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New Empires: Conglomerate Series Book 3

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by William Frisbee



  CHAPTER TWO Bronkaw Battleship


  CHAPTER FOUR The Audience


  CHAPTER SIX Jupiter Alliance

  CHAPTER SEVEN Counter Invasion

  CHAPTER EIGHT Bronkaw Secundus


  CHAPTER TEN Secretary General













  CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Combat Extraction






  CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Jupiter Alliance






  CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE Battle for the Wormhole

  CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX The Pebble Muncher



  CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE Vress Home world

  CHAPTER FORTY Bronkaw Secundus

  CHAPTER FORTY-ONE Battle Singers




  CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE Assault on Ceres

  CHAPTER FORTY-SIX Death of the Vress Home world



  CHAPTER FORTY-NINE Bronkaw Secundus

  CHAPTER FIFTY Bronkaw Prime

  CHAPTER FIFTY-ONE Battle for Ceres begins

  CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO JAS attacks the Caliphate

  CHAPTER FIFTY-THREE Lt Gray's insertion to a Juggernaut

  CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR Defenders betray the JAS

  CHAPTER FIFTY-FIVE Lt Gray is isolated

  CHAPTER FIFTY-SIX Sonya Helps Gray

  CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN Things looking bad for Gray

  CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT Fleet Arrives in Sol and goes into stealth

  CHAPTER FIFTY-NINE Admiral Day wants an attack

  CHAPTER SIXTY Aboard the Juggernaut

  CHAPTER SIXTY-ONE Preparing to Attack Juggernauts

  CHAPTER SIXTY-TWO Juggernaut assault




  The dead aboard the flagship outnumbered the living. The fires raged, and the survivors struggled to save themselves from the toxic chemicals, smoke inhalation, suffocation and heat. More were likely to die before the fires were controlled.

  Krasnal looked around, eager to lash out and kill whoever came close to her. The rest of the bridge crew recognized her state and kept their distance as they struggled to find out what was still working and what wasn’t on the mangled battleship. This chamber was sealed, and the lights were still dim. The darker patterns of the non-emissive displays revealed the horror that was occurring in the rest of the ship. The hunched backs of her lesser sisters, huddled in their couches as they tried to get control of the dying ship didn’t calm her. There was nothing she could do except grind her teeth.

  She should have expected this, should have anticipated the Bronkaw would react like a cornered bakret. Fighting poorly until the end and then fighting more savagely than anything known. Now her fleet was shattered. The swarms of missiles! There had been so many, it was a miracle that any escaped. Only two battleships had survived. Two! And both were seriously damaged. Watching the others scuttle around her bridge, and listening to their chatter she knew her ship’s back was broken. The ship could not sustain higher gravity maneuvers. The other battleship was just as damaged if not worse.

  Sinking lower into her pit Krasnal scowled at her empty displays while the bridge crew struggled around her. She didn’t care, the ship and crew were not her concern right now. There had been no clue, no indication the prey would fight so fiercely or trap her in such a way. The spies had said the Bronkaw were frightened and waiting for defeat when she entered the wormhole, she had been told their allies had fled and the prey were cowering around their home world, afraid to commit. What had changed? How had the over-sized beasts found the spine to fight back? They had shown little initiative or ingenuity before. A species did not change their spots in a single generation, they did not go from prey to predator. Someone else had to be involved. Someone dangerous. Who? Those fearsome defenders that kept her prey as slaves? Someone else?

  The reserve fleets would have to be needed early. Krasnal hoped they were ready since her fleet was destroyed. A lot of territory would be lost. Losses were to be expected, but she had never expected the losses to be this bad.

  The Soul Drinker had been destroyed and the Battle Singers would not be happy with the loss. It had been Krasnal’s decision to put the Soul Drinker as the second ship so that it would be ready, but now it was destroyed. The Battle Singers would be furious. Snakan had not mentioned their displeasure yet. He lay in his pit, keeping his head down, his silvery horns against his back protecting his neck. His eyes closed but Krasnal knew he was not asleep. He was submissive, and that calmed Krasnal slightly.

  Chala was dead, her console had exploded in her face, pieces of it were sticking out the back of her neck.

  Would the regiments on Bronkaw Secundus be able to hold without orbital support?

  They would have to, Krasnal decided. She would take the four destroyers with her to support her mangled battleships. Besides, if the Bronkaw had a strong enough force then those four destroyers wouldn’t do much good. With the Soul Drinker destroyed it would be better for the fleet to pull back until a replacement Soul Drinker could be sent forward.

  Snakan raised his head without looking at her.

  “The Battle Singers say the Bronkaw have defended the Nalee space station. Fifteen Bronkaw battleships, thirty destroyers and numerous frigates have neared completion and will pursue,” the old male said.

  Krasnal nodded. She felt that was true. Fifteen battleships? She only had two broken ones. Why was this a surprise? Who had failed?

  Grinding her teeth, Krasnal flexed her claws. Someone would pay for this.


