Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2)

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Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2) Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

  I admired a male that had good planning abilities. He started kissing a path down my body and built the fire of my desire hotter as he moved down. He sucked on my nipples one then the other making them become hard points that ached for relief. I stroked his shoulders with my hands reveling in his smooth skin that covered such firm muscles. He worked down further sticking his tongue into my belly button making tremors run through me. I moved my hands to his silky hair and massaged his scalp. Moved his face lower to where his hot breath blew on my wet pussy making me so aroused I hurt from the need for release.

  His tongue shot out making contact with my heated folds. He slid along until he moved in and his tongue felt deliciously naughty as it teased me. I parted my thighs as far as I could to allow him and his magical tongue room to work. He worked his way up to my clit and I felt my muscles tense in preparation for an exceptional explosion. My hands pulled on his hair holding him against me as if I feared he’d stop. His tongue stroked faster and faster winding me up like a spinning top. Even though I knew it was on its way, the orgasm caught me off guard and shot through me like wildfire. I screamed his name and I was sure it echoed through the house. I jerked and arched as I tugged his head into me by his long strands of ebony hair.

  He continued to lick aggressively until I begged him to stop. My sensitive parts could no longer tolerate the barest of touches. I lay there gasping for breath as my body tried to recover from a most magnificent release.

  “I want you inside me.” I managed to choke out. My body ached and burned for his and I wondered if I would accept his huge shaft more easily this time.

  Ari slid up and into my body with startling speed. His need was surely as great, or greater than mine. His cock felt as though it throbbed within me and I arched up to meet him. My muscles tightened around him and he growled. I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my toes into his delightful ass cheeks. I used the leverage to aid him in driving our bodies together hard and fast. This joining wasn’t painful although I still felt stuffed with his big cock and his balls slapped against my ass as he drove all the way in. He set a fast pace and I felt my body start to build up need in preparation of another magnificent climax.

  I thought it amazing that after coming so hard he could bring me back to that point again so soon. I looked at him as he rose above me, his eyes closed as he enjoyed each stroke. His face flushed and his lips slightly parted. I shivered with the desire to give him the best release ever and my muscles tightened around him in response. He groaned and he moved faster, harder and deeper as he sought the bliss for us both.

  “Oh my God, Ari!” I screamed. “I’m coming!”

  “Oh yes. Fuck yes! I feel it Baby.” He bellowed.

  It was a toe curling climax that twisted through me and he followed close behind me as he howled so loud that the ceiling light fixture shook from it. I was sure there wasn’t a pack member staying in the house that didn’t know Ari and I were having an incredible round of sex. I felt his face move to my neck and the bite that followed didn’t surprise me but the second orgasm it sent me into did. My mouth moved to his neck as well and my flat human teeth bit in as hard as they could. I tasted sweet and spicy blood that flowed into my mouth and the joy that exploded inside me sent me into a deep restful sleep.

  Chapter 5


  I could hardly speak or even think to come up with words to say or thoughts to express how I felt. I had tried to hold back, but my beast had surged forward taking control of the mating that should have been delayed. I couldn’t say I regretted it and I hoped Sherona wouldn’t say she did. I had never experienced such a coming together of mind, body and soul. Had there been the slightest doubt before that she was my other half, it would have disappeared after what we just shared.

  I looked at my mate, exhausted and in a deep rejuvenating sleep, she looked so lovely my heart ached. I remembered every touch, every moment of our time together and wished for a million more times just like that. I wondered, as any male wolf would, if there was any hope we would be blessed with children during our mating. I had sons and now a grandson, but I knew Sherona hoped to someday have children and white wolves were well known to be fertile.

  I imagined for a moment, my Sherona carrying a babe with one swelling her belly and a toddler hanging on to her shirt. Okay she might not want to have that many so close together like that but I wouldn’t mind. My sons had been a blessing, but I would take any such blessing and praise the goddess for each one. Of course Sherona was not my mate simply to propagate our kind. She was a blessing to me even if we never had a pup to call our own. I leaned down and kissed her soft cheek. I had a decision to make. I could stay here and sleep with my love as if all was right in the world and steal one night of peace, or I could get up and go to my office to deal with the unfortunate events that had just taken place, catching a nap as I could find it and leaving my Sherona alone on the night we had finally mated.

  I chose to compromise. I would go to my office and deal with this latest catastrophe, then I would return and catch a couple hours sleep so my perfect mate could wake in my arms. With my decision made, I rose and slipped out of the room. It was my fervent hope that she would never know I had been gone from her side on this most important of days.

  I roamed the hall heading straight to my suite. I would have my lady moved in with me before bedtime tomorrow. I would never be parted from her for a day ever again. There would be no need because I would compromise and so would she. I would go with her on these stories she chased down with such determination and she would aid T.J. with the tasks alpha females accomplished daily. At least they would have each other as they learned and adjusted to the world of the werewolf.

  I went to my office pulling my cell phone from my pocket to summon all those I had to have there. Edward was the most important so I called him first. I smiled at his drowsy voice. That was a little payback for earlier

  I made it to my office just moments before Edward and the others streamed in.

