Friends and Lovers

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Friends and Lovers Page 16

by Tinnean

  “Do I smell something burning?” He kept his eyes firmly on the newspaper.

  “Oh… uh… thanks, BT.”

  “Don’t mention it.” There was bustling as Theodore and Josh got back to the neglected breakfast.

  “I guess… uh… we ought to explain that.” Joshboy was actually wringing his hands. “You see…”

  “I’m his boyfriend, BT!”

  Josh’s eyes were wide. “You are?”

  “I am.”

  “Okay.” The expression on Josh’s face was dazzled, and he didn’t seem able to come up with anything else to say.

  Tom sighed happily. After Josh’s upset Thursday on learning his brother had become engaged – thanks to a news clipping sent by his mother, along with a letter that was so cold and so formal it could have been written with icicles – Tom had been uncertain how to raise the boy’s spirits and make him feel better.

  Obviously Theodore had found a way.

  “Well, congratulations to you both.”

  “Thanks, BT.” Theodore leaned over and planted a noisy kiss on Tom’s cheek.

  Tom could see Josh was uncertain if such an action from him would be welcome, so he stood and held out his arms.

  “Thank you,” Josh whispered in his ear.

  “It’s my pleasure. You’re a wonderful young man, and I’m pleased as punch that Sal Lytle recommended you!”

  “Okay,” Theodore interrupted. “Enough with the mushy stuff. The bacon isn’t going to microwave itself, Joshboy! Get cracking!”

  “Yes, master.”

  Theodore grinned. “And don’t you forget it!”

  Tom hid a smile. They were so cute together. “So, what do you boys have planned for today?”

  “I thought we’d take a ride to the beach. Josh needs a break. He hasn’t been away from the ranch all summer.”

  “Yes, I have!”

  “Going to Office Depot doesn’t count!” Theodore sent Josh a mock scowl, and Tom was enchanted to see the blush that colored Josh’s cheeks.

  “It doesn’t?” Josh peeked at Theodore from under his lashes. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. It… Are you teasing me?”

  Josh nodded, his blush deepening. “You can get even with me later, if you’d like?”

  “Oh yeah, I’d like!”

  Tom was pleased with their new closeness. Even if it didn’t last very long, they’d be good for each other, the one boy so serious, and the other… not.

  The back door opened, and Jack walked into the kitchen, bringing with him the scents of fall in Savannah. The tee shirt he wore, with Sweet Construction across the front, was clinging damply to his chest. Although it was early November, this was Georgia, and the forecast was for a warm, sunny day.

  Tom felt a huge smile light his face. Five years they’d been living together, and almost seven since they’d hooked up, as the kids would say, and he still couldn’t believe that this man was his to live with, to love, to spend the rest of his life with.

  “I’m really glad Miz Dinwiddie’s roof didn’t need as much work as she thought. I thought we were gonna melt up there! Morning again, babe.” He leaned down and kissed Tom.

  “Coffee’s fresh, Daddy.”

  “And I can use it! Pour me a cup, okay? I want to wash my hands. I’ll grab a shower later.” He squeezed Tom’s shoulder and winked at him, signaling they’d be showering together. “Y’all remember Farmer John, don’t you?”

  Bobby Joe Keyes stood hesitantly at the door. He was a plain young man, still carrying a trace of baby fat although he was in his early twenties, with limp, straw-colored hair and ordinary features, his only saving grace his vivid blue eyes.

  Now those eyes were enormous, and Tom sighed to himself. Jack didn’t make a big deal of their relationship when they were on a jobsite with his men around, but they all knew he and Tom were together. They also knew that Tom was the one who remembered to send flowers to their wives for their birthdays and anniversaries and made sure there was a little something extra in their paychecks when their kids graduated, even if it was only from kindergarten. If this little redneck boy was going to be shocked by the chaste kiss he and Jack had shared, he was going to be in for a rude awakening. Jack Sweet might put up with bullshit from his father and his ex-wife, the mother of his kids, but not from someone who worked for him.

  “Good morning, Bobby Joe.” Tom was the only one who didn’t call him Farmer John.

