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All I Want for Christmas is You

Page 3

by Brenna Lyons

  His mouth gaping, Les's gaze shifted from David to the trailer and back again. He shot a glance at David's cock that wouldn't miss the fact that he was semierect, though definitely waning.

  At last, Les found his voice and offered his uninvited opinion. “Pop is going to kill you.”

  David ground his teeth at the thought of his father's reaction to this.

  Les sighed. “What are you going to do about it?”

  He shrugged. “Whatever she'll let me. What else can I do?”

  His cousin turned away with a grumbled “good luck.”

  David grunted his agreement. He could use all the luck he could get.

  He started for the lift, intent on his rounds. Halfway there, David hesitated, then did an about-face and strode toward the trailer. A fresh cup of coffee would be innocuous enough.


  Robin settled behind her desk and started organizing invoices.

  Mollie's hand against her cheek startled her, and Robin snapped a look up at her. Her heart pounded. Coming to work meant more than seeing David. It meant facing his mother and father…most of his family.

  My family. But they'd never formalized that.

  As if arguing the thought, her would-be mother-in-law started speaking. “Are you all right, Robin? You look pale.”

  “Just fine, Mollie.”

  “You're late. You're never late.”

  Robin worked at that. She'd been in such a panic to see David, she hadn't thought through how she'd explain her tardiness.

  Fast. Think fast. What excuses do people give for being late? I've heard a hundred of them, delivered to Mollie.

  Not the car. Cal would be out checking it before the words echoed.

  “Oh. The clock!” Robin feigned realization. “I didn't wake up all that late, so I forgot. The breaker tripped, and I guess my backup battery ran out and—”

  “You really should check the emergency backups in all your electronics once a month,” David offered smoothly.

  She took a moment to compose herself and then turned and shot him a smile. “Guess so,” she quipped.

  David stirred half-and-half into his coffee, then returned it to the mini fridge. He'd removed his quilted flannel jacket at the door, and his muscles tensed and flexed under the skintight navy blue T-shirt.

  Finally, he turned, a speculative look on his face. “But that breaker bothers me. I'll stop by after dinner and check it.”

  Her heart skipped in excitement. “Yeah. Sounds good. Thanks, David.” Robin wasn't sure how she managed an even voice with the lump in her throat.

  There was no doubt David wasn't planning on fixing the circuit breakers tonight. He had something much more electric on his mind, to employ a pun.

  “Electricity is nothing to take chances with,” Mollie mused. “Maybe I should have Cal stop by.”

  David shrugged. “Might just be power strips drawing too many amps on the circuit. You still have that space heater in your bedroom?”

  Robin blushed. He knew she did. He'd been standing five feet from it the night before. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  His lips curved in a crooked smile. “Could be, depending on what else is on it.” David swallowed a mouthful of his coffee. “If that's not it, we can call Pop in. He'll want to know if something is failing in those units. After all, they're only three years old.” With that, he was gone…out of the trailer and back to work, his flannel draped over his left arm.

  “If you're sure…” Mollie sounded dubious.

  Searching for a way to stall the older woman, Robin forced a weary smile. If Mollie told Cal something was wrong, her husband was sure to show up unexpectedly.

  “I'm sure David is right. I always did tend to overload power strips. Zach used to say—” She stopped short at that.

  I said I wouldn't do this. On the drive to work, Robin had promised herself to stop comparing Zach and David.

  I love you, Zach. But David is right; you're gone. I have to live with that.

  Mollie's hand settled on her shoulder, and she squeezed lightly. “I know,” she breathed. “I don't know what I'd do without Cal around the house.”

  You don't know. Robin offered a strained half smile. Thank God, you don't.

  Although Mollie and Les's wife, Andrea, had hinted at the fact that it was time for Robin to start thinking about dating again, there was little question this wasn't what they had in mind. Maybe, if they were engaged, it might be different, but sleeping with her dead fiancé's brother?

