Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2)

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Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2) Page 6

by Crystal Dawn

  We entered through a large door that led to a waiting room. Karla the night nurse, sat at the front desk and didn’t even look up as we entered. She finished a call she was on and then she approached us.

  “You caught me just when I was updating the doctor. We have a couple other patients right now, but you’ll be our main focus. The doctor will be here in thirty minutes or so. Why don’t you tell me how you’re doing and how far apart those contractions are? Once I get everything written down I’ll take you to a room where you can change into a gown. Then I’ll time your contractions to see of we need to check to see how far you’re dilated. You have any questions Sweetie?” The nurse asked.

  Karla was a great nurse and had dealt with many expectant mothers since she had worked a maternity ward in a big city hospital dealing with humans.

  T.J. shook her head. I knew she’d been reading books on everything from prenatal care to how to deal with the baby after it came and the relationship of the parents. I guess with how restricted her movements were she’d had to keep busy with something. I felt deep love and admiration for T.J., whenever a female had a pup I was always amazed by what they went through. Females were incredible and my eyes stopped on my female. I would be the king of the mountain if I ever managed to claim my wild and wonderful mate.

  The nurse was asking all kinds of questions, some of which I didn’t understand what they had to do with the matter at hand. She finally seemed to run out of questions and moved on to timing the contractions. For that she escorted T.J. and Sherona to a room so Sherona could help T.J. change into a hospital gown.

  I had never worn one and I thought they barely preserved a person’s dignity. I suppose a female trying to push something the size of a small watermelon out of her body might not worry about something as insignificant as a gown that didn’t cover well.

  The females all disappeared into a room and it was just me and Jericho in the waiting area. There was the required TV mounted high on the wall in one corner of the room and magazines filled a box on the floor to overflowing, yet I had the feeling of time on my hands and nothing to fill it. I was too nervous to read and doubted the TV would entertain or even distract me. My first grand pup was ready to be born and I was ready to meet him or her as soon as possible.

  Jericho looked a little pale. I knew he was worried about his mate and the pup that they would soon be blessed with. A smile came to my face that just seemed to stick there. A pup to love and spoil rotten. The sounds of younglings echoing all over pack lands was a heady thought.

  Our world was perched at the edge of a new age. Our society had risen and fallen, but now was ready to rise anew and many of us would be tying our destinies to the white wolves that had been rediscovered. Not everyone would like it, but since the majority ruled in most things it would happen. I looked at my son whose head nodded as he fought to stay awake then jerked awake as his head fell in slumber.

  “Jericho lay down before you fall down. This could take a while or happen right away. I’ll wake you when you’re needed.” I instructed and he nodded.

  He went over to pull a few chairs together so he could lie across them. Once he got on them he was out in no time at all. Every once in a while he would jerk or make a funny noise. I watched over him, glad that he was getting some rest at such an emotional time.

  It would help him to be strong for his mate when the little one actually came into our world. I saw the nurse go into T.J.’s room. We would have some kind of estimate very soon. It was about twenty minutes before she came out and straight to me.

  “She’s dilating and things are moving right along,” she explained.

  The door opened and the doctor came rushing in.

  “How is my patient?” He asked looking at the nurse.

  She repeated what she had told me. I felt better now that the doctor was here even though the nurse seemed quite competent.

  “Well my old friend, your first grandchild. This is very exciting. A future pack alpha to be sure.”

  I hadn’t asked but it was good to know. T.J. hadn’t wanted to know and Jericho had been afraid that if he knew he would accidently reveal it to his mate and she would be angry at him. I’m sure that would’ve happened too.

  A male pup would be good to have first. He could help watch out for a sister if one came later. It made me think of when Jericho was little and his brother after him. They were such perfect little males and this one would be too. The door opened and I looked over seeing that Sandy, T.J.’s best friend had come in.

  “Did I miss it?” She asked looking upset.

  “No Jericho will be in with her when she delivers.” I said gesturing toward my son.

  “Brave wolf!” Sandy said with a smile.

  “What do you mean?” Jericho asked her.

  “Ever been around a female delivering?” Sandy asked.

  “No, can’t say I’ve ever wanted to before either though.”

  “It’s very painful and often females get upset at their mates and threaten certain parts of their anatomy for getting them pregnant,” she explained.

  “T.J. won’t be like that,” Jericho assured her confidently. I thought he was right. She was tough and could handle the pain, and she was crazy in love with my son. It was an impressive combination.

  The doctor came out and told Jericho it was time. As Jericho went in, Sherona came out and sat near Sandy and me. “It won’t be long, the baby was crowning when I left.”

  “How was T.J. doing?” Sandy asked.

  “I can tell she’s in pain, but she’s handling it well. The doctor is very happy with her,” Sherona declared.

  I was sure that was true and I was proud of my new daughter. Once I mated Sherona I guess she would be my sister too. Ha ha! It was a complicated relationship but I thought I would just consider her my daughter and forget the rest. I took the time that Sandy and Sherona spoke to examine my lovely mate.

