Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)

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Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2) Page 17

by Sable Hunter

“You got me, babe.” Running his hands over her body, he maneuvered her until she was facing a saddle rack. “Hold on.” Gently, Logan pressed her shoulders down, kissing her neck and the soft slope of her shoulder. Slow and easy was not the order of the day. He'd do slow and easy tonight when he made love to her in their marriage bed. But today - - today he could fulfill yet another fantasy, taking the lovely Jenna for a roll in the hay. Right now, Logan was burning alive for her.

  With more eagerness than finesse, Logan finished undressing her, sliding the pink panties over the shapeliest ass in the Hill Country – hell, the lower fifty states. “God, you're beautiful, Jenna Gray,” Logan swore as he quickly opened his jeans and pulled out the throbbing length of his manhood.

  “You make me feel beautiful.”

  Her voice was breathless and hot, washing over him. She wasn't protesting or pushing him away. His Jenna was losing herself in the moment, just as was losing himself in her.

  Since they'd been married, he'd confirmed one of his dearest suspicions. Fucking his wife was pure ecstasy and he didn't have to wait till the sun went down. Protecting her was job one, but when they were behind closed doors... he was the luckiest man alive. “Hold on, baby.” Pressing the head of his hungry cock up to the swollen saturated folds of her pussy, Logan groaned. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. It was like pushing his rod into a living flame. The day wasn't warm, but dampness coated his flesh as the woman he loved literally burned him alive. “You feel so perfect, love,” he praised her as he worked his cock farther up inside her. The feel of her tightening around him, the feminine muscles of her vagina caressing him, milking his sensitive flesh, was amazing. Nothing in the world had ever felt so good. No other pleasure with any other woman had even come close.

  Jenna grasped the rough wood of the saddle rack. She was covered by her husband, his hands were moving up and down her body, playing her like a well-mastered instrument. When she reached back for him, needing to hold on, her fingers connected and tugged at the heavy muscle of his thigh. “More, more, please.”

  With a primal groan, Logan buried his cock inside her over and over with slow, easy strokes. Closing his eyes, he relished every ripple of response from her pussy, every little squeeze that teased the tip of his cock.

  Logan felt a rush of heat at the sound of her voice. Jenna meant business, she spoke to him with a demanding little feminine growl that made him smile. “Oh, you've had enough? All done?”

  “Don't you dare!”

  There wasn't a chance in hell. His cock was buried about halfway inside of her, throbbing and begging for more. Lying against her, his hands moving from her waist up to cup a pair of luscious tits, Logan planted a trail of kisses across her smooth tanned back. “If you'll ask nicely,” he countered, pressing in deeper even as he teased.

  Her pussy responded, growing even wetter, coating his cock with her juices. Logan had to bite the side of his jaw to keep from cumming. His balls drew up tight and a surge of electric rapture raced up the length of his shaft.

  “Please, pretty please, I'll make you a cake,” she was panting, her nails digging into the skin of his leg as she reached back to hold him secure – like he was going anywhere.

  “Chocolate?” Logan grinned. If she only knew how much more he craved her than any sweet, she'd have him over a barrel.

  “Yes, damn you! Chocolate!” Jenna's grip on her own control was fading fast – but she needed a little something more from him – just a little – dammit!

  Her fierce little voice thrilled him. “All right, I'll be nice.” Sweat was beading along his forehead. The woman was singeing his very soul. Gripping her tits, he massaged the nipples with renewed focus, causing her to exhale and push back against him. Logan shifted his hips and hammered home, his cock moving in and out of her. With a grimace, he gritted his teeth and held on to his sweet armful as she arched, her little pleas coming out in one erotic whimper after another.

  “I don't care if you're nice, just as long as you're hard.” Jenna sassed back at him.

  Even in the midst of his erotic stupor, Logan chuckled. He stayed hard inside her. Hell, all the woman had to do was breathe and it made him hard. Drawing back with the crest of his cock just inside her liquid heat, he flexed his hips and thrust forward – harder, faster, over and over – in and out, in and out – fucking her good, giving his wife pleasure. A feminine wail broke the silence in the barn as Logan possessed Jenna. Pushing deep, pulling out – impaling her over and over again with deliberate strokes. The wooden saddle rack creaked with the onslaught as Logan nailed her again and again.


