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Page 12

by Thomas H. Ward

  Adam began to ramble, telling me a long story, about the Templars history.

  “The Knights Templar were founded in 1118 by Hughes de Payen. This occurred after they had a meeting with King Baldwin II, the King of Jerusalem. His older brother was Godfroi de Bouillon who led the crusaders to victory in the Holy Land twenty years earlier.

  “The Knights offered themselves as an order that would protect the roadways for pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem. They were given an entire wing of the royal palace for their headquarters. The wing had been built upon the foundations of Solomon’s Temple. They received their name ‘The Knights of the Temple.’ Their real mission was to excavate the tunnels under Solomon’s Temple looking for the treasure.

  “In 1129, the Roman Catholic Church endorsed them as Holy Warriors and the protectors of Christendom. The Templars' reputation for bravery was well known. They were not allowed to retreat from battle and were obliged to fight to the death. They were also pledged to secrecy about the workings of the order.”

  “That’s very interesting, Adam.”

  “Oh, there’s a lot more, but I’ll tell you later.”

  “Now, tell me about this map?”

  Adam stared at the sword. “I’ll explain the clues as best as I can.

  “Upon arriving at the new land, sail south along the coast. Follow the coast which turns north, where the water is warm. Sail north, along the coast until you reach a great river that flows from the north.

  “Sail up the great river for three days. Land at the point on the west bank marked by a stone cross where another great river mergers. The cross will point the way.

  “Proceed west on the cross marked native trail for 40 days until reaching the stone trees. Beware of hostile natives along the way.

  “Follow the cross west for another eight days to the rock castle.

  “Go north for 15 days on the marked trail to a fissure in the earth. Here at the head of the trail, leading into the fissure, look for the cross and the Solstice sun will light the way.

  “Signed by, Jacques de Molay, Grand Master 1306.”

  I said, “This means the Templars came here in 1300 which was way before Columbus.”

  “Columbus was actually searching for the treasure,” Adam replied. “Do you have any idea where the treasure might be hidden based on this map?”

  “No. I though you knew where it was.”

  “Grandpa tried to find it over the years, but he never did.”

  “We need a real map to see if we can determine what these clues mean. Back in those days the country was crisscrossed with Indian trails. The American Indians traveled by foot and took the most direct path. It appears that the Knights used the Indian paths. Many of our modern highways followed those trails.”

  “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense,” Adam replied.

  “I think that’s enough for today. We’ll work on this tomorrow. Right now, let’s go tell Hemmi and Emma that you’re staying here.”

  I was really interested in cracking the clues to find the treasure location. Actually going there to find it would be another problem, but the thought did intrigue me.

  As Hemmi and I got ready for bed, I told her, “Tomorrow I’ll tell Christian that Emma and Adam are going to stay here. I don’t know what he’ll do.”

  Hemmi said, “Don’t take any chances. Kill him if you have to, but the kids stay here.” Hemmi has never told me to kill anyone. I could tell she was dead serious, so to speak.

  “Honey, I don’t think it’s gonna come down to that. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

  I didn’t want to tell her the truth, but deep down I thought it might come down to killing Christian.

  As I dozed off, I made a plan to deal with Christian.

  SEPTEMBER 14, 2025

  Waking up, I was not looking forward to having a conversation with Christian. I gathered my key men for a meeting and I advised them of the situation. Christian was the kid’s real uncle and did have the right to legal custody. The only reason he wanted them was because he wanted the sword.

  Mike said, “Give him the sword and maybe he’ll be happy and leave with no trouble.”

  I replied, “There’s more to it than that. The sword is the key to finding the Templar treasure. Clues and a map are etched into the blade in ancient Latin. He needs Adam to translate it.”

  “Give him the sword and the translation, but not Adam,” Tommy commented.

  “Do you believe that crap about the Templar treasure?” Mike asked.

  “Ok, here’s the story. Adam’s grandfather told him, that Christian killed his real father in order to be the next Grand Master. I fear Christian will kill Adam after he gets what he wants. Adam should be the next Grand Master when he’s sixteen.”