  If she finds out, this is going to be bad.


  David hesitated with the key in hand. He'd abused Robin's trust by letting himself in the night before. He didn't have the right to do that again. The keys returned to his pocket; he raised his hand and knocked.

  Time seemed to move slowly. Finally, Robin opened the door for him, peeking from around the heavy wooden monstrosity Zach had insisted on. She smiled, and her cheeks darkened in a demure little blush. She waved him in, and David rounded the door.

  He peeled his tongue off the roof of his suddenly dry mouth at the sight of her short robe. “Friendly neighborhood electrician.” His voice was raspy, and the accompanying lift of the toolbox he'd brought for show died a slow death at her turn to shut the door.

  David fumbled the toolbox onto the nearest chair, his gaze locked on the sway of fabric as she moved. He stripped off his jacket and dropped it over the tools without looking that direction. For all he knew or cared, it had slipped onto the floor. A shiver of anticipation worked down his spine at the sound of the lock clicking shut.

  Robin turned to him and sauntered across the distance between them. It took a moment for him to realize he was staring at the dancing edge of the robe. She stopped just in front of him.

  “Naked under that?” he managed to force out. His cock was already hard and rooting for yes.

  Robin wrapped her arms around his neck and guided his mouth down to hers. Just before their lips met, she breathed a sexy little yes into his mouth.

  Any self-control he'd possessed ended there. The kiss was hard and demanding. Very specifically, he was demanding another journey into that tight box of hers.

  I am so screwed. She could ask him anything, and he'd do it right now.

  Then again, he wanted to be screwed. Literally, screwed until he couldn't see straight, until he was walking gingerly, until she wanted his cock inside her more than she wanted the baby it might give her. That thought firmly in mind, David dragged Robin to his body and strode to the bed.

  She moaned and yanked up at his T-shirt, folding her legs beneath her at the edge of the mattress. David guided her hands out of the fabric.

  He pulled the knot on her robe open, breaking off the kiss as the dark blue satin that matched her eyes slid aside. The slice view wasn't enough; David pushed the robe off her shoulders and let it flutter to the mattress.

  Robin let out a mew, her breathing ragged, her breasts quivering in the rapid movement of her chest. Her nipples were hard already, enticing him. She reached for his belt.


  Her hands wavered, and Robin looked up at him, confused.

  David circled a nipple with his index finger. Robin started to rock toward him…then arched instead, letting her arms relax to her side. She hissed at the feel of his thumb against the tip, and David retreated, mumbling an apology.

  His hands were rough. After years in an office, Zach's had been smooth. His mind tormented him with the fact that Robin was probably making unfavorable comparisons between them.

  She guided his hand to the other breast, her eyes pleading. David rasped at the nipple with his callused thumb, and her head dropped back with a moan of delight.

  Okay. Not so unfavorable, his mind amended.

  David lowered his face, latching onto the other nipple. Robin tunneled her hands in his hair, holding him to her. Incoherent sounds left her mouth on choppy breaths, and her hands closed into fists, causing his scalp to sting at th
e tugging motions.

  Down. He had to get her to the mattress, get between those thighs, and—

  No. If he did that, he'd be inside her again. David didn't doubt that he wouldn't even get his jeans and boots off. It was time to slow it down.


  His mouth left her breast, and Robin licked her lips in anticipation of that glorious suckling on the other. His voice bathed the first instead.

  “I didn't get to taste last night. Tonight, I'm going to taste until you come in my mouth.”

  His bold statement wrung a gasp from her. There was something decadent in him telling her what he was going to do. Zach had been a fan of asking what she wanted.

  Although he didn't always give it to me, she thought ruefully. How many times had she—

  No. This wasn't the time to replay the niggling problems she'd had with Zach.

  David continued, dragging her thinking mind back into the present. “I'm not going to let you stop me, Robin.”

  Was that a challenge? A tease? She shook her head, gasping out an incoherent assurance that she wouldn't deny him.