  Hearing her complete surrender, Logan thrust inside her to the root, snarling at the triumphant feeling overtaking him. The pleasure was so complete, he almost blacked out as he came. Needing it all, he pumped in hard and rested deep, laying his head on her naked back. He wanted the moment to last. He wanted to feel everything. He wanted to feel her.

  Jenna couldn't hold back. She came with him, her pussy clutching and contracting around his shaft. She undulated her body in his arms, riding his cock, sliding up and down on his pole so the head of his cock stroked every sensitive nerve ending inside of her. The ecstasy tingled through her body like a million tiny sparklers, all igniting all at once.

  “You feel so good,” he whispered to her. Bending close, Logan nibbled at the tender place near her ear. “So tight, so hot. Mine.”

  “I'm tired now,” she breathed.

  “All right. Hold on.” He stepped back, cleaned himself in the nearby bath, then came out to adjust both of their clothing. It made him smile to see how sated she was, how cuddly. Jenna was relaxed and happy.

  “Thanks, love.”

  Picking her up, he cradled her head on his shoulder. “I'm taking you home so you can nap.”

  “I'll start work tomorrow. Okay?” Burying her head against his shoulder, she gave herself up to his care. “And I'll have supper done when you're through for the day.”

  “Sounds perfect, sweetheart.”

  “I want to be a good wife to you, Logan. I love you with all my heart,” she whispered.

  “You are a good wife, Jenna. No one could ask for more.”

  * * *

  A week or so passed and Jenna felt like her life was settling down the way it was supposed to be. She'd found a sort of routine continuing with the work she'd done with Louisa, helping out with the guests and organizing the rodeo. What she'd added to her daily schedule was Logan and that was no chore at all. Taking care of him, being his wife, falling asleep in his arms was paradise.

  Today, spring was in the air and Jenna was in the mood to plant flowers. She was about to borrow one of the ranch trucks to head to the Wildflower Farm when a horn honked. Wiping her hands on a dishtowel, she glanced out the kitchen window and saw her pickup coming down the drive, the one Logan had given her for her birthday – what seemed like an age ago at this point. In actuality, it had only been a few months.

  Across the way, Logan heard car engines and looked up. He'd known that Jenna's friend was having someone bring her truck home. He expected it to be Dixie. Jenna would be so glad to see her. Wanting to greet her and thank her for being there for his wife, he shut the gate to the steer corral and started across the pasture. Sure enough, Dixie emerged from the truck, her blonde hair flying in the breeze. The screen door of their house slammed and Jenna came flying out. Dixie clapped her hands in greeting and he could hear their feminine laughter. But about the time he saw Jenna run past Dixie, he saw a man exit from the pickup that had been following Jenna's vehicle. When the other cowboy swept Jenna into his arms and twirled her about, Logan felt a wave of sheer unadulterated jealousy hit him like a ton of bricks. Who the fuck was this guy?

  “Hugh!” Jenna hugged him. “How are you?”'

  “I'm great, it's good to see you too.” Hugh tipped his hat and smiled, keeping a hand on her shoulder as if to anchor her to the ground.

  “Hey, don't I get a hug?” Dixie asked as Jenna turned
to her and gave her the same welcoming treatment.

  “Yes! When Anne said she was going to ask someone to come, I had hoped it would be you two!”

  “We wanted to come and check on you. You took quite a fall off of that bull and I didn't get a chance to check on you.” Hugh held his hat in his hand.

  “I'm great,” Jenna exclaimed. “Look!” She held out her hand so the diamond on her finger was evident.

  “Congratulations!” Dixie hugged her again. “Logan?”

  Logan sidled up quietly. “Yes, Logan. Who else?”

  Hugh and Dixie both gave him calculating looks. “Congratulations, sir.” Hugh held out his hand.

  Logan shook it, but his hackles rose at the respecting 'sir'. Shit. There was probably as much difference in his and the young cowpoke's age as there was between him and Jenna. In other words, he was old enough to be this man's father. “Thank you.”

