Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)

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Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2) Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  Before she left, Jenna freshened up, took a shower and dolled up in jeans and a pink sweater. The spring air was still very nippy. Summer was a long way off.

  Over at the Stonewall fire hall, Logan supervised as the men did an inventory of the breathing equipment and assorted gear. Forms had to be filled out as each piece was inspected. Safety first and foremost, as always. The fire they'd been called out to fight that morning had been routine, a chimney fire. Anytime there was a nip in the air, fires seemed to multiply. Luckily no one had been injured and the property damage had been kept to a minimum. In other words, the Stonewall VFD had done its job.

  “Hey, Chief, phone!” Chris called from the back.

  “Roger,” Logan answered, handing his clipboard to Ronan. “Finish this equipment check, I'll be right back. Who is it?” he yelled.

  “Titan Sloane, the Wimberley Chief. I think he wants to talk training programs.”

  Logan smiled to himself. Sloane was a good man. Young, but competent. Without a backward glance, he headed to his office and settled in the rickety old chair. “Gray.”

  Over at the main house, Jenna presented Earl and Louisa with a platter full of cookies. She'd come to ask for the use of one of the ranch trucks. They'd gladly given her the keys and coerced her into having a cup of coffee with them before she left. “We're just glad you're home where you belong,” Louisa had assured her. “Some of the ladies are going to want to give you a bridal shower. What do you think?”

  The idea took Jenna by surprise. “I'd love it.” She wanted nothing more than to fit into the community as Logan's wife. “How nice, I can't wait.” Nothing would do Louisa but to pinpoint a few possible dates and times for the shower and to promise to drive into town with her at the earliest opportunity to 'register' for gifts.

  After a polite amount of time, Jenna was able to extricate herself and continue on her way to the fire department. The ranch land and surrounding territory were exclusive in the state. She was surrounded by peach orchards, vineyards and hill country. There was no place like it on earth. As she drove down the two lane highway, Jenna felt chills of happiness break out on her skin. How her world had changed in just one week. When she pulled up in front of the large white metal building with the red trim, her heart pounded with pride knowing Logan was the Chief. He put his life on the line to keep his community safe and she vowed to do her best to help and support him. Parking in a designated area, she grabbed her cookies and headed for the door.

  Inside, Logan had his feet up on his desk listening to Titan tell a funny story about a woman who escaped from her trailer fire in the altogether. “Talk about a traffic jam, we had one. Maverick finally got her wrapped up in his jacket. She didn't have a shy bone in her body.”

  “You seem to have all the good times, Sloan.” A noise from the bay area drew his attention. His men were laughing and talking a little too loudly – which meant only one thing...there was a female in the house. “I'd better go, Titan. I think we've got company. Send over those training requests and I'll add my guys to them.”

  As he hung up, Logan stood, opened the door and strained to hear. A familiar lilting laugh met his ears. Jenna?

  Jenna held out the platter of cookies. “Help yourself. Is Logan around?” She kept the smile on her face, waiting for the congratulations that she knew were coming.

  “He's in the back taking an important phone call,” Chris announced as he brought a cookie to his lips.

  “We don't need the Chief, I'm sure he's on a diet.” Ronan elbowed his way to the front. “I love sugar cookies!”

  Glancing over their shoulders, she sought to get a glimpse of her husband. “Could you tell Logan I'm here?”

  “Yes, please, tell Logan we’re here.”

  Jenna whirled around to find Terra standing there with a plate of cookies of her own. “Terra, what are you doing here?”

  “I might ask you the same question.” The other woman gave her a disdainful look. “I come by to check on these boys often. Don’t I?” She winked at the gawking fireman. “Of course, they all know I’m really here to see the Chief.” Terra looked down her nose at Jenna.

  A flush of ire swept over her. Jenna was mad as a little wet hen. “Consider today your last visit. I’m back in town and things have changed.”

  “Changed?” Terra’s eyes cut Jenna like a knife. “Doesn’t look like it to me. You’re still a little girl trying to play in the big leagues.”

