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Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)

Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  Jenna faltered when the bidding started, but a man behind her urged her to on. “Keep dancing honey, shake those tits. The more you move, the more money we’ll make.”

  Closing her eyes, she tried to do as he said. But when the attention was centered on her and she could hear money amounts being bandied about, her heart started pounding in time to the beat of the music. The crowd was almost manic, the band was blaring and the ceiling fans weren’t doing a lot of good. She felt hot and a little dizzy.

  One voice was persistent in his bids and Jenna strained to see who it was. A handsome young man kept raising his hand. He looked vaguely familiar…

  Meanwhile, Logan pulled up to the packed parking lot in front of the saloon. He was bushed, but there was no way he was missing this. There were so many people, they were jammed up by the front door. He had to shoulder his way in. And when he did – his jaw dropped to the floor and a growl came from his chest that made two or three people round him move away quickly.

  Ronan saw the Captain. “Chief! It’s done.”

  “It'd better be.” Yes, the Chief Had Arrived On Scene and he was pissed! Logan cut a look toward Ronan, and would have said something more if confusion from the front hadn’t drawn his attention. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Jenna was dancing, if you could call it that. Her beautiful body was moving in ways that made his blood sing and his cock swell. Her arms were over her head, her hips swaying, and her breasts were bouncing enough to make his hands itch to cup them. There were several assholes at her feet, one ran his hand past her knee toward her thigh. She drew back and frowned, Logan pushed harder. He was almost to the front and would have jerked her from the stage if someone hadn’t held up his hand and cut the music.

  “I believe the bids are complete.”

  Jenna stopped and stood next to Dixie. The idea that some man had paid to spend time with her was scary. She looked out into the crowd but there were so many people crammed together and moving about that she couldn’t seem to focus her eyes.

  “I am pleased to announce the winners of tonight’s auction.”

  As the names were called, Jenna quivered. Chill bumps covered her arms. What would the man expect for his money? Dinner? Next to her Dixie squealed when a big handsome cowboy came to claim her. The next name that was called was, “Ronan Greer, you have purchased an evening with Jenna Travis for three thousand dollars!”

  The amount was almost twice as much as the next closest and Ronan glanced nervously at the Chief, but he didn’t blink an eye. “Go after her,” Logan instructed stepping up beside him, handing the young man a check.

  Jenna was looking in the opposite direction when a hand touched her arm. She whirled back to find a handsome young man. “Ma’am, I’m Ronan.”

  A bit of relief filled her mind. He had a nice face. “You’re a firefighter, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He helped her down.

  “I recognize you. You work with Logan.”

  She looked over to say something to Dixie, but she had her arms around her bidder’s neck and they were already swaying to the music.

  “Come this way, ma’am.” Ronan took her arm.

  Jenna allowed herself to be led, thinking it could have been worse. At least the man who had prevailed in her bidding war seemed to be kind. As he guided her through the crowd, she was at a disadvantage. At only five foot three, most everyone else towered over her. The heels she wore didn’t add enough to her height so she could see where she was going.

  Nearing the door, someone stepped in front of her and she walked right into a massive chest. “Excuse me,” she voiced, placing her hands on the rock hard slabs of muscle – which seemed very familiar…

  “You’re not excused. I should spank your sweet ass for this and have the managers of this joint arrested for letting an underage girl in the bar and giving her a drink, much less letting you take part in this debacle. Do you realize you could’ve been hurt...or worse?” Logan enclosed her wrist in his strong hand and started pulling her through the door.

  “Stop!” She pulled back, trying to get away from him. “I am not leaving with you, Logan. Another man, a younger…”

  She saw him absorb her words. Younger. She’d swear to God he winced. Well, good. If he did, it was his fault for pushing her aside.

  “You’re coming with me!”

  “No!” She balked, grabbing on to Ronan. “Don’t let him take me.”

  Ronan Greer held up his hands. “The chief has arrived on scene and my job is done.”

  “What do you mean?” Jenna looked from one to the other. Then, it dawned on her. “You? You're the one who paid for me?”

