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Vampire High School (Book 1: Gregor Academy)

Page 18

by Lachelle Miller

  “Nice. Pity you won’t be driving it.”

  My heart leapt into my mouth. I had no guns, no escape, and no time to play with. They meant to kill us, and by the way it was shaping up, I was going to be last to go.

  Sharon looked at her watch. “We’ve got to go Billy.”


  Sharon and Jeff looked at each other, then they vanished.

  “You caught us with our pants down last week, Red. You did Jim Creary good and proper. You’re not doing it again. Jim won’t have died in vain.”

  I could see Mom and Dad staring at us all, wide eyed.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Billy. Sorry.”

  “Red, you old mongrel.” His smile faded quickly. “Last week, we had no alibi. You beat us. Tonight, we’re all attending a dinner across town. Plenty of witnesses. Even the mayor. We’ll all show our faces from time to time. We’ll create a good alibi, then we’ll top you guys one by one.”

  While Billy held court, Jahred and Elizabeth grabbed Mary-Christine, and made her sit in one of the wooden dining room chairs. With Duct Tape and rope, they soon had her secure.

  I was next. I tried to flex my legs against the tape, but it wasn’t giving a fraction. The doubling of tape and ropes on my wrists bit deep. I was going nowhere quick.

  They pushed the dining table into the corner, and positioned the chairs in a large circle.

  “So who’s going to be first?” Billy asked, his grin never leaving his face. “I’m hungry, but I don’t know what’s best right now.” He walked around the circle of the five chairs. “I could turn Mama and Dada here, into vampires. Maybe let them take bites out of little Red.” He stopped mid-step, as if considering the move. “Nah, that would take too long, and I wouldn’t get to see the look on poor little Red’s face.”

  He walked into the kitchen, and brought a strange looking spear back with him.

  The spear had a sharp point, but there was a contraption near the tip. It was difficult to see what it could be for.

  “This is a Jasperine.” He walked between Mary-Christine and I, and thrust it towards Mom, who flinched and screamed behind her gag. Billy held it near her stomach, then flipped a switch near the base.


  Six blades, about three inches long, suddenly jutted out from the point, perpendicular to the shaft. I instantly recognized the lethal use of such a weapon. He flicked the switch again.


  The blades shot back, lost against the shaft. Impressive.

  “Okay, I’ve made my decision; dad first.” Billy motioned Elizabeth forward. “Oh, and Red? One sound from you and Tinkerbell here”, he pointed the spear at Mary-Christine’s belly, “And she gets it, right there.” He thrust forward, just stopping at her jersey.

  Chink! The blades shot out. I imagined the internal damage it could do.

  Chink! Closed.

  It was such a cold, ruthlessly mechanical noise.

  With no idea of her purpose, I watched Elizabeth approach dad. She ran her fingers over his hair, then bent down and kissed his ear, then his forehead, then snuggled his cheek for a moment.

  I must have looked disconcerted.

  “I see you’re not all that well informed, Red, young vampire-killer.” He walked behind Elizabeth, and slid his hand round to cup her breast. We vampires don’t just kill for food, we enjoy the pleasure too.” He nodded to Elizabeth, who undid Dad’s gag.

  When she bent down to kiss him again, he looked up into her eyes. For a moment, he looked bewildered, then his eyes clouded over and he surged to meet her lips, kissing her savagely, forcing himself up in the wooden chair as far as he could reach.

  If I was flabbergasted, Mom was shocked beyond belief. Her eyes were wide open, staring at her husband of twenty-two years locked in a lip fest with an eighteen year old.

  When Elizabeth lifted her head, breaking the kiss, they were both gasping for air. Dad’s mouth was bleeding though, dripping down over his chin. I don’t think he had much of his tongue left.

  With a flash of her hand, Elizabeth ripped his shirt to shreds, and pounced on his neck. With a toothy snarl, she chomped down, obviously ripping his neck as she did so. Dad threw his head back with an expression of both pain and absolute pleasure.

  Still suckling at his neck, Elizabeth ran her hand down his chest, and opened his trouser zip. It took her many minutes to drink his blood, but somehow dad kept an erection till the very last breath. With a sudden gasp, he threw his head forward and died, his chin still against his chest.