  Her hair was so blonde it was almost white. Her eyes were the opposite, as black as a starless, moonless night. Her features were delicate, her skin pale but creamy. She was so different than T.J. that no one would ever assume they were siblings. Sherona had an athletic build, lean like a runner. She was in good shape with little extra padding. Even thought she wasn’t generous on top she had all I would ever need once I got my hands on it. I wondered if she would have nipples red like raspberries or if they might be light pink. Would they be small or long? I flushed a little when I realized the females’ attention had been on me while my attention had been …elsewhere.

  “I’m sorry, did you asked me something?”

  “Yes Ari, do you know how long it usually is before a mother is allowed to go home?” Sherona wondered.

  I looked at Sandy. It was a question she would be better able to answer. She looked away guiltily and I knew she had been aware of where my mind had wandered to and had drawn Sherona’s attention to me on purpose. I would remember and pay her back accordingly.

  The females went back to their talk of babies once I told Sherona I had no idea when T.J. might be sent home. It was another hour before Jericho came out to speak to us.

  “It’s a boy!” He said with a grin. “T.J. and little Joseph are both doing fine.”

  “What’s with the J names?” Sherona asked.

  “My mother’s name was Joetta and she liked J’s. T.J. said we could continue that in her honor, with the first pup anyway.” Jericho explained. He couldn’t stop smiling he was so happy. “C’mon guys you can see the baby now.” He turned to Sandy, “Where’s Kaleb?”

  “He’s on a date,” she answered like she didn’t care but the pain was there. Anyone that knew her could see it.

  We followed Jericho into the birthing room where the baby lay snuggled up in his mother’s arms. He was red and wrinkly, as any newborn would be. His thumb was in his mouth where he seemed to suck on it hungrily. He had full strands of black curly hair and it was impossible to ascertain what color his eyes were at this point. He was a long baby. May
be two feet which was a good size for a newborn and weighed over eight pounds. That made him near the size his daddy had been when I had first laid eyes on him

  It seemed like yesterday but I looked at a grown male that made me proud when I looked at my first born son. Judah made me proud too, but I hadn’t spent much time with him since he’d gone into the military. He would be home soon, but it couldn’t be soon enough because I had missed him.

  Jericho picked up his son and handed him to me first. I held him like it hadn’t been many years since I had held a babe. I looked at him and he stared at me. His eyes following every movement and not missing a thing. I passed him on to Sherona because I could see she was impatient to hold her new nephew and I couldn’t blame her. I could see it was love at first sight. I had felt it too. His little fist wrapped around her thumb and tears came to her eyes.

  “Hey little Joe. I’m your Aunt Sherona and we’re going to be the best of friends.” She whispered to him. She kissed his soft little cheek and passed him on to Sandy.

  Sandy whispered silly things to him that made no sense. He looked at her very seriously and he seemed to listen closely. I would swear he smiled at her as if he knew she would spoil him too. Little Joe would have many people to love and care for him. He was so beautiful and so defenseless. I swore I would teach him to protect himself as soon as he was able to walk. Sandy handed him back to his mother as the nurse came in to send us all home.

  The nurse said, “You all need to leave so our new mother can get some rest. Come back in the morning and if everything looks good, mother and son can leave with you.” Her look encompassed all of us including Jericho.

  “I’ll be fine,” T.J. said and it was clear she was ready to rest.

  I shooed everyone but Jericho out ahead of me. He needed a moment of privacy to say good night to his little family. It would be hard for him to spend the rest of the night alone. It was around three in the morning and it would be noon before we came down here to spring mother and pup, not really the morning. I took advantage of her tiredness and put my arm around Sherona’s back to lead her to her room. Sandy headed to hers and Jericho would follow us when he was done.

  I could feel the heat of Sherona’s skin under her shirt. Her sweet scent washed over me as we walked side by side. We went to the front of the house and entered. I led her to her room and wondered if I should follow her in, wait to be invited, or act like I wanted to go to my own room to sleep. Should I attempt to kiss her goodnight? She stepped inside and turned so I couldn’t enter.

  “Thanks Ari for accepting my baby sister like you have.” She smiled at me and stood perfectly still and I took a chance and pulled her into my arms.

  Her eyes closed and I took that as an invitation. I brushed her lips with mine, just the whisper of a kiss. I moaned with the pleasure of such a simple thing. I came back and my touch was firmer. I nibbled on her soft pouty lower lip, tasting her sweet spicy flavor. I felt need start to press me. I had wanted her so long. Her body was flush against me, warmth turned to heat and comfort became need. I knew her secrets, I could smell them on her. She might not admit it, but she desired me. Her lips parted and I sent my tongue spearing into her mouth in an imitation of what I would one day soon do to the center of her feminine pleasure.

  I explored her enthusiastically, her flavor tempting me further than I had intended to go but I didn’t regret it and hoped she wouldn’t either. My hands roamed her soft flesh, squeezing and enjoying her smaller, more delicate body. All I could think was that she was mine and no one else’s. Mine to love and mine to protect. I ground my hardness against her soft and clearly needy apex and she groaned. I wished she would invite me in because I wanted to strip her bare right here, right now. But I would never do that without complete privacy.

