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Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series)

Page 23

by Michelle Mankin

  He took in a deep breath and opened his hand.

  When she saw what he held her eyes misted. The square cut diamond and white gold ring looked so small and delicate in the palm of his masculine hand.

  “I wanted to give this back to you last night.” He seemed nervous as he plowed ahead. “I know you’re probably worried I’ll screw up again. With good reason. You don’t need me half as much as I need you, but I was hoping…”

  “I do need you.” She put a finger over his lips. “What I said before, well, it wasn’t true. And for the record I’ve done my fair share of messing up on this tour.”

  “Yeah.” He moved aside her bangs, touching a finger gently to the healing wound on her forehead. “But your screw-ups didn’t end up with someone getting almost killed.” He shifted, his hands moving to frame her face, his eyes searching hers. “Ace, I believe in you and me for the long haul, and whether we take the easy or the hard way, the short road or the long, together like this is the way we belong. Who I am with you is who I always want to be. And however messy life gets, whatever crap gets blown our way, I know we can handle it if we have each other. You are the words, Avery Jones, to the music in me.”

  “Not good with words, huh?” She beamed a radiant smile. “I’ll wear your ring.” She held out her hand and he slid it on her finger, and then he kissed her, a long, possessive celebratory kiss during which he managed to shift her so she was on top of him.

  And then there was no talking anymore for a long, long time.

  Murmuring voices from the other room woke him up for the second time that morning. He scooped his watch off the nightstand and checked the time. Shit. They were supposed to be at the airport in forty-five minutes and it could easily take at least twice that long to get there.

  He got out of bed, pulling on the terry cloth robe Avery must have laid there. He walked down the short hall and smiled recognizing the voices before he saw them. Arms folded, he leaned back against the wall and watched.

  In her usual jeans and t-shirt combo, Avery had a piece of toast between her lips, and was dragging a suitcase to the door where Ray was waiting.

  “You need to go ahead and wake him up.”

  “No, Ray.” She straightened, her hands going to her hips. “Not yet. I want to give him a few more minutes. We were up late and…” She trailed off, spinning around as they became aware of his presence.

  “She’s a bossy thing, isn’t she?” Marcus grinned, crossing over and pulling Avery into him.

  “Not as bad as some,” Ray quipped, bending over to grab the handles of both bags. “You two better hurry. Everyone else already left. There’s a winter storm headed for New York City and the pilot is saying we have a very narrow window to get in.”

  Avery turned in Marcus’ arms. “I’ve got something I want to show you first.” She took his hand and led him to the piano. Her journal was lying open on the bench. She picked it up, sat down and gestured for him to sit beside her. “Could you play ‘Shelter’?”

  “Ace, I need to get dressed.” He glanced at his watch. “I have a digital copy of the song. You can listen to on my laptop.”

  “Please.” She batted her lashes at him. “It’s still my birthday.”

  “I realize that, you minx. You’re planning to play that card for all it’s worth today, aren’t you?” He took a seat, flexed his fingers, and began to play.

  She shifted in beside him and sang.

  We set sail with so much promise

  Seeking treasures on some shore

  But soon the whirlwind was upon us

  I couldn’t reach you anymore.

  Drowning in a sea of silence

  Lost in the depths of my despair

  Way past time I paid my penance

  Harder still cause you’re not there.

  Let your arms be my safe harbor

  In them I’ll be free from harm

  And my kiss will be your shelter

  When life is cold to keep you warm.

  What the hell must I be thinking?

  I hear your voice above the fray

  You clutch me, I’m no longer sinking

  Your lonely beacon lights my way.

  The easy or the hard way

  The short way or the long

  No matter where the wind may take us

  It’s with you that I belong.

  I know now what we failed to understand

  Before things all went wrong

  Our treasure wasn’t in some foreign land

  It was between us all along.

  Let your arms be my safe harbor

  In them I’ll be free from harm

  And my kiss will be your shelter

  When life is cold to keep you warm.

  When life is cold I’ll keep you warm.

  Everyone was already in the lounge when they boarded the plane hand in hand. Trevor was typing on his laptop. Dwight was having an animated conversation on the phone and Sam and JR were snuggled up on the couch together watching the television.

  Suddenly all eyes were on them.

  Trevor’s mouth dropped.

  “I’ll call you right back, Mom,” Dwight said. “I think Marcus and Avery are back together.”

  Sam’s face broke into a huge smile.

  “You’re fifteen minutes late,” JR said drolly. “What kept you guys?”

  Avery raised a brow and Marcus chuckled, squeezing her hand.

  Sam elbowed JR in the ribs. She came over and interposed herself between them. “Y’all really back together?” she asked hopefully.

  Avery nodded.

  “I’m so glad.” She gave Avery a big hug. “You treat her right this time or I’ll cut you down at the knees,” she declared.

  “That’s almost exactly what she said.” He barked out a laugh. “That’s my intention, but I’ll keep your warning in mind.”

  “Hey.” Dwight drew Avery close with one arm and clapped Marcus on the shoulder with the other. “I’m really glad you two worked things out.”

