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Kissed by The Dragon: (The Dragon Lords - Book 2)

Page 16

by K. T. Stryker

  Aldain’s body was still tense as he followed Tori home. When he saw Tom choking the life out of her, his first instinct was to shift and tear his throat out. His dragon roared and demanded he save their mate.

  Aldain was startled as he realized what his dragon had said; Tori was his soul mate. The realization made him ecstatic; he had found his mate! He wasn’t going to be alone anymore, there was someone to love. Now all he had to do was slowly romance her until she loved him back. A million thoughts were going through his head at this new development.

  Aldain was very sure of himself with the opposite sex. Tori, however, wasn’t like any other woman he had ever met. She is very independent and outspoken. She has a very dominant personality and he would have to tame it, he also has a very dominant personality. He was going to have to be very careful how he woos her. He was definitely out of his element with her. One thing he’s sure of is there isn’t going to be a dull moment with her at his side.

  Chapter Six

  The time Aldain spent with Tori and her family flew by. Her parents were great people and he informed them before he left that as far as he was concerned they were as much a family to him as his blood family. He was there for them if they ever needed anything.

  There were some problems with Tori having nightmares at night. Aldain would find himself running into her room because Tori would be screaming because she kept reliving the beating Tom was giving her. She would be thrashing about and you could tell she was trying to fight him off. Aldain would hold her hands to keep her from hurting herself as he whispered in her ear, “Wake up Tori. You are safe. I am here, your parents are here. You are home again. Shhh.” As she started to comprehend his words she would stop flailing her arms and relax. She always woke up from her nightmares drenched in sweat. The last thing to leave was the shaking of her body. Those nightmares seemed so real to her.

  Then she would break down and sob. She couldn’t understand why Tom treated her like he did. Was it something about her that made him want to hurt her? What did she do wrong that would make a person want to hurt her so badly? She hoped her nightmares would stop, the constant reminder of that beating was almost more than she could take. She was always told how emotionally strong she is so there was no way she was going to talk to her parents about it. Maybe when she got to Scotland and talked to Becca it would help get rid of her nightmares. Until then she just prayed every night it would be nightmare free.

  When Aldain and Tori got to the airport her mother’s eyes welled up with tears as she gave Tori a hug and kiss. Then she did the same to Aldain. A small sob escaped her lips and Tori rolled her eyes, her mother was so dramatic.

  Andrew Robinson cleared his throat as he hugged his daughter good-bye and told her to take care of herself. When he shook Aldains hand he told him to make sure and let them know when they arrived safely. He knew Aldain would take good care of his daughter. Aldain thanked them for their hospitality again. Their flight was called and they went to wait in line with everyone else.

  The flight was going to be a long one. They were in the air for several hours and Tori had fallen asleep as soon as they took off. When she woke up Aldain looked at her with a critical eye. “What, do I have something on my face?” she said as she raised her eyebrows.

  He shook his head and continued to look at her a few more minutes. “I just want to make sure your face doesn’t look as bad as it did. Becca would have killed Tom without hesitation if she had seen how badly you were beaten. I don’t want to down play what happened. But I am glad you aren’t wearing the proof of how bad it really was. I don’t think anyone would be able to stop your sister if she saw that.

  “Yeah probably not. I am the tomboy of the family but when Becca loses it, it even scares me. She is a force of nature to be reckoned with when she gets mad. So when she does, it is like Mt. St. Helen’s erupting,” Tori said.

  “I have never actually seen her mad so I will just take your word for it. To me she is always sweet and even tempered,” Aldain stated.

  Tori snorted, “Boy does she have you fooled. Once when we were teenagers, we went swimming and some boy thought it would be funny to pull her bikini bottoms down. She hit that kid so hard she broke his jaw and he had to suck out of a straw for six weeks.” Aldain was shocked because he just couldn’t see Becca doing that. It was good to know though so he filed that story away in his memory. It seems both Robinson girls could be hell on wheels.

  They finally arrived in Edinburgh and Aldain had a car waiting for them. Becca wanted to meet them at the airport but Aldain talked her out of it. He said it wouldn’t take them long to get to the castle and since she was always wanting to try new dishes she could stay there and surprise her sister with her new culinary skills.

  The sun was just starting to set over the horizon. The sky was beautiful. The hues of pinks and blues seemed so much brighter in Scotland. Aldain finally pulled into the castle driveway and Tori’s mouth dropped in awe. It was huge and still had that medieval look to it. Before she had a chance to remark on it Becca came running out. She opened the door and literally pulled Tori out of the car hugging he so tight she could barely breathe.

  Tori told her she missed her too but Becca was beginning to squeeze the life out of her. Becca pulled away from her and with her hands on her shoulders carefully inspected her face and neck. Her eyes weren’t swollen shut but they were both still black with bruises. They were beginning the process of turning yellow. Her lips were back to their normal size. You could still see some slight bruising around her neck. Tori stood there patiently, waiting for her sister to reassure herself that she was fine.