  Chris asked, “What’s in the treasure?”

  “There’s a fortune worth millions. But more importantly, it contains the Ark of the Covenant.”

  Mike laughed. “Now I know your bullshitting me.”

  “Mike, I’m just telling you what’s written on the sword. I don’t know if the Ark is there or not. To tell you the truth, I don’t really wanna know. On the other hand, if the Ark is really there, we can’t let any evil people obtain it. Who knows what could happen.”

  Tommy replied, “So we have to protect the sword and Adam. What do you want us to do?”

  “I guess we got no choice,” Mike blurted out.

  “Thanks for your enthusiasm, Mike. Remember, we’re doing this for the kids and for mankind. We’re protecting God’s Treasure.

  “Here’s my plan. Mike and Tommy, I want you both on sniper over-watch. They have four Hummers with machine guns. Your job is to take out the gunners. They have a total of 24 men. Shoot the others after you make sure their fifties are out of action.

  “Chris, you and Carlos will man our Hummer guns. When you hear our snipers open up, bring the Hummers over the bridge and terminate anyone who doesn’t surrender.

  “Ron you make sure all our guards on the bridge are aware of what’s going on so they can take cover and open fire when the shooting starts.”

  Mike asked, “What are you gonna do, Jack?”

  “I’m gonna kill Christian if I have to. When I shoot him that’ll be the signal to open fire.”

  “Tommy asked, “What are you gonna do, just walk up and shoot him in the face?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to do, if he gives me any shit. First, I’m gonna try to reason with him. I hope he’ll leave in a friendly manner.”

  “What time is this going down?”

  “I was thinking noon. Anyone have any suggestions?” The room was silent. “Ok, if nothing else, be set up before noon. I’ll meet Christian exactly at noon. Remember, don’t shoot until you see me shoot Christian.”

  The meeting broke up at 10 am. Everyone went to get ready for the possible battle. As I sat there, Adam walked in and gave me a hug. “Grandpa, I heard everything. I don’t want you to get killed protecting me.”

  “Adam, don’t worry, I have to do this. You’re part of my family. On Tocabaga we’re all family. The one thing I do know is how to protect my family. Besides, I think God is on our side.”

  “More than you may think, Grandpa.”

  My radio hissed. “Jack, you better come down to the fence. Christian de Molay is demanding to talk to you and Adam.”

  I checked my watch; it was only 10:30. “Ok, I’ll be right there.”

  Adam said, “Don’t go.”

  “You stay here with Adolf and I’ll go see what he wants.” I left the dog with Adam so he wouldn’t be a distraction during a possible gun battle.

  Twenty minutes later, taking my time, I approached the fence. Christian yelled, “Where the hell is Adam?”

  Peering through the wire mesh I said, “Calm down. He just woke up.”

  He grabbed the fence and shook it. “I told you, I’m not leaving here without Adam. I told him to be ready to leave today!”

  “It’s not that easy.
The kids don’t wanna leave here. We discussed it last night.”

  “Bring Adam here right now! I wanna talk to him.”

  Looking directly into his eyes, I softly told him, “My friend, that’s not gonna happen.”

  Christian let out a yell and shook the fence like a mad man. Now I knew he was just another big bully. Bullies try to get their way by intimidation.

  “Jack, I’m warning you! I’ll release fire and brimstone on you.”

  “Is that a threat?” I calmly asked, as I pulled out a smoke.

  “It’s a promise. If you don’t bring Adam here in 15 minutes then we’re going to have trouble.”

  “Look, I’m trying to reason with you. Your father wanted it this way. According to him, so did God. The kids are safe here.”

  Christian replied, “Here’s what I suggest. You keep Emma, and Adam comes with me. Does that sound fair?”

  I laughed in his face. “Christian, I know what you want. Adam told me last night. So cut the bullshit. If you think I’d let Adam and the sword go with you then you’re crazy.”