  “Thanks, bro,” Marcus acknowledged, reaching for Avery’s hand and leading her to the back of the plane. “We’ll be in the bedroom. Unless it’s an emergency, we don’t want to be disturbed.” Marcus shut the door behind him and turned to find Avery toeing out of her sneakers. She pulled back the comforter, climbed in, and patted the space beside her. He sat beside her and looked deeply into her eyes. “Avery, you’re an incredible woman. I can’t get those lyrics out of my head.” He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “The way that you evoke emotions with your words. You amaze me.”

  Cheeks heating, she ducked her chin to her chest.

  He tilted her head back with a finger under her chin. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too,” Avery told him with a soft smile. She straightened the pillows behind her and crossed her legs. “I can’t wait to get back to the city. I have so much I want to share with you. We have to get a chocolate dessert at Max Brenner, and go ice skating in Central Park and, oh you have to have a real New York hot dog from a street vendor, and…” She trailed as he stood. “What are you doing?” she asked watching him pull off his shirt and unbutton his jeans.

  Holy Crap. The man had it all going on. Glossy dark hair, clear blue eyes, presently darkened with intent, broad muscular chest, washboard abs, lean hips, and long toned legs.

  He raised a brow. “See something you like, Ace?” he asked as he put a knee down on the bed.

  “Maybe.” Her eyes returned to his face, sparkling with humor as well as desire. “You’re gonna use the shirtless thing against me a lot, aren’t you?”

  “Every chance I get.” His voice was sexy smooth. His lids lowered, and his lips curled into a sensual smile.

  “I can live with that.” Her body hummed with approval. “Come closer, handsome. I wanna trace your tattoo.”

  “Oh, is that what they’re calling it nowadays?”

  She smiled, wiggling out of her jeans and panties.

He reached her, grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. “Trace away then.”

  A banging on the door woke Marcus up several hours later. He pulled on his boxers and glanced over at Avery.

  “Make them go away.” She pulled the pillow over her face and snuggled down under the sheets.

  He slapped her on the rear. “Get up, lazy,” he ordered, peering out the window at LaGuardia’s tarmac as he crossed to the door. Snow was already falling. He unlocked the door and opened it. “What’s going on?” he asked his brother.

  “Dude, first off you guys need to tone it down on the next flight, please.” Dwight popped his earbuds out and rolled his eyes. “You were embarrassingly loud.”

  “Hear that Ace?” Marcus asked over his shoulder.

  “He said guys, as in plural,” Avery reply was muffled by the pillow.

  “Ray wanted me to let you know that he’s waiting in the car. Everything’s already loaded up. I’ll see you in an hour. Diverting around the storm’s got us doing the sound check right before we go on.”

  Marcus stepped out of the room and closed the door. “Have the others arrived?” he asked in a conspiratorial whisper.

  “Just landed before us,” Dwight assured him. “I’m headed over there now.”

  “Good.” Marcus slapped his older brother on the back. “Thanks.”

  Avery chatted enthusiastically as Ray drove them over the Queensboro Bridge into Manhattan. Marcus smiled down at her, absently sifting a hand through her silky red hair. He couldn’t wait to see her response to his next surprise.

  “Are you listening to me?” she asked with a grin.

  “Yeah.” He leaned down and captured her lips with his own, sliding his tongue between them, loving the way she moaned and clutched at his shirt. Several pleasurable minutes later, he lifted his head, remembering they were not alone in the car.

  Avery’s lids were half lowered and her lips were swollen.

  “I’ll do it all but the shopping. Get Sam to go with you for that.”

  “Alright,” she pouted.

  He had to look away to keep from taking her adorable mouth again.

  “We’re here,” she whispered staring out the window. “I can’t believe it. Madison Square Garden.”

  “Sold out both nights.” His lips flattened. “We need to get in there soon, though. The acoustics are a little unusual. I’ll feel better after we do a thorough sound check.”

  Avery was a bundle of nerves and had been the whole time they’d rehearsed. She couldn’t believe she was actually here. Even Wimberley Stadium didn’t stand out as a more prestigious venue in her estimation. This was where she had always dreamed of playing from the moment she first picked up a guitar.

  She stared up at the concave ceiling and then out at the rows and rows of empty seats. Twenty thousand fans would be here soon. Thinking about all the famous acts that had played here before her had her feeling even more intimidated.


  The Stones.

  The Beatles.

  Her beloved Van Halen.

  She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. She might need longer than the moment Marcus had allotted to her while he went to get changed. Moving to the edge of the stage, she sat down, dangling her legs over the side. She swung them back and forth, running through the set list in her mind.

  “Can I join you?”

  “Sure, Ray.” Avery patted the space next to her, watching as he got settled. “Some view, huh?”

  He nodded. “I don’t know how you do it. I would be a nervous wreck standing on a stage in front of this many people.”

  “Oh I get nervous,” she admitted. “Pretty nervous right now in fact. But I’ll be alright when it’s showtime. Instincts kinda take over and all that.” Her brow furrowed. “Did you get nervous in Kuwait?”

  “You bet. But I was well trained, well equipped, and had a good team around me…like you here in the Garden. And then those instincts kick in, right?”