  “Let’s go over this from the beginning.” I demanded.

  “Someone who claims to be Deed’s cousin took little Remy Stuart and her big sister Adelaide from their home a few hours ago. They say they won’t be harmed if you agree to meet them tomorrow at four in the afternoon to discuss terms. Now they didn’t chose the best victims, since neither is a wolf, but I know you will want them back regardless.” Edward explained.

  “They are members of our pack. Adelaide may not be wolf and Remy may not have enough in her to change, but they are part of our pack and they belong to us. They are ours and we will get them back or there’ll be hell to pay.” My fist slammed down on my desk to emphasize my point. I glanced toward Edward who was trying to hide a smile. He had purposely cranked me up knowing how I felt about pack.

  Remy’s father had mated a human the first time. He was more than half human himself and Adelaide barely had any of the blood in her veins and scented fully human. The next time he had mated someone much like himself. Remy barely scented wolf and would probably never run the woods in wolf form. She had tried to change but the energy needed simply wasn’t there. Remy was adorable and a favorite of most of the pack. Her mother was alive, but she had left and no one really knew why. Adelaide’s mother had died in child birth along with the other two babies in the multiple birth.

  That family had suffered more than their share and I hated that they had been targeted purposefully this time. Adelaide and Remy were both lovely and I feared what their treatment might be. If he touched them I would hunt him down later personally and cut his hands off. The thought was sweet, but it made me wonder if my pack had been selected to terrorize because I hadn’t dealt with my enemies harshly enough. Had too much mercy tempered my justice?

  Maybe dealing with these rogue wolves would give me the chance to correct it by showing no mercy at all. I began to think and plan horrific punishments for those we managed to capture, in the back of my mind of course, as I followed the informatio
n being given with obvious consideration.

  Edward was going on about how the females had been taken and what upgrades we needed to make to security to prevent it from happening again. Others jumped in with questions and suggestions and they were doing fine without me.

  Jasper my hunter, started to go through the list of all the places his people were searching. I didn’t think they would be found until tomorrow when I met with Deed’s cousin. If he was indeed Deed’s cousin.

  The longing to rejoin my mate ran through me like a stream of wishes.

  “Anyone else have anything to add? No? I’d like to wrap this up so we can all see to our areas or turn in for whatever rest we can find. Let’s meet again at nine in the morning to start this again.” I commanded. Everyone hurried off, wishing to grab what rest they could, start on the work ahead of them, or just escape the confining room. I left as soon as the room was empty heading back to my mate with all haste.

  I moved so fast I was sure I seemed to float to the average observer. I had to get back to my mate in the fastest fashion possible. The door was right ahead and I stopped with my hand on the knob. Was she awake or was she still wrapped in sleep’s unknowing embrace? I opened the door slowly so as not to wake her. My eyes turned toward my mate’s soft and welcoming bed in the room where she waited for me hopefully unaware of my small absence. I had not been gone long which should put the odds in my favor. Tomorrow we would be better able to take charge of what was going on. That was when we had some hope of recovering our two females and punishing those who had taken them.

  She had kicked the blankets off and I could see her delicious body waiting for me to wrap myself around it. I gracefully took my place next to her and breathed in her feminine aroma as I settled in to sleep the few hours before I had to rise. I wrapped myself around her, this pretty mate of mine. She made a small sound of contentment as she snuggled deep into my arms. I slipped into sleep so smoothly I knew it would be a relaxing and deep sleep.

  Morning came early and I was reluctant to give up my snug spot next to my mate. She still slept undisturbed but I knew it was time for me to go. I wondered if the start of the change she would undergo had wiped her out since she normally was up by this time. I fully intended she would see our doctor once she woke from her deep sleep. I wanted to stay and watch her sleep, hold her and protect her but my responsibility was not to her alone. I got up, dressed and was ready to head back to my office where my advisors would be waiting for me. It wouldn’t be right not to attend a meeting I had myself called.

  It was tempting, but I had been alpha a long time now and I couldn’t go against the years of training followed by the years of applying the training as it should be done. I looked at Sherona’s face relaxed in sleep. She was lovely and peaceful, not as wired as she sometimes was when she was awake. I leaned in and softly kissed her cheek before I turned and left the room.

  I entered my office to chaos which was an unusual state of affairs for my experienced advisors. The moment they saw me everyone shut up, which was as it should be.

  “I see everyone’s here. What is all the arguing about?” I asked looking around at each of my advisors. All eyes turned to Edward and Jasper.

  “We are trying to work out a plan to recover Remy and Adelaide, but we aren’t in agreement.” Edward said.

  “My hunters have located them and I would like to send them in to grab the girls now.” Jasper added.

  I turned to Edward, “Why is this not a good idea?”

  “They were found too easily. I think it’s a trap.” He explained.

  “Jasper why do you not believe it is a trap?” I asked.

  “My hunters are the best and I expect them to find things quickly. These are rogues and I think Edward is giving them too much credit.” He replied.