  “Oh!” He seemed to recall himself and blushed scarlet. “Good morning, Mr. Hansom. Teddy. Josh.” He gave hesitant nods to them.

  “Hey, Farmer. C’mon in and grab a seat. I know it’s almost lunchtime, but some people –” He grinned at Tom, who returned his grin.” – are not morning people. Want some French toast?”

  “Thanks, Teddy, but you don’t have to go to any trouble for me.”

  “No trouble. Since Cath and Kira haven’t hauled ass out of bed yet, Joshboy and I are doing the cooking, and one more mouth is no big deal. I’ll just pop a couple more pieces in the toaster.”

  “In that case, thanks. I will. It’s been a long time since breakfast.” He smiled, and Tom was surprised at the sweetness of his expression. “I’d just like to wash my hands.”

  “Sure. The powder room is down that hall.” Theodore pointed him in the right direction.

  In a matter of minutes, Bobby Joe was back, his hair slicked wetly back and his clothing tidied.

  “Coffee, Farmer?” Josh asked, holding a mug near the coffee maker.

  “Thank you.”

  “Milk and sugar?”

  “Yes, please.” He took the seat Josh nodded to and became busy stirring the contents of the mug. “Are the… uh… ladies going to join us?”


  Bobby Joe blushed again, his very fair skin making it seem almost painful. “Miss Cath and… and Miss Kira.”

  Theodore shrugged. “It’s a possibility, but they’re being real slugs today.”

  Jack strolled in and took the mug Josh had poured for him. He sat across from Tom, raising his mug in a silent salute. “Pass the Sports Section, babe?”

  Catherine stormed into the kitchen. “Men!” she snarled, her hands on her hips.

  Tom raised his eyes from the Living Section. “What about men?”

  Jack’s daughter scowled at him “They’re scum, every one of them!”

  “Hey!” Theodore paused in putting the container of orange juice back in the refrigerator. “I’m a man!”

  “No, you’re not. You’re a brother!”

  “Well, what about Daddy and BT? And… uh… Josh?”

  Catherine hunched her shoulder. “They don’t count. They’re gay.”

  Josh choked on his juice. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, please. Who are you trying to hide it from?”

  “Catherine,” Jack said sharply. As far as he was concerned, the sun rose and set on his daughter, but he wouldn’t permit her to hurt the feelings of someone who lived under his roof. “It’s not your place to out Josh.”

  She looked mortified. “Oh, Josh! I didn’t mean…”

  “I’m… It’s…”

  Theodore rubbed his shoulder. “I’ll hold her down if you want to spank her, Joshboy.”

  “You and what army, brother dear?” She placed her hand on Josh’s arm. “I really am sorry.”

  “You might also want to apologize to Farmer John.” Jack nodded toward the young man who worked for him.

  “Oh, hey, Farmer. I didn’t see you there. Sorry,” Catherine said distractedly, turning to speak more earnestly to her father. “I’m sorry, Daddy. But it su… it pi…” It was easy to see she was struggling to find a term that wouldn’t offend her father. Finally she gave it up as useless. “It makes me crazy! Nick is such a jock!”

  “Nick? Kira’s boyfriend?”

  “Ex-boyfriend! He broke up with her, by text message!”

  Bobby Joe’s eyes had grown huge, and now his mouth dropped. Poor kid probably w
asn’t expecting this kind of drama on a Sunday morning at his boss’ breakfast table.

  “She’s in my room, crying her eyes out! She’s been crying all night!”

  “Oh, Cath, I’m so sorry.” Jack rose from his seat and went to his daughter, enfolding her in a hug.

  “Want me to go beat the crap out of him?”

  “Thanks, DaddyTom. But I don’t think that’s going to help.”

  “What happened?” Theodore passed behind Josh’s seat, giving his shoulder a pat and a squeeze. It was a fleeting gesture.

  Josh glanced up and smiled, his heart in his eyes, and Tom smiled himself. Am I the only one who noticed? he wondered.

  “That… man…” It came out like an epithet. “… got Betty Jean Harkness pregnant!”

  The Reverend Harkness’ daughter? Tom saw his wasn’t the only mouth that dropped.