  “Exactly. Let’s go.”

  If things had been different, Logan sweeping her to his truck, picking her up and depositing her in his seat would have thrilled Jenna. Not anymore. This was just another way for him to hurt her. “Why would you do this? You don’t want me. You don’t want to be with me.”

  Right before he pulled his door shut, while the overhead lights were still on, Logan turned to her and Jenna would swear on a stack of Bibles that she saw pain and regret on his face. “You have no idea what I want.”

  Jenna didn’t know what to say, so she just asked. “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you home – with me. We need to talk.”

  * * *

  “Logan, this is so stupid.” Jenna hugged herself. He had the A/C turned on high, as usual.

  “Cold?” He turned the arctic blast down. “What’s stupid?”

  Jenna looked out the window, anywhere but at him. The illumination of street lamps made a crisscross pattern through the darkness of the truck’s interior as they sped down the highway. “All of this.” She was almost in shock. This was the most unexpected ending to the evening she could imagine. Her heart hurt. “Why would you pay three thousand dollars to spend time with me? It just doesn’t make any sense.”

  Her tone was accusatory. Logan weighed his words carefully. “I’d pay a lot more to keep you from making a big mistake.”

  Jenna closed her eyes in pain. “Well, that explains it.” Hell, hell, hell. Deep inside, she’d held on to a very tiny sliver of hope that he’d changed his mind, that he was charging in like a knight in shining armor to prevent any other man from claiming her. But that wasn’t even close to the truth. Logan was still in protector mode. “Look, I’m an adult now. You are absolved from any responsibility of me.” She folded her arms across her chest. “I can take care of myself.”

  Logan snorted. “Yea, I can see that. If I hadn’t heard about this auction, there’s no telling what kind of idiot you might have gone home with.”

  “That was the plan,” she whispered.

  Logan put on his blinker as he turned toward Gray Wolf Ranch. “I thought so. We’re about to have a lengthy discussion. I don’t like the way we left things the other day. Your moving out to do God knows what, with God knows who, isn’t going to work.”

  His superior high-handed attitude was making her angry. “Logan, I don’t think you know what you want. You’re a dog in the manger. You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either.”

  Hell no, he didn’t want anyone else to have her. “There are better ways to meet men than selling one’s self to the highest bidder, Jenna.”

  “Oh, really, do you have any suggestions? Perhaps you could set me up with someone. Any ideas? How about Ronan or Chris?”

  The idea of either of those men, hell any man, touching and taking Jenna made Logan’s blood boil. “What’s the damn rush? You’re eighteen years old!” he exploded.

  “Rush? What rush?” Jenna shot back at him. “I am the only girl my age that I know who’s never been on a real date.” Jenna turned as far sideways as she could in order to see him while she spoke. “My folks were super strict, church going people. I wasn’t allowed to date until I was sixteen, and my birthday was only days before the fire. From the moment I met you, I didn’t want to see anyone else.” Logan looked rea
dy to speak, but Jenna never gave him the chance. “I’m a virgin, Logan. The only kiss I’ve ever shared is with you. You were very quick to point out how lacking I am in the characteristics that would make me desirable to a man. And one of those things was experience, you said so yourself! So, how is that rushing things, may I ask?”

  Logan managed to hold her gaze for a second. She was so beautiful, he felt weak with desire. The idea that she thought she wanted him, had saved herself for him was incomprehensible. “So, your plan was to just offer yourself to a stranger tonight?”

  “Of course not, it was just supposed to be a date.” She tried to forget the conversation she’d had with Dixie. “For charity.”

  Logan snorted. “Even you can’t be that naïve, Jenna.”

  “Even me?” Jenna knew her voice was growing a little shrill. As he began to slow down, she looked up to see they’d arrived at his domain, the foreman’s cabin. The very place she’d stood in front of just the other night and dreamed of sharing with him. Over the years, she’d only been inside a half dozen times or so. “We’re here,” she whispered, more to herself than anything. “At least we can discuss you taking the pickup back and stopping that damn school loan.”