  “Chief! You’d better get out here!” Ronan bellowed and Jenna jumped a bit.

  “What the hell?” Logan asked as he came forward, his men scattering from the left to the right.

  “You've got company.” The new guy, Tango called. “In fact, you have two guests. Your girlfriend’s here and so is…”

  “Jenna!” When Logan rounded the corner and saw his new bride standing next to Terra his jaw dropped open. This wasn’t good. Shit.

  “Hello, ladies,” he began, nodding politely. “You both…uh…brought cookies,” he grinned weakly.

  Jenna could see he was uncomfortable. Clearly, he had failed to inform any of this group that he was a newly married man.

  “Yes, I made cookies. If I’d known today was Terra’s turn, I could’ve waited till tomorrow.” Jenna said dryly, eyeing her husband.

  Tango gave Jenna a wink. “I’ve met your girlfriend, Chief. How about an introduction to this little honey?”

  “Yes, Logan.” Jenna urged. “Introduce us.” She handed Ronan her cookies. Ronan backed a few feet away from the congregated group as if expecting an explosion.

  Logan stepped up to the plate.

  “Jenna, this is Tango. Tango, this is Jenna...”

  When he hesitated, Jenna finished for him, clasping the other man’s hand. “His wife.” The expressions on the faces of the men were classic. Round mouths matching their rounded eyes. But the surprised looks on their faces were nothing like the horrified expression on Terra’s. She promptly walked up to Logan and slapped him hard on the cheek, then walked out taking her cookies with her.

  Logan rubbed his cheek, clearly speechless. The one thing he did have good sense enough to do was lean over and kiss his wife. “Hey, baby. Sorry about that.”

  Jenna didn’t respond, she was too busy receiving congratulations from the guys.

  “Wow! Congratulations, man!” Ronan clapped his Chief on the back. “This is great, you’re perfect for each other. I guess our bid paid off.”

  Logan was grateful for Ronan’s words. “Yes, it did. I just need to get my new wife alone for a few minutes.”

  That was easier said than done. A chorus of congratulations rose all around them. Several elbowed Tango. “Trying to make time with the Chief's girl. Shame on you.”

  “She didn't have on a ring!” He defended himself.

  All of this time Jenna had stood relatively silent, accepting their sentiments and watching Logan’s reaction. It was obvious he’d told none of the men that he’d gotten married since they’d seen him last. Why hadn't he said anything about it? Maybe it was just a 'man' thing. She knew well if it had been her and some girlfriends, the news would have been the first thing out of her mouth. “We got married on the spur of the moment.” she said with a hint of apology.

  “Well, you are one lucky man, Chief.” Chris shook his hand, then hugged Jenna while all the men followed suit.

  “Thank you, thank you all.” Logan felt what he knew to be remorse. He had to take care of the lack of ring pronto. “We're going shopping in just a few minutes to rectify the ring situation.” Catching her by the hand, he pulled Jenna close, gratified to see the joy spread across her face. The least little gesture of affection made her happy.

  “We're going ring shopping?”

  “We are.” Looking around, he waved a hand at his crew. “Breaks over. Get back to work.” With some good-natured grumbling, the men returned to their job. Taking Jenna's hand, Logan led her back to his office. “So you brought me cookies?”

  “I did. I
hope they’re as good as Terra’s” She placed the platter on his desk.

  Logan had the good grace to look sheepish. “I never encouraged her. I never asked her out since that one night. She was just persistent.”

  Jenna shrugged with a smile. “Can’t blame a girl for trying, especially when the prize is so easy on the eyes.” She gave him a wink and ran her hand down his arm until she could grasp his hand. “I’m not worried about her. Is it okay that I came?” Jenna motioned out toward his men. “Did you not want them to know about us?”

  Logan came to her. “No, of course it's fine. I just knew they'd want to make a big deal about it and you know how I hate the attention.” Even as he said the words, he analyzed them. Was this the truth? Or had he expected some type of judgment from his men because of his and Jenna's situation – and their age? Determined to stop thinking that way, he gave his beautiful bride a come-hither stare. “Is cookies all you had in mind?

