Liphar Magazine issue #4
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Liphar Magazine Issue 4
Copyright 2015 Liphar
Visit is to see the Online edition as well as to make comments.
Copyright © 2015 by Liphar Magazine. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.
As well Stories and other articles are copyrighted by the authors.
All images are also copyrighted and used by permission
The Teminator: Greatest Love Story Ever Told
The Big Lie
We Need to Create a Storm, America!
Edgar Cayce's Earliest Psychic Readings
The Power of Names
Chasing a Lead
Nothing Man
The God Of The Donkeys
A Question Of Balance
The Orphan
Books Worth Reading
It is a new year, involving new directions for the magazine. The fourth issue has been long awaited and has encountered setbacks but is finally here.
Participation is the key to any venture, and the magazine is no different. We need people to write articles, submit stories and read the magazine.
Over the coming months, we encourage everyone, to contact us and give us your thoughts.
Currently, it has been decided, to include more stories in the magazine. The fourth issue has done that. We will also be expanding the short story collections and hopefully have individual issues for individual genres.
There may also be subtle differences between the online version and the e-book version of the magazine. This is due to various distributors and what is allowed. Some of the e-book distributors do not allow mentioning of their competition. We do not have the same restriction on the online magazine.
There’s been some major changes in the publishing world over the last year. We’ve had the price-fixing scandals, still unresolved. The Google fight with the MPAA, which is ongoing that includes the Sony scandal due to the hacking of their corporate servers. It has been a wild ride, leaving many authors and artists undecided on the best approach to using the World Wide Web.
Not to worry, everything stabilizes, it’s a new year. You can focus on the bad, or you can focus on the good. More and more writers and authors are becoming known because of the web, and even though you can't protect yourself from everything, the benefit is definitely there.
Spangaloo is also made some impressive modifications towards the end of 2014. They are a small publisher who has now open up their doors to other authors to be able to distribute their work across many platforms. Of course, this is still in the infancy, and things need to be worked out and finalized, but it is there. We are part of Spangaloo, and they handle full distribution of everything we do.
Onwards and upwards will be our motto. We will strive to provide the absolute best magazine for the outstanding price of free. We encourage you to tell your friends, annoy your neighbours and gently have a good time with it. If you need to contact one of the authors published in the magazine make sure you get in contact with us so we can redirect it for you.
On a final note, we have finally acquired the domain name, and began utilizing it for the fourth issue. Submissions will be handled to the old site, as well tracking your submissions will become easier once we finalize everything on the old site.
Editor: Deuce Wylde
Staff Writers
*John Laval
*James Blanchette
*Theo Jansen
*Alvin Johnston
*Wilbur Hollinger
Matthew James Dodson
Graeme Stirling
Eden Langlands
Katie Mettner
Steven W. Wise
James Bryron Love
Doug Simpson
Rebecca L. Frencl
Malobi Sinha
M. El-Omaha
Lori Schafer
Malobi Sinha
Cover Design: