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Grim: The Beginning

Page 2

by Glenna Maynard

  “Whatever you decide, I got your back brother. Ride free or die trying.” That’s our motto. I have it tattooed across my back to show my charter pride. I know what I want but the question is what does Red want?

  I head to the whores quarters to borrow some clothes off blowjob Betty. She’s been doing us all right for five years now. She always smells like paradise. She has the prettiest olive skin I have ever seen. Betty has a special talent for giving good head. And she makes a damn fine cook. “You’re up early,” Betty runs her fingers down my arm. "No matter though. I always got time for you Grim.”

  “No time, I need a favor need to bum some clothes off you.” She gives me a funny look and then she looks at me wide eyed with them big chocolate browns and they grow black with anger. Now ain’t any time for jealousy. Fuck, she doesn’t see me getting up in a roar when she has a line down the hall for a bj. She slings a tank top and a pair of jeans at me.

  “Hope these fit the slut.” I grab her by her hair.

  “I’ve always treated you fair. Don’t you be mouthing off to me bitch! I’ll send you outta here so fast and hard you won’t know what hit ya. Feel me?” Betty knows better. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I think fucking Gypsy Red has put some voodoo hex on all of us. I pick the clothes up off the floor and stomp my ass back to my trailer. When I come through everyone knows to steer clear accept for Slim’s boys. Them little shits don’t know when to quit. They are spoiled little devils.

  “Unc Jack, Unc Jack,” they both grab a leg.

  “Striker, Rebel... you staying out of trouble?”

  “Momma says you in trouble.” Rebel looks up at me as I drag him and his brother through the grass attached to my ankles.

  “Momma says you brought home a piece of strange.” Striker laughs and punches me in the nuts. Those little hellions are our future. I shake my head; those boys are going to be a world of trouble. Foxie Roxie better get a handle on them fast.

  Walking into my place I sniff the air. I smell coffee and is that bacon? Fuck, Red is making herself real comfortable. I didn’t even know I had coffee. I find her in my kitchen downing a cup of java and nibbling on a piece of bacon like a little bird. “I got you some clothes. Get dressed we got some talking to do.” She reaches for the clothes and uncrosses her legs and I get a perfect view of that tight little pussy. Fuck, it’s beautiful and I just want to drop down on my knees right here and taste it— fuck I want her for breakfast lunch and dinner. Fucking gypsy magic...

  After she is dressed she rejoins me in the kitchen. “You are a wanted woman.”

  “I won’t cause you no trouble, I know what I did and who I did it to. Last night when you stopped I thought for sure you were one of Hook’s men. I thought you were going to kill me on the spot. I’ve been thinking. I will go turn myself into Hook and face my punishment. No matter what it is, it can’t be worse than the hell I’ve lived this past year.”

  “You Benji’s bitch?”

  “No, I mean yes, but not willingly. Benji won me in a poker game. I thought he’d have a little fun, then let me go. But he never planned to. He kept me a prisoner for three years. Last night... I saw my chance and I took it.”

  “I see. He rape you?” She looks away from me with shame on her pretty little fucked up mouth.

  “The first time I laid with him I did it willingly. Benji was an attractive man with a bit of charm about him. But that all changed three days later when I tried to leave.”

  "Well Darling, we got ourselves a bit of an issue. Hook and his boys are looking for you, but I don't want to hand you over, I'm thinking I'd like to keep you. That is if you'd like to stay. I won't force a woman, never had to. Even if you say no, I will see you through this."

  "You don't even know me. Why would you put your club at risk for me?"

  "I like ya Red, I want to know ya, and if Hook and his men get ya...I'll never get the chance — To kiss ya real show you show ya how a woman's body is to be worshipped and claim ya... to have you writhing beneath me. To bury myself so deep between your legs you'd think I have always been a part of you." She casts her eyes down, not able to take a compliment. What the fuck is this lovey dovey shit spewing from my lips. it's like I got diarrhea of the mouth.

  "It's not me I worry about, I worry about my daughter, Sarah." Tears wash down her pale freckled face.

  "Where's your girl at?" I sure as shit hope she doesn't say with Hook and his men.

  She looks down unable to meet my eyes as she says the words I feared were coming, "Hook and his wife have her. She is Benji's daughter. She don't belong there with them. Sarah, is mine. Benji didn't even want her. I'm all she has. But they've got my girl. I knew if I tried to take her last night they'd kill us both. But me, you can trade me for my girl." She is grabbing my arm and jerking it, begging for my help. Normally if a bitch put her hands on me I'd put her in her place, but Red here...I get the feeling I would do anything this woman asks of me.

  "Will you help me Jack, will you get my girl? I know I have no right to ask or that there is nothing stopping you from walking away. But my girl, she doesn't deserve this life. I want better for her. You get my girl, and you give her a good life. If she is going to be raised in a club, I'd rather it be by the kind of man, that will risk it all for a woman he doesn't even know."

  "What makes you think I am going to help you?"

  "I can feel it Jack, you are a good man."

  "I ain't good... Do you know why they call me Grim, Red? I am like the motherfucking Grim Reaper. I kill people, I collect souls. I deliver men to their maker. You don't want me raising your girl. But I promise you we will get your daughter. Hook is a mean son of a bitch, but he ain't no baby killer. They won't touch your kid. I'll get ya your girl and you and I will get ya away from here, so you can give her a good life. My life ain't fit for a kid."

  "They aren't going to let Benji go un-avenged. Hook will want my blood."

  I bury her head into my cut and hold her tight. "Well Red, don't worry that pretty head of yours... He'll have my blood before he has yours. You see these red tear drops I have tattooed on me? Each tear drop is for the blood I have spilled, for each life I have taken. I have spilled a lot of blood Red, and I am ready to shed my own if it gets you and your girl away from here."

  "I can't let you do that, I won't let you give yourself up for me."

  "That's real sweet Red, but a girl needs her momma. This ain't my first rodeo with Hook and his pig fuckers. But now's not the time. I have made my choice Red, you gonna have to accept it. I'm not the kind of man who stands by and lets a momma and her baby be separated, ya hear me?"

  She is looking at me with bedroom eyes, I'd like to fuck her good and proper like. But right now I have planning to do and not much time to do it. Everyone has a price, and I'll find Hook's.

  Chapter 2

  "The way I see it, that pencil dick Benji, has had it coming for years. I say bastard got mercy compared to what he should have gotten, but Hook isn't going to take this lying down." Skully slams his bear down on the counter. I have known him since I was just a boy. I trust him with my life and I can't say the same for many. He's been like a father to me in many ways, stood by my side when I was at my lowest and has pulled from the gutter more times than I can count.

  "Are you sure you want to do this brother?" Slim looks unsure, but I know my prez has my back.

  "Yeah brother." I was against Slim preaching to the choir but I was selfish and naive to think my brothers wouldn't want to put this to a vote. I'm not rogue and we are no longer one percenters'. My choices—my actions effect the club.

  "How do you want to do this, brother?" Slim is looking at me with that look in his eye that tells me that he has been waiting for this day. He has wanted to take down Hook since we were teens and Hook cut off his nut. The timing and opportunity has never arisen before now, to take on Hook. And with Benji out of the picture, now is the prime time to take him down, but if I know Slim
he won't want to put the club at risk.

  "But how is the question?" Romeo questions, he's more of a lover than a fighter, hence the name. He makes the best moonshine in the state though, he's a hell of an asset to the club.

  "We wait for Hook to reach out to us, and I offer my services. I will extend the clubs condolences and offer to bring Red to him. I will go in alone with her."

  "Now just wait one damn minute. You aren't going in there alone."

  "Brother, you gave me the gavel let me speak my piece." I pause and show my respect to our prez giving him his say, even though I wish his stubborn ass would just listen.

  After mouthing off for a minute he gives in, "You are right brother, continue."

  "I say I go in with Red and see what kind of deal I can work out, maybe I give Hook my share of the shine business. He has been chomping at the bits to get a piece of that money. Before you protest hear my reason why. This is not going to be no easy trade or deal, Red is the mother of Benji's daughter. That makes it a lot more interesting. Her daughter is the product of rape, she wasn't Benji's old lady willingly. I know that doesn't matter to Hook, but it matters to me. No woman should have to let her daughter be raised by those who have violated her. I understand if you vote no, but I am asking as your brother to trust me. Hook knows I could kill him, if I wanted to. I can wait for the right time and snipe his ass. He isn't dumb. He will take the deal."