  “Oh my, wasn’t that a wonderful experience for us all.” Billy said, clapping his hands together. “Just think, Lyman, dear friend. Sharon, who will be back soon, will have the pleasure of your last breath.” He gave Mary-Christine a horribly lewd look. “I get to have Twinkle toes here. All to myself.”

  ~ ~ ~

  We took Mona’s corvette. Apparently nobody knew Jackson’s parents were even dead. They were “out of state on extended business”. I wondered how many vampire teens had used that excuse when they found themselves between foster homes.

  On our way I had Jackson explain to me what the heck a Helsing was. Like that was a term just anybody used? C’mon.

  “And Alan told you this guy... Lyman… is one?” That name was totally ringing a bell in my head but I couldn’t figure out why. It was really bugging me. “How would Alan even know that? It’s not like someone would walk up to a vampire and say ‘hey, I’m a vampire hunter, I’m going to kill you’.”

  “He could smell it on him.” Jackson said, not amused at my vampire hunter impersonation. “Helsings have this really pungent odor about them. Like…”

  “Vinegar?” I said, the bell really clanging away now. I was going to start eating my own ear if I didn’t remember soon.

  “Yeah! Just like vinegar. Except I hear that if a vampire drinks Helsing blood it’s not just a bit sour. It’s deadly.”

  “Are you serious? Like poisonous?”

  “Drinking Helsing blood is real bad news. It’ll kill ya dead, Mandy. So, I don’t care how hungry you get…”

  “ Oh, please. The smell would be enough to kill my appetite. I mean- what’s in their blood that makes them deadly anyway?”

  Jackson looked really please with himself, “Don’t know. But, just goes to show you the Lord works in mysterious ways. The devil brought vampires into the world and God brought a mortal man designed to be the perfect weapon against them.”

  I’d forgotten how religious Jackson was. It’s not like he ever talked about it that much. And he swore a lot. But, every once in a while he’d throw something out there that reminded me of the calling he never got a chance to answer.

  Of course, I didn’t like the fact that he was saying that I was (and he was) of the devil and this Helsing dude was all saintly.

  “Well. If we’re going over there to help this vampire hunter in his little quest then I think that makes us good guys too.”

  Jackson just shook his head. I could tell this was a big deal to him.

  “Nah. We’re just two unfortunate souls that got snagged by the snares of wickedness, Mandy. This Lyman- he’s the real deal; a man sent by God to expunge this world of one of its most evil predators. We’re nothing compared to him.”

  Jackson’s face had gotten so bright and filled with life I’d almost have thought he was standing in the sun. I freaking wanted to hit him. He was being such a zealot. For all either of us knew, Lyman the vinegar-blooded vampire hunter was a total douche. Maybe he just liked killing things. Today it was vampires; next week it could be ballerinas.

  I didn’t say anything, though. Most of the time I’d spent with Jackson his emotional state had hovered somewhere between bummed out and someone killed his grandma. It was cool to see him actually excited about something.

  Of course, I just hoped this Helsing wasn’t going to be in a frame of mind to kill us.

  Chapter 15. Break a Leg.

  To my surprise, they left us al
one for a while, shifting themselves into the kitchen. I heard wine bottles pop. The chink of glasses.

  Mary-Christine and I exchanged hopeless looks. I couldn’t see a way out.

  Mom was in a bad way, she was openly crying, still looking at dad’s body, blood slowly dripping from his mouth and neck.

  “Don’t worry, Mom.” I said quietly. “We’ll think of something.”

  I meant every word, but did despair of the avenue of rescue.

  I tensed my leg against the duct tape bond of the wooden leg, and I heard a tear.

  I tensed, but gave more pressure, it tore again. I left it there, knowing that one last move would free my leg.

  I began to put pressure on the other one.

  After ten minutes drinking, they came back into the dining room with Sharon and Jeff in tow.

  “Would you like to feast on the Dad for a while?” Billy said to Sharon.

  She turned and gave me a wicked look. I don’t mind telling you, she managed to be spine chilling, and terribly sexy, at the same time. “I’ll leave my feast till later. Maybe I’ll pop his cherry first.”