  Bronkaw Battleship

  A plasma bolt ripped into the bulkhead near Shoup. Several of his droids returned fire at the creature that had tried to kill him. A metallic arm slid across the floor, bounced off the wall and lay in the passageway. Shoup gave the mental command and several warbots moved down the corridor using a fallen Bronkaw Marine as cover. They got one of his warbots but the bots were just equipment.

  Moving up to the fallen dinosaur Shoup looked it over. Pain filled eyes looked up at him. The alien Marine was still alive and paralyzed by the embryos preparing to hatch inside him.

  “You will be okay,” Lieutenant Shoup said on his external speakers, in the Bronkaw’s common language. The language sounded like a stuttering chain saw to humans but Shoup thought nothing of it. It was hard to tell if the Marine understood Shoup as the sentient dinosaur’s wide eyes flickered around.

  “Laguna, Laguna, this is Comanche Five,” Shoup said on the battalion net as he looked for the puncture wounds on the Bronkaw Marine. Firing down the hallway indicated his warbots had found another one of the Vress parasites. One light on Shoup’s overhead display blinked out. The Vress had taken out a warbot.

  “This is Laguna,” Colonel Gray said. “Go.”

  “We almost have engineering cleared out. There are survivors, paralyzed and infected. Just found another one,” Shoup said. “Brings my total up to ten.”

  “Copy that,” Colonel Gray said. “Medical team in en route to your beacon.”

  “Medical team en route, aye. Comanche Five out,” Shoup said.

  “Laguna out,” Gray said.

  “We are here to help,” Shoup said kneeling near the Marine. Fear filled eyes looked at him and Shoup felt sorry for the massive creature. Right now, it was nothing more than a piece of meat to feed the Vress broodlings preparing to hatch and eat their way out. A quick scan showed the egg sack nestled against a lung and there were six broodlings in it. “I have a medical team on the way. We will get those things out of you, hang in there. Go with honor.”

  The puncture wounds were near the stomach. Darts on the Marines scaled snout had paralyzed it and the Vress attacker had ripped off the belly plate to inject its brood into the big dinosaur. To have gotten the egg sack near the lungs must have been excruciatingly painful since the paralysis did not numb the pain. If the broodlings hatched the massive beast would suffer a horrible and painful death as it choked on its blood. Shoup looked down the corridor, directing more of his warbots to advance. The Vress trooper that had taken out one of his warbots had just been killed but there would be more. Like the tenacious parasites they were, they would not be easy to eradicate from the ship.

  A squad of replacement warbots came with the medical team and Shoup connected them to his platoon network, sending them forward. Shoup looked at the alien Marine, glad he wasn’t an organic creature and potential prey for the enemy parasites.

  “Status report?” Luke asked tapping his fingers on the arm rest.

  “We are winning,” Colonel Gray reported. “The Vress bastards are tenacious and fast, not better than our warbots, but we are losing a lot of bots. I lost one of my new lieutenants in Delta company. Major Davis has developed a nanite mix for killing the injected Vress broodlings. It has about a sixty percent success rate so far and he is refining it with help from the Tigress AI which is patched into the Bronkaw battle station’s medical system.”

  “Some Marines and crew are en route from the battle stations to help you,” Luke said.

  “Tell them to hold off until we have all these Vress bastards contained or killed,” Gray said. “They are too small and fast for the Dino’s.”

  “Dino’s?” Luke asked.

  “Aye,” Gray said. “The Bronkaw are big and slow, like dinosaurs. They pack a punch but the Vress are just fast and downright dangerous. Remember when you attacked that battle wagon?”

  “Do you need more warbots?” Luke asked trying not to think of that and how it had been almost easy to kill the Bronkaw.

  “Negative,” Gray said. “We’ve got this. I’ll let the Bronkaw know when and where to dock. They can move their casualties.”

  “Copy,” Luke said and glanced at Leonessa who was paying close attention, waiting for a chance to help.

  “I’ll let Commander Kakar know,” Leonessa said.

  Luke nodded and leaned back feeling useless. Everyone knew their job. Right now, it was just clean up. Luke listened to the various channels, cycled through various InnerBuddy displays and watched the surrounding people.

  The Tigress fighter wings were combing through the wrecked Vress fleet, scanning and looking for any information or survivors. There was plenty of wreckage, but no survivors.

  “Incoming transmission from Bronkaw Prime,” Halsey reported and Luke winced but turned to Halsey and raised an eyebrow. Halsey was blue like Nelson had been and while he was similar he was different. His face made Luke think of a bulldog and for a droid Halsey had an intense stare.

  “From the Senior Military Directorate of the Bronkaw Dominance,” the blue droid said. “For Shoka Kishi, it is encrypted and marked confidential.”

  Luke nodded. The time lag to Bronkaw Prime would prevent any kind of real conversation and this soon was surprising. The Bronkaw battleships were not under friendly control and while the battle was over, the full impact was unknown.

  “Play it,” Luke said, he had nothing to hide from his crew. “Main screen.”

