Friends and Lovers

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Friends and Lovers Page 17

by Tinnean

  “Well, if this is the best you could get, I suppose we’ll just have to make do.” And he gave a put-upon sigh.

  Josh actually looked worried, and Tom was going to cuff Theodore’s head when Jack did it for him.

  “This is fine, Josh.”

  Theodore gave his father an injured look, which was spoiled by the laughter in his eyes.

  “That’s great!” Josh’s face lit with a relieved smile. “Let’s get unpacked, and then if you don’t mind,” he looked from Tom to Jack, “I thought I could show Teddy, Cath, and Kira the sights? Since this is my hometown.”

  “I don’t mind. Do you mind, Tommy?” Jack’s back was to the kids, and he waggled his eyebrows.

  “No.” Tom swallowed a grin. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  “Come on, buddy,” Jack called over his shoulder. “You don’t want your suit to get all wrinkled, do you?” And he went back down the stairs and into the bedroom on the lower level.

  Of course Jack had more in mind than simply hanging up their suits, and once they finished putting the rest of their clothes away, and after the kids were finally gone, he tackled Tom to the bed, rolling so Tom landed on top of him.

  “God, I love you!”

  “I know! Why don’t you show me all the ways?”

  “Works for me, buddy.”

  And that was how they spent the rest of the afternoon.

  Tom checked his watch. “It’s almost time to leave for the church.” He and Jack were waiting for the kids in the living area of the suite.

  “Teddy! Cath! Josh! Kira! Get a wiggle on!” Jack had a voice that could carry over an entire job site, and reaching the second level of their suite was no problem. In fact, Tom was pretty sure the guests on the other side of the hotel could hear him. “We’re going to be late!”

  “And ask me if I care!” Tom muttered.

  “Whoa! Someone’s not in the mood for a wedding!”

  “I tell you, Jack, considering the way Josh’s family treats him – ”

  “I know. I’d like to… Never mind. Here he comes now.”

  “Do… do I look okay?” Josh looked as if he were battling nerves and not quite winning. Theodore came up beside him and rested one hand on his back.

  Tom pretended not to notice that his lips were puffy, as were Josh’s.

  “Oh, Joshboy, you look more than okay!” Theodore’s heart was in his eyes.

  Ah! So that’s the way the wind blows! Tom glanced at Josh to see if he’d noticed, but Josh was making sure his cummerbund fit smoothly and apparently hadn’t. Oh, well. Did the course of true love ever run smooth?

  Theodore grinned, all trace of longing gone from his expression, and stepped away from his boyfriend. He held his arms out, turning slowing. “What about me?” He had put in temporary coloring – both Tom and Jack had drawn the line at dyeing their hair – and slicked back his now-dark hair.

  “You?! I just got used to dating the blond you. I feel like I’m cheating on you. With you!”

  Theodore’s grin became smug, and he slipped on a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses. “Do I look suitably threatening?” Surprisingly, he did look dangerous.

  Josh’s eyes shot up at that, and he started to laugh. “Everyone’s going to take one look at you and BT and Mr. Jack and swear you’re all Mafia!”

  “Well, that’s the point! Cath’s supposed to be the daughter of someone who’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

  “How did we let ourselves get talked into this?” Jack murmured into Tom’s ear.

  “Don’t look at me, buddy! You were all for it! I’m just the voice of reason!”

  “Right.” Jack’s smile was so loving and indulgent, Tom thought for a moment he was going to melt.

  Josh, meanwhile, was shaking his head. “They’ll never believe it.”

  “Sure they will!”

  “How would a grad student meet someone like that?”

  “College guys meet all kinds of fascinating people!” Catherine made her way down the spiral staircase.

  “Oh, honey!”

  Tom smiled at Jack’s reaction to his daughter’s appearance, although he was suddenly a little misty himself. She looked stunning in the dress that highlighted her striking blonde beauty.

  Josh looked at her in wonder. “Mother is… Well, to say she’ll be surprised is putting it mildly. Never in a million years would it cross her mind that such a beautiful girl would want to date me!” He took her hand and raised it to his lips.