  Without warning, Elizabeth and Jahred vanished, obviously gone to do their bit with the mayor’s alibi.

  I knew mom was next, but with huge tears in my eyes, I also knew there wasn’t a thing I could do to save her. Billy had the Jasperine spear at Mary-Christine’s midriff.

  Chink! Open blades.

  Chink! Closed.

  In the open choice; I chose Mary-Christine.

  I pushed harder on the tape. Still nothing.

  Jeff strode forward, and began pacing behind the chairs, he suddenly stopped behind Mary-Christine, and reaching forward, grabbed her breasts. I rocked my chair in frustration.

  “You fucking touch her, Jeff…” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  “And you’ll what?” Billy mocked, leaning over dad’s inert form.

  “I’ll do the same as I did for Jim!” My lips were drawn back in a sneer; I knew my nostrils flared, “I’ll hammer a piece of African hardwood into your heart!”

  Both Billy and Jeff instantly stood back.

  “I watched his bones crumble.” I continued, frantic to push any kind of doubt into their minds. “I took his last breath.” I looked from one senior to the next. “I pig-stuck him to the table like the animal he was!”

  Billy gave a chuckle. “Jeff. Leave twinkle tits to me. Go feast on mommy bear. Remember, Red. One shout, and she gets the Jasperine. I don’t care if I feast from her neck, or drink through the holes in her belly!”

  Jeff rounded on mom, kissing her, nuzzling like Elizabeth had done to dad, undoing her gag as he did so. “Hello, Missus Bracks.” He breathed.

  I could see Mom’s eyes misting over for a second, then opening wide, looking for the source of the nectar. With a pair of kitchen scissors, he first cut her hands free, then her legs. Like a gentleman taking her onto the dance floor, Jeff took her hand and raised her to her feet. Grinning over the circle to me, he sat on her chair and patted his crotch. “Why don’t you sit here?”

  I tensed against the second leg. I almost pissed my pants when the bond began to give way. I thought everyone in the living room had heard it.

  My wrists were tied with rope too, but it was a start.

  She had her back to me, but I knew Mom didn’t take her eyes off his. Lifting her skirt past her waist, she straddled Jeff, and took to his mouth like a rabid dog. They made out for a while, and he loosened her clothing between them, throwing the garments over her shoulders. Soon she was naked from the waist up, and he was rummaging under her skirt. Still they kissed, the sounds echoing round the silent room.

  Right before my eyes, she began to hump him; small upward moves, followed by strong downward jabs, each one punctuated by a short breathless grunt.

  Jeff looked round her thrusting body and jeered at me. “She likes it.”

  Then his eyes changed, and just as she tensed, he thrust his mouth over her neck and tore the main artery. Blood spurted for a second, then he covered the wound and drank.

  Our eyes met over the empty circle.

  “You’re fucking dead.” I mouthed over to him.

  When Mom was drained, he simply threw her over his shoulder, landing with a crash near the table.

  Jeff stood. Then took two steps towards me.

  He sneered. He hadn’t even bothered to re-zip his pants.

  I snapped, thrusting myself to my feet, breaking the leg bonds off the chair as I rose. Jeff stood in amazement. I jumped spinning in a crazy jumping arc, swinging the chair behind me. I took them all by surprise.

  My flailing chair caught Jeff squarely across the chin, smashing his jaw into many pieces. Blood and teeth flew out of the circle.

  I stood, a maniacal roar on my lips, as Jeff slumped to the floor beside me.

  I looked Billy in the eyes, and grinned. “Too late!” I said and jumped up, bringing the chair under my bum again.

  With a jar of shattering bones, I landed the chair’s wooden leg directly onto Jeff’s ribcage, right on his heart. His piercing scream could have been heard miles away. To my pleasure, the wooden leg crunched past his ribs, into his chest. With a loud grunt, jumped again, thrusting my backside onto the chair, finishing the job.

  Jeff wailed his last, then died.

  Billy the vampire was frantic, stepping back and forward, brandishing the spear. Sharon the vampire was screaming at the top of her voice, hands to her face, looking down at Jeff’s lifeless body. Mary-Catherine the Helsing was roaring at me, laughing all over her face. “Kill them all!”

