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Family Feud: The Witching Hour Series Book 5

Page 23

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "Fine, fine. I get it; he was charmed," she muttered, folding her arms over her chest, not convinced. "I’ll come back, but I want a raise."

  "Not a problem, you’ll get a raise and a new office. Now, may I please speak with Julia alone?" he asked the rest of the girls. Kate didn't look very happy either, but she agreed, smiling at me. Nicky took Ella’s hand and shut the door behind them.

  Now, it was just me and him. The man who I’d loved continuously for five years.

  "Sit. I guess we have a lot to catch up on," I said, not really knowing how to behave. The last time I saw him, he called me a whore in front of all his investors.

  "I’ve spoken to your father. He told me everything," he said, with a sharp intake of breath.

  The energy was flowing between us, and the familiar scent made me feel warm and secure. I shouldn't have been angry with him, after all, he was manipulated by the royal fairy, but his words still hurt me.

  "What took you so long? I’ve been here for days."

  He dragged his hand through his hair.

  "I couldn't just come to see you, after realising what I did, the things I said. It was like I was awakening from a nightmare only to be faced by a living nightmare. I was at a meeting when this started. I hurt you again and again. This wasn't going to fix itself easily. I needed time to repair the damage that I’ve done."

  "Were you aware when the charm started working?" I asked, desperately wanting to touch his hand.

  He dropped his head.

  "Our first fight, during the evening when you came to me, I’d felt angry all day. There are no excuses. I shouldn't have said what I did. Tron or Sid, whatever he was, I shouldn't have trusted him last year.”

  "He said that your presence blocked my real potential, that if I hadn't met you, he would have come to me much sooner."

  "Julia, I understand. Your father wasn't particularly keen on me talking to you. I won't forgive myself—"

  "Nathaniel, shut up. You were under Jasper’s influence, too. I got arrested because that’s what they wanted. We just have to pick up where we left off," I said, as desire flew through me, broadcasting to me loud and clear that I still loved him.

  "Julia, I'm sorry. I never stopped loving you," he said, wrapping his hands around mine.

  "Jasper lost his magic. My grandfather saved my life. He’s no longer a threat to us and I would rather marry for love, than genes."

  "Do you still want to get married, after all that, after everything that’s happened?"

  "Yes, do you? I haven't changed my mind."

  He was kissing me then, long and hard. The sparks began crackling in the air, as his tongue moved into my mouth. It was bliss and I was falling in love all over again. Maybe we were different, and he was blocking me from my real magical potential, but I didn't want anyone else. He was always the one.


  Nathaniel and I got married in the church near my parents’ house, in the old medieval cathedral. The ceremony was beautiful, and I cried, reading my vows to him. Two months after the awful day in the forest, we became husband and wife. All our family and friends were there, looking happy and relaxed. My mother wasn't particularly pleased that the ceremony needed to be after the sunset, but she eventually got over it.

  Dad shed a few tears. Grandpa Fred blessed me in his own way, gold streams of magic meant that he connected with my energy, gifting me some of his abilities. Nathaniel’s sister, Charlotte, and Jacque came in from Paris. They were both very, very pleased how everything turned out. I didn't pay attention to the fact that many vampires in the church were glancing hungrily at the row where most of my family members were sitting. Grandpa Fred used the cover of magic to ensure that everyone was safe and there were no surprises.

  Nathaniel invited a few French investors that he was close to and old distant relatives from his father’s side.

  Outside the church, after all the congratulations and gifts, we kissed for a long time. The party was held in one of the hotels in London. Charlotte insisted on helping with last minute preparations. She put a lot of effort into accommodating everyone’s wishes. She fought with the wedding planner about pretty much every little detail. I thought it was comical and very sweet of her to take charge of our wedding preparations.

  "Come here, my darling daughter," La Caz Senior said, embracing me with his large arms. He smelled pleasant, a bit like Nathaniel, but sharper with the hint of danger. "Welcome to the family. You look beautiful, Julia, and that dhampir is lucky to have you."

  "Thank you, Philip," I replied, accepting a thick envelope from him.

  "I can't believe it. I finally have a real sister. Oh, my God, Julia, I'm so excited. Wait until you see the venue," Charlotte rambled, hugging me. Nathaniel kissed me again between other people coming up to me.

  Jacque was there, too, and now he stood in front of me.

  "Julia, I want to say I'm sorry about your cousin and grandmother. You’re part of the family. Nathaniel already had a talk with me, and I can assure you that I won't be draining anyone tonight or ever."

  "Good to hear that, Jacque," I said, but didn't hug him, and I guessed he was all right with that.

  The girls started screaming, waiting patiently until it was their turn. Kelsie threw herself at me.