  “Thank you, kind sir.” Catherine gave a brief curtsy. “But why wouldn’t I? You’re very handsome!”


  She laughed and kissed his cheek. “Aside from the fact that you’re my brother’s boyfriend?”

  “What about us?” Theodore demanded.

  “Oh, you and Daddy and DaddyTom look suitably threatening.”

  “That sounds familiar.”

  “I know, Daddy; I was listening at the top of the staircase.”

  “Excuse me!”

  They turned to see Kira standing about halfway down. She held her pose for a moment, then seemed to float down the remaining stairs.

  “Well?” She stood beside Catherine. They were a study in contrasts, Kira in a brown satin slip-dress, ‘Mocha!’ she’d corrected with a frown when Tom ventured an opinion on its color, and Catherine in what she said was champagne lace lined with a slightly darker satin. Her dress had a handkerchief hem, while Kira’s had a slit in the side that went midway up her thigh.

  I was definitely hiding behind the door when the decorating gene was handed out! If they hadn’t told me, I’d never have known. Tom grinned to himself as he observed the two girls, both so fair. As far as I’m concerned, they’re both wearing very pretty dresses, although he did feel Kira’s dress was the more revealing of the two.

  “You ladies look lovely.”

  Catherine smiled and opened her little purse, making sure she had whatever she needed to bring with her, but Kira preened. As pretty as she was, it didn’t seem as if she could soak up enough compliments.

  Damn Nick and his inability to keep his dick in his pants!

  Just then, the in-room phone rang, and Josh went to answer it. “Yes? Oh. Thank you, we’ll be right down.” He hung up. “The car is here. I… uh… I called earlier to have it brought around.” He licked his lips, suddenly pale. “Is that all right?”

  “Of course it is.” Tom didn’t like that Josh seemed to have reverted to the diffident and uncertain young man he’d been when they’d first met.

  “We… uh… I guess we’d better get going.”

  “It’s going to be fine, babe.” Theodore went to him.

  “If you say so.”

  “I say so! Hey, come on. We’re going to have a blast. Think how surprised your brother’s going to be!”

  “Yes.” Josh smiled, but it looked forced. Theodore whispered something in his ear, and he nodded, his cheek rubbing against Theodore’s. “I’ll remember. I promise.”

  There was more traffic than Josh had apparently expected, and he fretted the entire way to the church. “We’re going to be so late!”

  “Relax, Joshboy. If we are, we’ll just slip in the door and take a seat in the back. Who’ll know when we got there?”

  He smiled at Theodore and seemed to lose some of the tension that tightened his shoulders, but in a matter of minutes, he was back to worrying.

  They wound up arriving at the Cathedral of St. Philip’s just as the organist began to play Wagner’s Wedding March.

  “I knew we were going to be late! But how could I have known?” Josh contradicted himself. He gave absent nods to the people who acknowledged him with surprised smiles. “We’d better hurry!”

  They took their seats in a pew on the groom’s side.

  “I love weddings.” Catherine fumbled in her purse for a hanky.

  Afterwards, they queued up to the receiving line. The bride’s parents greeted them politely, then turned to the guest
s who followed.

  Next were Josh’s parents, and before he could even greet them and introduce his guests, they tore into him.

  “Joshua. I was uncertain if you would arrive on time.” His father was coldly polite. “Not that it would have surprised me.”

  His mother glanced at him as if studying his tux for flaws. “Don’t you dare embarrass us!” she hissed at him.

  “Josh is the least likely of anyone here to cause embarrassment,” Tom snarled. The poor kid looked miserable, and he was more than ready to go to battle for him.

  Jack put a hand on his arm. “Easy, buddy. The boss wouldn’t like it if we brought attention to us being here.”

  “We… certainly didn’t expect…” Red-faced, obviously disconcerted at being caught being less than cordial to her son, she decided not to share whatever it was they expected. “Thank you so much for coming.”

  “We wouldn’ta missed it,” Theodore said. He had insisted they watch a gangster movie marathon and was giving his impersonation of a hood.