  I watched with the ultimate detachment as Billy plunged the Jasperine spear into my belly.

  Silence suddenly filled the room.

  Then I laughed. The pain was incredible, but I still managed a laugh. “I may go to my maker!” I roared, “But I go, knowing I’ve done my job as a Helsing!”

  Billy’s eyes opened in fear.

  I knew that I had him. I laughed again.

  Then he flipped the switch.

  Chink! Kind of muffled this time.

  Muffled, because my insides had taken the brunt of the six slicing blades.

  Oh. That hurt. I held my breath, coughing lightly.

  A thousand jabbing pains invaded my belly.

  Jackson found the address Alan had given him easily enough. There were three cars in the drive and one on the curb.

  “We were right,” he said, leaning over the steering wheel to get a good view, “that looks like Jeff’s car.”

  I nodded. “He followed me and Craig all over Everton for about three hours. I’m pretty sure that’s it.”

  “Jeff Fielding is now the one in charge.”

  “Bean-pole- right? One of Alan’s gang?”

  “Yeah. That’s the guy.”

  Jackson pulled the keys out of the ignition and went for the door handle. I grabbed him back.

  “Wait! Are you sure about this? What if Alan was bullshitting you about this guy being a Helsing? For all you know we could be walking into a trap.”

  “Alan had no reason to lie to me, Mandy. Trust me- I did a good job convincing him that I was his friend.”

  “For all the good that did Mona and Steve. He still ripped their heads off ”

  That got Jackson to think for a moment. But his head was so set on meeting a real life Helsing that no other thought could sink in.

  “You can wait here if you want. I’ll wave you in after I assess the environment. For all we know that’s not Jeff’s car at all.”

  Now he was getting frustrated with me, “Like I said- just wait it out for a few minutes. I’m sure everything is kosher and I’ll be calling you in shortly.”

  Jackson popped the handle and stepped out into the street before I had a chance to say another word. He got about as far as the front lawn before I caught up to him. He only paused long enough to shoot me an annoyingly smug smile.

  “I knew you wouldn’t let me go it alone.”

be so sure. If he starts spraying me with his deadly blood, I’m totally using you as a shield.”

  That was the last either of us got to say. A huge crash like a table or something big and solid sounded from inside the Helsing’s house. Jackson ran up to the window first. I was right behind.

  I didn’t get much of a chance to take it in; the scene inside was chaos. I’m a vampire and it scared the heck out of me. There was a circle of chairs, that held at least one dead body, and another, a woman’s, was being thrown across the room. She was mostly naked, but definitely dead.

  Then Jeff Fielding stood up, erection sticking out of his fly.

  Then the guy tied to the chair jumped up, and spun it like some weird kung fu style whirl-kick. Chair smashed Jeff’s face in.


  Then he jumped up in the air, whipped the chair under him and landed the leg right on Jeff.

  Oh, I knew that scream. I cringed. Helsing boy had just put Jeff Fielding into the grave.

  Then he did a little jump with the chair; making sure. Man, this was some bad-ass vampire-killer.

  Besides him, the only living human left was this girl who was also tied to a chair and wailing her head off. Jackson broke down the front door with no problem but he couldn’t get through the opening. Neither could I for that matter. We were vampires; no entry without permission.

  I remember Jackson shouldering at the invisible barrier like he could possibly bust through it. He even begged the screaming girl to let us in but she was so hyper and freaked out, she was no good to anybody.

  “Let us in! We can help!” Jackson roared.

  She looked up and caught my eye. ‘Help me.’ She mouthed, and we just fell inside, slipping on the door.

  Just in time to see The Jock stick the big spear into Lyman’s belly.

  That had to hurt.

  For a moment, we stood, getting our bearings, then there was a metallic ‘clink’ noise, and Lyman stiffened, his hands gripping the chair.

  Jackson and I both sprang at the other vampires. He took on the Jock, and I hit the girl. I don’t remember much besides just grabbing, pulling and then the snap of her neck. Suddenly another arrived and I was back in again, biting, ripping, then going for my signature move, the neck from body maneuver. Rip, tear, vampire gone.


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