  “I don’t think so. Stay.” He demanded.

  His voice was so authoritative that she complied. At first she thought he’d changed his mind about her going in, but then she realized he was coming around to open the door for her. “Thank you,” she murmured as he helped her to the ground. “I really don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “It’s a helluva better idea than you being alone with some man who only wanted one thing from you.” Finally, Logan allowed himself to touch her. Just the act of placing his hand around her shoulder, the familiar scent of her perfume – the nearness of her body to his had him rock hard and ready. Maybe she was right…maybe this wasn’t smart. All he knew was that he’d been obsessed with getting her someplace where he knew she was safe.

  Just for a little while.

  His home wasn’t large, but he’d had it modernized so it had all the comforts he’d had at home. A wrap-around porch, a fireplace, a nice bathroom. It wasn’t a mansion, but he liked it. “Have a seat, I’m going to make us some coffee. I think we need it.” Logan wondered if he had time for a cold shower.

  As Jenna sat on the brown leather couch adjacent to the fireplace, Logan flipped on a lamp. When he did, Jenna could see him clearly for the first time since leaving the bar. What she saw made her breath hitch in her throat.

  He was aroused.

  Big time.

  There was no denying what she saw. Logan had a hard on.

  For her?

  She let him walk off while her mind spun. Was this possible? She jumped up and began to pace. What if he did want her? What if all of this was some grand gesture on his part because of their age? What if she could make this right?

  Before she could change her mind, Jenna began to remove her clothes. Oh yea, she was inexperienced, but Jenna had one advantage in the situation.

  She had fantasized about him so much and so often, Jenna knew exactly what she was going to do.

  Seduce Logan Gray

  – or die trying.

  In the kitchen, Logan put on his old fashioned percolator, then hung over the sink, splashing water in his face while the coffee brewed. Was he crazy? The woman he adored was in the next room. He could count the times on one hand that he’d allowed them to be totally alone with each other. And now - she was here, she was legal and most importantly – she wanted him.


  Logan jerked up right, running both hands through his hair. “Yea?”

  “Could you come here for a second?”

  “Coffee’s not done, I’ll be there in a minute.” He needed just a bit more time to get his errant dick in line. Now that he had her here – what could he say? What could he do? He’d hope to get her to go home to Gray Wolf where he’d know where she was, and that she was safe.

  “I don’t want any coffee,” she called. “There’s something else I want. Something I need.”

  With only a moment’s hesitation, Logan left the kitchen. “What can I do for you, Jenna?” When he stepped around the corner, he froze – he couldn’t move, speak or think.

  Jenna, his Jenna was lying on the couch. Her head on a pillow, her eyes on him, that sweet tongue of hers peeking out and licking her top lip. One leg was bent, her back arched – her incredible breasts thrust up. And God help him…

  She was gloriously, stupendously nude.

  Completely naked.

  “Jenna?” His whole body blazed red hot. Electric. If he’d thought his cock was hard before, now it was huge, rock-solid and throbbing.

  “Logan?” She held her hand. “Make love to me.” She ran one hand over her breasts, down her middle to tease the top of her mound. “Please?”

  “This is…this is not why I brought you here.”

  He didn’t take his eyes off of her. She could see his chest moving up and down, taking in deep breaths. But still…he didn’t move.

  Well, if the man won’t come to Jenna, she’d have to go to her man. “No? I can’t think of a better reason. I’ve wanted you for years.” Gracefully, she rose and began walking toward him slowly with catlike grace.

  Logan’s mouth was dry, his body shook. The woman was fuckin’ perfect. Over the years, he’d envisioned how beautiful she must be under her clothes.

  Damn, he wasn’t even close.

  “You’re magnificent,” he whispered. The truth couldn’t be contained. Every part of her was utterly delectable.

  “No strings attached. No expectations. No promises. Just love me.”

  God, he loved her. He’d always loved her. That wasn’t the problem.