  I kick back in my chair and wait for my brothers to take the vote. I know I am asking a lot of them, by asking them to go into business with the one man, we have worked so damn hard to get away from. But I can't let this shit weigh on my shoulders.

  The vote is unanimous, I will offer for the club to give Hook a cut of our moonshine business, if he gives me Red and her daughter willingly. If he says no, I'll kill that motherfucker, as soon as I get the opportunity. My brother's insist I take someone with me other than Red, it is decided that I will take one of the potentials with me. It will be a good way to test Jailbait. He is young, but the motherfucker is loyal. Romeo recruited him when he was serving for a DUI. Romeo knew he would be an asset when he watched him take down the biggest guy on the block, when he tried to force him to give him a blowjob. Jailbait might look little, but the brother is mean. If he does good tonight, I will recommend he gets his patch at the next choir.

  Jailbait and I will ride out with Red once the meeting with Hook is confirmed. In the meantime, I am going back to my trailer to see if I can get a taste of that sweet pussy, that has been burning through my mind all damned morning.

  Back at my trailer, Red is gone. Where in the fuck is she? I go room to room but she is nowhere to be found. Out in the court I see Foxie and some of the boys working in the garden. We grow a lot of our own veggies and herbs to help with cost at the bar. "Foxie, you seen a woman with a flaming red hair walking around?"

  "Yeah, about fifteen minutes ago, she got a ride into town with the beer man."

  Fuck, I wipe the sweat beading off my brow. I kick over the garden tools leaning against the fence post.

  I don't know what direction the delivery guy was headed but I guarantee I know where Red is headed. Storming back into the clubhouse on a mission, "Jailbait, let's ride."

  "But what about the plan?" He asks, but he is following close behind me ready to ride or die by my side.

  "Plan is dead for now, let's ride."

  "Hell yeah, brother." He puts his gloves on and fires his hog to life as I do the same.

  Tying a black bandana over my head, I tap my waistband to make sure I am packing my piece. Slim gets out the door of the clubhouse just in time to watch us ride out. Prez isn't going to be happy with me, but if I want to save Red, I have to go now.

  Traveling the highway to hell at ungodly speed we come up on the delivery truck. It isn't hard to spot Red, her hair blowing out the window. I signal to Jailbait to let him know to stay at the rear of the truck, I am going to pull up to the driver and get him to stop, so I can get Red's crazy ass and put her under lock and key at the clubhouse until tonight. Better yet, I have it in my mind that I am going to take her back home with me, and I am going to fuck her until she see things my way.

  Pulling up alongside of the delivery driver, I motion for him to pull over. No need to tell him twice, he knows not to fuck with us. He has been delivering beer to the Roadhouse for five years now, occasionally we give him a little strange and some change, for keeping his mouth shut about what he sees in our MC.

  I pull over in front of the truck with Jailbait in the rear. Red has her arms crossed and a look on her face that lets me know she isn't coming easily. "Red, don't make this hard on yourself, you know and I know that in about sixty seconds you are going to be on the back of my Harley. And in another twenty minutes, your nails are going to be scratching down my back as you cry out my name." I rub my days old stubble against her face. A small smile forms at the corners of her mouth. Pulling her from the truck, I throw a twenty down on the seat for the driver, for his trouble.

  She leans in close, wrapping her arms around my waist. Before I pull out she whispers in my ear, "how do you know it won't be you crying out my name?"

  "Fuck, Red, you do funny shit to my brain, so damn sexy." I say back over my shoulder.

  We get back to the clubhouse, Slim is waiting out front looking ready to unleash ten kinds of hell on my ass for storming off the grounds earlier.

  "So brother, do I need to grab Inkman, so you can brand your bitch?"

  Red is looking at Slim like he grew a second head. "I haven't ever seen Grim, chase after some strange before, hell any woman for that matter."

  "Nah brother, me and her just got some shit to work out."

