immaculate was the only word to describe it. Sure, there were typical western-slash-southern accents for decoration, but his place was clean. Someone had a serious penchant for perfection and control. Understated, yet a statement in its self, the entire open floor plan resembled a house in a magazine. That gave me hope that the farmhouse would be in pretty good shape, too. My body, however, wanted to explore just how far his need for perfection went.

  Roy grabbed us both a beer from his refrigerator, popping the tops off of both; like a perfect gentleman should and handed me the amber beverage. The cool slickness of the longneck was much smaller than what I wanted in my hands and I wasn’t about to wait on this well-mannered cowboy to make the first move. It was time to make a move. I’d hog-tie him if I had to. Who knew? He might be into that sort of thing. I’d try anything once.

  “Ya’ know, Roy?” I said, setting my beer on a red, granite countertop, “The beer really isn’t helping. Do you mind?” I unbuttoned my white blouse. Sliding it off of my shoulders, I placed it on the table, bending over slightly, I began to slowly, meticulously fold the flimsy material while giving him an ample view of my tight-covered-in-short-khaki-shorts ass.

  “It is awfully hot in here.”

  Bending over to unhook my sandals, I heard Roy’s sharp intake of breath. When I stood, his eyes were focused on barely covered breasts.

  “Cowboy? Do you like what you see?” I squeezed them together, biting my bottom lip as Roy moved closer.

  “Oops!” The front hook of my bra came open on its own and there were my tits, free and ready for the taking.


  Looking down, “Why yes, yes they are.”

  Roy and I were pulled together like animals in heat. A blur of cotton, denim and khaki flew across the room, combined with murmurs, kisses and animal-like growls as we undressed each other.

  Cowboy slid a condom out of his wallet and rolled it over his cock. He spun me around, holding me at the waist as he bent me over the smooth, pine table and plowed into me from behind. He was as large as I’d hoped and every thrust had me begging for more.

  “Harder, Cowboy! Faster! Giddy-up!” I reached behind him, smacking him on his pale, tight ass. “Ride me!”

  Roy obliged, driving deeper and quicker until he let out a holler, “Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw!” with his release.

  Amusing in its own way, but just another reason that I found monster sex to be much more enjoyable. There were cheesy screams or eye-roll-worthy moments with Nessiana. I knew I needed to find another monster and soon.

  The mood completely ruined for me. As he finished emptying himself into his latex sheath. I glanced down at the floor and noticed he’d left his boots on while we fucked. A quick check over my shoulder and sure enough, he was wearing his Stetson as well. I felt dirtier than I ever had with Nessiana.


  Without saying a word, we separated ourselves and pulled our clothes back on, Roy removing his hat and boots to re-dress and I found it rather annoying. At that point, all I wanted to do was get settled at the old farmhouse and grab a shower. I’d lost my appetite long ago, but I still had a cooler full of goodies should I need anything later on.

  Roy gathered my belongings from the truck and loaded them into a large wagon which was attached to his large, green tractor. The thing had monster-sized wheels and was loud as hell! How some women claim to find tractors to be sexy, I’ll never know.

  I’m sure he noticed the look of disgust upon my face, for he went on to explain; “After the recent rains, it’s pretty sloppy back there and I’d hate for you to get that purdy truck stuck in the mud back yonder.” He then, stuck a long, thin piece of what I assumed to be wheat, into his mouth where it lay nestled between the inside of his cheek and teeth. Once in a while, his tongu
e would poke out to readjust his new accent piece.

  What did women see in these cowboys? If he spit, I was going to lose my mind.

  “Thanks, Roy. I really appreciate you going out of your way like this.” I did, in fact, appreciate it. I just didn’t feel the need to have any further conversation with him that evening. Stick a fork in er’. She’s done. Oh my god! The local dialect was contagious.

  After he hauled my stuff into the house and showed me around, he gave a stern warning. “I won’t be around much tonight or early tomorrow. I’ll be at the festival. If yer’ still interested in going, I reckon I can give you a ride into town. Otherwise, don’t venture too far from the house. It’s a big place and a purdy, little thang like you could get lost.”

  Was he serious? “I did plan on going to the fest. But, I need to freshen up first and I have some research to get done before I do.”

  “Research? There ain’t any books here.”

  “Well, I do have my cell phone and a laptop.”

  “Good luck. I rarely get a signal out here. The tower isn’t that far away, but it ain’t very dependable.”

  “Good to know.” Lovely. “I’ll do what I can and leave the rest until I can get into town. Thanks, Roy.”

  “You got it. You remember how to get back to your truck in case you need to leave when I’m gone?”

  I bit back the urge to put on my best-dumb-brunette act and replied; “Sure do. I’m good.” Tapping my temple with one finger, “It’s all up here. Don’t you worry none.”

  The sarcasm apparently lost on him, he smiled. “Alrighty then. I’ll just be headin’ out. See you soon, I hope.” He leaned in to kiss me and I turned my cheek just before his lips could touch mine.

  “Oh, yes. See you soon.” Not if I could help it.

  I breathed a huge sigh of relief once Roy was gone. I could finally get back to the business at hand. The hospitality was great, the romp was okay, but I needed to get settled so I could begin the hunt. I knew, in a place like this; a town that revolved around stories of goblins and strange creatures, there’d have to be a monster somewhere.


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