  Logan was still stuck in his tracks. His mind wasn’t functioning worth a damn. “Jenna, this…”

  “Is what I want.” She stepped up to him, her swollen nipples grazing his chest. “You’ll never know how I’ve dreamed of this moment.” Placing her hands on his shoulders, she rose up on tiptoe and fitted her mouth to his. “Kiss me.”

  One touch, that’s all it took and Logan was free. Free to touch, free to hold, free to join their lips and inhale her like she was life-giving oxygen. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. She was small, delicate. When she was nestled against him, his body enveloped hers – and he never wanted to let her go.

  Jenna began working on his shirt as they kissed, undoing buttons and tugging it from his pants. When he tried to stop her hands, “Baby, baby, we…”

  She went with step two.

  “We can do anything we want to do.” Turning in his arms without breaking contact, she placed her bottom against his swollen package and rubbed – up – down, looking over her shoulder and up into his eyes.

  Up. Down.

  He was so big and hard, she felt like she was rubbing against a steel rod.

  Logan was hyperventilating. He was about to die. There was no way in hell he could keep his hands off of her. Wrapping an arm around her, he covered one breast with a big palm – and rubbed.

  She purred, the woman fuckin’ purred.

  Logan didn’t have a chance.

  “Jenna, what are we doing?” he groaned the words.

  “Anything we want to.” She turned in his arms again, seeking his mouth, kissing him so hard and deep that she felt dizzy. He felt so good, Jenna opened his shirt and rubbed against him. “What I’ve been wanting to do for years.” Letting her lips slide down his neck, she kissed over his pec and took a bite, sinking her teeth into the muscle, nipping him playfully.

  “Fuck, baby.” He was putty in her hands.

  “Take me to bed, Logan.” Now, she was working on his belt buckle. “I need you so much.”

  Reality blurred with fantasy. This is exactly what he wanted. This is what he’d imagined. When he lay in the bed alone, jacking off – this is what went through his mind. She was his fuckin’ fantasy. His wet-dream girl. Logan wa
lked her backwards toward the bedroom. After a couple of steps, he just let out a curse and picked her up, sweeping out of the room and down the hall, kicking the door open. Striding to the king size bed, he gently laid her down. He couldn’t help but think of how often he’d picture her here – just like this. Jenna was the most beautiful thing in the world.

  Tearing off his clothes, he threw pants to one side, socks and underwear to the other. For the first time, Jenna could see him, all of him. “You’re such a man,” she breathed, raising her hand to touch him. He was so beautiful, so big – so perfect.

  When her hand enclosed his cock, Logan shuddered. “Damn, damn,” he ground the words out between clenched teeth. Please God, don’t let me embarrass myself.

  “Come down here with me.” Jenna had step three to go and then – hopefully he’d want to take over. She had nothing to go on from there.

  Obeying her command, he went down on one knee. Sipping from her lips, holding his body over hers, he allowed himself to realize that this was really happening. He was about to make love to the woman he worshiped, the woman he adored more than life. Jenna placed both hands on his chest and pushed. At first he thought she wanted up, but when he followed her direction, Logan found himself on his back. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Making myself happy,” she confessed. Coming over him, Jenna straddled his big body.

  Logan stared – and stared. Was he dreaming? Lifting a hand, he ran it from her throat, between those glorious tits, over her flat stomach to the treasure between her legs. “You’re bare. Why are you bare?”

  Jenna laughed. “I’ve been planning on making love to you on my eighteenth birthday for a long time. I knew you had a problem with our ages and I wanted to wait until you had no excuse…” Her voice faded, then she continued. “I wanted to be ready.”

  Logan was too far gone to argue. He was ready now.

  Jenna raised her hips and settled on top of him. She didn’t take him inside, rather she fit her sex over the top of his cock as it lay flat against his stomach. Resting her palms on his chest, she shifted until the lips of her vulva enveloped the thick shaft of his cock – then she began to slide up and down. Every forward motion brought the flared head of his cock in contact with her clitoris. “Oh, God, Logan.”


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