  “I guess I'll have to tie you down to do this right.”

  God, yes! How many times had she asked for this with Zach?

  Robin went lightheaded. Her gaze strayed to the nightstand. The drawer contained everything David would need.

  He leaned that direction and slid the drawer open. His eyes widened a bit. “Oh, yeah. I see several things I intend to use.”

  The rustling from the drawer had her staring intently, anticipating what he'd choose. A blindfold came out first. Robin closed her eyes, shivering as the satin covered the upper half of her face.

  He retrieved something else from the drawer, and it thumped to the far side of the bed. Robin reached for it, curious.

  His hand circled her wrist. “No, you don't,” he chided. “You won't know what's coming next.”

  Her body perked at that promise. Visions of the many toys in the drawer circled in her mind. There were so many dizzying possibilities.

  David released her hand. The mattress shifted. Just as she was about to ask what he was doing, the sound of a zipper filled in the mental picture.

  Robin listened intently. One boot hit the floor…then the second. His belt buckle clacked, a sure sign that he was easing his jeans down.

  She shifted toward his former position.

  “Uh-uh. I'm going to tie you down anyway, but…” David paused, seemingly letting the visual form in her mind.

  Her legs shook, and Robin settled on her buttocks with a thump.

  “Oh, yeah,” David growled. “That's a lot more like it.”

  It took a moment for Robin to put his words and her position together. Her knees were spread. She widened her stance.

  The mattress dipped with the addition of his weight, but David didn't start with a taste. He stroked at her clit, his callused fingers adding a depth of sensation she hadn't experienced before.

  Robin pushed her hips up, urging him to her aching slit. David took the hint and thrust two fingers inside. Starbursts of color exploded behind her closed eyelids, and she held to consciousness by a thread.

  “That's what you want. Isn't it?” David's voice was rough, raising pleasant tendrils of sensation down her body.

  “More.” Her voice didn't sound like her own.

  “Show me.”

  The first movements up and down his fingers wrenched a groan from both of them. Robin did it again, taking him deeper.

  She didn't doubt that he was watching. She didn't question that he was hard, maybe considering thrusting inside. The urge to pull off the mask and watch his expressions was maddening.

  “David,” she pleaded. She needed more.

  “Do you want to come the first time before you get tied down or after?”

  Robin forced his fingers to the hilt, needing the friction, needing to—Oh, God!

  David was twisting and thrusting his fingers, apparently taking the move as her answer.

  Wasn't it? Was it? She couldn't be sure of anything but that she didn't want to think. Feeling was taking up more than her available supply of brain cells.

  “Come for me, Robin. Let me taste it.”

  His commands in the bedroom—something indefinable about his take-charge manner—affected her. All he had to do was take her along for the ride, wherever he wanted to go, and Robin's libido went into overdrive.

  As if confirming it, she climaxed around his fingers. Beyond caring about the rules he'd set, she reached for him.

  What is he going to do? Tie me down? That set off aftershocks.

  David dragged her astride his thighs, his fingers working between her widely-spread legs. His mouth parted hers in an unrestrained kiss that made her lightheaded in pleasure.

  At last, they parted, and David eased his fingers out of her. Her head spinning, Robin anchored herself to his body. She licked her lips at the feel of his damp cock brushing against her stomach.

  He pulled the blindfold off, and she blinked against the light from the reading lamp on her nightstand.

  “David?” She didn't understand why he was changing things. Had she done something he hadn't liked? Had she done something he had?

  The blindfold went sailing toward the window. “I want you to see what I'm doing.”

  Robin nodded, her heart beating in a strange nonrhythm. Part of her hoped he still intended to tie her to the bed. The other was rooting for him to impale her on his cock as he had the night before.


  David was torn between dozens of possibilities.

  Taste her. He wanted to so badly, his mouth was watering to do it. He'd set out to taste her tonight, and he'd decreed nothing would stop him.