  Jenna got a big smile on her face. “Actually, now that you mention it.” She checked the door and turned the lock. “There is something I've thought about a lot.”

  Logan felt his cock react to the possibility. “What have you been thinking?”

  “Have a seat and I'll show you.”

  The desk he sat behind wasn't the neatest in the world, and the chair was worn in a few places. When she went to her knees on the small rug, Logan swallowed hard. “The chair squeaks.”

  “Maybe you'd better keep as still as possible,” Jenna teased him as she settled between his legs.

  “I can do that,” he nodded as she began to unbuckle his belt. Grasping the arms of the chair, he sat hypnotized as his beautiful Jenna freed his cock and began to pleasure him.

  “I think you're bigger than usual,” she giggled, “if that's possible.” With rapt attention on her face, she stroked him, taking his dick in hand and fisting it. “I love to touch you. I need to taste you all over.”

  He didn't get a chance to respond, she stole his good sense when she began licking his length from the root to the tip. One delicate hand played with his balls as she acquainted herself with every inch of his aching manhood. Logan held his breath as she inched nearer the sensitive head. And when she slipped those beautiful pink lips over the flared crest, he groaned. “Jenna, Jenna,” he whispered, jerking in agonizing pleasure. He laid a shaking hand on the back of her head. The spark in his blood flamed to wildfire in seconds.

  Jenna didn't need any incentive to continue. Making him feel good was so exciting for her. As she bent to her task, she watched his face, taking her cues from the tightening of his mouth or the hooded intensity of his eyes. Swirling her tongue around the head, she began to suck. His whole body tensed as she massaged his thighs, raising herself higher in order to take him deeper down her throat.

  “Oh, baby,” Logan groaned as she began a toe-curling rhythm – taking him deep, as she sucked while massaging his aching balls. No woman had ever touched him this way before, he spread his legs wider, his balls knotting with ecstasy as she played with him. Throwing his head back, he flexed his hips up and down, relishing the warm wet sensation of being in her perfect mouth. She sucked – heaven help – she sucked his cock in her mouth and drew on it, milking the shaft until he almost passed out from the pleasure.

  Jenna's heart was hammering in her chest, her clit was aching and every impulse she possessed urged her to place a hand between her legs and give herself an orgasm. Giving Logan pleasure was amazing. If they weren't in the fire hall, she'd shuck her clothes and mount him. Knowing there was a half dozen men nearby, she decided to save that impulse until they were alone. Closing her eyes, she doubled her efforts – stroking, sucking, and playing, until his body began to jerk. With a sexy growl, he surrendered, jetting his seed between her lips. Jenna didn't hesitate, she accepted – swallowing, laving his cock with her tongue.

  “Damn, damn, damn,” he whispered, as she placed a lingering kiss on his spent shaft. There were some advantages to being married, that was for sure.


  Jenna loved the sunlight, especially the way it danced on the facets of the solitaire diamond ring Logan had given her. Every opportunity she had, Jenna held her hand out in front of her so she could admire it – opening gates, catching sunbeams, pointing at everything as they talked. Typical male, Logan was oblivious. She'd gotten up early and made him breakfast, then insisted on accompanying him as he made his rounds around the ranch. “I want to be more involved,” she told him, catching his hand as they walked.

  “You've always been involved,” he reminded her. “This is your home, nothing has changed.”

  “Everything has changed, Mr. Gray,” she teased, giving him a playful pinch on his ass.

  Logan captured her hand and kissed it. “Listen to me. I want you to do your own thing, not be tied down to Gray Wolf.” This was something else that had worried Logan. “We always planned for you to go to college.”

  Jenna was strolling beside him as they made their way from the arena toward the stock pens. “You wanted me to go to college. All I ever wanted to do was marry you.”

  He couldn't help but smile. “You are so good for my ego.” As they passed by one of the corrals, Logan caught sight of one of the ranch hands who tipped his hat at them. He wondered what went through people's minds when they saw him and Jenna together. The clerk at the jeweler's store had nailed him with a stare as she'd shown them wedding sets. Several times he'd caught her staring at him with a funny look in her eye.