  I grab a hold of Red, sling her over my shoulder again carrying her through the Roadhouse. As we pass the bar Betty throws her rag on the counter pissed and jealous she storms off, as I continue to take Red to my room.

  Slamming her down on the mattress, I fucking growl at her. "What the fuck were you doing, you know one look at you on your own—Hook would have put a bullet between your eyes, and where would your daughter be? Where would I be if something happened to you on my watch, what then Red?" She is looking around at my room, looking anywhere but at me. My room is need of a good scrubbing, empty mason jars and dirty clothes litter the floor along with old pizza boxes.

  "I don't know, I was sitting on the steps of your place and I was looking at the kids playing, and I couldn't hurt them, I know it sounds weird but, I looked at them boys and wondered what if something happened to their family because of me." She looks astonished that I care so greatly about her and her well being.

  I'm no pussy but I'd be a liar if I said her words didn't hit home for me. I love them little shits, Rebel and Striker, as if they are my own. I slide down bedside of her on the mattress, "don't you ever fucking leave me again, you feel me Red. Don't you ever..." I cup her face in my hands, rubbing my thumb over the cut on her lip. "Don't you think you can ever walk away from me that easily again. You are mine now, I won't force you to stay, but I sure as hell won't let you go with out doing this." Taking my time, I kiss her real slow, her mouth taste like perfection. Slowly I suck her tongue and caress it with my own tongue. Nibbling on her bottom lip, her hands travel up the back of my shirt. Her nails dig in my skin, her breathing is ragged, pulling back I shrug my cut off followed by my shirt. She doesn't waste any time showing me those perky little titties. She runs her hands over my chest, taking in all of the tattoos that cover my body.

  Swirling my tongue over her tight little pink buds, I suck on them slowly—tenderly. I'd like to take her rough, but I get the feeling rough is all she has ever known, and I want her to know how a woman's body is meant to be enjoyed. I kiss my way down her stomach, scraping my jaw line over sensitive flesh. Goosebumps appear on her creamy skin. "Going to enjoy this," my tongue trails the outline of the waist of her pants. Watching her reaction to me is such a turn on as I unbutton her pants. Her head is thrown back, with a smile playing on her l
ips, as I watch a small "o'" form as a ragged breath leaves her throat. My hand slips into the waistband of her panties, rubbing her small strip of hair. Reaching down further, her pussy is like liquid fire, so hot and ready, aching for my touch. "Can't wait to taste you," getting her sweetness on my finger I bring it up to my mouth, for a taste, but she surprises me and licks herself off my digit. This woman will be the death of my dick, she has me so turned on. My engine is fired up, roaring and ready to go. I am going to drive her body like I would my chopper, full speed no limits, hugging her curves real tight.

  I've almost gotten her pants off when Jailbait comes beating down my door. "Go the fuck away, unless you are bleeding or on fucking fire get the fuck away from my door and if you are bleeding or on fire, go get help elsewhere."

  "Sorry, brother, I know you're uh busy, but we gotta get ready. Hook wants to meet in less than an hour."

  "Motherfucker," I grab my shirt and cut off the floor. "Cover your titties, I don't want Jailbait to pop a chubby." I have this strange feeling of jealousy bubbling and filling me up inside. I feel like I would rip out a brother's throat if he touched Red. Never felt this way before—jealousy, rage, over a woman I don't even know.

  Tonight after this shit is over, she is going to wear my brand and I am going to get to take those damn panties off.

  But first I need to go talk to Betty, she needs to know that what she and I once shared won't be happening anymore. I don't know what in the hell I am doing taking Benji's old lady and making her my own, and a kid, she's got a little girl. A little girl that don't deserve to grow up around me, but fuck I want Red so I want her here with us. She is a part of her, even if she shares DNA with that sick bastard Benji.

  I find Betty in the kitchen making a pizza for Slim and Foxie's boys. "You got a minute?"

  "You know I always have time for you Grim." She saunters over to the kitchen door, dressed to seduce, pushing her tits and ass out, licking her lips, ready to go down on her knees right here if I say the word. "Boys, go out to the garden. I need me some tomatoes, whoever picks me the reddest, ripest tomato gets a cookie." Rebel and Striker take off running out the back door pushing and shoving.


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