  “How did that happen?”

  She gave her brother a scathing look. “How do you think?”

  “What Teddy means is Nick’s been dating Kira for years!”

  “Well, apparently that didn’t mean squat to him, Josh! He and that prissy goody-two-shoes have to get married, and Kira…”

  “Did I hear my name mentioned?” Kira breezed in. Her eyes were a little more heavily made up than usual and her nose was a little pink, but other than that, there seemed to be nothing to indicate her world had just been turned upside down.

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.”

  “Why? Oh, you mean because of Nick?” She shrugged. “I was gettin’ tired of him anyway.” She was wearing indecently short shorts, a top that was tied beneath her breasts, leaving her midriff bare, and platform sandals that added at least three inches to her height. She snagged a slice of bacon from Theodore’s plate.


  “You don’t mind, do you, sugar?” She kissed his cheek, then made a production of wiping off her lipstick, making sure her thumb brushed over his lips.

  Josh frowned, but before he could say anything, Bobby Joe spoke.

  “You could have mine, Miss Kira,” he offered shyly.

  “Why, thank you, Bobby Joe!”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He certainly didn’t look that enthralled when I used his name, Tom mused to himself.

  “Uh… don’t you think those shorts are a little… um… short?” Josh asked.

  “You’re not my father!” Her voice was strident. She flushed, took a breath, and smoothed her hair. “Why don’t we ask an unbiased spectator? What do you think, Bobby Joe?”

  “I think you look beautiful, Miss Kira. You always look beautiful! And… and your boyfriend was a fool to even look at another woman!”

  “Thanks.” She smiled, but anyone could see his compliment didn’t mean anything to her. “Well, I’ve got to run. I’ve got a date.”

  “You do?” Catherine was watching her not only with concern but with confusion. “You didn’t just a little while ago.”

  “Well, I do now. Don’t wait up for me!” The clatter of her sandals sounded across the tiled floor, and then the back door slammed shut behind her.

  There was silence in the kitchen for long minutes. It was finally broken by Bobby Joe.

  “She called me Bobby Joe!” He blushed when they all turned to stare at him, and ducked his head, but a smile lit up his plain face, making him look almost cute. “She knew my name!”

  3. The Wedding – (no, not that one!) June, eighteen months later

  Seeing Josh get more and more nervous as the date for his brother’s wedding approached, Theodore hatched a plan: Catherine would go as Josh’s ‘date.’

  “And she can pose as the daughter of a movie star. That’ll impress your folks!”

  “No, it won’t. They’d just look down on her. Now if she were related to someone high-ranking in the military…”

  “No, that wouldn’t be half as much fun. I’ve got it!” And Theodore’s eyes lit with unholy glee. “How about if she’s Michael Corleone’s daughter?”

  Josh’s eyes widened, and then crinkled in amusement. “By George, I think you’ve got it!”

  “Great! And Daddy and BT and I will be her bodyguards.”

  “Dressed in black on black?” Tom asked dryly. “We’re going to look like undertakers.”

  “No, we won’t! We’ll look like Tony Soprano’s men! And Josh and I can go shopping for thin gray ties. It’ll be a hoot!”

  “Yes, it will!” Catherine bounced with excitement. “I haven’t been to Atlanta since my high school field trip junior year!”

  And hadn’t Jack been a wreck that weekend? The only reason Tom hadn’t driven the almost two hundred and fifty miles to the state’s capital to make sure she was all right was because each day he’d had to talk Jack out of making that same drive.

  “Please say we can go, Daddy!”

  “What do you think, Tommy?” Jack asked, grinning broadly. He was as bad as the kids.

  “All right, but only because a responsible adult needs to accompany you!” The real reason behind his concession was because he had no intention of allowing Josh’s parents and brothers to hurt him any more than they already had. Just the thought of it started his blood pressure rising.

  “Do you think you can get us invited, Josh?”

  “Yes, I… I think so.”

  “Invited where?” Kira sauntered in, having spent the weekend with her latest boyfriend.

  “To John’s wedding.”

  “The one in Atlanta? Ooo, me, too!” Kira enthused. “I’ve never been there! And to go to a high society wedding…!”