  Jenna looked up at her handsome husband. He didn't have a clue how the women of Gillespie County and the surrounding towns all licked their lips when he was around. Why just today the sales clerk at the jewelry store had been unable to keep her eyes off of him.

  “I'll take classes online or commute, but I won't move into the dorm or leave you.” Jenna didn't think that had to be said, but she voiced her desires anyway. “What I'd like to do is take some of the computer work off of you. I know you'll have to teach me your methods, but I learn quickly. I can keep track of the animals and their performance records. I can log in their sales, feed purchases, where they're used, anything.” Her hopeful look made his heart melt.

  Logan frowned. “I like the sound of that.” He pulled her close. “I just want what's best for you. I don't ever want to think that I've held you back in anyway.”

  “I want to be something, I want to matter; but if that means I have to live apart from you, any success I achieve will be meaningless.” Jenna folded her arms across her rather ample chest. “My ambitions may be old-fashioned, but I want to continue to be a part of this life you've built here. An education would be great, but I don't want a career. The only job I want is to be your wife.”

  Logan knew he needed his head examined. He was being offered every man's dream with the one woman in all the world he wanted. So why was he fighting it? Not wanting to dig deeper in his own psyche, he resorted to humor. “But no bull-riding! Do you hear me?”

  Jenna stood on tiptoe and kissed him. “Agreed. I still want to trick ride in the shows. But only until I get pregnant.” The word caused him to falter in his movements and she laughed. “Don't worry, I'm not advocating that we start trying anytime soon. I'll admit that I understand why we wouldn't want a baby so fast, I only know that I was happy thinking I was to be a mother of your child.”

  Smiling wryly, Logan turned toward the barn. “Especially since I'm not getting any younger.” As part of his routine, he entered the office to review the schedule and sales information.

  He'd taken no more than a few steps when Jenna whacked him on the arm, not hard but not playful. “Stop that.” She came in front of him. “I know you own a mirror. I know you know how devastatingly sexy and good-looking you are. What's the problem? You are only thirty-six. Yea, I'm younger but I'm not a kid. I'm a full grown woman who knows who she wants and had good sense enough to go after him.”

  “Yes, you are...full grown, that is.” The interior was dim and they were
alone. There was no need for him to hold himself back, no need not to enjoy her and love her now. Who knew how long she'd stay? His horror was that one day she'd wake up and realize he'd stolen her youth and innocence and walk away – leaving him high and dry. “Come here.”

  Taking her arm, he tugged her to him. She twisted a little, and he held her easily. The weather was nippy, but jeans and a cashmere sweater couldn't hide that sleek, sweet little body as it stroked and rubbed against his. Logan had to reach down and adjust the front of his jeans, he was rock hard and had been from the moment she'd consented to be his wife. He knew he was driving himself crazy with doubt – and for no reason. Jenna had never swayed in her confidence that she wanted him – only him. God help him, he should be the happiest man alive. Logan wanted to wrap her in his arms and cuddle her – rock her – while at the exact same time, he wanted to fuck her until he felt assured she really belonged to him.

  “Logan, it's daylight outside.”

  “Yea, married people do it anywhere they want to. If we can do it in the fire department office, we can lock the barn door.” Grinning, he dipped his head, stealing a kiss before she could open her mouth to agree. Struggling playfully, Jenna wiggled while Logan wrestled her sweater and jeans off of her. When she was standing before him in nothing but a few scraps of silk, he grasped her hips with trembling hands and leaned in for another kiss – and another. Deep. Soulful. Sexy as hell.

  As he loved on her, he realized how she was working to integrate herself in his life. What she didn't understand was that she'd always been there – in his home, at the fire station, here on the ranch. There was nowhere he could look or walk or live that she wasn't already there. And he needed to start appreciating that fact.

  “I want you so much.” Jenna's voice was a breathy moan. “I want you all the time.”


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