  “Yeah.” She turned her head and smiled softly at him.

  “I wanted to give you your birthday gift before the party if that’s ok?” He reached in his jacket pocket.

  “Oh, Ray. You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “I wanted to. It’s nothing big or expensive. I’ve had it for a while now. It reminded me of the talk we had in Seattle, you know about life and choices.”

  “I remember.”

  He handed her a wide black leather bracelet with the words “Always Look Forward” stitched in silver.

  “I love it.” Tears touched her eyes. She picked up his hand where it lay between them on the stage and squeezed. “Thanks. I’ll think of you and what you told me every time I wear it.”

  He smiled.

  “Hey, Avery. Ray,” Sam shouted, waving at them from the lighting board.

  She waved back, her nerves completely forgotten now.

  Sam gave them a thumbs up. Ray stood and patted her on the shoulder. “See you after the show,” he said.

  Avery gave herself a few minutes longer, and then told herself it was time. She pushed up from the stage. When she turned, he was standing there.

  “Hey.” Bryan’s hands went to her shoulders.

  “Hey.” She glanced down at her feet, suddenly feeling jittery again. Her stomach pitched precariously.

  “Your text said we needed to talk.” Bryan’s eyes narrowed as he studied her face. “You and Marcus got back together, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.” Her eyes misted in response to the hurt in his.

  “I should’ve known how things would end up for us. War tried to warn me.” He stuck a hand in his jeans pocket and pulled out a crumpled cigarette pack. He put one between his lips and dug out a lighter.

  Silently, Avery watched him light up, not knowing what else to say. She wanted to tell him that she hoped they could still be friends, but that would sound incredibly cliché and wasn’t likely to be welcomed.

  “I wanna go ahead and give you this.” He held out a silver necklace with a flaming guitar pendant on a thick chain.

  “It’s lovely.” She took it and turned it over in her hands, sniffing as warm tears fell from her eyes. “It’s from King Baby, isn’t it?” She glanced up at him, blinking through her tears. “Their stuff’s expensive. It’s not right that I accept it. Not now.”

  The tip of his cigarette glowed as he took a drag. His grey green eyes fixed on hers for a long moment. “I want you to have it,” he insisted, stepping close and taking the necklace from her hand. Cigarette balanced between his first and second finger, he stretched the chain open between his thumbs and placed it over her head. The pendant dropped down between her breasts, feeling cold against her warm skin.

  “I wish you luck, Red. I really do.” He stepped back and his gaze rose to meet hers again.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, letting out a shaky sigh, watching him as he walked away.

  “What’s wrong, Ace?” Marcus asked as soon as she walked into the dressing room

  “Nothing,” she answered, fingering the pendant without thinking.

  “Where’d you get that?” Marcus eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  “Bryan gave it to me.”

  “Oh, hell no,” he fumed. “I guess I need to go have a word with him. Let him know where things stand.”

  “He knows.” She put a reassuring hand on Marcus’ arm. “I told him,” she said quietly. “The necklace was a birthday present. A goodbye gift.”

  “You have any regrets?” Marcus stilled, body taut.

  “No, Marcus. No. Not a one. Not with us at least.” Avery stepped close, hands on his chest. “With him, yes. I shouldn’t have taken from him more than I was willing to give.” She tilted her head to the side. “Let me wear it for tonight. He was a good friend when I desperately needed one.”

  “Then wear it.” Marcus’ lips flattened. “For this one night. But you need to hurry and get dressed. We’re on a tight schedule.” He turned to
ward the door. “I’ve got a surprise of my own that trumps guitar necklaces,” he muttered. “I’ll send Nina in. I want you out of this room in twenty minutes tops.”

  Avery had hurried to get dressed, not wanting to press her luck with Marcus after he’d been so understanding about the necklace. Ok maybe not understanding. Tolerant, anyway. Nina helped her to get ready in record time.

  A slew of surprises greeted her as soon as she pulled open the dressing room door. She froze, brows high, her heart pounding with joy, her gaze taking in the beaming faces of those gathered out in the hall.

  “Happy Birthday, sis,” Justin broke apart from the group and hugged her tightly. “Love you.”

  “Happy Birthday to you, too,” she managed, totally overwhelmed. “How did you get here? And when?”

  “Marcus arranged a charter,” Don informed her, his arm around Rheta. “I think we got in around the same time you did.”

  “Sweet.” She smiled brightly. “Lisa, are you supposed to be flying?” she asked with concern.

  “The doctor says it’s ok for now.” She smiled patting her small bump.

  “I’m so glad to see all of you,” Avery told them. “It feels like it’s been forever.”

  Everyone started to talk at once. Hugs and well wishes were exchanged. Then Avery noticed her father, looking frail and lost standing in the background.

  “Hey,” she said walking over to him. “How are you feeling?”

  “A little better now that I know I’m on the transplant list. How are things with you?”

  “Much better. Marcus and I are back together, you know.”

  “Yes. I’ve heard.”

  She leaned closer and lowered her voice. “I wanted to thank you for all the encouragement you’ve given me.”


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