  In any other situation, Tom would have made no effort to hide his smile, but this wasn’t any other situation, and he wasn’t amused. Maybe that came across in his expression.

  “Yes, well,” Dr. Harden’s lips were a thin, tight line, and there was wariness in his eyes. “I hope you enjoy yourselves.”

  Tom gave a brief nod.

  “I’m so sorry, BT,” Josh whispered as they moved down the receiving line.

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It always feels like it is.” He looked so forlorn Tom wanted to smack both his parents.

  “Josh! You made it!” John Harden shook his brother’s hand.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t?”

  “Mother didn’t seem sure…”

  “I don’t know why not,” Theodore muttered under his breath. “It was practically a royal decree.”

  “Well. Well, I’m glad you’re here!” John said jovially, apparently deaf to the snarky comment, and clapped Josh on the shoulder hard enough that his brother flinched.

  Theodore scowled, his expression made even more menacing by the mirrored aviator glasses he wore, and took a step toward the groom. “You want I should show you our invitation?” he growled.

  Tom had watched doubtfully back at the ranch as he had practiced this. ‘Aren’t you going a bit overboard?’

  ‘Trust me, BT.’

  And Tom saw now that he’d been right. John’s eyes widened as he took in the black on black suits they wore, and he smiled weakly and turned to his bride. “You’ve heard me speak of my youngest brother. This is Josh, Suellen.”

  “I was in the same class as your brother in Lyman Hall. Welcome to the family, Suellen,” Josh murmured.

  “Thank you for coming.” The brunette’s eyes were glazed and her words were mechanical, as if she’d already said them so many times that they’d lost all meaning to her.

  Josh began to make introductions. “These are my… friends. This is Caterina.”

  “I’m Josh’s girlfriend.” She tucked her arm in Josh’s and hugged it close to her.

  Heads whipped around.

  “You brought a date, Josh?” his brother asked, obviously taken aback.

  “Surely Mother told you…”

  Catherine gave the bride a sunny smile. “You make a lovely bride!”

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “Congratulations. Ya got a good brother here.” Theodore smiled, but his sunglasses made the expression cold.

  “Uh… yes, I do.” John’s look was slightly disconcerted, and Tom struggled not to laugh as Joshboy continued to introduce them.

  “This is Kira –” She fluttered her lashes at him, and Catherine nudged her. Josh cleared his throat.” - the Caretaker –” Theodore. “Digger –” Jack. “And Big Tommy.”

  “Uh huh. Well… uh… thank you all for coming.” John swallowed and turned to his best man. “Wes, look who’s here!”

  “Hey, squirt. Didn’t think you’d show up.” Wesley dismissed his brother and turned to Catherine, his eyes hot as they studied her. “And you’re his date, beautiful? My little brother is a lucky dog!” Jack growled, and he eyed him indifferently. “Who are you?”

  Obviously afraid Jack might spill the beans, Josh sent Tom a panicked look, and Tom poked Jack in the side. Jack glared at him.

  “What? This little -”

  “Don’t cause a scene, Digger. The Don – That is, Don wouldn’t like it.” Tom turned to Wesley. “He’s here to see Caterina has a good time.”

  “I’ll make sure of that!” Wesley took Catherine’s hand. The young woman who stood beside him pointedly cleared her throat. “This is Linda. Adams. My fiancée.”

  “Congratulations.” Josh smiled, but it was easy to see it was forced. He’d had no idea, Tom was certain. He’d have told them otherwise. “Welcome to the family, Linda.”


  “Adams? Any relation to the bride?”

  “Suellen is my sister.” Linda would have been a very pretty woman, Tom thought, except for the look of dissatisfaction on her face. Then again, if he were engaged to someone like Josh’s middle brother, he wouldn’t look very satisfied either.

  Although it wouldn’t take him more than twenty minutes to teach the little candy-ass some manners.

  “Come, Caterina, bella.” Josh took her arm. “We don’t want to hold up the receiving line. We’ll see you later at the country club.”

  “You’d better believe it, squirt! Save a dance for me, Cat!”

  “I despise that nickname.” She smiled coldly at him. “And I only dance with the man I came with.”