  “They are rogues and they have been both stupid and cunning. That tells me that somewhere in their ranks is an adversary we’d best be cautious of. He lets his low ranking members sacrifice themselves which tells us he doesn’t value life, not even the lives of his own people. Is it a trap? I don’t know and we need more information to be sure. I don’t want to risk any of our people and those two females are precious to us. We can’t take any chances unless we’re sure they’re in immediate danger or we have the odds and information in our favor. Have your hunters scout around, but cautiously.”

  Edward and Jasper both nodded. They often took opposing views because Edward was the very soul of caution while Jasper was a wolf of action. The best choice often lay in the middle, an option neither of them usually looked at. Jasper would contact his hunters and they would scout for more information while the rest of them did what they could. Edward would be in contact with the council because this effected them all. They had wanted to take out this rogue and now he was using members of our pack to tie our hands. I couldn’t allow it but I would do anything I could to save our two females.

  My office cleared out quickly but I looked to the door and saw my mate standing there. My advisors nodded to her acknowledging her but they kept their distance as was wise when dealing with the newly mated. I might be a strong and experienced pack alpha, but I was also a male in love with my new mate. Emotions ran through me I had never experienced before because Sherona was my soul mate. She came in and I indicated she should close the door.

  I heard her lock it and tried not to smile. What did my sweet mate have in mind? Apparently not what I’d hoped for. As she started to speak I realized she just wanted to know what was going on. I was surprised she’d not asked before.

  “Tell me Ari. I want to know what’s going on and I want you to tell me everything.” She said. Her tone was beseeching even if her words were more like an order. Who could blame her for wanting to know when I was sure everyone else did too.

  “We’ve had two young females kidnapped by someone who claims to be Deed’s cousin. I will be meeting him this afternoon to see what he wants.” I replied.

  “Where does he want to meet? Will you be in danger? Why did he choose these two females?” She fired the questions at me rapidly finally pausing to draw in a breath and giving me a chance to answer.

  I smiled to myself. It was clear her inner reporter was coming out to run the show. “He will call right before the meeting so we can’t prepare. There is always danger in these kinds of things but my wolves will minimize it. I think they were taken because they were the easiest to grab. It was the opportunity, not the particular victims in this case. They are mostly human and some might say not worth bargaining for.” I saw the anger flash on her face. “Some but not me,” I said softly as I took her hand in mine.

  She still thought of herself as human although I could smell the change taking place. Her milder human scent was being replaced with a wilder and stronger animal scent. I could pick up the faint smell of the woods and the earth. The smell of the air just before a thunderstorm mixed with the wild scent of she wolf. Her smell was driving me wild and would be stronger before all was said and done. I saw the slight glow of her wolf in her eyes. Her beast wanted out and soon she would get her wish. We would run through our woods together. Two wild unfettered creatures with few boundaries and strong spirits. No one and nothing would stand in the way of the run and if my nose was right, I had a day to deal with Deed’s cousin before it was time for that run.

  My wolves were hard at work gathering information so I could make a decision but the default plan would be to meet the rogue where and when he asked. I couldn’t risk Remy and Adelaide, I wouldn’t endanger them if I could help it. I stood, holding out my hand, as Sherona put her small hand in mine and I led her away. I knew what we could do with the time we had until we were able to get the Intel needed to make a plan or the rogue called to set up a meeting.

  When we walked into the hall that led to my room, I think Sherona figured out where I was taking her. I stopped in front of my bedroom door, opened it and pulled her in. My phone rang the moment I started to kiss her.

  I turned away from her t
rying to finish the call quickly. The hunters had gotten more information, but none of it was helpful in determining what to do next. I turned back after hanging up to find Sherona staring at a picture of my first mate. Use to seeing it everyday, I had forgotten it was there.

  “Is this…” she started.

  “Yes it is, Jericho’s mom. She was lovely, smart and so full of life. Her name was Joetta and she died trying to birth our daughter.” I explained as the pain that memory always brought with it rolled through me.

  “T.J. never mentioned…” she said, but I cut her off.

  “My sons don’t know. I just told them she grew ill and died before she could be helped. I thought the added loss of a sister would be too much for them at their young ages.” I said. She came to me and wrapped her arms around me.

  “I forgot about that picture or I would have moved it. I would never cause you pain if I could help it.” I vowed.

  “I knew you were mated before, you have two grown sons. I’ll admit I don’t like to think of you with someone else, but I’m an adult and sometimes life has to be dealt with. You should never have to hide your past, especially from me. It’s part of who you are and why you are the way you are. Boy that came out messed up. You have a past, I have a past and we both just need to deal with it.”

  She seemed relieved to have that out there and I wondered what in her past she didn’t want me to know.

  It pained my heart to speak of Joetta. The J first names had been a tradition in her family. It had been a long time since I had spoken about Joetta or how she and our daughter had died. I had dealt with it when it had happened, I’d had no choice. I was a young pack alpha with two small sons to care for and my mate, who I had loved, was no longer there to help me. I was getting a second chance at the life I had always wanted. I had never enjoyed being an unmated wolf. I loved having someone beside me to enjoy the good times with. I had loved Joetta, but she hadn’t been my soul mate, Sherona was.


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