  Aldain and Cade unloaded the car and brought their luggage inside. Cade made the remark that the luggage seemed heavy. Aldain had a half smile as he said, “Wait until you see the trunk that will be arriving if you think these are heavy. I had to stop her from adding the kitchen sink. I can tell you one thing. This woman has no shortage of clothes or shoes. She could open her own store with them.”

  Becca kept her arm around Tori’s shoulders as they walked into the castle. She wanted to show her around when she got the chance but the first thing she did was take her to her room. Tori walked in and her mouth dropped, her room was huge. It had a bedroom that had a huge king bed in it with an ensuite bathroom had one of those garden tubs, the kind that you can sink into like a small pool. She couldn’t wait to fill it and just soak. The shower was separate and there was another room attached that could be considered a sitting room. An outside balcony encompassed the bedroom and sitting room. The balcony overlooked a loch. It was a gorgeous sight.

  “Wow this is beautiful Becca. My ‘room’ is bigger than the entire downstairs of home,” said Tori.

  Becca smiled, “Do you like it? Because if you don’t we can find you one that you do like.”

  Tori raised her brow, “Seriously, you have bigger rooms than this? I don’t even need one this big but I am not complaining. This one will do just fine.”

  Before Becca left Tori to unpack, she told her she fixed a special dinner for her. Tori stared at Becca, with a look of surprise and admiration on her face. “Since when do you cook?” Becca smiled and told her she would be surprised at all the different things she was learning since living in Scotland. She didn’t bother to mention that since she left home she had been turned into a vampire and was learning of all the different mythological creatures that existed. She knew eventually she would have to tell Tori, but right now wasn’t the time.

  Tori unpacked her things. She left plenty of room to spare for when her trunk got there. She filled the garden tub with hot water. She noticed the bathroom was well stocked with various kinds of shampoos and soaps and decided she was going to try a soap made from heather. She put it to her nose and liked the fragrance, it had a soft flowery smell with an earthy and herb quality to it. Heather surrounded the area and you could smell it everywhere you went.

  Tori was so engrossed soaking in the tub that time slipped away from her. B
efore she knew it, Becca was at her door telling her dinner was ready. She reluctantly got out of the tub, dried off and put on some clean clothes before going downstairs.

  As she headed downstairs the smells coming from the kitchen were savory. Tori couldn’t believe her sister was the one that cooked the food. Her stomach grumbled at the smell. She didn’t realize how hungry she was until now.

  Tori sat down to a feast of food. There was a roast of pork, roasted pheasant, potatoes, stuffing with various kinds of vegetables and breads. Tori looked at all this food. “My god Becca. You have fixed enough to feed an army. I can’t wait to try all of it.”

  Becca beamed, “Trust me on this Tori; these Scotsmen have bottomless pits for stomachs. I wouldn’t be surprised if anything is left when dinner is finished.” Tori doubted that, but if there were leftovers she was sure they wouldn’t be there long.

  As they all sat eating Aldain asked Tori if she was interested in him taking her to a gathering of a well-known clan in a few days. He was invited to a celebration of the upcoming wedding of one of the main clan members.

  Tori squealed in delight, “I would love that.” He laughed.

  She said, “I just need to go buy something to wear.”

  Aldain almost choked on his food. “Seriously Tori? You brought an entire clothing store with you. Are you saying with all those clothes, there is nothing you could wear?”

  Tori aimed a deadly stare at him that shut him up. “For your information, Dain Kincaid. I have nothing Scottish to wear. I want to find something from here that matches the occasion. If it is money you are worried about I do have my own. If it is a bother to you, trust me, I can drive any kind of car.” With that she threw her napkin down and stormed outside.

  Cade and Becca said at the same time. “Dain?”

  As he sat there thinking he could have handled that better. “Well I called her a midget. That was a nickname I picked for her, she felt it was only fair she have one for me. Dain, is it.”

  Becca pursed her lips. “Is there anything else we need to know? Any more surprises?”

  Aldain shook his head no. “That is about as exciting as it got. She didn’t like me calling her a midget sooo.”

  Becca looked at him questioningly, “Um why would you call her something like that?”

  Aldain had to think quickly. He didn’t want to lie but he didn’t want Becca to know what really happened. “Well let’s just say she wanted to go somewhere I disagreed with and she didn’t take it well.”

  Becca shook her head. “Yep sounds like Tori. She doesn’t like being told no.”

  Aldain couldn’t agree with her more. He excused himself while he said he wanted to go outside and apologize to her. He wasn’t quite sure what exactly he said to set her off but he would apologize anyway.

  When Tori got outside she found herself heading towards the loch. She didn’t run but she did power walk. She wanted to put as much distance from that insufferable man as fast as possible. God, he acted like her wardrobe should last her the rest of her natural life. She knew she had more clothes than most, but she loved to buy things she liked. Some she had hadn’t been worn yet, but she was sure an occasion would come up where she would be able to wear them.