  I gave her one last feverish kiss before I pulled away and let her go. Her shell shocked look gave me hope that I would be able to claim her soon. I smelled her strong need and wondered why she wouldn’t allow me to claim her but I retreated anyway. Maybe her need for what only I could give her would be the best weapon of all.

  “I’ll see you when we wake.” I whispered to her as I turned and went to my room.

  I knew if I went to bed I would lay awake tossing and turning with a need so great that I had to find release. I went to the shower where I applied the self help males learned at puberty. My hand was not as soft or desirable as my mate, but I closed my eyes and imagined her smell and the way she felt when I kissed her. My heart raced and my blood heated. My flesh hardened and lengthened aching and heavy. I stroked it from base to tip faster and harder until I was at the edge of finding relief.

  I felt a tingle at the base of my back and my toes curled. I held off wanting to be completely drained when I was through. Sherona was all I thought of and I could hold off no more. My hips bucked and my hands squeezed as jet after jet of hot, white cum hit the wall of the shower in front of me. I worried that it would never stop until finally it did. I finished washing off, dried and went to bed. I was now thoroughly exhausted and sure I would sleep. The other question would be if I would dream.

  I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow. It wasn’t long before the dreams began. Sherona was the center of every one. I chased her all night in my dreams never catching her once. If I chased her in real life she would never get away, but in my dreams she always did. I woke and my bed looked like I had fought with it. I had slept, but not really rested. I dressed and headed down to eat. Pack members congratulated me as I passed them. We would celebrate once the boy reached a month in age. I made it to the kitchen where I looked for Sherona or Jericho, but I only found Sandy.

  “Alpha I’ve not seen Sherona or Jericho yet,” she said before I even asked.

  “Do you think they went down to see T.J. and the pup without us?”

  “I don’t think so, but I’m not sure. Let me call.” She said as she fished a pink cell phone out of her pocket. She hit a button and I could hear it ring.

  “Washup?” I heard a sleepy Sherona mutter. I smiled as I imagined what she would look like as she woke up. Her hair would be messy and her lips still swollen from our late night kiss. I couldn’t wait until she joined us and I could see her in person.

  Chapter 4


  Before we went to see T.J. I rushed to get ready since everyone was waiting for me to join them. My baby sister had settled in to her life as a mate and mother sooner than I had. I thought of Ari and the thoughts were tempting but I loved what I did and wasn’t sure I was willing to give it up forever. I didn’t know much about wolves. Not like I should, but I did know that the males were so very alpha, protective and yes, downright bossy even. He would want the little female at home barefoot and pregnant in true wolf fashion.

  Maybe I shouldn’t assume things since he had shown he wasn’t as rigid as the other pack alphas I’d met. I knew there were exceptions. Even surprising ones like Drake, Ariel’s brother in law, who had settled in with a mate recently and learned the art of compromise. Blake and Mac were perfect examples of all the best qualities of an alpha. Damon, an alpha’s alpha, had stunned me with the way Marissa wrapped the big, tough wolf around her little finger and Cage, the wolf Romeo who was almost a legend among other Romeos, had also settled in quickly and completely.

  Maybe I should give him a chance to prove he could adapt. If I didn’t I would always wonder what if. Ready, I continued to the kitchen to meet up with the others and spring my sister from maternity ward jail. As soon as they came into view, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. My eyes locked on Ari and warmth seeped through me. It occurred to me that I might be a goner already. Once I was close enough, his arm came around me and I felt safe and cared for.

  I suppose my biggest problem was that I was a product of my raising. My parents had a confrontational marriage until us three kids were older when they decided we didn’t need them to live together anymore. Later they got divorced quietly. It was the only quiet I ever remembered from
anything they did together. There were so many other kids I knew whose parents did the same thing, some even with emotional fireworks and they adjusted well so why not me? Perhaps it was that day when I was twelve years old and I had come home from school alone. I let myself in the house and was eating a small snack I had fixed myself. I always wondered and I’ll admit it broke my heart, why my father’s parents would vacation with T.J. and Brantley and later Adeline, but they never wanted me.

  My parents had always had a relationship riddled with ups and downs. They had come close to separating when my mom had found out she was pregnant. They had just been away from each other a few weeks and while she had dated she insisted she hadn’t slept with any other men, only him. Clearly as the years passed, he never got over his suspicions that I was not really his daughter. T.J., Adeline, and Brantley looked like siblings and favored him while I didn’t. I favored my mother’s side looking almost exactly like her great Aunt Daisy in her youth. I had the eyes that bespoke our Native American heritage and the hair that called to our Norse ancestors. Even my features were much like hers although no one in the family ever mentioned it. For all I knew none of them had ever noticed, but I had examined many pictures of her and I saw it clearly.

  It didn’t really matter anymore since I hadn’t had a relationship with my father since I was sixteen. Maybe it was his doubts that eventually led me to my love of discovering things. At sixteen I had finally found out whose daughter I truly was. I hadn’t been surprised when I spoke to my doctor who had the tests run even though it wasn’t strictly kosher. I was indeed the daughter my mother had always claimed I was. I was his as much as my siblings who his side of the family preferred. I told him because it was just too much to hold in.


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