  Dixie hugged him, albeit a little awkwardly. “You'd better be good to her. You're all she's ever wanted,” the woman whispered fiercely at him.

  “Of course.” Logan appreciated her sentiment, but didn't really welcome her interference. “I thank you both for bringing my wife's truck home.”

  “Our pleasure,” Hugh assured him.

  “Can I get you two some lemonade?” Jenna gestured toward the porch. “Please, come sit down.”

  Hugh looked at Logan sideways. “Well, we don't have long.”

  “We can spare a few moments,” Dixie said brightly, linking her arm with Jenna's. “Tell me about the wedding.”

  As the two women walked ahead, Logan attempted to make conversation with Hugh. “You bronc ride?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Sir. “How's your rides been?”

  Hugh grinned. “Your stock's the toughest, that's for sure.”

  Logan nodded. He prided himself in his animals. Unable to hold back the question, he asked it. “You got to know Jenna pretty well on the circuit?”

  With a frown, Hugh stopped short in his tracks. “Yea, I did.” The response made Logan's stomach turn over. “I got acquainted with her well enough to know she was head over heels in love with you.” At Logan's surprised glance, Hugh's face grew dark with disgust. “She's amazing. Do you know how damn lucky you are?”

  Logan didn't know whether to be happy or angry. God, he was confused. “Yes, I'm aware. My wife is a blessing.” He was just about to add more to that, but the conversation between the women drew his attention. He let Hugh go ahead of him up on the porch...while he listened.

  “Anne said she talked to you about being in the movie.”


  “She did.” Jenna scurried around, adding a pillow to a rocking chair. “Come help me get the lemonade and we'll talk.”

  Logan stood on his wide front verandah with hand on hip and watched as Jenna and Dixie headed through the front door. “What did she say?” He turned to look accusingly at Hugh. “Do you know what she's talking about?”

  With an almost satisfied look, Hugh took a seat. “Anne, the head of Cowgirl Angels', was contacted by a big movie producer to showcase one of their routines in a rodeo scene. The movie is some modern day romantic western or something.” He leaned back in the rocker, shielding his eyes against the noonday sun. “She didn't tell you?”

  Logan growled under his breath. He was about to ask more questions when one of his ranch hands came up with some papers for him to sign. The man recognized Hugh and they struck up a conversation about his standings in the PRCA. While they were chewing the fat, Logan was stewing. Jenna had an opportunity to be in the movies, to showcase her incredible talent? Grasping a chair, he sat down. There was no way in hell he was going to hold her back. And there was no way in hell she'd ever know what it cost him to push her to go.

  “Get the door, Dix,” Jenna said as she balanced the tray full of lemonade and cookies.

  “Sure thing.” She stepped aside so her friend could walk through. “Look, I understand why you're not interested. But you need to be sure. This would only involve a few weeks’ commitment and it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

  Once Jenna came on to the porch with her burden, both Hugh and Logan jumped up to help her. A minor struggle left Logan the winner, but Hugh managed to pull out Jenna's chair. “Thank you!” she told them both with a smile. “I hope you all like the cookies. I made them earlier today, a new recipe.” Jenna knew she sounded inane. “Logan, wasn't it nice for Hugh and Dixie to bring me my pick-up?”

  “Absolutely.” Logan nodded, accepting his glass of the tart beverage. “Now, tell me about the movie.”

  Jenna pressed her lips together. There was no use discussing something she had no intention of doing, but Dixie was not like-minded.

  “This is amazing. The producer is some hot-shot Italian and he wants to capture the essence of the American western experience. Many on the circuit have been offered appearances. I have a cameo shot barrel racing, the Cowgirl Angels would be featured.” She leaned forward placing a hand on Jenna's arm. “But the person they really want to focus on is Jenna. They're fascinated by what she can do and how sexy she looks doing it,” Dixie finished with a giggle.

  Hugh chimed in. “I think Jenna's character is slated to be set as the starlet's best friend. So, she'd have a minor role in the movie other than the rodeo background.”

  “I've always thought Jenna was a star.” Logan couldn't help but admit.