  If he tied her down and started eating, he could make this last half the night. If he didn't, he'd end up doing what he nearly had when he'd pulled her onto his lap. He'd fuck her until neither of them could walk straight…and then some more.

  Her dark eyes questioned him, and David moved. He laid her back on the bed and reached for the restraints, his mind working fast and coming to conclusions and decisions.

  There was no question that Zach had gone for the basic spread-eagle type of bondage. With his aversion to trying new things, it would be most palatable to him.

  From his brother's earliest days, Zach had lacked in imagination. The sky was always blue, the grass always green, and the clouds always white, though it wasn't so in real life. The only bad grades Zach got were in things like creative writing.

  And savoring the woman who wanted so much to be savored, apparently.

  I'm not Zach! From uncovering her eyes to doing the unexpected and inventive, David wasn't going to give Robin any leeway to imagine he was his dear little brother.

  He tied two of the web leashes to the headboard and tightened the straps to secure her wrists in the fur wristbands. When he started tying the other two leashes farther out on the headboard, Robin stared at them in seeming concern.

  David didn't comment. He slipped one band and then the other over her feet and up to just above her knees. Tightening the straps brought her legs up and out until she was wide open for him.

  The position excited her. Robin's nipples were hard and erect. Her honey beaded on her plump slit. The position had her slightly parted like lips begging for kisses.

  “I want to taste all of you, but I can't wait anymore.” He'd meant it as an apology of sorts, but David couldn't bring himself to feel sorry for what he was about to do to her.

  Robin opened her mouth to say something, and David lowered his head and stroked his tongue into the enticing gap. Whatever she'd intended to say never emerged; instead, a scream echoed off the walls.

  Drunk on her scent and taste, David sucked and licked. Robin tested the restraints frantically, and he smiled. She was close already.

  Of course. She's had only me in the last two years.

  That thought increased his fervor. Only him, and she was going off like Rom
an candles for him. He wondered how many times she could. Having her tied down this way, he might just find out.

  Fractured sounds left her lips, then a howl. Her thigh muscles tightened. David played his tongue inside, moaning in ecstasy at the early twitches that announced her rise to climax. She climaxed hard against his tongue, flooding his mouth with her musk and cum, setting off a growl of need and success mixed.

  She came around slowly, her head rocking side to side, her hair tangling around her angelic face. “David. Oh, David, please.”

  His cock let loose a spurt of precum at the sound of her begging. He suckled hard at her clit, setting off more spasms against his sensitive lips.

  “David!” Her hips came up off the bed.

  He eased away, then blew a puff of air over her clit that had her back arching and her legs trembling in the bands.

  “Yes?” he asked sweetly.

  “In… Please, please, I need—”

  “Not yet.”

  Robin whimpered at that.

  “I'm going to taste until you can't stand anymore.” And I can't. “Then I'm going to slide into your body and sate us both.”

  The whimper became a moan. She pitched her head back and forth, but her vocalizations said she agreed.

  Oh, yes. This was going to be sweet—stroking his cock deep inside her in this position.

  But not until I've exhausted us both.


  Oh, God. He's going to kill me. If Robin could form words, she'd tell David that.

  She'd lost count of how many climaxes he'd driven her to. She didn't even know what time it was.

  At last, he raised his head and met her gaze. His smile quirked up on one side. “That's right. That's just how I want you.”

  If he wanted her mindless with need, he was right on target.

  David shifted closer, stroking his cock up and down the sensitive line of her body he'd been torturing. His eyes closed in apparent pleasure.

  Robin pulled at the straps holding her down and tried to force him deeper. His laughter sent pleasant chills down her spine. His expression was dark…nearly baiting her with what she wanted.

  “Maybe I should do some more eating,” he teased.

  She glared at him.

  “Or maybe…” He dipped his hips and thrust deep inside her. “Yes. Oh, hell, yes,” he breathed.


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