  Christian grabbed the fence again and shook it like a crazed gorilla. “You’re really pissing me off, Jack! If I get my hands on you, you’re dead meat. Open the damn gate! Come out and fight me like a man. No weapons, just good old hand-to-hand combat.”

  Blowing a white cloud of smoke in his face, he backed away from the fence and coughed. I asked, “Why in the hell would I do that?”

  “You’re a coward, a chicken shit. You know I could beat your ass.”

  “You just don’t get it. This isn’t about you and me. It’s about the kids and perhaps the future of mankind.”

  Christian’s men were gathering behind him. They had their weapons in low ready position. They could kill me and maybe some of my men and storm the gate. All they needed to do was smash through it with the Hummers.

  I was trying to buy some time until my men were in position. It was only 11:20 so I had to stall him as long as possible.

  Christian asked, “What do you mean the future of mankind?”

  “The way I see it, if you get hold of the treasure, then the future of mankind is at risk.”

  “How do you know about the treasure?”

  “Adam told me everything, including the fact that you tried to steal the sword and killed your brother. That’s why you were outcast from the Knights Templar.”

  “That’s a fucking lie! He was killed by someone during a home break-in.”

  One of his men walked up and asked Christian, “Is that true?”

  “Yeah, he was killed when someone broke into his house, so shut the fuck up.”

  I replied to the solider, “That’s not what Adam told me. Christian tried to steal the sword.”

  I heard a commotion behind me. I turned to see Adam walking towards me wearing a white mantle with the red cross on it. The sword was strapped on his waist.

  I asked, “What are you doing?”

  Adam answered, “I can’t let you fight over the sword. I’ve decided to give it to Christian.”

  “Now you’re talking kid,” Christian commented. “Bring it here now.”

  Adam walked up to the fence peering at Christian. “I’ll give you the sword under the condition that Emma and I stay here.”

  Big Christian thought about it for a minute. “It’s a deal, if you tell me what the sword says.”

  “Ok, I agree.”

  I said, “Adam, wait don’t agree to that.”

  “I have too. Please open the gate.”

  I nodded and opened it. Adam stepped outside with me by his side. I flicked my safety off as we walked out into the danger zone. I was prepared to kill Christian on the spot.

  Adam stepped up, onto a foot high rock, near Christian. Christian and his men were watching his every move. Gazing at the warriors, he shouted in a firm voice, “My name is Adam de Molay. I’m the rightful heir to be the next Grand Master.”

  In one swift movement, he pulled the sword out of its scabbard, kissed the ruby handle, and pointed it at the sky. Holding the blade high in the air, Adam shouted, “This is the Sword of Jerusalem! It holds the secrets to God’s Treasure.”

  The blade was glowing in the bright sun. It reflected the sunlight like a mirror. Christian’s soldiers all dropped to one knee. One man shouted, “Praise God!” They all repeated the words in unison and bowed their heads.

  Christian saw his men all drop to one knee and so did he, right in front of Adam, a couple of feet away. With Christian’s head slightly bowed I saw the sword reflect the sunlight over him.

  Quickly and unexpectedly the sword flashed a white blinding light as if it was hit by a lightning bolt. A strong gust of wind blew up at the same time. The odd thing was, there was no noise. It was dead silent. I had to glance away and close my eyes from the intense flash of light. It was so strong, I could only see white spots for a second or two.

  Opening my eyes, I looked up at Adam holding the sword. Blood was running down the blade. I realized what had just happened when I noticed Christian’s head on the ground. His body, slumped over, was pumping blood out of his open neck.

  Adam pointed the sword at the sky as crimson red ran down the shimmering blade. He said, “Glory to God in the highest.”

  The soldiers keenly looked at Adam and all repeated, “Glory to God.” They all stood and bowed to him.

  I wondered what just happened. Was that an act of God? Did God move Adam’s arm to behead Christian? Was God actually using the sword to protect his treasure? Did Adam plan this all along? Invisible forces were at work for sure.