  “You’d… you’d all do this for me?”

  Theodore cuffed Josh’s head. “Of course we would!”

  “All right, then! Um… are you bringing Davy, Kira?”

  “No, we broke up. He was getting too possessive.”

  “Better get an extra invite anyway, Joshboy,” Theodore said in a stage whisper. “She’s sure to have someone new by then!”

  Kira grinned and fluffed her hair.

  And so Josh called his mother to ask if he could bring some friends to the wedding. Tom wasn’t privy to that conversation, but from what he gathered from Theodore’s angry scowl, permission, while granted, had been done so grudgingly.

  “Geez, BT! They can afford it! Why are they acting like Josh is asking them to invite all of P and J?”

  Tom patted his shoulder. “Some children just aren’t valued as they should be.”

  “Well, if I ever have kids…”

  “You’ll be an amazing dad, just like your father.”

  Theodore blushed and ducked his head, but the smile on his face told Tom he was pleased with the comparison.

  The day before the wedding, Jack went and rented a big, black SUV that would comfortably hold the six of them – Kira was temporarily sans arm candy – and they drove up to Atlanta and checked into the three bedroom, bi-level suite that Josh had reserved at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center.

  Theodore, Catherine, and Kira looked around in wonder.

  “Holy smokes!”

  “Oh, wow!”


  The lower level contained the dining area with a table that sat four – “I didn’t think it mattered, since mostly we’ll be eating out,” Josh told them. – and a living area that had a mini bar and a flat screen TV. To the right was a small kitchen with a microwave, and cabinets and a small refrigerator that could be stocked for an additional charge.

  The master bedroom was on this level as well, and it took Tom’s breath away. Windows looked out on a view of downtown Atlanta, which was nice, but what drew his eyes was the king size bed, the 50-inch plasma screen TV, and the adjoining bath with a Jacuzzi tub and a separate shower enclosure.

  He was also interested to note that Josh wasn’t in the least fazed by the luxury of their surroundings. The boy was so unpretentious that it was hard to remember he’d lived with this for most of his life.

  “Would you like to see
what’s upstairs? That’s where the four of us will be sleeping,” Josh said.

  “Let’s go!” Theodore grabbed his hand and bounded toward the spiral staircase, the girls at their heels.

  Tom and Jack followed at a more leisurely pace.

  “Getting old, buddy?”

  “Bite your tongue, Jack! I’m three years younger than you!”

  “I’d rather bite your tongue.” Jack gave him a look that even after all this time went straight to his cock.

  “Hold that thought!”

  “Okay.” Jack grinned and strolled into the first of the two bedrooms on the upper level.

  And he knows I’ll be watching his ass! For a moment Tom lost himself in the wonder of his lover’s ass, so tight and firm and… He adjusted his trousers.

  Jack came to a halt and let out a low whistle, and Tom bumped into him. Jack looked over his shoulder, grinning. “I’m happy to see you too, babe.” He’d felt Tom’s erection.

  Tom blushed and stepped around him to examine the bedroom.

  “This one is ours!” Teddy declared, giving the girls a hard stare. It had a queen-sized bed and an armoire that revealed a TV as well as drawers for their clothing, and a small alcove to hang his suit and Josh’s tux.

  Kira looked as if she was about to object, but Catherine had walked through the shared bathroom and called, “Oh! Come look at this!”

  That bedroom had two double beds, a dresser with a TV on top, an alcove similar to the other bedroom’s for hanging their dresses, and French doors that opened onto a small balcony complete with a pair of chaises and a small table between them.

  “Bet you’re sorry you chose the other room now!” Kira declared smugly.

  “The balcony is a plus, but the beds are too short for me.” Theodore shrugged. “We’ll stay where we are, thanks.”

  “Is this okay?” Josh asked. “I know the TVs up here are smaller, and we’ll have to raid the mini bar downstairs if we want any snacks, but… It… it was the best I could get on short notice.”

  “Short notice?” Theodore’s jaw dropped. “You called them four months ago, Joshboy!”

  “June is the month for weddings, so families like to book for out of town guests well in advance.”


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