  "I'm so happy for you. Finally, the vampire has been caught. Now you just have to train him well and you should have a perfect husband," she added, grinning widely. Michael, her boyfriend, was planning to propose soon. He’d shared this exciting information with me a couple of days ago. Kelsie was going to freak, but she was in her thirties, so I guessed it was time for her to settle down.

  "Just keep him away from your neck. Other than that, have fun on your honeymoon, darling," Kate whispered, hugging me. She showed up with a dark-haired wizard by her side. I hadn't had the chance to ask her who he was, but sooner or later she would talk.

  "I can't believe you’re married now, and to a vampire. My God, it's incredible. Nathaniel’s so handsome." Ella giggled, squeezing me so tight that I couldn't catch my breath. I grinned back, knowing things were going well for her and her human boyfriend. She hadn't forgotten about her fairy genes. Her magic wasn't giving her any major headaches so far. Karina had been in touch. She mentioned that Ella had been invited to Norway. Her royal family was looking forward to meeting her. It was such a shame that she never got a chance to know her father, but at least she knew the truth now.

  "Right, move out of the way, there’s my girl. It's been a hell of a journey for you. Now you just need a couple of kids to make him happy," Nicky said with a wink. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe she said that. It’d only been two minutes since we got married. I wanted kids, but I wasn't ready to give up my career. "He can't take his eyes off you."

  Nicky walked away, and I looked at Nathaniel, who was eyeing me while trying to focus on my cousins who were congratulating him.

  I sighed loudly, feeling happy and glad that all the drama was finally behind me.

  Nathaniel said something to me, but his voice cut out and the world around me stopped. I started glancing around, feeling goosebumps all over my arms. It was black magic. Someone was using illegal spells and I was certain that it wasn't Jasper. He was locked up in a special magical facility. After losing his magic, he went slightly off the rails. It was the price that he paid for being so obsessed with darkness.

  Then my dead grandmother materialised right in front of me. I screamed, nearly falling to the ground. Once I gained my balance back I knew for sure she was standing right in front of me, well and alive.

  "Julia, I haven't got much time," she said, looking anxiously around.

  "Grandma? What…what are you doing here… you’re dead!" I hissed, knowing someone was messing with my head. This wasn't happening for real.

  She arched her eyebrows and set her mouth in a hard line.

  "Focus, Julia. I jumped back in time to see you. I haven't got much time. Only a few minutes," she said.

  "But if y
ou can do that, then maybe you can go back to—"

  "Julia, think, this is extreme magic. I can't prevent my own death. I thought you were intelligent enough to know this," she said. "I see you made your choice. Married the vampire and gave up on your abilities."

  I couldn't believe it. I had my grandmother right in front of me and she was still telling me off.

  "Never mind, I guess love always wins. I was allowed back because I wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you," she added, smiling.

  My emotions were flying. I had never felt such warmth. Tears welled in my eyes and I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say. Moments passed as I looked at her, unable to comprehend that she was really there.

  "Grandma… I'm so sor—"

  "Shh, child. This is not the time. I fought as much as I could, but my death was inevitable. You are an incredible elf and I want you to remember that I have always been proud of you. I just didn't know how to show you. I'm glad that you’re happy."

  "Grandma, I—"

  I couldn't finish what I wanted to say, because suddenly time had restarted. A few more wedding guests approached me, and I quickly wiped the tears away. It was as if that moment never happened. I stood by my husband, trying to pull myself back together. My grandmother had jumped into the future to let me know she was all right with me and Nathaniel. I was moved, the happiest elf alive.

  "Are you okay?" Nathaniel asked, squeezing my waist. "I don't know why you’re crying? It's the best day of my life."

  I looked at his bright hazel eyes, as he wiped my tears.

  "Oh, it is, it's truly magical."

  The end


  Thank you very much for reading.

  If you enjoyed this book, keep an eye out for the brand new spin off series that will be coming out in the near future

  “The magic thieve’s lover (Paranormal Squad #1)”

  Other books by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Cutter (Contemporary romance)

  When the Clock Strikes (Paranormal Personnel Saga #0.5)

  £6.19 per Witching hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #1)

  Past the Witching hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #2)

  Half Past the Witching Hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #3)

  Quarter to the Witching Hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #4)

  The Whispers of the Sprite (The Whispers Series #1) (Currently free)

  The Dark Night Whispers (The Whispers Series #2)

  Her Secret Whispers (The Whispers Series #3)

  My Last Whispers (The Whispers Series #4)

  The Whispers Series, book 1,2,3

  All about you ( Love & Hate Series #1)

  All about me (Love & Hate Series #2)

  In too Deep (Love & Hate #3)- coming soon




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