  Jenna held up her hand. “Look, this isn't anything that tempts me even a little bit. I love riding. I love rodeo. But what I have now with Logan is a thousand times more important. Being here with him,” she grasped Logan's hand, “is what I've always wanted. I wouldn't trade being here with him for all the movies in Hollywood.”

  Her little impassioned speech seemed to impress Dixie and Hugh. “I knew you'd say that,” Dixie confessed. “I just thought you ought to realize your options. The producers are not giving up hope. They say that if you change your mind, they can always edit the footage in.”

  “I think you ought to do it.” Logan's voice came out of nowhere.

  Jenna was shocked. “I'd have to be away from home. Away from you.”

  “You'd just be spending time with some friends, like a vacation.” Dixie urged clearly trying to win her over to the idea.

  Hugh seemed to have good enough sense not to comment. Logan felt like his guts were tearing into. He remembered the words of his old Chief. 'I loved her till she hated me.' He wanted Jenna to have every opportunity and every privilege a young, beautiful woman should have.

  Jenna looked at Logan. What she saw on his face was not what she expected. He seemed to be encouraging her to leave. What was going on? “I don't know,” was all she allowed herself to say.

  After that, the two couples finished their lemonade in near silence. When Hugh rose to leave, Dixie didn't dispute the idea and neither did Jenna. She did, however, thank them profusely for being so kind to her. No more mention was made of the movie.

  Still without speaking, Jenna stood watching them leave. After the dust had settled, she turned to her husband who had the good grace to look a bit guilty. “Why do you keep making suggestions that would push me away?”

  “I'm not.” Logan stated, then realized it wasn't true. “Hell, I just want the best for you, Jenna. I want you to have it all.”

  “You don't understand, do you?” She looked at him sadly. “You are the best for me. You're all I want.” Turning, she left him standing there.

  Logan intended to talk to her, but he got called to a fire, a big one. The blaze was hard to fight and required all of the resources they possessed. Several other units had to be summoned and the Stonewall Fire Department worked for hours containing the fire that consumed two businesses before it was done.

  When he returned home it was to find Jenna already asleep. She looked like an angel lying on her side, with her hands folded on the pillow near her face. She'd worn a sheer nightgown and he wondered how long she'd waited up for him. After he u
ndressed and showered, Logan slid beneath the covers and her body turned toward his naturally, like a flower seeking the sun. This was their first night not to make love, but holding her close was its own form of sweet torture.

  He wrapped his arms around her and she nestled close, letting out a long sigh. While the darkness settled all around them, Logan stroked her back and wondered if he was doing the right thing.

  * * *

  The sun woke Jenna streaming through the east facing window. She blinked her eyes and flopped on her back. Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was after eight. Logan was long gone. Frowning, she wondered why he hadn't woken her up. With a discontented grumble Jenna rolled over and buried her face in his pillow. Breathing deeply, she inhaled his beloved scent. Hay. Leather. Grass. All man. “Logan, what's wrong?” she whispered.

  Gently she stroked the spot where his head normally lay. Was he unhappy? Mentally she reviewed the time they'd been together. She'd been so ecstatically happy and just assumed he was too. A small smile came to her face. He was incredible in bed and she seemed to make him happy there. They'd burned up the sheets sometimes three times a day, not to mention the other places she'd coerced him into making love.

  But what about the rest of the time?

  Was she in his way? Maybe she pushed to be too close, too involved. Some men needed their space. Logan had gone out of his way to encourage her to be independent. To go back to school or to get a job off property. Now he was suggesting that she go back into training with the troupe for this movie deal.

  Was he trying to get rid of her?

  An uneasy feeling crept over her heart. What if he regretted marrying her? Logan was his own man. He had no problem attracting the opposite sex. Her husband was a god, the man could have any woman he wanted. Doubts and insecurities plagued her. What if she wasn't enough? What if he found her boring outside the bedroom? Or, oh God, she sat straight up in the bed. What if he was ashamed of her in some way? Like her lack of education? He'd mentioned that several times. Maybe she just didn't have enough to talk about or he was afraid she wouldn't fit in with his friends. She still remembered how it felt to know he hadn't informed the other firemen they were married.


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