  While she stewed, and called him some extremely unflattering names under her breath, she arrived at the loch sooner than expected. She found a tree close by and sat under it. The night sky was beautiful and the air smelled of heather and was so much cleaner than in Boston. The sound of waves lapping against the shore soothed her. She was enjoying the solitude when she heard footsteps coming her way. She scowled as Aldain walked slowly towards her. “I am sorry Tori. Please forgive me. If you want to buy new clothes I will take you, and I will pay for them, money isn’t an issue. I will buy you whatever you want; I didn’t mean to sound miserly. I am a man, who until recently has lived alone. I don’t understand some things important to a woman, but with you and your sister here I am sure I will learn. Please give me a chance to make it up to you.”

  Tori’s heart softened at the stricken look on his face. “Well I guess I can understand that. Okay, apology accepted and so is your offer to take me into town and buy me anything I want,” she held out her hand to shake on it.

  Aldain had a different idea. He knelt next to her and lowered his lips to hers. She stiffened slightly, but as he deepened the kiss her body started to relax. She put her arms around his neck and pushed her body closer to his; she heard a moan escape his lips. Heat coursed through him as he felt her body next to his. She felt so small as he put his hands on her hips. He lifted her onto his lap with his erection rubbing against her pussy. There was no way she could mistake him wanting her. He wanted her to know what she did to him. Tori wiggled around on his lap causing another moan to escape him.

  They both lay down on the ground. There was no blanket but the grass was thick and lush so none was needed. As Aldain was attacking Tori’s tongue with his own, he slowly started taking off her halter top. Tori responded in kind. She started unbuttoning his shirt at the same time. She has never felt this way before; she felt a fire in her body she never experienced before. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it might beat out of her chest.

  Flinging her top to the ground Aldain moved his lips to her breasts. She gasped as she felt his mouth cover her nipple. He lathed it with his tongue, sucking gently as his other hand was working its way down her pants. They were sweats so all she had to do was raise her hips as he slid them down and off. When she got his shirt off, she ran her hands over his chest. Solid muscle met her hands; she grabbed his nipple and gently squeezed it. She heard him suck in his breath as she sucked it into her mouth. She ran her tongue over it then gently blew on it; she watched it harden immediately.

  She kissed his chest from the front then to his sides and back. Her hands were busy getting his pants off as she gasped at the size of his erection. It was huge! Thick, long and iron hard. She grabbed it through his underwear, squeezing it hard as he got off the last of her clothes. His hands were moving down to her womanhood. He ran a finger through it; he could feel the moistness coating his finger.

  He stopped and looked at her. Tori could barely speak. “Why did you stop?”

  Aldain looked intently into her eyes. “Are you sure about this Tori? Because if not I can stop now, but once I start again I won’t have the control to stop myself. I want you more than you could possibly know but I need to know you want this too. I don’t want there to be any regrets if we do this.”

  Tori looked at him with desire in her eyes. “I have never been as sure of anything in my life. I want you, I want to feel you inside of me. Please Dain, make love to me!”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He lowered his head between her legs. His tongue found that little nub that he knew could bring her to the greatest of heights. She was holding hold his hair, pushing his head closer to her sweetness. His tongue was working magic! Her body felt like a tightly coiled spring.

  The heat started to spread throughout her body. Aldain put a finger in her moist channel and started to move it around until he found her secret spot. He worked it like a fine instrument. Before she knew it her body started to shake and convulse. She arched her back and screamed his name as she kept pulling his hair. Aldain quickly covered her mouth as her body was still quivering from the intensity of her orgasm. She sighed with contentment.

  Aldain smiled and said, “Oh no, we are far from being done. He put his body over hers. She felt his manhood rubbing against her. He put it right over her opening and they both moaned as he slowly entered her. He was spreading her walls to become accustomed to his girth. He pushed steadily, slowly until he completely filled her.

  Tori had never felt so full. Aldain slowly started to move back and forth, the wetness from her filled pussy coating him. He wanted to take it slow the first time with her but his dragon instinct kicked in. His dragon was having none of it. He grabbed her hips as he started to speed up and rammed his steel rod into h
er. With each thrust he pulled her hips towards him burying himself deep inside of her. Tory moaned as she felt him filling her, she could feel him touch deep inside her womb.

  Both of them were gasping for air. Their bodies were making slapping sounds against each other every time Aldain filled her. He finally stiffened and with a moan, Tori felt his hot seed fill her. The feeling caused her to orgasm with each stream his body emitted. Her body arched as she felt him spilling his essence deep within her womb.

  He was spent, Aldain felt like he had just run a marathon. He came as close to what he thought heaven was like as he had ever been. He gathered her in his arms and kissed her gently. He could feel her heart beating as hard and fast as his own. What he just experienced with Tori was something he had never experienced in all his long years with any woman. The love he felt for her poured out of him. She was his and his alone; she was made just for him. His soul connected with hers as they intertwined together during their shared orgasm. Whether Tori knew it or not, Aldain would do whatever it took to make her fall in love with him. He couldn’t imagine life without her.

  After Tori could find her voice, she looked at Aldain and said. “Oh, My God! I have never experienced anything like that in my life. What was that? How could we be so intense after knowing each other for such a brief period of time? I actually feel like I have known you all my life.”


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