  Wesley opened his mouth, then shut it when he realized all four men were staring at him stonily. He might think he could cow his brother, but the other three were unknown quantities.

  “I’ll dance with you!” Kira fluttered her lashes once again.

  “I’ll look forward to it.” But Wesley’s eyes went back to Catherine.

  “Little candy-ass,” Jack growled, and Tom couldn’t help a small laugh. After all these years, he was rubbing off on his lover. “If he doesn’t put his eyes back in his head, I’m going to tear them out and shove them up his – ”

  “Thank you, Da- Digger.” Catherine patted his arm. “I’m sorry, Josh, but I don’t like your brother. He gives me the willies.”

  “No apology is necessary, Cath. I don’t like him much myself.” But he sighed.

  Jack drove them to the country club, Josh leaning over the front seat and giving him directions. Even though the air conditioning in the SUV was cranking out, Tom could see the sweat at Josh’s temples.

  The surprisingly large room had an enormous space for dancing, a place to the side for a live band, and enough room to comfortably place at least seventy-five tables, with ten guests to a table. Tom noted that there didn’t seem to be an empty seat.

  They found their table. “I’m surprised it’s so far from the bride and groom!” Theodore was displeased at the insult to his boyfriend.

  “That would be Mother’s doing. She really doesn’t trust me not to embarrass the family, and so she’d want me as far from their friends as she can safely put me without having them question her. You all agreeing to come with me made it easy for her. She’ll just tell anyone who asks there wasn’t room for us all at a closer table.” He looked resigned. “And she’ll tell them even if they don’t ask.”

  The cocktail hour began, and while one tuxedo-clad waiter took their drinks order, others offered them so many different hors d’ oeuvres that Tom lost track.

  “Barbecued shrimp with rosemary biscuits, sir?” A pretty waitress extended the platter to him.

  “No, thank you.”

  “They’re very good.”

  “I’m sure they are, but I’m saving room for dinner.” It wasn’t solely the dietary restrictions of his religion that kept him from eating crustaceans – he’d never cared for them – but he wasn’t going to tell her that. After all,
who heard of a Jewish mobster?

  “A very wise decision, sir. It’s fabulous!” She smiled and moved to another table, to be replaced by another young lady.

  “Prosciutto wrapped figs and blue cheese, sir?”

  Once again, Tom had to refuse, but he was interested to note that Josh helped himself to some of everything, and encouraged Theodore to sample the various delicacies as well. Once again he thought how cute they were together.

  “It’s a good thing Catherine is sitting between them,” he said to Jack, “or the game would be up.”

  Josh heard him and looked over at him, stricken. “I’m sorry! You all’re trying to help, and I’m…”

  Catherine squeezed his arm. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not! You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, Cath, and – ”

  “And that’s exactly what everyone will think. Don’t worry so much, Josh!”

  “It’s just that I hate having to pretend.”

  Theodore whispered something they couldn’t hear, causing Josh to blush and Catherine to give an unladylike yelp of laughter. She reached for her napkin and covered her mouth.

  “I’m sorry.” Her eyes were brimming with merriment. “They’re so much fun! I love having them for brothers.”

  “I’m not your brother, Cath, but thank you.” Josh looked around, missing the look on Theodore’s face. “By the way, where’s Kira?”

  “She said something about going to the ladies room.”

  “And you didn’t go with her?” Theodore teased.

  She swatted her brother’s arm. “I told her I’d go, but she said she was a big girl and didn’t need me to hold her hand.”

  “Well, she’d better get back soon. I think John and Suellen are about to make their entrance.”

  Just then Kira rushed up. Her satin dress was wrinkled and her lipstick was smudged. “Sorry,” she whispered, taking a small mirror from her purse. “The ladies room was a zoo!” She smoothed a finger over her lips, then put the mirror away and fluffed her hair. “I don’t understand why you don’t like your brother, Josh. He’s a cutie! Did I miss anything?”

  Tom sighed, but before he could say anything – unsure if he should say anything, the master of ceremonies crossed the floor to where the band had been warming up and tapped the microphone.


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