  Adam kissed the handle, wiped the blood off on his white robe, and sheathed the blade. As Adam stepped down from the rock, he slumped to the ground. I jumped to help him back on his feet. He looked dazed and confused.

  I kept an eye on Christian’s men, not knowing what they would do. Then one man stepped forward towards Adam. I pointed my gun at him.

  Holding his hands up he stopped and said, “Have no fear. My name is George Baldwin, Captain of these warriors. We’re at your command, Adam de Molay. Since you are the real Grand Master, we vow to follow your orders.”

  Now I knew things would never be the same. Adam had become Grand Master by the Power of the Sword. Now he had his own warriors to do God’s work.

  Adam said, “Thank you Captain Baldwin. I’ll need your help and support.”

  I stepped up and shook Baldwin’s hand. “I’m Jack Gunn, Director of Security for Tocabaga.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” George replied.

  I said, “Since Adam is under my protection, I need to know your intentions.”

  “I understand your concern. We’re Templar Warriors who do God’s work. It was clear to us that God terminated Christian by working his will through Adam. There is no doubt that Adam has the Power of the Sword and God is on his side.

  “As for my men, we were all once Marines before becoming enlightened by God. Most of us saw combat in the middle-east fighting ISIS. After that we decided to do the Lord’s work and became his warriors.”

  “Captain, Jack Gunn is my guardian and you will receive your orders from him and myself,” Adam advised.

  Baldwin nodded his head. “Yes sir. I understand.”

  Tommy and Mike came running up and saw Christian’s head. “Holy crap. What happened?” Tom asked.

  I replied, “I don’t know. Get some men over here and remove the body.”

  Tommy had a puzzled look on his face. He then signaled for a few men to remove the body. As they picked up the body, Adam said, “I’d like him to be buried at sea. I’ll speak at his funeral.”

  “Captain, please wait here with your men while I talk to Adam,” I said.

  I put my arm around Adam and we walked up the bridge. I asked, “What just happened?”

  Adam stopped walking and faced me. “It was one of God’s Angels that killed Christian, not me. God told me in a dream to take Christian the sword. He told me how to hold it. God to
ld me not to fear for my life because he would protect me. When the bright light hit the sword, the angel took control of my body. I don’t even know what happened.”

  “Adam, that’s incredible. I seen a lot of stuff in my life, but I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  “Yes, it was a miracle. You believe in miracles, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I’ve had several prayers answered by God that could be considered a miracle. The most important one was when God saved Tommy from being a paraplegic.”

  We continued walking back to the house. I think Adam needed some rest.

  Adam said, “Tell me about the miracle.”

  “Well, to make a long story short, when Tommy was fifteen, he was one of the leading male gymnasts in the country. One day, while doing a simple back-flip during practice, he landed on his neck. He complained of a lot of pain in his neck. His coach said we should have a Doctor look at him just to be safe, so he called the best-of-the-best doctor for sports medicine in area, just to have him checked out. He was a doctor who worked on pro football players and baseball players. We didn’t think it was anything very serious, just a sprained neck.

  “We went there and they took X- rays. In those days, that was all they could do, as there were no MRI’s or modern technology like now. The Coach, my Son, and I sat there waiting for the X- ray results in the Doctor’s office. After about an hour the Doctor came in and told us, ‘I have bad news you. Your boy will never do any type of sports again. He has permanently damaged the ligaments between the 1st and 2ndvertebra. Any head motion could cause the upper spine to touch the spinal cord and he could become a paraplegic.’ We couldn’t believe it. It was a shock. ”

  “Gee whiz. That sounds pretty bad,” Adam commented.

  “The Doctor told him he must wear a metal neck brace, possibly forever, if he didn’t want to be crippled. We were all stunned by the Doctor’s bluntness.

  “I ask the Doctor are you sure, are you positive, because it seems impossible that little fall could do that kind of damage. The Doctor said he had two other Orthopedic Doctors confirm his results. The only other way to confirm it would be by doing surgery but the damage couldn’t be repaired. So why risk the surgery.


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