  A large Bronkaw warrior appeared in the holographic field. In the holo field he looked human sized but in reality, he was over twice a human’s height. Luke stared at the frozen Bronkaw and then sent the command to play.

  “Greetings Shoka Kishi,” the figure said in the harsh grumbling chainsaw voice of the Bronkaw. “I am Grand Marshal Vokasa. The Dominion of the Bronkaw Dominance is in your debt. I seek an audience with you to discuss the current situation and how I can retain your services. Please inform us when it would be most convenient for you. Go with Honor.”

  “His tune sure has changed,” Musashi said behind Luke.

  Luke turned, expecting to speak to Jeeves, but Duncan was there. Old habits die hard and Luke wondered if he would ever get used to not having Jeeves nearby for advice on aliens. The dark red coloration of Duncan was a major contrast to Jeeves who had been blue.

  The crimson droid looked at Luke, his face emotionless.

  “What do you think?” Luke asked Duncan. It didn’t feel right asking a strange droid for advice but Duncan wouldn’t learn his role by watching, or not screwing up.

  Looking at the display of the now frozen Grand Marshal, Duncan paused before answering. A good sign if he was considering a reply, a bad sign if he was trying to think of one.

  “He needs you,” Duncan said. “Rather than granting you an audience and dictating the time, he is giving you the choice, he has said the Dominion is in your debt. He fears talking to you will not go well, so seeks advantage, attempting to gain your favor.”

  Luke nodded. That had been his assessment, Duncan might work out. “Why not continue with the bad ass, I’m in charge, routine?”

  “I don’t know,” Duncan answered. “He has advisers and is likely doing everything he can to learn more about you. Maybe he realizes you have a problem with authority and is seeking to avoid any conflict in that regard.”

  “Who says I have a problem with authority?” Luke asked looking back at Duncan.

  A smile flashed across Duncan’s face.

  “Everyone I have talked to,” Duncan said.

  Leonessa chuckled and Luke scowled at Duncan. Gray and Musashi hadn’t become belligerent so fast. It had taken them a decade or two.

  “Do you think I would be in any danger?” Luke asked.

  “Unlikely,” Duncan said, sounding confident. “Your actions have twice saved the Bronkaw. Any grudge he has over your capture of the Bronkaw battle station months ago is likely forgotten and irrelevant to him now. The Bronkaw are not known to hold grudges or dwell upon revenge.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Luke said staring at the frozen figure in the holo field. He could detect nothing in the Grand Marshal’s body language or mannerism to show deceit or danger. He acted as one equal to another, which worried Luke because he was not the Grand Marshal’s equal.

  “What do you suggest?” Luke asked staring at Vokasa.

  “Don’t be an arrogant prick,” Duncan said. “Be respectful, acknowledge his seniority and position. He owes you big time but now is the time for tact and bridge building.”

  Luke nodded appreciating Duncan’s advice. It is what Jeeves would have said.

  “Grand Marshal Vokasa,” Luke said, recording his response. “I am Shoka Luke Kishi. When we are done here, I will make haste to Bronkaw Prime. I look forward to meeting with you at your convenience. This system should be secure for the moment. Go with Honor.” />
  Luke glanced at Leonessa who smiled back at him. Luke smiled for her. His first response was to scowl, but the battle had been won, and so far, except for one new droid lieutenant, there had been no casualties. There was plenty to smile about. The battle could have gone the wrong way easily.



  Luke sank down into the chair in his living room. The surrounding walls displayed the space around the Tigress. It was soothing, and the silence helped relax him. There was too much purple, but it wasn’t too bad.

  “Here is a ship suit,” Duncan said, laying down a clean uniform on the table next to Luke.

  Looking up at the droid, Luke raised an eyebrow.

  “The battle is over, everything is under control. As an Admiral, you should now relax and let your people do what they well. If there are any pressing issues, then you will be notified. We will arrive at Bronkaw Prime in three days.”

  “I like my battle dress,” Luke said and Duncan nodded as if he had been expecting that answer.

  “Of course,” Duncan said. “However, people should see you relaxing, with your guard down. If they see you armored and ready for battle, they may assume the worst.”

  “It is late,” Luke said, Jeeves would have said something like that. “Nobody will see me.”

  “Captain Ferrero will be here in twenty minutes,” Duncan said, locking his gaze on Luke. “For dinner.”

  “What?” Luke asked sitting up in surprise and looking at the droid.

  “I seem to recall last time your dinner plans were interrupted,” Duncan said. “You never enjoyed a good dinner and the Captain’s company. I have taken it upon myself and coordinated with Lagertha. She is in agreement and the Captain will be here in twenty minutes.”

  “She agreed to this?” Luke asked staring up at the crimson droid. “Whose idea was this?”

  Duncan smiled without humor.

  “Nineteen minutes and counting,” Duncan said. “Will you be hosting in battle dress then?”

  “It was Musashi wasn’t it?” Luke said swearing as he escaped to his room with the uniform in his hands.


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